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Travel curbs show U.S. hatred of Muslims, say Islamist sympathisers - SITE


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So, some muslims are up in  arms about Trump not allowing them to come to the U.S..   Why?  If a country does not want you , why  are you so hellbent on going. To top it off,  chances are very few of them are able to go anyway.  If they are not refugees, they have no way of going to the U.S.. They couldn't afford it.  

 Countries like Iraq are saying that they may stop visas being issued to Americans. That is really a shame.  " I hear Baghdad is lovely this time of year". The only time I have ever been to Iraq, there wasn't anyone checking visa's anyway. All 10,000 of us gained entry without one. If I remember correctly, the Brits and Canadians and a few others were allowed visa free entries also..


Edited by kowpot
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" There are radical segments within every religion.  Most Muslims are not militants.  "


I've read that crap before, so only 10% are radical and only one in 10 of them are militant. Whats that make; about 20 million that want to kill everyone except those in their own caliph? Chances are that only 1% of the muslims coming to America are gonna be a terrorist? No, America has to do what ever it can to safe guard its citizens, keeping maybe 2-300 from flying into the homeland is not that much to ask. Make America Great and Safe (MAGAS).

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1 hour ago, IAMHERE said:

" There are radical segments within every religion.  Most Muslims are not militants.  "


I've read that crap before, so only 10% are radical and only one in 10 of them are militant. Whats that make; about 20 million that want to kill everyone except those in their own caliph? Chances are that only 1% of the muslims coming to America are gonna be a terrorist? No, America has to do what ever it can to safe guard its citizens, keeping maybe 2-300 from flying into the homeland is not that much to ask. Make America Great and Safe (MAGAS).

From my link above.  This is much ado about nothing.


When we say barely, we mean BARELY. According to the CATO Institute, not one person from the seven countries included in the ban has killed anyone in a terror attack on US soil in the last 40 years. This includes refugees, as well.



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Focus on serious problems.  This isn't one of them.  It's just BS from his campaign that rallied the masses to vote for him.  Kinda like the guy in the Philippines or some of Thailand's previous PMs.  Populism at it's worst.






It's about America not becoming like Germany, France and a few other places in Europe. Look up no go zones. Why would america want refugees when Europe is the perfect example why not to take in refugees.


The Boston bombers were not born in the usa and we're recently granted citizenship.


Once your in America there is no going to immigration every 30 to 90 days once your in legally or illegally your in without not much to worry about. The police are not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship or if you are in the country illegally.


Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."[2]


it is a wide sweeping law so of course more Americans are included.

lastly the Boston bombers were recently granted citizenship and not native born.

reality is taking in refugees will cause problems.


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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Apart from Poverty and lack of Education? Both of which would eradicate fundamental Islam.

Climate change? And now Trump has the nuclear codes we are considered closest ever to a nuclear war in our history.

Fundamental Islam is a 'consequence' of problems that Governments could fix if they wished


Unfortunately, the governments of Muslim countries were fundamental and radical Islam are flourishing are either incapable or willing to stand up to the clerics and traditionalists who preach jihad against the demon West. Governments in non Muslim countries who have permitted large scale Muslim immigration now have the issue of first, second and third generations who are being radicalized.


Eradicating poverty and improving education are massive projects and something the socialist democrat liberals haven't made huge in roads on. Globalization relies on control. Lack of education, poverty and an opiate in the form of religion helps control the masses.


The ringer is climate change, which will do for us all.

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Interesting how this is being seized on by the left and claimed as racist Islamaphobia. 


But have all Muslims been banned - No. 


Have people from all Muslim countries been banned - No.


Did Obama administration identify the seven countries the ban affects in 2015 as security threats and impose restrictions?


All the left are doing is stirring up divisiveness, unrest, hatred and spinning things totally out of context because they refuse to accept or work with anyone in control but their own chosen one.


And the gullible jump on the bandwagon of half truths.

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17 minutes ago, thai3 said:

Why do so many Muslims want to go to Christian counties anyway??

A very good question especially as they don't want to assimilate and want their traditions and beliefs to be given top priority. A cynical person might say it was to infiltrate. They are doing a good job of it  at the moment.

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15 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

It's about America not becoming like Germany, France and a few other places in Europe. Look up no go zones. Why would america want refugees when Europe is the perfect example why not to take in refugees.


The Boston bombers were not born in the usa and we're recently granted citizenship.


