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U.S. judge allows travelers who landed with visas to stay in country


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U.S. judge allows travelers who landed with visas to stay in country


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Demonstrators protesting U.S. Donald Trump's executive order travel ban greet arriving passengers at Logan Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. January 28, 2017. REUTERS/Brian Snyder


NEW YORK (Reuters) - A federal judge in Brooklyn, New York issued an emergency stay on Saturday that temporarily blocks the U.S. government from sending people out of the country after they have landed at a U.S. airport with valid visas.

The American Civil Liberties Union estimates the stay will affect 100 to 200 people detained at U.S. airports or in transit, but government lawyers could not confirm that number.

The ruling by Judge Ann Donnelly of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York came during a hearing called after President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-01-29
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Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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12 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

Jerk Judge....Let's make sure those entering

The United States in search of a better life 

and safety are not there to harm and destroy

The Country.....PC, no account, unverified 

visas are a joke and have been so for years.

it't time to keep the Citizens of US safe, if there

is a inconvenience for a matter of months, so

be it!!

You are aware some of these denied entry were legitimate green card holders and dual citizens? 


Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and gus?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL


This is just a ridiculous populist policy that resonated with some citizens of the US.  Definitely not all.

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55 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You are aware some of these denied entry were legitimate green card holders and dual citizens? 


Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and gus?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL


This is just a ridiculous populist policy that resonated with some citizens of the US.  Definitely not all.


I guess you changed the facts to help support your opinion. They WERE NOT dual citizens.



Edited by Smokin Joe
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10 minutes ago, Smokin Joe said:


I guess you changed the facts to help support your opinion. They WERE NOT dual citizens.






British citizens travelling to America on UK passports will be blocked from entering if they have dual-citizenship with countries targeted in Donald Trump's refugees banned.


The US State Department said that Britons with dual nationality with the countries Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen will be stopped at the American border for the next 90 days.





Officials also denied travellers with dual Canadian and Iranian citizenship from boarding planes in Canada that were headed the United States, she said.


“These are people that are coming in legally. They have jobs here and they have vehicles here,” she told Reuters. 



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8 minutes ago, jpinx said:

Is this how USA wants to be ? 


The EU is heading down this road very quickly, which is why UK is opting out. 

There is an immigration problem in Europe now.  But it's different from what's happening in the US.  Most immigrants just want to work and make money to send back home.  Few are criminals and few cause problems.  Though it does happen.  The US has much bigger problems than this that need addressing.  Trump should focus on those.  Making it such a broad action has hurt many that don't deserve it.  The US is, after all, a country of immigrants.

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There are reports on Twitter that CBP officers at at least 2 different airports - IAD and SFO - are ignoring the court order issued in NY and sending people back.A second order was issued by a Federal judge in Virginia which ordered the CBP to allow attorneys to meet those being detained (estimated at 60 people), and the CBP is refusing to allow access.


Here's a couple of Iranians who were released and allowed to enter:


Iranian detainees.JPG

Edited by WaywardWind
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3 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

There is an immigration problem in Europe now.  But it's different from what's happening in the US.  Most immigrants just want to work and make money to send back home.  Few are criminals and few cause problems.  Though it does happen.  The US has much bigger problems than this that need addressing.  Trump should focus on those.  Making it such a broad action has hurt many that don't deserve it.  The US is, after all, a country of immigrants.

Very true, and US would do well to address the underlying problems of education, etc., but that is a similar position that many other countries find themselves in nowadays.  Looking from the outside into the US makes one wonder if the cash that is burnt on "interventions" around the world would not be better used to heal the rifts between the social strata there.  There's no simple answer and no amout of posting on a forum is going to change anything, but the responses from the wide range of USA folks are - to say the least - interesting.  From bleeding heart, loony left to gun-toting, racist, illiterates....  USA is certainly a "special" place.  Come on guys -- we know you can do better,,,,,,,,  :)

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2 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

There are reports on Twitter that CBP officers at at least 2 different airports - IAD and SFO - are ignoring the court order issued in NY and sending people back.A second order was issued by a Federal judge in Virginia which ordered the CBP to allow attorneys to meet those being detained (estimated at 60 people), and the CBP is refusing to allow access.

I put it down to us Americans' devotion to the rule of law

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1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

Heretic. Although I'd have said "posturing"

If it makes you happy. ;)   I have a large familial investment in USA, Canada, and Mexico -- so I get the low-down on what's happening, or not,,,,, 

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11 minutes ago, jpinx said:

From bleeding heart, loony left to gun-toting, racist, illiterates.... 

