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SWEDEN AT BREAKING POINT: Police make urgent plea for help as violent crime spirals

Jonathan Fairfield

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The UN, the EU, and many other countries have offered to house legitimate refugees in Jordan, Turkey and elsewhere close to Syria. To go through dozens of countries to reach Sweden beggars belief in the term genuine refugee. Illegal economic migrant springs to mind. The only thing you have to worry about in Thailand is having a few southerners or Chinese militants who may want to blow you up. Other than that, you live in a tax haven, free from having your hard earned readies squandered by a silly left wing joke of a government. Dear Angela is soon to get the boot and soon your squandering govt will also join the ranks of the unemployed. But the spongers will still be there and your countrymen will have to bear the wrath of extremism should the readies be not provided to early paradise seekers.

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21 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


A lot of people seem to think that refugees are not choosing the first country nearby that will take them, they are, the problem being that those countries have already taken millions and now are full, literally full, not full in the sense that the likes of the UK claim to be, but full in the sense that they literally haven't a single derelict building left that someone can shelter in.  Lebanon has taken over 1 million Syrians, increasing their population by 25%, the equivalent of the UK taking in 16 million people in the space of a couple of years!


But the Lebanon and Turkey aren't even remotely full as far as land mass goes. Like I said, the simplest and most effective solution is for the West to build and fund refugee camps in those countries. This would be financially attractive to the host countries, and it would be easy for the refugees to return home once the fighting stops.

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4 minutes ago, Khun Han said:


But the Lebanon and Turkey aren't even remotely full as far as land mass goes. Like I said, the simplest and most effective solution is for the West to build and fund refugee camps in those countries. This would be financially attractive to the host countries, and it would be easy for the refugees to return home once the fighting stops.


You want to put families in camps?  Quite the humanitarian.  The war could go on for years longer, and you would be happy to see children raised like an animal in a cage because you don't want them in your country, you are not a human.

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Living in an ethnically and similar religious camp somewhere safe in the middle east is safer than living in freezing Sweden in another version of a camp. Where race relations, lots of serial killers (your previous posts) and where the Citizens are becoming increasingly hostile. Where the govt will soon change and where your entire life now becomes insecure. But no doubt you will volunteer to house a few. Maybe a few muslems from Myanmar. Go for it hero.

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2 hours ago, FinChin67 said:

Not to mention when they give information out they make the immigrants look white. Just check pixelated photos from ANY Swedish newspaper (if you can read swedish which I highly doubt).


What is the value in being able to read Swedish? You must have very little in your life to value is you think that is the height of intellectual achievement.

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Tawan Dok Krating Daeng now shows his warts and all. What a load to shower a whole race of people who speak Swedish as intellectually low. Your previous high and mighty posts are now worthless. I don't know what country you come from but many of your citizens would now be cringing in embarrassment to read this post. But it was enlightening about you and your beliefs

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11 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


What is the value in being able to read Swedish? You must have very little in your life to value is you think that is the height of intellectual achievement.

If we talk about crises in Sweden it helps to read statistics (in Swedish) and news sources. The more languages you speak and can understand the better or am I wrong? English is not my native tongue which you can clearly notice but I think I can manage with it. So I can with Swedish and German and three others.

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16 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Crap is crap no matter what the language.


First you normalize neo-Nazism. Then you ignore community rules about how to carry on a discussion.


Your fear mongering is illuminating.

Do you have any arguments or just rants?

Edited by FinChin67
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5 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

If we talk about crises in Sweden it helps to read statistics (in Swedish) and news sources. The more languages you speak and can understand the better or am I wrong? English is not my native tongue which you can clearly notice but I think I can manage with it. So I can with Swedish and German and three others.


What relevance the language when you purposefully ignore data. I present data that refutes your hysterical hate mongering and you ignore it. You cite economic analysis that is not economic analysis and in fact is nowhere near numerate.


Since this forum is used by those with a connection with Thailand, speaking Thai as a second language seems to be of relevance. The other languages I speak are used outside Thailand for specific purposes. I write in English on this forum which is governed by a set of rules, including one that says only English is to be used.


Attempting to admonish someone for not speaking Swedish on a Thai based English language forum is a clear indicator of the irrelevance of your point of view.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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5 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:

Do you have any arguments or just rants?