Once your in America there is no going to immigration every 30 to 90 days once your in legally or illegally your in without not much to worry about. The police are not allowed to ask for proof of citizenship or if you are in the country illegally.


Under current United States law, set forth in the USA PATRIOT Act, acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."[2]


it is a wide sweeping law so of course more Americans are included.

lastly the Boston bombers were recently granted citizenship and not native born.

reality is taking in refugees will cause problems.


America will never be like Germany as we don't have borders like they do.  What about the Oklahoma bombings?  We kill more of our own people than immigrants do.  Right?  This travel ban is going after the wrong target.

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16 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Not Muslim directed.....Terror directed..... 


The ban includes 8% of the Muslim population, leaving 92% able to travel as normal - which was enumerated (countries as listed) & passed as bipartisan legislation in 2015.....


Then why isn't Saudi on the list? If it's 'terror directed' then surely the home nations of the 9/11 attackers would be on it:


Hijackers in the September 11 attacks. The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt and Lebanon

Also off the list are all muslim majority countries where Trump has business interests.


It's certainly not "terror directed". My opinion is that it is directed at muslims, but only in the scenario where this would not impact finances.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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I will have more respect for the Muslim community , the day that the integrate into other societys and when there is a Muslim terrorist attack they march down the street waving banners proclaiming "not in my name " and stating solidarity with their Christian and Jewish brothers . Untill this happens around the world , as other nations do ,then sorry i will never trust them ,and thats after 30 years of dealing with them .

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25 minutes ago, thai3 said:

That kid has been shopped into the pic for compassion effect, does not answer the question, why do they all want to go to Christian countries rather than Muslim ones?

A vast majority of Syrian refugees are in other Muslim countries.  Jordan and Turkey, I believe, have the most.  Germany also has a lot.


As you know, they'd rather not be refugees.  Eliminate the reason for them being refugees and you'll solve the problem.

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5 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

A vast majority of Syrian refugees are in other Muslim countries.  Jordan and Turkey, I believe, have the most.  Germany also has a lot.


As you know, they'd rather not be refugees.  Eliminate the reason for them being refugees and you'll solve the problem.


Around 95% are in adjoining muslim majority countries.




In total, 224,694 resettlement and other admission pathways have been pledged globally since the start of the Syria crisis, which equates to a mere 4.7% of the total population of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey.

Note *pledged*, actual current level is lower.


Germany has *pledged* the most in Europe, but still not 'a lot':


  • Germany has pledged 43,431 places for Syrian refugees via resettlement and other admission pathways; about 46% of the combined EU total.



More than 4.8 million Syrian refugees are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt


So Germany has less than 1%, and the whole of the EU has pledged around 2% of the CURRENT number taken in by the 5 muslim majority adjoining countries.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

A vast majority of Syrian refugees are in other Muslim countries.  Jordan and Turkey, I believe, have the most.  Germany also has a lot.


As you know, they'd rather not be refugees.  Eliminate the reason for them being refugees and you'll solve the problem.

How to eliminate Islam then?

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4 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

America will never be like Germany as we don't have borders like they do.  What about the Oklahoma bombings?  We kill more of our own people than immigrants do.  Right?  This travel ban is going after the wrong target.

There are American born terrorists I don't deny that buthe why do you deny that Europe has a big big problem they would not have if the refugees were not allowed in.

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Trump did what a good leader does he put safety of citizen,s in his homeland first and foremost. Every American should applaud him rather than persecute him.Prevention is the only way. What can countries like Germany,,France,,Italy  do now too late their citizens in their own countries now are second class citizen,s living in fear with little government support

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12 minutes ago, USPatriot said:

There are American born terrorists I don't deny that buthe why do you deny that Europe has a big big problem they would not have if the refugees were not allowed in.

I never said Europe doesn't have a big problem today.  They do!  But the US isn't like Europe.  And this topic is about the US and Trumps (failed) travel ban for a select number of countries.

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16 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I never said Europe doesn't have a big problem today.  They do!  But the US isn't like Europe.  And this topic is about the US and Trumps (failed) travel ban for a select number of countries.

So you feel we should sit back and wait do nothing and watch refugees come in and cause havoc  same as Europe before anythig is done. If Trump did that you would probably be shooting him down onTV for doing nothing to prevent it. Guys like you just like to try and argue actions by people you do not like are wrong.Does not matter what he does you will judge it as wrong. Take a break and look at reality

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