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Women's anti-Trump march clogs Washington streets


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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

 Edited for brevity..... The thing a normal president would have done is make major efforts to unify a very divided nation after such a weak win. Instead he did the opposite. The message he telegraphs is that he only represents his supporters and others are his enemies. He could have unified after the election at least a little. Instead he has made it worse.


There you go.... I don't think anyone will argue about his level of "normalacy".... and perhaps, given enough rope, he will hang himself... but.... he's got to be given the rope first. 


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3 hours ago, Matej said:


Is Australia less racist, xenophobic and homophobic than USA? With its immigration policy? Apart from indigenous population it's country of white guys, system created by white men. It's very interesting that as better alternative you are suggesting a country which is much more white than USA and where immigrants have implicitly zero chance of gaining citizenship, by law. Just because of one declaration with one sentence containing words gender and sexuality.


That's how leftist care about minorities. Just using them as political tool for bullying others.


Obama was president for 8 years. Why he didn't do something about immigrants in USA. Why he didn't give them citizenship? No single policy or plan to solve this problem. Instead he was pushing his transgender policy about bathrooms ...


I will tell you why, so u can use them as a club against his political opponents. He doesn't want to help them. He needs them in current situation, endlessly repeating that their are victims because everyone around them is racist and xenophobe.


Democrats with their identity politics are the biggest bullies here.


Finally Obama is gone, one of the worst president of USA.


Have a nice day.






You asked for an example of a country where minority protections are better than the US. Somehow this became a biased, fact free rant about racism in Australia, US immigration and anti-LGBT hate legislation. If I had known that your question was a dishonest baiting exercise, I would not have bothered.


Just another collection of fringe right talking points full of made up information that doesn't deserve the time it would take to debunk.

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1 hour ago, beachproperty said:

 Well .....the truth is that Trump won the Electoral College vote....End of story.


Trump is our President. Say what you like but it sounds like you've been in Thailand TOO LONG and acting like a Thai...a sore loser who can't accept the fact that Trump won.


Not end of story for the Minority President. He cannot stop talking about it. His latest 'alternative fact' is that up to 5 million people illegally voted for HRC.


What has a person's duration of residence in Thailand have anything to do with donald and his enablers' inability to tell the truth?

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18 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You asked for an example of a country where minority protections are better than the US. Somehow this became a biased, fact free rant about racism in Australia, US immigration and anti-LGBT hate legislation. If I had known that your question was a dishonest baiting exercise, I would not have bothered.


Just another collection of fringe right talking points full of made up information that doesn't deserve the time it would take to debunk.

So why do you comment? It bothers you that someone doesn't agree with you, or you have no more arguments ...

All I wanted to say is that America is not nasty racist, sexist and homophobic country


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( only men on the picture..)
It comes just two days after women led a massive protest march in Washington to defend their rights, including to abortion. The decision to ban foreign aid to groups that lobby in support of abortion rights is certain to deepen concern among already apprehensive US family planning and women's rights organisations.
Edited by Opl
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1 hour ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


You asked for an example of a country where minority protections are better than the US. Somehow this became a biased, fact free rant about racism in Australia, US immigration and anti-LGBT hate legislation. If I had known that your question was a dishonest baiting exercise, I would not have bothered.


Just another collection of fringe right talking points full of made up information that doesn't deserve the time it would take to debunk.

It only took me three minutes to debunk it... easy peasy lemon squeezee


and.... Australia is like the second most desired immigration location, and the forth easiest country to immigrate too


that took an extra five minutes.


aussi aussi aussi!!! Lol

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3 hours ago, beachproperty said:

I keep hearing ....majority of votes for Hilary....


but the Majority of her votes came from a minority of areas...East Coast and West Coast particularly California where Hilary beat Trump by 4.3 million votes...


Take Calif out of the equation and Trump wins by 1.4 million

Take the amphetamine belt out of the equation and Clinton nearly doubles her margin of victory.

It's also called the oxycodone belt.

