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Merkel says populism won't solve world's problems


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Merkel says populism won't solve world's problems




German Chancellor Angela Merkel during news conference at the chancellery in Berlin, Germany, January 16, 2017. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch


BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that openness, not populism, polarisation or isolation, was the answer to the world's challenges of globalisation and digitalisation.


"I think that, a quarter of a century after German unification, after the end of the Cold War, a new historical era will perhaps be replaced by another one," Merkel said in a speech to church leaders in Wuerzburg.


Even though some were dreaming of a "return to a small world", she said the right answer was not isolation but openness.


Merkel did not mention U.S. President Donald Trump by name, but her comments were in sharp contrast to his promises to "put America first", pull the United States out of multilateral trade deals and clamp down on illegal immigration, not least by building a wall on the Mexican border.


"We won't get anywhere by trying to solve problems with polarisation and populism," she said. "We've got to show that we're committed to the basic principles of our nation."


Trump has said Merkel made a "catastrophic mistake" by allowing more than a million refugees, mostly Muslims fleeing war in the Middle East, to come to Germany.


Merkel greeted his election in November by offering to work closely with him on the basis of the values of "democracy, freedom, respect for the law and for human dignity, regardless of origin, skin colour, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political inclination".


(Reporting by Andreas Rinke; writing by Erik Kirschbaum; Editing by Kevin Liffey)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-24
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"We won't get anywhere by trying to solve problems with polarisation and populism," she said. "We've got to show that we're committed to the basic principles of our nation."

Well we certainly haven't got anywhere playing it your way, Angela. Look at the state of the world! Elitist clubs, forcing polar opposites to live together in the name of unbearable PCness, etc. You and yours have caused all this strife and ANYTHING is worth a try given the status quo.

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29 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

The problems have ben caused by you Mrs Merkel and your immigration policy to mention just one. Once you are out of the door, populism will then try and fix the mess you have created.

"To mention just one"


what else are you accusing Mrs Merkel of?

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

But it will. At the very least. it will put a spanner in the globalist scumbag network in which she plays a key role. Squirm. merkel. squirm.

"Globalist scumbag network"


How polite!


I assume you must be isolationist?

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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:

But it will. At the very least. it will put a spanner in the globalist scumbag network in which she plays a key role. Squirm. merkel. squirm.

Merkel is a polarising figure here but in OP terms, I think over time she will be proven right. Populism is dangerous, as it is an emotive appeal and these can defraud citizens of rights and justice in the immediate term and bring poor national outcome in the longer terms. Cetain will bring divisive tensions.


We are in  different age. Need new solutions. Movement of people is a twenty-ten plus trend which will not abate. Cannot be readily reset to the seventies. Multiculturalism will increase whether liked or not. Not a fan myself but a realist. Brexit is a slowing, but reasonably, Britain is already an extremely pluralistic culture. And more dangerously, just one generation away from seeing perspectives substantively shift.


Merkel's question is how we adapt to this. I expect many won't like it. Emotive appeals are dangerous and it is ironic a german Chancellor should be the one to make the  call.

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12 minutes ago, Grouse said:

"To mention just one"


what else are you accusing Mrs Merkel of?

Allowing to many other countries into the EU that should not have been allowed which has created the mess that it is in.

Dictating to other EU countries on policy when it should be a shared platform on decision making.

I could go on but don't want to humour you!

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Unhindered movement of people with no prospects into Europe will not solve the worlds problems either Furher Merkel, in fact its going to cause big problems for the world and Europe


Yours and the EU polices are a complete failure, so get out the way and let someone else sort the mess out you and your gang of pigs with their snouts in the trough have caused 


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11 minutes ago, optad said:

Merkel is a polarising figure here but in OP terms, I think over time she will be proven right. Populism is dangerous, as it is an emotive appeal and these can defraud citizens of rights and justice in the immediate term and bring poor national outcome in the longer terms. Cetain will bring divisive tensions.


