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SURVEY: With Trump as POTUS is the world safer or not?


SURVEY: With Trump as President, is the world a safer place or not?  

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One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.

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Not voted. as was it a safe place with Obama?

With the American way being shoot first &ask questions later. I've never really felt safe I'm not an American a britt in fact but as we genrally follow the Americans into conflicts (wwII exepted of course when they dragged there heels a bit). There's nothing to feel safe about.

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After reading some of these feeble assed remarks from these TV experts my blood pressure may have raised a few points. So Mr Brit the Americans shoot first and ask questions later? Your damn lucky you aren't speaking German, your country alone without the help of America would have been innilated by the Germans. And the rest of you ungrateful Europeans with short memories, who the hell do you think kept the Russian Bear off your back since 1945. I don't know if Trump will make the world safer or less safe, but what I do know is America is will be.

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One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.

The gigantic mess as you call it was started by George W. And USA under any president is not responsible for the EU financial troubles.
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1 hour ago, apetryxx said:

One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.


He saved your economy didn't he?

1 hour ago, apetryxx said:

One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.


Quite the contrary; it is you who should do some research.


I NEVER listen to CNN or any of the American news channels (Bloomberg for financials is fine)


Report back when you have some actual data to support your assertions ?

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58 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

One must respond to a comment by Chiangmai about Trump having no political experience. We just went through eight devestating years of one of the biggest bullshit artists the world has ever seen. He had no resume whatsoever and has left the world in one gigantic mess both in terms of the world's economy and security. Stop watching the morons at CNN and do a little research.

Lemme list just some of the things this pillar of mess did during the 8 years....

Saved the Country from recession upon taking office with a 800billion stimulus package...

High speed Broadband and high speed rail initiative

Doubled fuel efficiency for cars, new regulation

Make the FDA regulate tobacco, something Bill Clinton tried and never achieved...

Regulation for Air conditioners that singlehandedly reduces US power consumption by 1%.

Economy was bleeding 800,000 jobs/month when he took office, now it has 69 straight months with private sector job growth..

Budget deficit has decreased by a Trillion dollars

The Auto Industry produced 11 million vehicles in 2014

Federal contractors can no longer discriminate against gays

Women can now serve in combat

The rich are paying higher taxes

A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is policing unscrupulous mortgage brokers, payday lenders and other rip-off artists

Oil imports are down 60% since 2008

a Third of all coal plants has shut down

Student borrowers only need to pay 10% of their income to repay, and the loan is forgiven after 20 years

Upgrade 42,000 miles of roads, 2,700 bridges and 6,000 miles of rail

300 billion in tax cuts for businesses and families

Finance to 9 of the worlds largest solar farms

25 billion incentive package to drag the pen and paper medical system into the digital age

an 800 dollar tax cut for most workers

etc etc....



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2 minutes ago, nuananddon said:

After reading some of these feeble assed remarks from these TV experts my blood pressure may have raised a few points. So Mr Brit the Americans shoot first and ask questions later? Your damn lucky you aren't speaking German, your country alone without the help of America would have been innilated by the Germans. And the rest of you ungrateful Europeans with short memories, who the hell do you think kept the Russian Bear off your back since 1945. I don't know if Trump will make the world safer or less safe, but what I do know is America is will be.

Yawn as usual the yanks shoot first ask questions latter. Read you history the British had already won the battle of Britain. Why do you always think without the USA the world would collapse.

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Donald Trump is an unknown quantity but I do not like his tendency to respond tit for tat on everything. However, he cannot just send the US military off where ever he wants. There is such a thing as the War Powers Act which must be invoked and give Congress the opportunity to accept or reject. I do believe he will use his 'bully pulpit' to try and get other countries to accept the fact that he might just do something 'crazy'.   Richard Nixon was famous for doing this- he would sound off as if he didn't know what he was doing and sound like a 'mad man' while his minions went abroad and told foreign leaders that he could be controlled as long as there was co-operation. Nixon was neither mad or crazy- just smart,   I see Trump in the same light- he talks loud but he has a big stick  and the World knows this.