In conservative terminology these states could also be said to belong to the takers' belt. Those who take more from the federal government than they receive.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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59 minutes ago, Opl said:
( only men on the picture..)
It comes just two days after women led a massive protest march in Washington to defend their rights, including to abortion. The decision to ban foreign aid to groups that lobby in support of abortion rights is certain to deepen concern among already apprehensive US family planning and women's rights organisations.

That's what you get when you elect god botherers.

Edited by farcanell
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37 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Signing that right after the mass rallies was truly a YUGE diss by the man baby. 

Do you think it was a deliberate and premeditated middle finger.... or had he given prior notice that he would do this? 

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1 minute ago, farcanell said:

Do you think it was a deliberate and premeditated middle finger.... or had he given prior notice that he would do this? 

Can't know. There was no official commitment on exact timing of early day actions. OK, it doesn't matter much. He was going to do it anyway. He's made major alliances with the God bothered right wing Christian set and they're obsessed with making abortion illegal or at the very least as restricted (and unsafe) as possible. 

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coming back to the topic...

What exactly were these females marching about?

I've watched many vids of this, listened to their rant's,

I can't find one clear issue.

Except they are anti-Trump.


They have not lost any 'rights', nor will they.


I am neither for or against abortion.

Those whom 'need' and abortion can still get one.

Each state determines such and

now Fed $$$ will not be used, as it should be.


Oh yeah, did you see...

Report: George Soros Tied to More Than 50 ‘Partners’ of Anti-Trump Women’s March


Yeah, I thought so.


So this was all about Anti-Trump.









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31 minutes ago, farcanell said:

It only took me three minutes to debunk it... easy peasy lemon squeezee


and.... Australia is like the second most desired immigration location, and the forth easiest country to immigrate too


that took an extra five minutes.


aussi aussi aussi!!! Lol

You mean easiest to immigrate to for poor Myanmar, Vietnamese, Indonesian ... ???

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Can't know. There was no official commitment on exact timing of early day actions. OK, it doesn't matter much. He was going to do it anyway. He's made major alliances with the God bothered right wing Christian set and they're obsessed with making abortion illegal or at the very least as restricted (and unsafe) as possible. 


Yer... well... that one kind of sucks.


harks back to cases of women bearing children of their rapists... etc etc... or just plain misadventure.


that one is definitely a repudiation of a women's rights to determining her own life


but.... he's there now... pay out the rope.

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7 minutes ago, howto said:

coming back to the topic...

What exactly were these females marching about?

I've watched many vids of this, listened to their rant's,

I can't find one clear issue.

Except they are anti-Trump.


They have not lost any 'rights', nor will they.


I am neither for or against abortion.

Those whom 'need' and abortion can still get one.

Each state determines such and

now Fed $$$ will not be used, as it should be.


Oh yeah, did you see...

Report: George Soros Tied to More Than 50 ‘Partners’ of Anti-Trump Women’s March


Yeah, I thought so.


So this was all about Anti-Trump.









I think the marchers were quite explicit that this was all about being anti-trump. What exactly do you think "being tied" to these organizations signifies?  It's clear what the author of that article wants readers to believe that it's significant but why?

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8 minutes ago, Matej said:

Come on Scott. It ended up all good.

And what about my short summary of Obama's feminist letter, that was not about Australia?



Not for the 24 people following this topic and those who have to wade through those posts.  


Stay on topic.  

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10 minutes ago, Matej said:

I'm conservative, but even more I hate leftist politics ...

So I'm glad Bary is finally gone and hope his agenda too.

In my opinion the worst president ever along with FDR and Wilson.


But Trump can be even worse than them, hard to say now




And there's the raw truth.... we all await with baited breath, to see where he ( and the most powerful free country in the world) will lead us.


so far... he's been bombastic... but perhaps that was just to win the election... now that he's the man, we have to wait and see what he will do.... and we have no choice in that, because he was duly elected


if he screws the pooch... y'all ( US voters... globally responsible persons) will need to act together, to mitigate any negative effects on world peace etc etc ( sounding like a little girl there) for the sake of the rest of the free world.