We are in  different age. Need new solutions. Movement of people is a twenty-ten plus trend which will not abate. Cannot be readily reset to the seventies. Multiculturalism will increase whether liked or not. Not a fan myself but a realist. Brexit is a slowing, but reasonably, Britain is already an extremely pluralistic culture. And more dangerously, just one generation away from seeing perspectives substantively shift.


Merkel's question is how we adapt to this. I expect many won't like it. Emotive appeals are dangerous and it is ironic a german Chancellor should be the one to make the  call.

Merkel and her irk have laid the fondation for a civil war in Europe and only the "populist" ie Trump, Farage, Le Pen,  Wilders who have the stomach to do what needs to be done


Merkel should be in jail cell for what she had done, along side Clinton and that silly French woman from the IMF 



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3 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:

Merkel and her irk have laid the fondation for a civil war in Europe and only the "populist" ie Trump, Farage, Le Pen,  Wilders who have the stomach to do what needs to be done


Merkel should be in jail cell for what she had done, along side Clinton and that silly French woman from the IMF 

Civil war now. Your knack for the hysterical is as perverse as it is without mitigation. 


Most anything is water off you back re this topic. But you made me remember what the Ghost of Christmas past warned scrooge in his lament being so removed from others.. A re phrasing of that parable is.... not being able to see from others' shoes makes your life  a sad one. 


Befitting you.

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50 minutes ago, Savilesghost said:

Merkel and her irk have laid the fondation for a civil war in Europe and only the "populist" ie Trump, Farage, Le Pen,  Wilders who have the stomach to do what needs to be done


Merkel should be in jail cell for what she had done, along side Clinton and that silly French woman from the IMF 



"...who have the stomache to do what needs to be done..."

Like taking away women's rights, minority rights, freedom of the press, closing borders...to name but a few!


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6 minutes ago, DM07 said:

"...who have the stomache to do what needs to be done..."

Like taking away women's rights, minority rights, freedom of the press, closing borders...to name but a few!


Who are the "populists" who want to take away womens rights? Freedom of press? Are they not all writing what the governments want (called PC) ? And closing borders? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do in Europe? And taking away the minority rights  (privileges) of the so called refugees would be helpful.

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7 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

Who are the "populists" who want to take away womens rights? Freedom of press? Are they not all writing what the governments want (called PC) ? And closing borders? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do in Europe? And taking away the minority rights  (privileges) of the so called refugees would be helpful.

Did you ever listen to Hoecke, von Storch, Le Penn and their ilk?

If so: how can you even ask, who wants to take away those rights?

If you haven't: how about informing yourself, before spouting BS?

There are many more minorities in the world, than just refugees!

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1 hour ago, optad said:

Civil war now. Your knack for the hysterical is as perverse as it is without mitigation. 


Most anything is water off you back re this topic. But you made me remember what the Ghost of Christmas past warned scrooge in his lament being so removed from others.. A re phrasing of that parable is.... not being able to see from others' shoes makes your life  a sad one. 


Befitting you.

Hardly hysterical, i am not a leftie luvvie, thats their forte, what are trying to say re the last word in your first sentence ?


Your making absolutely no sense and why is it perverse ?


If one cant see what is happening in Europe with regard to increased violence, then one is blind and stupid, and the lefties have only themselves to blame, they have caused this





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17 minutes ago, DM07 said:

Did you ever listen to Hoecke, von Storch, Le Penn and their ilk?

If so: how can you even ask, who wants to take away those rights?

If you haven't: how about informing yourself, before spouting BS?

There are many more minorities in the world, than just refugees!

How many refugees are there in Europe ? Versus ecomonic migrants ?...dont start quoting MSM lies about the vast majority in the EU are refugees...no they are not...the vast majority are ecomonic migrants who have took advantage of Merkels failed polices, to get into Europe with their grubby little hands out looking for freebies


The only ones taking away peoples rights are those pigs in trough lot in Brussels except the some people are just too stupid to see it 


Your remarks appear to come from a left wing cultural marxist text book, all hot air with no substance just branding and insulting people who disagree with your brain washed view point


Viva Le Pen, Viva Farage, Viva Wilders, Viva Trump may they take all the snivving bigoted PC left wingers and put them back in their box, they have caused enough trouble 




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46 minutes ago, DM07 said:

"...who have the stomache to do what needs to be done..."

