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Songkran in Phuket


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Me and the Misses thinking of a holiday in Phuket in the week where Songran takes place. April 11th to 16th.

We like to book our Hotel in Patong. I am not a big fan of the water splashing. One day is enough for me.

My question is, how do they celebrate it in Patong? Is it crazy like Bangkok and Pattaya?


Appreciate some feedback.

Thank you.

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5 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Yes, Op will get wet.


But the good thing is that on Phuket it is celebrated on the 13th only. Some splashing the evening before, especially in Patong, but hardly worth mentioning.

That is what I wanted to know. So they just celebrate it one day. That is good enough for us.



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Songkran used to be great in Patong, now is just full of idiots abusing the festivities... the evening before and day after they are at it... you must be mad to go there then unless you want to get involved and pi $$d wet through, do not ride a motorbike as you could well have an accident as the bar stools falangs mainly ambush people on the open road, (middle rd especially around junction of Sansabai) not funny at all....


most either stay in or ship out for a few days... go somewhere else 

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5 hours ago, Lokie said:

Songkran used to be great in Patong, now is just full of idiots abusing the festivities... the evening before and day after they are at it... you must be mad to go there then unless you want to get involved and pi $$d wet through, do not ride a motorbike as you could well have an accident as the bar stools falangs mainly ambush people on the open road, (middle rd especially around junction of Sansabai) not funny at all....


most either stay in or ship out for a few days... go somewhere else 

Actually, the same goes for most of the tourist party spots in Thailand, not just Patong.   To "full of idiots abusing the festivities", I would just add "largely farang idiots...".   Whatever time of year it is when the "quality tourists" actually show up, it's definitely not Songkran.  I feel a bit sorry for the locals at Songkran; having to put up with what the imported loons, halfwits, and blockheads contribute to perverting it.  One can only hope that some semblance of the authentic, traditional Songkran still exists out in the countryside where the waterlogged sickos don't normally go.

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Oh how I disagree.  I live in Kata and find Songkran a great time to let your hair down.  Yes it lasts for one day.  Yes it can be exhausting, but it is FUN.


I say this as a very oung 62yo.  Not too keen on the cold/iced water but everythiNG else is GREAT!!!!!  


Come to Kata and ENJOY!!!!

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3 hours ago, Nurseynutcase said:

Oh how I disagree.  I live in Kata and find Songkran a great time to let your hair down.  Yes it lasts for one day.  Yes it can be exhausting, but it is FUN.


I say this as a very oung 62yo.  Not too keen on the cold/iced water but everythiNG else is GREAT!!!!!  


Come to Kata and ENJOY!!!!

Thats great Re Kata, but OP asked about Patong? I would imagine there is still lots of cool places to enjoy and celebrate Songkran, just not really in Patong and is nothing to do with TV negativity is unfortunately just the truth in answer to OP's question (and has been said its the farang idiots that go OTT and spoil it on the whole)

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Its still celebrated the old way in small country towns and villages,Those who want to play do so as hard as they want but they leave the people who prefer to sit and watch without becoming involved alone, not in Patong, you will get saturated just going to the 7/11 and there is also the drunks out walking across and playing on the road to worry about if out driving

It usually only lasts for a couple of days so we just stop home

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Past few years in Kamala it has kicked off along the main drag about 1100 and shut down by about 1800 (maybe something with the cops clearing the road for Fantasea traffic?), can't comment on the side Sois. How there aren't more crashes just baffles me.


If you don't want the experience of Patong pick a more mellow part of the island or maybe do a 2 day side trip somewhere.

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