I made an argument. I cited a research paper on the impact of immigration. That paper used econometric analysis. You could not understand the concept. You were unable to respond to the post. You continue to splatter nonsense reports from local papers around in an attempt to generate fear and hate.


Respond to my point before attempting to take us on tangents. Refute, empirically that immigration does not have a net benefit to host countries - including Sweden.

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3 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


I made an argument. I cited a research paper on the impact of immigration. That paper used econometric analysis. You could not understand the concept. You were unable to respond to the post. You continue to splatter nonsense reports from local papers around in an attempt to generate fear and hate.


Respond to my point before attempting to take us on tangents. Refute, empirically that immigration does not have a net benefit to host countries - including Sweden.

We are talking about Sweden and massive refugee influx. Nothing to do with your "research papers"..


Tell me how it is beneficial to host nation if you get 165000 people in from which 500 finds a job? Math please to support this. The cost per nose is minimum $100,- per day until they can do something (and please remember most of them has no skill whatsoever).

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Arguments? And here I was thinking that we were talking about civilised debating. And empirical? Only climate deniers use this language. Impacts on immigration are not available from the moslem community. They are available from educated, tolerant and inclusive communities that try to absorb, contribute and commit to their new country. Most countries rely on a verbal oath of allegiance to their new countries. Moslems will only swear allegiance to Allah. Try and work it out very slowly. The cost of anti terror containments outweighs any contribution from new muslem illegal refugees, including the cost of free education, housing and food handouts. And as many countries are now finding, even if the parent illegal migrants intend no harm, it is the children when forced to the reality that they need to work, often resort to terror. The kids don't fit in, they are low esteem, they are subjected to teasing in a totally different culture, their parents don't speak the native language, they become disaffected. And no social welfare agent will ever change that outcome. No culture will ever totally rise above distaining someone not of their own culture. You open arms agents need to get a grip on how basic culture works. You can bleat all you want, you can say that humans must arise above basic culture. It does not work, go to nSaudi Arabia and see how it really works. Or Japan for that matter. Totally diverse cultures do not, never have mixed. But bleat on and watch what you have helped create. And watch as some of your countrymen die for no good reason. 

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1 hour ago, Shawn0000 said:


You want to put families in camps?  Quite the humanitarian.  The war could go on for years longer, and you would be happy to see children raised like an animal in a cage because you don't want them in your country, you are not a human.


What a ridiculous reply! Children in cages??? :laugh: Not much of a drama queen, are you?


I'm not talking about tented cities, I'm talking about purpose-built camps.


Why are you obsessed with the notion that they have to go and live in first world countries where they will never integrate?


In my opinion, you are not human. You wish to impose huge numbers of displaced people on native populations of Europe, despite the fact that the culture and upbringing of these people teaches them to despise us (kuffars), so they set up separate parallel societies and don't intergrate, not even several generations down the line.


No, I think us paying for refugee camps close to their homeland is extremely civilised on our part.

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Khun Han. Don't worry that Shawn calls you names. He/she/it calls everyone names, maybe even its partner if they disagree. One thing for sure, it has an agenda that defies basic logic. And it loves it if you call it names back. Gives it even more grounds to call you more names. Somewhere deep in my suspicions, it has a muslem bent and is an agent of some caliphate. But no, that can't be right can it?

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5 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Khun Han. Don't worry that Shawn calls you names. He/she/it calls everyone names, maybe even its partner if they disagree. One thing for sure, it has an agenda that defies basic logic. And it loves it if you call it names back. Gives it even more grounds to call you more names. Somewhere deep in my suspicions, it has a muslem bent and is an agent of some caliphate. But no, that can't be right can it?

Do what I did, put it on the ignore list. Life is so much better and no worries about rising to the bait and getting a suspension.


Just push the ignore button, you know it makes sense.

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Scott, my deepest apologies for constantly straying from topic even if abstractly. Some posters beside me need to be reminded as well not to make disparaging remarks too maybe?  My Thai wife is trying to calm me down. I try but it is hard when provoked. Anyway, thanks for your even handed mediation. Cheers

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1 hour ago, FinChin67 said:

We are talking about Sweden and massive refugee influx. Nothing to do with your "research papers"..


Tell me how it is beneficial to host nation if you get 165000 people in from which 500 finds a job? Math please to support this. The cost per nose is minimum $100,- per day until they can do something (and please remember most of them has no skill whatsoever).