 However, I very much doubt Trump is going to go to war with anyone except radical Islam- but even that is wrought with Worldwide consequences. n attack on Iran or and Israeli attack on Iran would cause a huge disruption in the Middle East and could lead to a wider conflict. However, If North Korea fired an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile and it even points towards the Us, Japan or South Korea- Trump will shoot it down and possibly attack the launch site itself.

As the Thais would say- maybe we think too much!

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4 hours ago, chiang mai said:

A real estate developer with no prior political experience, what could possibly go wrong!

A community organizer, with no prior political experience, what could possibly go wrong!  Well, we have the last eight years as proof.

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3 minutes ago, ToS2014 said:

A community organizer, with no prior political experience, what could possibly go wrong!  Well, we have the last eight years as proof.


You voted for Trump didn't ya, go on, admit you did. :post-4641-1156694572:

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I didn't vote for Trump. However, he won because Americans are fed up about stagnant wages; no way to get ahead; jobs moving off shore; illegal immigrants coming and taking jobs; lack of real response to the IS group and a cost of living that is not affordable to the average person.

Trump responded to all these by promising he was going to do something about it. However, to actually do something about the real cause of the jobs loss- he has to go after the very people he is part of and the very people he has put into his cabinet.

To really make an appreciable change for middle class and poor Americans he needs to start wage redistribution by heavy taxes on the wealthy and lower taxes on the 99%. He needs to increase Social Security; lower the defense budget;  reform the Immigration law by allowing those in to stay and bringing in foreign labor to work the fields and staff the construction and processing plants. Does he really think Americans ant to work these jobs at minimum wage which is well below $10 per hour.

I just don't believe he sees the real problem and it lies within his own business practices and the rest of the 1%. It's like asking the Godfather to reform the Mafia.


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4 hours ago, Awohalitsiktoli said:

Hard to imagine how it could get more unsafe.  The last 16 years have been a disaster for the USA and world in general.

The good thing about being retired we have a ringside seat and no skin in the game. Our working years are over and our livelihood does not hang on a shoestring like today. We cheer for democracy and pray that the pension system stays solvent. 

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

Trump responded to all these by promising

Hmm responded yes vocally proved what that he is the answers or an extension of the problem. I gave you a like because after reading your whole post I think your right. The Chinese are ready to bring their dog and pony roadshow to America lots of jobs $15 an hour no benefits or pensions common uniform company mantra each morning the rah rah rah thing to wind you up and give your all for the company. They are trying to impose their Chinese template on America. Unlike China the American worker has had a long history of good paying jobs. I don't think they will fall for the Chinese con game. 

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Another sookie leftard crybaby post, and a stupid question at that too, how safe was the world under Obama, I seem to remember terrorist bombings in almost every country, truck carnage, wars and the half wit lefties think it will get worse?

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1 minute ago, Wazza1 said:

Another sookie leftard crybaby post, and a stupid question at that too, how safe was the world under Obama, I seem to remember terrorist bombings in almost every country, truck carnage, wars and the half wit lefties think it will get worse?

It can always get worse.

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2 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Lemme list just some of the things this pillar of mess did during the 8 years....

Saved the Country from recession upon taking office with a 800billion stimulus package...

High speed Broadband and high speed rail initiative

Doubled fuel efficiency for cars, new regulation

Make the FDA regulate tobacco, something Bill Clinton tried and never achieved...

Regulation for Air conditioners that singlehandedly reduces US power consumption by 1%.

Economy was bleeding 800,000 jobs/month when he took office, now it has 69 straight months with private sector job growth..