You remembered to attach 'left' to the bleeding heart loonies, but you forgot to make clear that the gun toting, racist illiterates tend to be right wing - an oversight, I am sure.

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1 minute ago, SaintLouisBlues said:

The right-wing gun toting, racist illiterates are those "reds under the bed" we once heard so much about aren't they - Red being the Republican color?

Redshirts everywhere - including here - seem to be extreme to the point of lunacy and denial, but they'd have nothing to bounce off if the bleeding-hearts hadn't allowed so many people in who really were only displaced, not really refugees. But - then again - there would not have been so many of these displaced people if the righteous right had not reached out and stirred whichever pot of fermenting politics around the world.


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38 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


Only mention of Dual citizens affected is those dual citizens where both nationalities are not US citizenship. No US dual citizens were affected.

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Just now, SaintLouisBlues said:

I didn't realise you're an expert in what constitutes a refugee as well as everything else. I guess you're the author of the Wikipedia article on what constitutes a displaced person who has nevertheless crossed an international border?

 Refugee, Immigrant, Displaced person, and several other terms have been hijacked by various politicised bodies to mean what they want.  Add to that the confusing in the international media, and mix it all up with the usual translation issues and you have a perfect storm of mis-understandings. 



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41 minutes ago, WaywardWind said:

There are reports on Twitter that CBP officers at at least 2 different airports - IAD and SFO - are ignoring the court order issued in NY and sending people back.A second order was issued by a Federal judge in Virginia which ordered the CBP to allow attorneys to meet those being detained (estimated at 60 people), and the CBP is refusing to allow access.


Here's a couple of Iranians who were released and allowed to enter:


Iranian detainees.JPG

Oh, my! Reports on Twitter!  Move over, Moses. Truth has just arrived.

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2 hours ago, little mary sunshine said:

Jerk Judge....Let's make sure those entering

The United States in search of a better life 

and safety are not there to harm and destroy

The Country.....PC, no account, unverified 

visas are a joke and have been so for years.

it't time to keep the Citizens of US safe, if there

is a inconvenience for a matter of months, so

be it!!


Upholding the US Constitution is not an"inconvenience". You call the judge a jerk because she applied the law. Is it your intent to toss aside the US Constitution? Do you even understand what you are advocating? Had the judge not  upheld the law your right to the basic protections afforded by the US Constituion would have been shredded.  Did you even make an effort to read the ruling?  Of couse not. As is typical of so many people  in Thai Visa who hurl abuse, you did not read the ruling.This is a stay, and orders a hearing. It says that people who can LEGALLY enter, can do so. They are LEGALLY allowed to enter because they obtained visas and  were already vetted and checked out.  Harassing Iraqis who worked for the US government or military isn't helping the USA. 


Here is her ruling. Read it as many times as you have to, but know this; There are still some brave people around who will uphold and defend the US Constitution against those who wish to  revoke it. There are still some jurists who will apply the law.


1. The petitioners have a strong likelihood of success in establishing that the removal of the petitioner and others similarly situated violates their rights to Due Process and Equal Protection guaranteed by the United States Constitution;


2. There is imminent danger that, absent the stay of removal, there will be substantial and irreparable injury to refugees, visa-holders, and other individuals from nations subject to the January 27, 2017 Executive Order;


3. The issuance of the stay of removal will not injure the other parties interested in the proceeding;


4. It is appropriate and just that, pending completion of a hearing before the Court on the merits of the Petition, that the Respondents be enjoined and restrained from the commission of further acts and misconduct in violation of the Constitution as described in the Emergency Motion for Stay of Removal.


WHEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the respondents, their officers, agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and all members and persons acting in concert or participation with them, from the date of this Order, are  ENJOINED AND RESTRAINED from, in any manner or by any means, removing individuals with refugee applications approved by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services as part of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, holders of valid immigrant and non-immigrant visas, and other individuals from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen legally authorized to enter the United States.



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Just now, geriatrickid said:

Hmm. Did you inform your cult leader Trump the Immoral that he shouldn't use Twitter?

Best way possible for a president to go straight to the people and not let the media the media control his message. The twitter "reports" referred to above, however, were not sourced, mere rumors, and entirely out of context. An example of the problem Trump has rid himself of.

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Freedom is, to a great extent, predicated on one's income. 


When admitting more immigrants drives citizens (including recent legal immigrants) into poverty by flooding an already overloaded labor-market, with wages presently so low that millions of working-people qualify for food-stamp aid, such a policy not meet the spirit of the idea expressed. 


