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Trump immigrant curbs cause chaos, panic, anger worldwide


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On 29/01/2017 at 3:57 PM, dunroaming said:

Theresa May has instructed Boris Johnson to contact his opposite number in Washington and condemn Trumps banning of the Muslim countries, same instruction for Amber Rudd.  Johnson has already condemned the actions as divisive and wrong.  A petition was instigated to get Trump's visit to Britain cancelled until he had dropped the stupid ban idea. They needed 100,000 signatures for it to be debated in the house of commons but within a very short time it was topping 300,000 and rising every minute.


Apparently Trump is frightened of meeting Prince Charles and said he wanted to avoid it on his State visit as he knows he will be pressured about climate change issues.  How brave! 

There's also a petition to invite him.


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7 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


All countries that Mr Trump has declared as at risk, were the same countries that the Obama administration declared.

So why is it that Mr Trump has declared the same countries that Obama stated as at high risk, we now see outrage?

Please explain?

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President Obama did no such thing, and if you would take the time to read something other than parroting what you hear on Fox News, you would know that.

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9 hours ago, LammyTS1 said:

"The bans affects travelers with passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen."


is this claim correct? In Oz it was today reported an Australian schoolboy with dual Oz/Iranian citizenship has been denied a visa for a school trip to the US. 


It has been reported at least one country on Trump's list does not permit citizens to nullify their citizenship, I believe it's Iran.

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13 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


All countries that Mr Trump has declared as at risk, were the same countries that the Obama administration declared.

So why is it that Mr Trump has declared the same countries that Obama stated as at high risk, we now see outrage?

Please explain?

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Their team lost the election and they are still crying and throwing tantrums.  The U.S is taking asylum seekers from Manus Island that Australia refused entry to.

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11 minutes ago, simple1 said:

is this claim correct? In Oz it was today reported an Australian schoolboy with dual Oz/Iranian citizenship has been denied a visa for a school trip to the US. 


It has been reported at least one country on Trump's list does not permit citizens to nullify their citizenship, I believe it's Iran.

Yes, and he was BORN in Australia, acquiring Iranian citizenship because his parents were from there.



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13 minutes ago, simple1 said:

is this claim correct? In Oz it was today reported an Australian schoolboy with dual Oz/Iranian citizenship has been denied a visa for a school trip to the US. 


It has been reported at least one country on Trump's list does not permit citizens to nullify their citizenship, I believe it's Iran.

Yes that is correct in Aust news today, the 17 yr old was born in Australia but has Iranian citizenship so he was banned from going on the school trip.

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8 hours ago, LammyTS1 said:


All countries that Mr Trump has declared as at risk, were the same countries that the Obama administration declared.

So why is it that Mr Trump has declared the same countries that Obama stated as at high risk, we now see outrage?

Please explain?

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The Obama administration simply increased the vetting procedures on countries they identified 'at' risk. They did NOT put a blanket ban on all citizens from those nations including many that now reside, live and work in the USA. THAT is why there is outrage at Trump. The very fact that you actually ask WHY is there outrage displays a complete lack of awareness on your part.


Yesterday the Acting Attorney General was 'fired' by Trump for stating that she could not force the Justice Department to defend the executive order signed by Trump as she was not even sure the order is actually legal. This shows that these executive orders are being thrown out without even the slightest bit of consultation with the appropriate Government Departments. If the US keep this up there could well be anarchy in 2 months. Are you really ready for the consequences of that?

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8 hours ago, katana said:


There's also a petition to invite him.


Yes, it has 56000 signatures all of whom I guess have the same intellectual capacity as the person that wrote the petition.



Donald Trump should be invited to make an official State Visit because he is the leader of a free world and U.K. is a country that supports free speech and does not believe that people that appose our point of view should be gagged.

I sapposed there would be people that appose the original petition.


Incidentally the petition to oppose the State visit by Trump is now at 1.65 Million signatures and counting.

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19 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Can we really call Donald Trump the leader of the "free world"? This is a guy who treats the media as "the opposition", vows to put America's interest first, and seeks to ban the worlds second largest religion.


1/ NO Trump is not the leader of the Free World ->   "Trump is Putin’s mouthpiece"




2/ NO Trump is not the leader of the Free World  ->  "Bannon and senior adviser Jared Kushner are the go-to people on national security issues for the administration, again despite the lack of experience, temperament or institutional support for either."




3/ NO Trump is not the leader of the Free World  ->  "Trump has chosen to start his stewardship of American foreign policy by criticizing America’s most important military alliance, NATO, and taking a cheap shot at one of its most important allies, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who happens to be the most respected leader in Europe by a wide margin."