Budget deficit has decreased by a Trillion dollars

The Auto Industry produced 11 million vehicles in 2014

Federal contractors can no longer discriminate against gays

Women can now serve in combat

The rich are paying higher taxes

A new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is policing unscrupulous mortgage brokers, payday lenders and other rip-off artists

Oil imports are down 60% since 2008

a Third of all coal plants has shut down

Student borrowers only need to pay 10% of their income to repay, and the loan is forgiven after 20 years

Upgrade 42,000 miles of roads, 2,700 bridges and 6,000 miles of rail

300 billion in tax cuts for businesses and families

Finance to 9 of the worlds largest solar farms

25 billion incentive package to drag the pen and paper medical system into the digital age

an 800 dollar tax cut for most workers

etc etc....




Impressive list, but there's more:


High school graduation rate reached highest it has ever been in US at 83.2%.

82 straight months of private sector job growth_—The best track record of consecutive jobs growth in American history.

Federal prison population declined for the first time since 1980
Homelessness among veterans reduced by half.

16 countries around the world gave up their cach of highly enriched uranium, considerably reducing the risk of nuclear weapon or dirty bomb getting in the hands of terrorists or rogue states.

Banned torture
Improved access to mental healthcare for veterans
First administration ever to voluntarily release the list of all visitors to Whitehouse

Reduced deficit from 9.8% of GDP to 3.2%.
Cracked down on for profit collage scams.
Banned solitary confinement for juveniles.
Closed CIA "Black Sites"
Lengthened the period for Medicare solvency.

Tens of billions that used to paid to the banks for writing student loan programs now go to pell grants to help people go to collage who otherwise couldn't afford it.
For the first time, percentage Americans without healthcare is in the single digits. 

The biggest drop in poverty since the late 60's
Violent crime rate is down 20% in 8 years
Number of troops deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan when he took office: 177,000. The number now: 15,000.
Carbon emissions reduced by 9.4%

Oil imports more than halved
Power generated from wind and solar increased from less than 56k megawatt-hours to 210k.
Estimates of illegal immigrants from Mexico have dropped from a peak of 7m in 2007 to 5.6 m in 2014 (latest figure)

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40 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sound like Putin propaganda to me, common on this forum and everywhere. 


Was arming and training the Mujahadeem in Afghanistan to fight the Russians Russian propaganda too? One of those fighters the U.S trained and armed was a bloke named Osama Bin Laden. Remember him?

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Trump never gives specifics about his policies (to which his low-info fan-base cheer) but:
-How exactly is he going to get rid of ISIS 'fast & forever'?
-And how is he going to bring Jurassic era coal jobs back to rural states?
-And what will he replace Obamacare with exactly?

Truth is, the Pied Piper of stoopid and his low-info followers have no answers and instead simply ape 'USA USA'...

Meanwhile, after embarrassing himself (a daily event) at the CIA by delivering his usual prelude of self-boasting, followed by WHINING (another daily, sometimes hourly event) about FACTUAL reporting on the small sized crowds at his inauguration/crowning (guy seems to get annoyed when called on his 'small sized' anything;) he dropped this bombshell:

Iraq: 'We should have kept the oil - maybe we'll have another chance...'


Yeah,  so much safer with thin-skinned, tiny fingered, ill thought through Trump, what could possibly go wrong....


Edited by sujoop
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1 minute ago, Wazza1 said:


Was arming and training the Mujahadeem in Afghanistan to fight the Russians Russian propaganda too? One of those fighters the U.S trained and armed was a bloke named Osama Bin Laden. Remember him?

Mistakes have been made in U.S. foreign policy in the past. Middle East politics in particular is very thorny. In any case, the past is the past and now trump is president and the smart money is he's not fit for the job. 

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I am not sure if the "world" will be safer. But, I think the U.S. will be.  If Trump does what he promises and lets the rest of the world fend for themselves for their own defense, well, I guess we will have to just wait and see. 

 Hey, after all.  I have read so many times on TV that the U.S. should stay out of other countries business. I totally agree.  So, I think the U.S. will be safer, but the rest of the world will be shifting for positions of security. 

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