Then, there is terrorism.  ISIS has openly bragged they will infiltrate refugee-flows.  The FBI and CIA admitted the same - even during the Obama days.  Safe zones would allow us to help / save 12-times more people than bringing them to the USA.  Why not help more and keep Americans safe and job-secure at the same time?


2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Perhaps we should keep the citizens of the US safe by getting rid of assault rifles and gus?  Way more killed that way than by foreign terrorists! LOL

You mean taking those away from law-abiding citizens, so they cannot shoot back at terrorists and other criminals- right?

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Suddenly, I feel a little burst of pride in the American system.  


The Judicial Branch has kept the Executive Branch in check.  Just like it's supposed to work.


I suspect (hope?) we'll be seeing a lot of that.  The last half dozen presidents have taken on way too much power for one man.  Maybe we've finally reached a tipping point.


If, as other reports indicate, he's planning on reinstating black prisons, I hope he's brought up under war crimes and/or human rights violations. 

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While any country has a right and obligation to protect their borders- the execution of Trump's order shows the World just how disorganized this Administration is

Any foreigner that has a 'green card' is a permanent US resident and has been vetted before this Visa was granted,  Blocking entry to these people is wrong and if it holds up -people with green cards will not be able to leave the US lest they be denied return. This is a violation of the US Constitution since it restricts  freedom of travel..

The idea of properly vetting foreigners before giving them Visas is fine but those who already have them should not be excluded because someone feels that the Embassy Officials or Immigration and Naturalization are not doing their jobs. If tht is the case- I want to see Trump fire them but he won't and can't because they were handling the issuance of Visas ccording to american law. If Trump wants more stringet vetting- have the law amended and voted on by Congress.

Let's see now- Trump has been President since Jan 20 and has managed to piss off the Mexican Government: the whole Middle East; and China . Can it get any worse? It can and will

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I like that Donald doesn't give ample 60 day warnings before issuing such restrictions. There will be some teething problems at first but once they are sorted this will keep a lot of the bad guys and gals from striding into the US unhindered.

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The order of the judge is correct and protects the rights of people to enter who already have Green Cards; Immigrant and Non Immigrant Visas. Donald Trump's order violates the US Constitution and the judge's order upholds our Constitution. This has nothing to do with labels; political correctness or political affiliation. Trump is finding out he cannot do whatever he wants. He also has to obey the law and we will see more of these cases because Trump and his cabinet/advisors appear to be quite ignorant of the US Constitution.

Edited by Thaidream
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On Topic of Words on the SoL - That was from 180 yrs ago when only men in bright colored uniforms, standing in straight lines, firing 1 shot at a time were involved in wars while all the women and children were left safely behind.

It's a brand new world today. That statue is nothing more than a photo-op for tourists now.


President Trump is doing the right things AND he's NOT kissing anybody's ass or asking permission 1st.

Labeling America as a country of immigrants without labeling MOST countries the same is just narrow minded and stupid. By that definition, most of Europe is Muslim and Roman and everybody else is an immigrant.

Where's the world uproar at Australia for keeping all those "refugees" on that island until they could ship them off?

Where's the world uproar at all the Jewish/Israelis that fled Europe during WWII and are now trying to claim the country of Palestine as their own because the Palestinians allowed them to settle to avoid the Nazi death camps?


President Trump said flat out that he doesn't want people coming to America for the sole purpose of causing trouble. With new rules comes new adjustments and tweaking of the system.

He's 100% correct to tell Europe they screwed up and the US will NOT be doing the same thing.

Suck it up cupcake. :smile:

Edited by mrwebb8825
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Just now, Thaidream said:

The order of the judge is correct and protects the rights of people to enter who already have Green Cars; Immigrant and Non Immigrant Visas. Donald Trump's order violates the US Constitution and the judge's order upholds our Constitution. This has nothing to do with labels; political correctness or political affiliation. Trump is finding out he cannot do whatever he wants. He also has to obey the law and we will see more of these cases because Trump and his cabinet/advisors appear to be quite ignorant of the US Constitution.

If you care to read the constitution and the law - it clearly states that the POTUS has complete power and authority to block any non-citizen from entering the USA.


ETA: The Constitution of the United States does NOT cover people who are NOT citizens of the United States.

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4 minutes ago, mrwebb8825 said:

If you care to read the constitution and the law - it clearly states that the POTUS has complete power and authority to block any non-citizen from entering the USA.



Common sense vs savvy ness vs Us hole ness...what do they out of chaos order may come.. 

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