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Trump bars door to refugees, visitors from seven nations


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1 hour ago, WaywardWind said:

I had no idea that obtaining a green otsard or a refugee visa was a criminal act.  Learn something new every day.

Address the point, which was......... naming a criminal's religion Is not discriminatory or racist.


Visas and green cards are Irrelevant to that point.

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4 hours ago, USPatriot said:

Without the electoral college NY CA IL have enough votes to elect the president

You are embarrassing yourself. I know that Trumpsters are averse to non-made up numbers, but let's give it a try.



12.5 m voters of which
6.2M Dems
2.8M Re
and the rest independent, third party or blank.


8.7M dems
5 M Rep
0.9M Other
4.7M Independents


8M registered voters of whom 
3.1M voted HRC
2.15M voted DJT
1.1M voted other
The rest didn't vote.


Please show us, in a non-crazy way, how you can possibly add these numbers to a presidential win. Thanks.

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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


They didnt take him seriously. Then, and even now. He's done more in these 7 days than a crook like Hillary would have achieved. Had she won, she'd be on the phone right about now to all the CEOs who bankrolled her, asking them for their wish list.

he has undone

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


They didnt take him seriously. Then, and even now. He's done more in these 7 days than a crook like Hillary would have achieved. Had she won, she'd be on the phone right about now to all the CEOs who bankrolled her, asking them for their wish list.

That's why John Podesta and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz ( and others) have 'blood on their hands'....they manipulated and cajoled to get her the nomination...knowing that she was intensely disliked and probably the worst candidate since McGovern or Goldwater. This monster now in office is in no small measure of their own creation.

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2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

Trump Is not the first President to have been elected with less than a majority of the popular vote.  There have even been Democrats....... perish the thought!!

In the history of US elections, ONLY Republicans have lost the popular vote, but won the presidency. Except in 1824 when John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote but won the presidency. However Adams wasn't a Democrat or Republican. He was a Democratic Republican.



DJT has lost the popular vote by a greater margin than any US president.


These are facts. Ever heard of facts?

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11 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

In the history of US elections, ONLY Republicans have lost the popular vote, but won the presidency. Except in 1824 when John Quincy Adams lost the popular vote but won the presidency. However Adams wasn't a Democrat or Republican. He was a Democratic Republican.



DJT has lost the popular vote by a greater margin than any US president.


These are facts. Ever heard of facts?

BUT....he was elected President under the existing voting system.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!

Don't like the result?  Work to change the system, not riot.

The left has never been different.

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4 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

BUT....he was elected President under the existing voting system.  NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!!

Don't like the result?  Work to change the system, not riot.

The left has never been different.

When proven wrong, deflect. Got it.

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24 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

When wrong, deflect. Got it.

It's what politicians do!!!


I was relying on Information on another thread, weeks ago, wherein It was agreed that a Democrat has been elected without a popular vote majority, perhaps my mistake.  I didn't Independently research the point


However, IT IS IRRELEVANT.  There Is a voting system In place. Trump was elected fair and square under that system.

This has been done to death on TV, and elsewhere.

12.30 am here, so goodnight.

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12 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


It is entirely relevant to the lie you posted, which was:


"Trump Is not the first President to have been elected with less than a majority of the popular vote.  There have even been Democrats....... perish the thought!!"

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51 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:

It's what politicians do!!!


I was relying on Information on another thread, weeks ago, wherein It was agreed that a Democrat has been elected without a popular vote majority, perhaps my mistake.  I didn't Independently research the point


However, IT IS IRRELEVANT.  There Is a voting system In place. Trump was elected fair and square under that system.

This has been done to death on TV, and elsewhere.

12.30 am here, so goodnight.

To which the reply is:

37 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

It is entirely relevant to the lie you posted, which was:


"Trump Is not the first President to have been elected with less than a majority of the popular vote.  There have even been Democrats....... perish the thought!!"

It depends whether Kennedy got the majority of the genuine popular vote.  The incompetence of Americans in holding close elections makes it difficult to quantify the amount of fraud.  I think 'lie' is too strong  a word here.

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15 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

What if I told you that lots more people in america and the rest of the world would die because Donald Trump got elected rather than Hillary Clinton?


what if i told you you're scare mongering and being divisive?

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


what if i told you you're scare mongering and being divisive?

What if i told you that Trump and the Republicans plan to defund Planned Parenthood? What do you think the consequences of that will be for women's and children's health?


What if I told you that Trump and the Republicans plan to defund any international health organization that so much as mentions abortion. Not even Reagan and Bush did that. They only defunded the family planning sections of those organizations. But the current plan calls for funding to be entirely cut off. So if an organization is running an anti-malaria program and just mentions abortion, it gets all its funding cut.