Unfortunately, so far, by coming out against the TPT agreement, he has already starting pushing Australia towards (trade) allegiances with China, which, arguably, for both our nations, may not be for the best, given our historical allegiance and lifestyles.


two days isn't long enough.... first he's got to be seen to practice what he was preaching.... give it two months, to see where this administration is going (post promises blah blah), then the opposition is within its rights too bring out the nails for a crucification. 


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7 minutes ago, farcanell said:

And there's the raw truth.... we all await with baited breath, to see where he ( and the most powerful free country in the world) will lead us.


so far... he's been bombastic... but perhaps that was just to win the election... now that he's the man, we have to wait and see what he will do.... and we have no choice in that, because he was duly elected


if he screws the pooch... y'all ( US voters... globally responsible persons) will need to act together, to mitigate any negative effects on world peace etc etc ( sounding like a little girl there) for the sake of the rest of the free world.


Unfortunately, so far, by coming out against the TPT agreement, he has already starting pushing Australia towards (trade) allegiances with China, which, arguably, for both our nations, may not be for the best, given our historical allegiance and lifestyles.


two days isn't long enough.... first he's got to be seen to practice what he was preaching.... give it two months, to see where this administration is going (post promises blah blah), then the opposition is within its rights too bring out the nails for a crucification. 


Politics should be about policies and ideas not about feelings. Identity politics, national socialism is road to catastrophe. Politicians should not be idols. Look at campaign, lies and changing positions all the time.

On both sides.


I don't care if presidency will help Trump personally ...

I'm not American, so maybe I shouldn't care about Trump's stupid plans, wall on Mexican borders or trillion dollar infrastructure plan ... I'm from Europe, so same as you I want strong America, but America under the Obama was very weak. Obama didn't do anything about Putin, Syria, look at Turkey, agreement with Iran. Look at Kerry's or Biden's speeches for example at UN.

What do they achieved? Nothing.


Some say that Trump is an isolationist, but I don't think that's the case.

Today he might be 'friend' with Putin, but because of his narcissistic nature that might change very fast.


When it comes to free trade. I'm more sceptical than optimistic. For example look at his pressure on Carrier corporation, because of moving factory to Mexico.


Let's give him at least 100 days.

We will see.


But for now let's celebrate that Obama is finally gone ...


Good night






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5 minutes ago, Matej said:

Politics should be about policies and ideas not about feelings. Identity politics, national socialism is road to catastrophe. Politicians should not be idols. Look at campaign, lies and changing positions all the time.

On both sides.


I don't care if presidency will help Trump personally ...

I'm not American, so maybe I shouldn't care about Trump's stupid plans, wall on Mexican borders or trillion dollar infrastructure plan ... I'm from Europe, so same as you I want strong America, but America under the Obama was very weak. Obama didn't do anything about Putin, Syria, look at Turkey, agreement with Iran. Look at Kerry's or Biden's speeches for example at UN.

What do they achieved? Nothing.


Some say that Trump is an isolationist, but I don't think that's the case.

Today he might be 'friend' with Putin, but because of his narcissistic nature that might change very fast.


When it comes to free trade. I'm more sceptical than optimistic. For example look at his pressure on Carrier corporation, because of moving factory to Mexico.


Let's give him at least 100 days.

We will see.


But for now let's celebrate that Obama is finally gone ...


Good night






We are on the same page... that's fair I think... ?

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On 1/22/2017 at 6:14 AM, Thakkar said:

Trump just set the world record for the guy rejected by more women in a single day in the history of humanity.


I think he set that record in November, and all these same women are just a subset of that group.

Edited by lannarebirth
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8 hours ago, Matej said:

So why do you comment? It bothers you that someone doesn't agree with you, or you have no more arguments ...

All I wanted to say is that America is not nasty racist, sexist and homophobic country



I told you why I commented. You demanded an example of a country more liberal than the US in certain areas. I gave you an example citing Equal Opportunity Legislation from South Australia which has since been deleted.


