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Meeting Thai Girls Online


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No!  Conversing with Thai women online wouldn't go over very well with the Tiirak.  I'll leave the mia nois and giks for the Thai guys and adventurous farangs.  I'm quite happy with what I've got.  :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Only logical for girls not to agree to sex right away.. you seem to have quite a high opinion that you expect every girl to spread right away for you. Is it that hard to go on a date and not expect them to be in your bed the same night. 

H hahaahahahaha  funny one  Rob:thumbsup:

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29 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

I've met a number of girls online. All professional women with university degrees. Usually poorly paid, despite their education. All of them are looking for someone to "take care". Every one of these  women has had a lot going for them, but just can't catch a break. The case for MOST Thai people. The system is so stacked against the average Thai that it beggars belief. Even worse than the USA.


Met  mine online 10+  years ago, gave her that break and she never looked  back,  took the  bull by the horns and milked it dry.

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Still hopefully on topic but with a twist..


I used ThaiFriendly and Wechat about a year ago to pick up a few girls that were very clear on what they were expecting:$$ and were offering exactly what i was looking for...

Lot of ladyboys also but I do not eat that bread...


I suspect some kind of silent crackdown on some of the apps in the past 12 months...


Wechat: only chineses now, not a single ladyboy around, only very few "good girls" from Thailand.

TFriendly: only good girls as well (LOL)


One of my regulars has taken down the "massage service" comment for "hello it is me"...

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I would be pretty confident that the majority of girls you are likely to meet on Thai friendly or Thai Cupid are not looking for a typical Western style sexual or even Western style platonic relationship. For dining most would prefer Tesco Lotus or a cheap local joint chatting with their Thai friends than they would a high class rstaurant with a Western guy. Most would much rather see a 1000 baht in their handbag than 2000 baht of your money wasted on high end food and wine. Most of the girls will be struggling for money and, do appreciate, very often it will be costing them already in fares or petrol / diesel to come and meet you. Unless a Western man is seeking out a girl with an already Westernized culture and with a good job in one of the wealthier cities then the girls will be looking for either money for sex or quick long term security options, looking to swiftly become a permanent partner (basically also money). They are unlikely to want to contiue meeting you just for sex and meal / movie for week after week however handsome you may be.


I am not being critical of the girls atall when you look at the dynamics of the situation where a Western man should easily have 8 to 10 times the earning potential of a Thai lady.

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On 1/26/2017 at 5:21 AM, JaySonic said:

Money has never been discussed, but it's a given that I pay for meals, taxis, booze and whatever else, which I'm totally fine with. I've also given her some baht when I leave, more as a gift than a P4P arrangement

 In effect you have paid her for sex and i have been in exactly this same position many times. I agree that your actions are correct and that you have tried to help her without embarrassing her. However there will be members here who disagree and will consider her a prostitute.

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3 hours ago, JaySonic said:

Who mentioned whoring? I have never done any such thing in Thailand (or anywhere else)


 You did mention it first , saying that I did whoreing and I replied to you, stating that I didnt , that is why I mentioned it, in reply to you, who mentioned it first!!!!!

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2 hours ago, Chicog said:

I think you did her a favour by showing your true colours early on.



Comments like this are a little foolish. There is nothing negative about my preferences in venues. If you wish to frequent classy bars with all the other tossers, Then so be it.  For me, it simply isnt my style. Its not about the money, its about the pomposity, of which I have no time for. I have very open pockets when i travel, and I share my money very liberally... but that doesnt mean I should go to some bar full of arrogant wannabe's. Nor do I wish to dress like Im the crown prince. 


So really, your swipe at me here is pointless and redundant. If you wish to fantasise that yourr James Bond and go to w@nky cocktail bars, then more power to you. I'll be down the road happily shooting pool with a local guy or girl and loading the jukebox with vintage rock music. 

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57 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Its funny how these  guys always want to impress upon you straight away,that they are not into the red light scene.

I think that online chats and talks always involve the guy who has the hand cream and tissues next to his computer.

Just sayin.