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Ok I'm tired of talking about the election... T Rump won... yes we need to do away with the EC voting system set up because of and during the slavery period

What is sad is how his head henchman from Britbart news Mr Banyon has publicly stated he wants to create chaos and anarchy in the US.   T tump has divided this nation... its the sad truth but he has divided my mother and me... she is a victim of fox news I am afraid...  all the news outlets in the US are owned by 6  people.  I'm afraid at this time twitter is the best news source.   Even super conservative dick head Sen Jason Chaffetz from Utah is wanting to pass legislation to get a independent medical evaluation for the president or anyone who can have the nuclear codes.    This is a big mess and I hope impeachment happens quickly  

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10 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

The part about putting more Americans in danger is absolutely correct. I've worked in a number of very unsettled countries and I am fearful of the reactions that will follow these orders. Any American working in such a location will be in serious danger.

They already are.  Extreme vetting of immigrants from bad areas is only common sense.

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42 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

They already are.  Extreme vetting of immigrants from bad areas is only common sense.

None of the countries from which the September 11 terrorists originate and their sponsors,  are on the interdiction list.

Coincidentally, they are countries where the Trump empire has financial interests : business first

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2 hours ago, Elkski said:

Ok I'm tired of talking about the election... T Rump won... yes we need to do away with the EC voting system set up because of and during the slavery period

What is sad is how his head henchman from Britbart news Mr Banyon has publicly stated he wants to create chaos and anarchy in the US.   T tump has divided this nation... its the sad truth but he has divided my mother and me... she is a victim of fox news I am afraid...  all the news outlets in the US are owned by 6  people.  I'm afraid at this time twitter is the best news source.   Even super conservative dick head Sen Jason Chaffetz from Utah is wanting to pass legislation to get a independent medical evaluation for the president or anyone who can have the nuclear codes.    This is a big mess and I hope impeachment happens quickly  

Of course. The election is over. The insane clown is installed. The issue now is how to get him to go away. 

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2 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:



My list would be more like the following. These below are the kind of people who don't belong in the U.S.  And if these kinds of episodes are what Islamic extremism leads people to do, then I certainly hope the U.S. is going to do everything it can to keep people OUT who harbor those kinds of ideologies.


Perhaps a lot of non-Americans reading here might not even be aware that all these attacks have occurred in the U.S. in recent years by Muslim assailants with varying elements of Muslim/Islamic extremism or inspiration involved--including the first three all in just the past year. The U.S. certainly doesn't need more.



49 killed, 53 wounded -- terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslim



13 wounded in car ramming & mass stabbing -- terrorist attack by Muslim/Somali emigrant



10 wounded in mass stabbing -- terrorist attack by Muslim/Somali refugee



14 killed, 22 wounded - terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslims



13 killed, more than 30 wounded -- terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslim


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50 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


49 killed, 53 wounded -- terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslim



13 wounded in car ramming & mass stabbing -- terrorist attack by Muslim/Somali emigrant



10 wounded in mass stabbing -- terrorist attack by Muslim/Somali refugee



14 killed, 22 wounded - terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslims



13 killed, more than 30 wounded -- terrorist shooting attack by U.S. born Muslim


Afghan, Somali, Kenyan, Pakistani, Palestinian.  The ban doesn't seem very well targeted.

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Everyone should watch this video. Sorry, can't embed this kind of video. This wonderful Iraqi family man compares trump to Saddam Hussein. YEP!

Quite possibly the most ATROCIOUS start to a presidency in U.S. history. Americans, how can you think this nasty insane clown is going to make us great? 


Or safer. Imagine all the people in the world now that hate Americans much more thanks to the actions of trump ... and he's just started. This makes us safer? Seriously?  


Has Donald Trump Heard This Iraqi Family's Story?

The family sold everything to come to the United States, only to be stopped at the airport on Friday.




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To add, there are protests now about this all over the U.S. and a big protest right now in D.C. (capital and white house).


This wasn't a normal election. trump is not a normal president. This won't be a normal presidency. Where it leads ... who knows? 



“These orders go against what America has always been about,”

Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer



President Trump’s refugee ban is an affront to American values


Mr. Trump’s actions pander to rage and fear of outsiders. Yet our long history shows these fears are unfounded. The diversity, experience and striving of immigrants and refugees have immeasurably strengthened the United States; outbursts of anti-alien sentiment have only weakened it.




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1 hour ago, Richard W said:

Afghan, Somali, Kenyan, Pakistani, Palestinian.  The ban doesn't seem very well targeted.


The list came from the last administration as "countries of particular concern."  Where was all the hupla then?




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32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The list came from the last administration as "countries of particular concern."  Where was all the hupla then?




Which would mean that as a country of particular concern, they would already be subjected to stringent measures before being admitted to the US.   



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29 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


The list came from the last administration as "countries of particular concern."  Where was all the hupla then?




(a) There was advance notice before it came into force.

(b) It only affected visa waiver - visas were still possible, and visas weren't cancelled.


The banning of green card holders was particularly  unpleasant.  Will the administration be given the benefit of the doubt, and put down merely to gross incompetence?

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