I made no statement that America was nasty, racist, sexist and homophobic. I would never make such a stupid generalization. Such statements are the pure definition of bigotry - meaningless, broad brush assumptions based on preconceived attitudes. I would have and will say that some US States have enacted legislation that denies minorities equal protection under the Constitution and in violation of the Civil Rights Act. I would have and will say that institutionalized racism is driving many policies, laws and regulations in Stats that enact voter suppression laws, deregulate industries, deny minimum wage protections etc. But I would certainly avoid falling into the trap of committing a logical fallacy by:


"...conclude something about a population from a non-representative sample, or about a larger group from a non-representative subset of that group."



In other words - over generalization.


As for what bothers me, many things do and many things do not. Ideologues trying to define me certainly does. You have no idea about my views and no business telling me what they are.

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13 hours ago, Matej said:

Individual case. That's not law or policy.

       There were cases of voter intimidation in several east coast cities during that election cycle.  It was Republican Party policy, Dirty Tricks Dept.  Indeed, several Republican dirty tricksters are directly hanging with Trump as we speak.  If I were to research and articulate the voter fraud and intimidation perpetrated by Republicans, it would take me weeks, and would fill a thick paperback book, small font.  If you're interested in how deep Republican voter interference goes, do your own research. The data, including the court cases, is out there.  


      You'll notice: everything Trump bitches about - towards HRC, the press corps, journalists, protesters, re; voter fraud, sexual deviancy, tax evasion,  etc, are things he himself has done 10 times worse.


      It's a not-uncommon human characteristic:  to rail against other people for things the accuser secretly does himself/herself.  Bible thumping preachers do it all the time, and so do others in authority.  Parents do it, Republican politicians do it most noticeably.   One of a million examples:   A Republican politician making speeches against sexual perversion while at the same time soliciting a stranger to suck his dick at a MN airport toilet.  Trump is the poster child for accusing others of things he secretly does.

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12 hours ago, beachproperty said:

I keep hearing ....majority of votes for Hilary....


but the Majority of her votes came from a minority of areas...East Coast and West Coast particularly California where Hilary beat Trump by 4.3 million votes...


Take Calif out of the equation and Trump wins by 1.4 million


       Votes are votes.  They're all Americans.  Americans have spoken, and they chose HRC. It just so happens the system goes with the electoral college system.  I don't argue with that.  However, if the tables were turned and Trump won the popular vote by 1 vote and lost the electoral vote to HRC, he and his sheeple would be howling like their houses were on fire.


Even if he lost both popular votes and electoral votes, he would still be bellyaching like a spoiled brat - as he was doing loudly and often during the last weeks of the campaign.  Remember that?   Plus lawsuits would have been slapped right and left.  

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5 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I told you why I commented. You demanded an example of a country more liberal than the US in certain areas. I gave you an example citing Equal Opportunity Legislation from South Australia which has since been deleted.


I made no statement that America was nasty, racist, sexist and homophobic. I would never make such a stupid generalization. Such statements are the pure definition of bigotry - meaningless, broad brush assumptions based on preconceived attitudes. I would have and will say that some US States have enacted legislation that denies minorities equal protection under the Constitution and in violation of the Civil Rights Act. I would have and will say that institutionalized racism is driving many policies, laws and regulations in Stats that enact voter suppression laws, deregulate industries, deny minimum wage protections etc. But I would certainly avoid falling into the trap of committing a logical fallacy by:


"...conclude something about a population from a non-representative sample, or about a larger group from a non-representative subset of that group."



In other words - over generalization.


As for what bothers me, many things do and many things do not. Ideologues trying to define me certainly does. You have no idea about my views and no business telling me what they are.

And that institutionalized racism is not generalisation?


For your information institutionalized racism is racism expressed primarily in actions of political institutions and government.


Show me institution, policy or law that is racists ... Otherwise you are just repeating popular, but meaningless leftie phrases.




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3 minutes ago, Matej said:

And that institutionalized racism is not generalisation?


For your information institutionalized racism is racism expressed primarily in actions of political institutions and government.


Show me institution, policy or law that is racists ... Otherwise you are just repeating popular, but meaningless leftie phrases.




You want examples of institutionalized racism?  There have been many experiments done where applications for loans are submitted. Even though the information on the loan forms is exactly the same,  those with names that are likely to belong to black people are rejected at a much higher rate than for white people.The same goes for applications for employment. 

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