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Trump faces tide of criticism, protests, legal challenges over travel bans


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I posted this in another thread, but worth repeating here:






How Many Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. Have Been Carried Out by Immigrants from the 7 Banned Muslim Countries?

Here’s a look back at the major terrorist attacks that have taken place on U.S. soil since 9/11, including the nationalities of the perpetrator, or perpetrators.


Of this list, zero fatal attacks were carried out by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban. Two attacks were carried out by individuals with ties to the seven countries: the 2006 UNC SUV attack, and the 2016 Ohio State University attack. Neither of those plots resulted in American deaths.



There are more important things to focus on.  This isn't one of them.  But Trump's trying to prove he sticks to his (bad) campaign promises.  Perhaps this is a time when we hope his promises are broken? LOL

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18 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Here was your post:

Hard to figure out what you are talking about.  I do lots of research.  Just point me in the right direction and be polite.  It is a requirement of the forum rules here.

Simply go to any alternative news site that has been conveying factual information for 20 years that most everyone laughed at for the last 18 years.  There are many. Listen to Trump's interviews regarding same. His ABC interview in the White House is a good one.  Recently,  surprisingly, even FOX News  recently admitted that there is no Muslim ban and most of Trump's recent presidential order was copied from Obama's previous executive order. The  Globalists are scared stiff and are currently spending billions of dollars to make Trump look incompetent and financing demonstrations, riots, and more.  Worldwide financial destruction is next perhaps starting with the stock markets!

Edited by Kabula
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2 hours ago, WaywardWind said:

You need to broaden your reading; the WH says 109 people, the CBP says "a couple hundred" were detained on arriving in the US. Some were released, but many were put on the first plane out and deported - even people who were US permanent residents with green cards.


Beyond those, there were thousands who learned when they went to airports in their home countries that their visas were revoked, including people scheduled for emergency medical treatment in the US.


Do not ever insinuate that this is a minor temporary inconvenience which will be corrected.  People will die because of this order.

Why are some people against this decision to ban Muslims from certain countries, yet no riots/ protest by these same people against many Muslim countries who have banned the entry of Isrealis.

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18 hours ago, performance said:

Immigration must end US and AU the free rides over. We do not want you 

Immigration when it suits you?  And when you are crying for skilled immigrants, just resist the temptation and let a more enlightened country take a fair share of immigrants in while you take none and watch that smarter country go ahead of you.  It's truly weird that there are whackos in Australia and the U.S.  demanding a ban on immigration when immigration has served those countries well.  And while it might be happening now in the U.S., Australia, for all of its faults will hopefully resist that idiotic isolationist mindset as most Australians know quite well, that without migration the country will sink further.

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1 minute ago, nontabury said:

Why are some people against this decision to ban Muslims from certain countries, yet no riots/ protest by these same people against many Muslim countries who have banned the entry of Isrealis.

Why did many Western countries impose sanctions on Myanmar for human rights abuses while Suu Kyi was locked up but happily dealt with China where human rights abuses are exponentially worse? The answer is that Myanmar doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things for those countries, so they can afford to be self-righteous. People always selectively wring their hands - there's an emotional overload they can't handle if they strive for consistency

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6 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

Wonder when those same "muslim majority" countries will get rid of their own ban on citizens from Israel or anyone that has visit Israel?

The protestitutes wouldn't even be there if they weren't being paid.  Let them protest, it's fun watching them be sprayed in the face with pepper! 

They won't but decent Americans feel strongly we are BETTER than those nations, but tragically trump is showing the world we really aren't. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They won't but decent Americans feel strongly we are BETTER than those nations, but tragically trump is showing the world we really aren't. 

So you admit to being a racist: Americans are better than those nations!.......Yep, sums up the lunatic leftists, just as bad as the people you complain and protest about

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1 minute ago, Time Traveller said:

So you admit to being a racist: Americans are better than those nations!.......Yep, sums up the lunatic leftists, just as bad as the people you complain and protest about

No such thing. It's about the U.S. constitution and our values. The opposite of the trumpist movement that is deeply infected with white supremacists, racists, alt-right (meaning WHITE power right), KKK, fascists, and Nazis. Your post was so obnoxious that it's an express train to my ignore list. Ba bye. 

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5 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No such thing. It's about the U.S. constitution and our values. The opposite of the trumpist movement that is deeply infected with white supremacists, racists, alt-right (meaning WHITE power right), KKK, fascists, and Nazis. Your post was so obnoxious that it's an express train to my ignore list. Ba bye. 

Values ? Oh yeah right when Obama did the same thing we remember you lecturing everyone about "American values".

And when Obama bombed hospitals and weddings, and also killed civillians in countries that are not even at war with the US...?  Yep,  more of those American values. Obnoxious, maybe, but I sure see hypocrisy when it stinks out the forum.

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the history of american is not all clean and clear we are just going back to the way we were

After an initial wave of immigration from China following the California Gold Rush, Congress passed a series of laws culminating in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, banning virtually all immigration from China until the law's repeal in 1943. 

In 1921, the Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The 1924 Act was aimed at further restricting immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, particularly Jews, Italians, and Slavs, who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s, and consolidated the prohibition of Asian immigration.[23]

 Most of the Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis and World War II were barred from coming to the United States.[28] In the post-war era, the Justice Department launched Operation Wetback, under which 1,075,168 Mexicans were deported in 1954.[2  

this is just a continuation of american domestic policy as the locals see fit. no different from current china policy on foreign immigration.

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20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

They won't but decent Americans feel strongly we are BETTER than those nations, but tragically trump is showing the world we really aren't. 

