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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets


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I'm very PROUD of all these women all over the USA, and also internationally for this successful NON-VIOLENT protest/resistance event of HISTORICAL proportions. It truly was an INSPIRED choice to call it a WOMEN'S march. After one of the darkest days of DIVISION in American history yesterday, the inauguration of trump, to follow it with a POSITIVE event like this is truly inspiring.


Some of the SIGNS from the march:



Edited by Jingthing
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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They are both serious. 

I was in D.C. back then.

Different times.

This women's march was not a "few" disgruntled voters.

If you're going to be so massively disingenuous, please do not bother engaging me again. Seriously. 


Disingenuous ?


ok.... fair enough... but you gotta admit it's worth kicking around....( just a liddle bit)  but for now, I'll leave you with it, and wait till tomorrow's new furore to emerge.... I see a shed load of entertainment coming our way over the next six months.

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So did the "organizers" have valid parade or street permits or was this all done ad hoc and just a giant flash mob or whatever you call that stuff?  Hate to say it, but this is looking like the Thai protests just before the military took over!  I was not out on the road this weekend but I have zero tolerance for people that block a major road and in some cases a highway. 

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9 hours ago, farcanell said:

Words of wisdom from the Dons competitor, which some posters should consider....





I don't believe the protests we have seen are disputing the result of the election, they are saying they do not agree with Trump and what he represents.  


The difference between disputing the results and protesting what he represents may be a bit subtle for some here to perceive.  


Of course,  they may also be indulging in a bit of disgenous fallacious logic knowing that the protest are not disputing the outcome.




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Trump has only been in 1 day and they are protesting.. the current system he did not create. 


In 1 day trump has done more for public health then all the previous presidents combined, he just got 2-4 million fat chicks walking. The route was past 400 McDonald's granted. 

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On 1/22/2017 at 7:01 AM, Ulysses G. said:



Not clear at all. Less than 60% of Americans voted at all and miilons of women who voted for Trump were home working or taking care of their families. He was elected president by a considerable margin. They had no reason to march or protest after a satsifying win.

What is clear is that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost 3 million so President Trump was not elected by a considerable margin of the popular vote. He did win where it counts in the US system, the electoral college.

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shut down DC.  and don't forget the real problem is the knuckleheads who think the White House is a TV show or movie where you pick a personal surrogate you feel good with.... I'm not talking Obama... I'm talking Dukakis doesn't look good riding in a tank.... John Kerry doesn't look good catching a football but Bushie does... and Hillary ain't it for me.

this ain't a TV show. 

giving the Nuclear Biscuit to a Postal Office worker type.... even if he doesn't have to work at the Post Office... isn't funny at all.

let them all know that this is not okay.

Edited by maewang99
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13 hours ago, Toronto said:

"When they go low, we go high." Michelle Obama. It's okay, I have neither the time nor the inclination to address what you wrote. I asked you for some patience and hoped for some recognition of opposing viewpoints, but you don't appear to be very compromising. Bitterness is such a sorrowful emotion. But I'm only guessing about that.... Cheers.


Yet you have the time and inclination to continually bait people who express legitimate concerns. Clearly you have little idea bout what opposition means. Calls for time? What a bogus dodge that is. We have had nearly 2 years to examine they way donald acts as a politician. We have seen the immature, vainglorious and demanding actions of his White House on the very first day of operations.


Time's Up. No more time. Time to put that in-artful dodge to rest.


The worldwide expression of resistance to Trumpism on the 21st was emphatic.


Procedures for the removal of a President are well established. If enough members of both houses believe that donald's mandate is not legitimate, then he is history.


Time's up.

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12 hours ago, rabas said:

Certainly Obama's crowd was bigger, but the images lie about how much.


I placed a red bar in front of the capitol exactly from treeline left to treeline right.

Then I copied the same bar, same size, back close to where the camera is.

So the people density near the capitol is 40 times more dense per cm2 in the picture.

The  covered up white area represents maybe a few thousand, not very much.


From the capitol it would be hard to see. So who was fooled more, you or Trump?








You spent your weekend doing this? Is there some secret network from donald to all his drones to go into action to defend his vainglory at every turn. Throw everything at the issue to try and defend, deflect and distract.


I remember being taught about Perspective in grade school art class. Did you miss that day?

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8 hours ago, howto said:

Jingthing, you are a self-described homosexual.

Why do you care of women's issues?

You've not a dog in that fight.

Trump nor Pence has ever said anything about repealing Roe-Wade.

They simply can not do that. That is a legal issue for the supreme court.

It would not happen.

I've not an issue with abortion...

as long as it is not funded by federal $$$.

Each state can do what they want, as it should be.

As an aside, that report on planned parenthood recently came out. Very damning. Proven they were indeed selling baby parts. So much so that they were un-welcomed at this woman march. So what are you really concerned about, loosing gay rights?


