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Turning Bangkok into Geneva of Asia


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So, Thailand will host a Grand Prix, Pattaya wiil be a major Sports Centre, Phuket an International yachting base, Bangkok the new Venice but now the new Geneva, plus Thai to become the World's International language.  Not to mention being a major World power with a dormant aircraft carrier, submarines and things.   I think that the Junta have done pretty well in achieving that lot in such a short time and I am sure there is a lot more to come.

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There is every reason to believe that BKK can be the locus of conventions, international organisations, NGOs, symposia and  the like.


But the reason is not one the government acknowledges.


BKK is attractive because it offers relatively cheap sex with partners of every gender and specialty, booze, drugs, massage, etc.


Already the Internet gives groups the ability to convene electronically, but convention-goers want to get away from home at someone else's expense and party.

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25 minutes ago, zaphod reborn said:

Can't see international organizations ever considering Thailand as a venue for conferences until Thailand cleans up its human rights record.

You should check some of the local convention centres bookings...you may be surprised.

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5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

"Given the country’s checkered records on democracy, human rights and freedom of expression, this could be an uphill task. "


Or a delusional task not worth contemplating at all. 

The Swiss do have a history they did ignore the obvious during the Second World War and kept the business as usual sign up. So maybe it's possible to ignore the obvious. 

Edited by johninbkk71
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

He envisages Bangkok as a hub for international organizations and convention in the years to come. In his view, Bangkok should be able to compete with well-known niche cities of the world such as New York, London, Paris or Tokyo. And Geneva has been chosen.

First song writing and then extreme (well for his age anyways) exercising and now a brain fart. Talk about stimulation. I think you are looking at your next Prime Minister after elections. I can hardly wait for his next big revelation. Another Nero in the making. As the song goes "All the way" or something. 

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Why are they always like to be like someone else, why cant the junta just let Bangkok be Bangkok. The city already have its place in the world, why try to change it to something that it never can be. Why try to sanitize its streets of street food to look like Singapore but loose its tourism allure. Bangkok is Bangkok and not this junta nor the next ten juntas will be able to change it to Geneve.

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9 hours ago, dcnx said:

Unless they blow it up, start over from scratch, and a more evolved group of humans step in to run it, they can keep dreaming.


Otherwise, the red light districts will always be a hit.

Reverse course and start promoting the party central them with lot of fun, girls, guys.....whatever you want.  Now that would drive tourism!

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Ummmm, they don't even have a real transportation system.  And, you have to constantly look down when you are walking, so you don't break your ankle, then being at risk of a motorbike hitting you on the sidewalk, or being electrocuted from a hanging power line...no police presence or law enforcement.....the list is kind of endless.

You are talking billion and billions of dollars, and decades of competent people, and a solid political climate in order to guide the process.  I would guess the chances are less than .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 percent, and I'm being very optimistic, I would say.

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Bangkok, a stinky and overpoluted city that should change into Geneva and hosting more international agencies ???

The hell: this cant and will never happen and stay one of Prayuts dreams....I wonder where he get all these dreams from??

Prayut thinks he is livign in wonderland?!?!??!?!?

Poor guy as he fall every day back to reality and face all the shit in this country. But he should not cry: many other countries face this too but dont make a hub out of is!

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