What do you think those Muslim countries think.

1/ The USA is Better than us.so we must change our ways to theirs.

2/ The USA and its people are weaker than us,so let's exploit that weakness.

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23 hours ago, Kabula said:

Simply go to any alternative news site that has been conveying factual information for 20 years that most everyone laughed at for the last 18 years.  There are many. Listen to Trump's interviews regarding same. His ABC interview in the White House is a good one.  Recently,  surprisingly, even FOX News  recently admitted that there is no Muslim ban and most of Trump's recent presidential order was copied from Obama's previous executive order. The  Globalists are scared stiff and are currently spending billions of dollars to make Trump look incompetent and financing demonstrations, riots, and more.  Worldwide financial destruction is next perhaps starting with the stock markets!

ABC is hardly an alternative news site.  Neither is Fox...well...normally. LOL


Globalists aren't spending billions of dollars to make Trump look incompetent. He's quite capable of doing that all by himself! :cheesy:

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4 minutes ago, nontabury said:

 Whose in denial?


He's talking about a whole slew of actions to be taken regarding illegal immigration.  Never heard the mention of a wall.  And they were proposals put together by a commission who studied the problems.  Not by a president trying to implement his campaign promises....whether they are good or not. 


Fake title on the video.  You should vet your sources better.

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44 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He's talking about a whole slew of actions to be taken regarding illegal immigration.  Never heard the mention of a wall.  And they were proposals put together by a commission who studied the problems.  Not by a president trying to implement his campaign promises....whether they are good or not. 


Fake title on the video.  You should vet your sources better.

Fair comment, but is the message dissimular to that that of Donald Trump.



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36 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Fair comment, but is the message dissimular to that that of Donald Trump.


Yes, and the actions taken by Trump are radical, to say the least.  Especially considering he didn't even consult senior officials before signing the executive order.  The result?  Mayhem.  He's going after countries with citizens that have not caused problems inside the US.  Our problem is at the border, not at the airport.

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On 1/30/2017 at 9:11 AM, Usernames said:

Let's hope they ban US soldiers too. And we'll see Iraq do its best Libya impersonation.

This would be great. Keep the US noses out of their politics would make the world a better place. Then these countries would also (like the US) get the government they deserve.


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On 1/30/2017 at 11:47 AM, jcsmith said:

Trump is heading in that direction. He, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon very clearly have a problem differentiating between normal muslims and islamic extremics. They are ready to give unconditional support to the right wing extemists in Israel. He has openly said we should have taken the oil in Iraq and that maybe we will have another chance. He looks to be ready to side with Russia in his battle. And while this is all happening he tweets about how Christians are being murdered in the Middle East and this must stop. It is quite obvious what he is trying to do. He's painting an us vs. them image that is not based on facts, but on his alternative facts. He appointed Mike Flynn whose son himself was on Twitter calling this a muslim ban yesterday, and who has himself said that, "1.6 billion people are infected with the vicious cancer of islam". He's clearly moving towards a war on the muslim faith.

At the time Hitler made those comments he was not ruler in Germany but was on the rise to power, much like Trump.There are also other similarities. Hitler did not like immigrants from Poland and called them thieves and rapists and want to stop them immigrating into Germany. That sounds familiar doesn't it. He also said he would make Germany great again. Also sounds familiar. It remains to be seen where Trump takes the world. We can only pray that it is not to WW lll because the similarities are uncanny.

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Looks like this travel ban is over.  Hopefully, Trump and his team will learn to work within the political system in place, not try to go around it.  Huge loss of face for Trump.





Trump just got checked and balanced

The rapid halting of President Donald Trump's immigration order has given him his first exposure to the limits on his presidential power, a sharp awakening for a real estate mogul accustomed to the wide unilateral prerogative of a chief executive.


With the order mired in legal challenge and travelers again weighed with uncertainty, Trump is facing his first run-in with a system of federal checks and balances.
The fresh uncertainty over the order illustrated again the chaotic fallout of the new President's intent in rapidly fulfilling his most controversial campaign promises.





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From the same article:



But with the judge's ruling on Friday evening, even Trump's own appointees will be forced to follow the court's order. Less than three hours after the decision was handed down, Customs and Border Protection officials told representatives from major air carriers they could allow previously banned passengers to board flights bound for the US.
The Department of Homeland Security, headed by Trump pick John Kelly, said it is suspending implementation of the order, even as it insisted the ban was "lawful and appropriate."


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You do realize that the DOJ will challenge the ruling after the weekend? This is far from over.



On Trial: Why Trump’s Immigration Ban Will Win Over Seattle Judge’s Nationwide Order

On Friday, a Boston federal judge issued a 21 page decision debunking the arguments against Trump’s Executive Order suspending migration from certain countries pending further review.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

You do realize that the DOJ will challenge the ruling after the weekend? This is far from over.



On Trial: Why Trump’s Immigration Ban Will Win Over Seattle Judge’s Nationwide Order

On Friday, a Boston federal judge issued a 21 page decision debunking the arguments against Trump’s Executive Order suspending migration from certain countries pending further review.


Sounds like a child throwing a temper tantrum because they didn't get their way.  Amazing the Trump cheerleaders can't see this clearly.


From my CNN link.  They are acting totally unprofessional.  It's an embarrassment.


Back in Washington, Trump's press secretary, Sean Spicer, issued a statement around 10 p.m. ET Friday night announcing the Justice Department intended to "file an emergency stay of this outrageous order and defend the executive order of the President." He updated his language moments later to remove the word "outrageous."


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