Like taking away women's rights, minority rights, freedom of the press, closing borders...to name but a few!


LOL MSM lies and leftie propaganda, except closing borders which is a common sense thing to do which the leftie luuvies cant seem to grasp...a country has limited resources, services etc and cant just keep handing out " free stuff" to what ever washes up on their shores...it will eventually cause said country to fail finanically or the natives get fed up and start hanging the politians and taking back the streets 

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Populism may not help.


What would help is

a firm and equally applied immigration policy,

an end to mass migration,

affirmative action to promote secularism over the unwanted rise of fundamentalism (principally stemming from Islamic sources but I include all others),

a much firmer criminal treatment of human traffickers,

reduction/elimination of benefits to migrants to combat benefit tourism,

internment camps for asylum seekers/undocumented migrants,

indefinite detention for failed asylum seekers/recalcitrant deportees, etc.,

preferential treatment for housing and schools and other local services for those who can demonstrate at 3 generations in the area,

an end to having to bow to the intolerant, backward and discriminatory beliefs and superstitions of intolerant, backward and discriminatory peoples for fear of being branded racist and even arrested and charged.

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17 minutes ago, Briggsy said:

Populism may not help.


What would help is

a firm and equally applied immigration policy,

an end to mass migration,

affirmative action to promote secularism over the unwanted rise of fundamentalism (principally stemming from Islamic sources but I include all others),

a much firmer criminal treatment of human traffickers,

reduction/elimination of benefits to migrants to combat benefit tourism,

internment camps for asylum seekers/undocumented migrants,

indefinite detention for failed asylum seekers/recalcitrant deportees, etc.,

preferential treatment for housing and schools and other local services for those who can demonstrate at 3 generations in the area,

an end to having to bow to the intolerant, backward and discriminatory beliefs and superstitions of intolerant, backward and discriminatory peoples for fear of being branded racist and even arrested and charged.

I am intrigued by this newspeak term populism ?...


its being inferred that its somehow a bad thing, populism is the foundation of democracy, it the popular person who gets voted in, or the popular vote which gets carried ie Brexit


Ergo if one is anti populist one is anti democratic, and this has been shown as true in both the UK and US in more recent times, the little cultural marxist with their "pussy harts" are as anti democratic,intolerant of opposing view points and possible as violent in their responses  as Lil Kim is in North Korea 



Edited by Savilesghost
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It us the liberals and their idealism coupled with stubborn ignorance who have brought about populism and another forn if ignorance.


The answers are in neither camp but in policies of flexibility and common sense; policies that take on the growing migratory population push with an acceptance that it must be managed. Policies that respect the existing cultures and allow for gradual change. Policies that respect the rights of individuals without excessive regulation and a gradual merging of the rules of law to bring about a common mindset on what is right and acceptable and what is not between countries - for laws shape society.


Merkel has invited populism in and now seeks to disenfranchise voters because it does not suit her EU fantasy ideology that forces their futuristic dreams on everyone and refuse to listen to practicality or reason. She has helped bring on the rise of nationalism - silly moo.

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2 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

She is wrong, she has to go. Germany is headed for catastrophe if this isn't pulled up immediately. If the fundamentals of an ideology is domination NOT integration then why would you anyone believe this immigration policy will work. 

You will have  some on here calling you a facist and saying your speaking BS, but your 100% correct in your observation, Europe is headed for great strife  and its been caused by Merkel and her irk 

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

"...who have the stomache to do what needs to be done..."

Like taking away women's rights, minority rights, freedom of the press, closing borders...to name but a few!



Somewhat hyperbolic and generalist.