Edited by Opl
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On 1/29/2017 at 9:18 AM, rooster59 said:

The action prompted fury from Arab travelers in the Middle East and North Africa who said it was humiliating and discriminatory. It drew widespread criticism from U.S. Western allies including France and Germany, Arab-American groups and human rights organizations.


Yes, they are all furious and hate America because it's evil and racist and, and, and they want to come there so bad.

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Trump's conflictual approach, however, is not without dangers, the confrontation on the Travel Ban will undoubtedly be worth to Trump an even more passionate support of his core supporters, who have made Washington and the establishment responsible for their difficulties. 

A survey by the Public Religion Research Institute published on 27 January showed that 50% of Republican voters consider that the number of immigrants coming from Muslim countries is too high, and that 23% are in favor of a total ban. The US Constitution prohibits discrimination based on religion. Democrats are only 9% wanting a "ban" (exclusion), and only 23% of them believe that there are too many Muslims among immigrants. The United States has less than 1% of people claiming to be Muslims.

Another survey by Quinnipiac University, published on January 12, confirms that  Trump's typical voter is most willing to oppose the arrival of migrants from areas plagued by terrorism. While a majority of respondents (48% versus 42%, across the panel) approve a suspension of arrivals, the biggest supporters among Republicans are white men, rather old and without academic qualifications .

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You can debate the legality of the order till you are blue in the face and it won't change anything

But the ametuerish way that it was implemented was the real disgrace

ICE was not notified, US Embassies were not notified and the airlines weren't notified until the last minute and the administration is trying to blame the travellers for coming to the US when they had perfectly good and legal visas

It really cracked me up when they tried to deflect the chaos at the airports to the Delta Airlines computer glitch

When Trump was asked why there was no prior notification he stated " he wanted to surprise the terrorists" who of course would then apply for visas before the implementation of the new rules

Telling is the very fact that this "surprise" was set in motion on a weekend

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The Donald is stealing all my best ideas, maybe I should start charging for them:


Mexico welcomed on Monday a senior US official's suggestion that drug cartels could pay for a controversial border wall, but the idea raised eyebrows in local media.

US President Donald Trump has angered Mexico by insisting that he will make the country pay for a massive barrier along the border, though he has yet to specify exactly how.

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said Sunday there was a "buffet of options" to fund the wall along the 2,000-mile (3,200-kilometer) border.

"There is no final conclusion on exactly how this wall is going to be paid for by the Mexican government," he told CBS's "Face the Nation."

"It can either be through a tax on goods coming across the border. It be through tax reform and a formula on import and export taxes and credits. It could be on drug cartels. And it could be on people that are coming here illegally and paying fines. Or it could be all of the above."

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan has estimated the wall's cost at between $12 and $15 billion.

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray, who was in Washington last week for talks with US officials, welcomed the suggestion that cartels pay for the wall.

Priebus did not explain how the authorities would get money from the cartels.

The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions that block Mexican drug lords' US assets.

Courts can also seize the funds of convicted kingpins.

US federal prosecutors, for example, are seeking a $14 billion forfeiture from Sinaloa drug cartel baron Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, who was extradited to New York on January 19, on the eve of Trump's inauguration.


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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, it has 56000 signatures all of whom I guess have the same intellectual capacity as the person that wrote the petition.


I sapposed there would be people that appose the original petition.


Incidentally the petition to oppose the State visit by Trump is now at 1.65 Million signatures and counting.

It's at 170,000 at present.

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It's now at 247k.

PS Most Britons back Donald Trump’s planned state visit to Britain, a poll has found.
The survey, conducted by YouGov for The Times, found 49 per cent of the British public supported Mr Trump’s UK visit with 36 per cent opposed
Continued http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/most-britons-back-donald-trumps-planned-state-visit-to-uk-poll-finds-a3455216.html

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On 31/1/2560 at 3:41 PM, SaintLouisBlues said:

I can think of many reasons for not wanting to meet Prince Charles but being "frightened" is something I hadn't previously considered

Don't forget Donald is frightened of slopes too. He had to hold Teresa's hand to descend the gentle gradient at The White House. The steps at Buckingham Palace will surely bring on a bout of vertigo.

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According to Kellyanne Conway. this is necessary to prevent another "Bowling Green Massacre", which would have been much worse without the heroic efforts of Frederick Douglass.


Looking forward to the Mark Walhberg film about this horrendous event.

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