Uh huh. Cool story. But you're still assuming Im seeking out hot girls for sex. Truth is, im happy to getvto know a frumpy girl who os an artistic bohemiam. 


My views on the red light scene needed to be stated early on, let I get a hundred replies saying "dude save your time and go down to soi cowboy"


... for some punani.. or whatever that earlier sex predator said about thai girls


By the way, is that transexual in your avatar the latest conquest of yours ? Good job, I admire a man who is proud to fly his freak flag in the face of western conservative value. Not my scene, but I fully support your lifestyle choices

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1 hour ago, rogeroc said:

They are unlikely to want to contiue meeting you just for sex and meal / movie for week after week however handsome you may be.



Lucky for me im not giving them 'week after week company. Nor am I seeking sex. So your entire statement does not apply to me. 

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Its funny how these  guys always want to impress upon you straight away,that they are not into the red light scene.

I think that online chats and talks always involve the guy who has the hand cream and tissues next to his computer.

Just sayin.

What are you, 15 years old ? Masturbating to internet images is the domain of a sexually immature schoolboy. 


Isnt it past your bedtime, little Davey

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2 hours ago, frank0424 said:

Jaysonic you are very defensive when someone gives their opinion and you quickly judge them with assumptions.

Loosen up mate. You take things said in jest seriously.


Try reading my post while assuming a different tone from the author. What Im really tryng to do it sarcastically belittle everyone else here, not defend myself. 


It must be my Indian english thats causing problems for the stuffy sex deviant members here

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2 hours ago, captnhoy said:

OP sounds more like he wants an argument than to get other's views of said topic.

Finally ! Someone who understands me . We should hang out in BKK for a bro date. Hope you play pool and like drinking Chang from the bottle

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4 hours ago, Chicog said:

I think you did her a favour by showing your true colours early on.



In this instance 'true colours' = Troll. I'm surprised that people are still feeding it.



57 minutes ago, JaySonic said:

Try reading my post while assuming a different tone from the author. What Im really tryng to do it sarcastically belittle everyone else here, not defend myself. 


It must be my Indian english thats causing problems for the stuffy sex deviant members here



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Bla bla bla all the good lookers are after sucks not smart in anyway and controllable. They want cash. Your no superstar you are a newbie. They no your half a mug. I are fairly well off own a Mercedes been in sports 25 years. If they see a bloke like me they duck. To hard basket. Easy money they want opening the pussy a couple of times is useful and rewarding lol.

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3 hours ago, performance said:

Bla bla bla all the good lookers are after sucks not smart in anyway and controllable. They want cash. Your no superstar you are a newbie. They no your half a mug. I are fairly well off own a Mercedes been in sports 25 years. If they see a bloke like me they duck. To hard basket. Easy money they want opening the pussy a couple of times is useful and rewarding lol.

Ooh a Mercedes owner. I bow before you. Because the car a man drives is truly the indicator of his worth as a human. 


And what, oh great one, am i a newbie at? Meeting people? Most of your post makes no sense, so it's cquite clear that you took the career path of a jock rather rhan an academic. 


Hate to break it to you, boss, but I am not the slightest bit envious of you. And Im sure the Thai girls only like you becasue it gives them the chance to feel smarter than a falang they are with for once. 



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3 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

In this instance 'true colours' = Troll. I'm surprised that people are still feeding it.





So am I ! 


I was going to start a thread about fishing in Thailand, but it looks like I already found a high-yeilding pond to cast my baited line into

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Half the fun of Thaifriendly is shortlisting. I told one she was being very forward in wanting to meet, to which she replied that conversation is a waste of time, she is in property development, would just rather meet as its a dating site.


So with great personal satisfaction, I blocked her. But not before having the courtesty to tell her why:


"To be honest, youre personality is too agressive. Thanks for the contact, but I dont think we are compatible minds. Plus I always have a mistrust of people in the property game. I wish you all the best. "


Goddamn real estate cougars. NEXT


PS: I Think she was just looking for quick, NSA free sex. As many career women do. Sorry, but I will not be objectified for simply having a functioning pen!s. I am not a piece of meat, but a human being. 

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