The policies of the those being labelled are not all the same. Women's rights - are you referring to the anti abortion lobby in the US? Minority rights - are your referring to Muslims? Unfortunately the very real threat, as we have seen demonstrated numerous times, from radicalized Islamic jihadists, does reflect, rightly or wrongly, on Muslim communities, many of whom won't speak out against the terrorists, openly campaign or try to apply Sharia Law rather than respecting the law of their new country and do not intend or want to integrate but expect to be accommodated as they wish? Or homosexuals and transgenders who so far haven't actually been denied rights but are miffed perhaps at not being given extra rights? Freedom of the press - don't see anyone of the leaders named trying to obstruct media freedoms. Do see some standing up to the downright lies and propaganda some media outlets spew out, reflecting their owners views which is not necessarily based on fact and certainly not unbiased. Unlike the liberal PC left supporters who denounce any who report things they don't like as fascist. Closing borders - who says "open borders" are a good thing. Even dopey Merkel, who still refuses to acknowledge her cock up closed borders when it suited. Name one country that really has "open borders". What is meant is a clampdown on illegal uncontrolled immigrants, especially economic migrants like the hordes of young men often pictured, who pay criminals to smuggle them to countries where they hope to get lots of freebies and do as they please. Why would any sane person be willing to accept huge amounts of illegal immigrants, willing to commit crime, into their country and then provide them with houses, food, money, health care and education all for free as a reward for breaking the law?


Populism - as in poplar. Because the people are fed up being fed crap and lies by the likes of Merkel, who refuses to admit she was wrong, is desperate to hang on to power, and still thinks telling the people all is rosy and she has the answers will suffice. 


Have a guess why the Swedish police and the German police refuse to give any statistics on crimes linked to immigrants?

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26 minutes ago, FitnessHealthTravel said:

She is wrong, she has to go. Germany is headed for catastrophe if this isn't pulled up immediately. If the fundamentals of an ideology is domination NOT integration then why would you anyone believe this immigration policy will work. 


If you look at the history of Islam you see it gets on very well with government systems that suppress free speech, democracy, and the human rights of the individual. 


Something the liberal PC left equally are at ease with if suppressing those who disagree with them. Socialism is a failed experiment. In its most radical forms it gave us communists like Stalin and those tin pot East European dictators. Now it gives us Merkel, Juncke etc who want everything controlled by a political elite class and their appointed bureaucrats who will steer things their way regardless of what the electorate want or how they vote.

Now that people are rejecting this, and rejecting their vision which they believe must be right, they have to label them something. Fascist doesn't really work that well so they've come up with Populist as a bigger catch all for any person, group, vision or policy they don't like or that opposes them. Now they use the word in any context which helps discredit it.


The fact people may not want their vision is immaterial as they have no intention of allowing them a say. It's this slavish arrogance to their own old failed ideas that is creating the issues we all now face.

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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


If you look at the history of Islam you see it gets on very well with government systems that suppress free speech, democracy, and the human rights of the individual. 


Something the liberal PC left equally are at ease with if suppressing those who disagree with them. Socialism is a failed experiment. In its most radical forms it gave us communists like Stalin and those tin pot East European dictators. Now it gives us Merkel, Juncke etc who want everything controlled by a political elite class and their appointed bureaucrats who will steer things their way regardless of what the electorate want or how they vote.

Now that people are rejecting this, and rejecting their vision which they believe must be right, they have to label them something. Fascist doesn't really work that well so they've come up with Populist as a bigger catch all for any person, group, vision or policy they don't like or that opposes them. Now they use the word in any context which helps discredit it.


The fact people may not want their vision is immaterial as they have no intention of allowing them a say. It's this slavish arrogance to their own old failed ideas that is creating the issues we all now face.

You don't imply with your vision of socialism that the non socialist parties are interested in other ideas conflicting with their ideas?

While I agree with you socialism lost the road somewhere,  I don't think the small people will be better off with the ongoing politics, generally speaking.

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