I have provided the 'math' twice already. The 'math' is universal. it applies to Sweden. You clearly lack the capacity to understand it since you do not bother to respond to the issue. I have discredited the source of your sill '500 jobs' nonsense and your endless hate-filled, anti-immigrant rants provide zero information about the employment skills of the refugee population. This places your finale sentence in clear jeopardy of being classed as more of the same garbage that you keep posting - whether it is your own particular brand of garbage or cut and pasted from anti-immigrant and white-superacist sources.


The link to the formula has been provided. Demonstrate that it is wrong or concede that immigration has a net benefit on host countries - the conclusion of EVERY study on this issue EVER done for EVERY  country.

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40 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Do what I did, put it on the ignore list. Life is so much better and no worries about rising to the bait and getting a suspension.


Just push the ignore button, you know it makes sense.


The cowards way out. Not able to cope with people confronting your anti-immigrant hate speech. Perhaps you might tell us what your familiarity with the Thaivisa menu has to do with the topic of  right wing hysteria about refugees in Sweden?


Perhaps you can tell us more about those good muslims you were twittering about.

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51 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

Khun Han. Don't worry that Shawn calls you names. He/she/it calls everyone names, maybe even its partner if they disagree. One thing for sure, it has an agenda that defies basic logic. And it loves it if you call it names back. Gives it even more grounds to call you more names. Somewhere deep in my suspicions, it has a muslem bent and is an agent of some caliphate. But no, that can't be right can it?


Someone doesn't take your anti-immigrant anti-muslim crap at face value so you allege that they have some 'muslim' in their background. What a grubby mind.


Your inflammatory misuse of pronouns is noted and can be dismissed as the conduct of a three year old.

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1 minute ago, FinChin67 said:

You did not provide anything that applies to situation in Sweden. Nothing.

Sweden is going down the drain. I trust even Swedish prime minister better than anything what you write. That is a lot...


Refugees, women and children demonstrating in Finland:

Oh sorry, my bad. ILLEGAL immigrants who claim to be underage >demanding< more money and to stop deportations. Clearly these people look like refugees...not. They had their applications rejected and they are demanding still free housing, money, food and health care (which they do get). 

You can just think how this makes the Finnish tax payers think...



Demonstrated that the calculation clearly explained and linked in my previous post that shows immigration provides a net benefit to host countries or concede the point. The mere fact that you do not have the intelligence to counter this extremely well researched article and ALL similar articles that prove in ALL cases that immigration has a net benefit to the host country is no defense. This study applies to Sweden and all other countries.


You got nothing to prove otherwise but empty, hollow and stupid words inspired by bigotry and prejudice. Pure hysteria. Pure beat up. Disgraceful normalization and empowerment of white suremicism.


Pretty easy I guess for cowards to attack refugees who have been stripped of everything. No guts to take on a real opponent I bet.

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You still online Daeng? Thought you would have died of shame a while back. You are another name caller. Can't help yourself as if you think name calling wins a debate, or in your case should I say argument. My misspelled words are deliberate. Think about all those satellites that hone in on the words of hate that you use. Now calm down, take an aspirin and go to sleep 

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4 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Demonstrated that the calculation clearly explained and linked in my previous post that shows immigration provides a net benefit to host countries or concede the point. The mere fact that you do not have the intelligence to counter this extremely well researched article and ALL similar articles that prove in ALL cases that immigration has a net benefit to the host country is no defense. This study applies to Sweden and all other countries.


You got nothing to prove otherwise but empty, hollow and stupid words inspired by bigotry and prejudice. Pure hysteria. Pure beat up. Disgraceful normalization and empowerment of white suremicism.


Pretty easy I guess for cowards to attack refugees who have been stripped of everything. No guts to take on a real opponent I bet.

Show the numbers that apply to Sweden and this refugee influx of 165000++

Here some numbers:

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I just leave this here from Finland...

Figures from Finland (Jan-Sep, 2015 vs 2016)
* foreigners who have Finnish citizenship/passports are counted as Finns.