I have never flagged any post because I believe in free speech, but was tempted in this case.  The first two sentences are abhorrent.  It's like saying to someone; 'you lost an arm in WWII, so why should you care about watching gymnastics at the Olympics?'


Please don't ask me to share a beer if you see me passing by.  I won't want to sit with you.


Planned Parenthood is almost totally funded by states and regional sources.  Only a small % comes from federal.  


Trump has commented on the abortion issue ("a woman seeking an abortion should be punished"), and Pence has commented volumes. 

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You really must have been done over in your last divorce.


Time to move on. Can't slap women around anymore.


What you mean all those women have no jobs or families,

What were they a bunch of left wing welfare scroungers?

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Correct and - as I said - by a considerable margin.


Since the end of World War II, Trump’s percentage of the Electoral College vote is lower than 12 previous results (1948, 1952, 1956, 1964, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012). By contrast, Trump’s electoral vote haul was bigger than only five elections in the post-World War II era (1960, 1968, 1976, 2000 and 2004). So Trump ranks in the bottom one-third by this metric.


"If Trump’s election was a landslide, then the word ‘landslide’ has no meaning," said University of Denver political scientist Seth Masket.



Let me paraphrase:


"If Trump's election was considered a considerable margin, then the words 'considerable margin' have no meaning"

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3 minutes ago, uptheos said:


What you mean all those women have no jobs or families,

What were they a bunch of left wing welfare scroungers?


Are you responding to a different poster?


If that is the message you got my my post, then you really did get 'done over' by some woman in the past. They have counsellors who can help you.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Are you responding to a different poster?


If that is the message you got my my post, then you really did get 'done over' by some woman in the past. They have counsellors who can help you.

Nope afraid not, sorry to disappoint but you're barking up the wrong alley' Of course that's only my word as you don't know me, but please feel free to make your assumptions I don't have a problem with your kind. :smile:

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8 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Not so fast on this Kelly Anne Conway has come up with a new catch phrase for reports of low favorability ratings and lower turn out claims at the inauguration. I think this will be a common phrase when things go pear shaped for the Donald and the Republic congress. The phrase is called "alternate facts" kind of catchy don't you think. She is a real peach of a pear this woman. 



"I don't care what you saw. Are you going to believe me, or your lying eyes?"

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34 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You spent your weekend doing this? Is there some secret network from donald to all his drones to go into action to defend his vainglory at every turn. Throw everything at the issue to try and defend, deflect and distract.


I remember being taught about Perspective in grade school art class. Did you miss that day?


I'd like to see times on those pictures before I agree or disagree

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On 1/22/2017 at 7:01 AM, Ulysses G. said:



Not clear at all. Less than 60% of Americans voted at all and miilons of women who voted for Trump were home working or taking care of their families. He was elected president by a considerable margin. They had no reason to march or protest after a satsifying win.


True. Hilary never had the support of the majority of Americans either, no where close. But the left PC liberals, and all the minority pressure groups who are worried that they won't have the influence they previously enjoyed, or expected with Hilary, are well versed in demonstrations and disruption tactics. 


Notice how some are twisting this to be about women, or race, or religion. Maybe all those who voted for Trump were just sick of feminists and their we want special treatment brand of equality, black lives matter who don't care if the black person killed was an armored robber trying to rob someone, radical Muslims who want to murder non Muslims, illegal immigrants who break laws and than expect to be given all they ask for.


There are, I sense, a lot of angry average normally easy going people around the world who've had a belly full of being lied to, presented with a fabricated skew of reality, being told how they must think and led by self enriching politicians whose PC babble speak gets further and further away from reality. And those politicians and their supporters react by trying to suppress all who oppose them. Could be interesting times ahead.

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7 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


True. Hilary never had the support of the majority of Americans either, no where close. But the left PC liberals, and all the minority pressure groups who are worried that they won't have the influence they previously enjoyed, or expected with Hilary, are well versed in demonstrations and disruption tactics. 


WHereas Donald Trump does or did have the support of a majority of Americans. A remarkable exercise in doublethink.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

WHereas Donald Trump does or did have the support of a majority of Americans. A remarkable exercise in doublethink.

A majority were never for Trump.  Definitely not now with his approval ratings around 40%.

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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

A majority were never for Trump.  Definitely not now with his approval ratings around 40%.


C'mon Craig the left wing have been harping on ad nauseam about the little witch getting the popular vote by 3 Mil. How on earth is it all all possible if that is the case that Trump's approval ratings at this stage can be much above 40%? Lets have a look again this time next year when the democrat party has disintegrated and all the looney left have taken a rest.

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28 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

There are, I sense, a lot of angry average normally easy going people around the world who've had a belly full of being lied to, presented with a fabricated skew of reality, being told how they must think and led by self enriching politicians whose PC babble speak gets further and further away from reality. And those politicians and their supporters react by trying to suppress all who oppose them


I think that was the exact sentiment of many of the marchers on Jan 21st. But it was too wordy to put on a sign, so instead they had this:


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