Finns -3 %
Foreigners +26 %

Sexual offences
Finns -7 %
Foreigners +113 %

Finns -1,5 %
Foreigners +59 %

Sexual harassment
Finns +59 %
Foreigners +521 %


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1 hour ago, spiderorchid said:

Arguments? And here I was thinking that we were talking about civilised debating. And empirical? Only climate deniers use this language. Impacts on immigration are not available from the moslem community. They are available from educated, tolerant and inclusive communities that try to absorb, contribute and commit to their new country. Most countries rely on a verbal oath of allegiance to their new countries. Moslems will only swear allegiance to Allah. Try and work it out very slowly. The cost of anti terror containments outweighs any contribution from new muslem illegal refugees, including the cost of free education, housing and food handouts. And as many countries are now finding, even if the parent illegal migrants intend no harm, it is the children when forced to the reality that they need to work, often resort to terror. The kids don't fit in, they are low esteem, they are subjected to teasing in a totally different culture, their parents don't speak the native language, they become disaffected. And no social welfare agent will ever change that outcome. No culture will ever totally rise above distaining someone not of their own culture. You open arms agents need to get a grip on how basic culture works. You can bleat all you want, you can say that humans must arise above basic culture. It does not work, go to nSaudi Arabia and see how it really works. Or Japan for that matter. Totally diverse cultures do not, never have mixed. But bleat on and watch what you have helped create. And watch as some of your countrymen die for no good reason. 


Monocultural anti-diversity argument from someone in a mixed nationality marriage living in a foreign country. Amateur sociological analysis about cultural supremacy based on no evidence or rationale whatsoever. Merely bigotry at play.


Since you believe in the idea of cultural hegemony over the minority, we assume you speak, read and write Thai and are totally assimilated into the Thai culture. Or does your entirely baseless 'theory' only apply to dark skinned muslims?


You will find that all studies on immigration demonstrate a net benefit to the host country. All studies. Irrespective of whether immigrants come from muslim or non muslim countries. Your anti-immigrant and anti-muslim bigotry does not change this reality.

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6 minutes ago, FinChin67 said:


Sweden has 4% growth and 6% unemployment (an historic low).


So the MOF under budgeted sort term costs and this drives you to panic. Just more evidence that you have no business engaging in discussions about finance and economics. Way out of your league.


Reuters reports on increased borrowing by the Government of Sweden. Having worked in a number of Ministries of Finance, this is normal practice. Again, why the hysteria?


Reuters reports lily-livered comments by the Prime Minister who clearly is not able to manage this issue, so he should clear off and let someone with a clue take over.


Again, you refute nothing of the clear demonstration that immigration has a net benefit for host countries. Four times I have reminded you of this. You throw irrelevant numbers and news reports as a distraction from the fact that you are not capable of disproving this. The formula is clearly in the report which is linked to your response above.


Time to put up or shut up. Prove this assertion wrong. Or concede the point.

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17 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

You will find that all studies on immigration demonstrate a net benefit to the host country. All studies. Irrespective of whether immigrants come from muslim or non muslim countries. Your anti-immigrant and anti-muslim bigotry does not change this reality.

I wrote earlier that no European country so far applies the program of useful/guest immigration found in mostly Asians nations like Japan, HK or Singapore. in Europe hordes of random people  are admitted without any legal or prior screening and this creates complex amalgam of xenophobia, why the migration is mess in Europe because the leftist have plans to use it for their political agenda. no doubt the useful migrants pays the price of stigmatization, I notice that Muslims in Singapore behaves totally different from their European counterpart.

Edited by heroKK
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18 minutes ago, spiderorchid said:

You still online Daeng? Thought you would have died of shame a while back. You are another name caller. Can't help yourself as if you think name calling wins a debate, or in your case should I say argument. My misspelled words are deliberate. Think about all those satellites that hone in on the words of hate that you use. Now calm down, take an aspirin and go to sleep 


Who is Daeng. Since you clearly do not speak Thai, despite advocating for cultural hegemony over foreigners, you may want to ask your Thai friends the meaning of those words.


Sensitive about being called anti-immigrant? Get used to it. Funny how bigots object to being called bigots for saying bigoted things. Actually, not funny.


Time to stop whining about being called out for your hate speech and address the topic instead of the poster. Or are you another one who decides that the forum rules do not apply and appeals to Mommy when people point out that his foot is wedged firmly in his mouth.


Got any more gems about cultural hegemony to fight we nasty multiculturalists? Doubt it.

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