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Australian PM describes frank call with Trump after Washington Post reports angry exchange


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1 hour ago, dutchisaan said:

Like normally it's a nice bs talk from you. You keep saying that you don't support the donald, but than you keep defending him. If you are so open and don't take a side, than how come you never!!! say, or write something against the donald.

just keep dreaming, you're clown president you like so much will save you.


I just DID criticize him. That is the discussion that you are replying to. Did you even bother to read it?

I DO support him  (so far) now that he is president and I like much of what he is doing. What I actually said was that I would have rather had another candidate. However, I much preferred him to his rival. You can't get what you want, but you get what you need.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Please stay on topic.  We have a number of off-topic posts related to financial regulations.   They are off-topic, but it is clear that some thought were put into the posts.   I will let them remain, but that discussion might be better placed on the topic about the dollar.


This topic is about the US-Australia relations and situation.  

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I have one question for you folks who think any person that walks, takes a boat, plane, or train into another country and wants to stay should be allowed to stay.  How many do you want to take?  Please do give us a number.  Three fourths of the worlds population would probably like to relocate to the North America or Europe.  So what is the number?

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2 hours ago, Trouble said:

I have one question for you folks who think any person that walks, takes a boat, plane, or train into another country and wants to stay should be allowed to stay.  How many do you want to take?  Please do give us a number.  Three fourths of the worlds population would probably like to relocate to the North America or Europe.  So what is the number?

The number is set by the various gov'ts around the world and it is based on a series of criteria and different types of visas.   You have work visas, and work-related visas, you have business visas, tourist visas and resettlement visas.   You also have visas for family reunification/marriage and you have those who enter as refugees.  


The number for each category is generally set by the gov't.   In the US, I believe congress sets the number allowed to enter the US and then the president can set a number out of that total who can come as refugees.  The priority given to each category depends on the a variety of factors and some have to wait in the queue for years.   Others, such as a spouse, or parent of a minor child receive priority treatment.  


I have worked in many, many countries with wars and conflict and the vast majority of people I met in those countries had no desire to live in North America or Europe.   Quite a few weren't even interested in visiting.   


So, if you want a number, or want to have an influence on the number, get a hold of the relevant person in your gov't.  

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3 hours ago, Scott said:

The number is set by the various gov'ts around the world and it is based on a series of criteria and different types of visas.   You have work visas, and work-related visas, you have business visas, tourist visas and resettlement visas.   You also have visas for family reunification/marriage and you have those who enter as refugees.  


The number for each category is generally set by the gov't.   In the US, I believe congress sets the number allowed to enter the US and then the president can set a number out of that total who can come as refugees.  The priority given to each category depends on the a variety of factors and some have to wait in the queue for years.   Others, such as a spouse, or parent of a minor child receive priority treatment.  


I have worked in many, many countries with wars and conflict and the vast majority of people I met in those countries had no desire to live in North America or Europe.   Quite a few weren't even interested in visiting.   


So, if you want a number, or want to have an influence on the number, get a hold of the relevant person in your gov't.  

Trump has halved the US refugee intake to 50k p.a. Australia is currently still committed to current policy of approx 18,750 refugees, which includes humanitarian visa allocation p.a., by 2019, plus one off additional 12,000 places for Syrian refugees (so far majority are Christian).


For those who don't know, currently there are over 16 million refugees under UNHCR mandate, whereas only 107,051 were resettled globally in 2015. Puts the "queue" into perspective with the minimal resettlement place allocations being constantly reshuffled according to crisis management priorities.

Edited by simple1
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12 hours ago, giddyup said:

Is that the Anzob "tunnel of death"? No, it's the Tohid tunnel that's full of cracks and leaks like a sieve.

But ain't mud huts and not unique to Iran . Really curious why you're so intent on generalised denigration of anything to do with Muslims. You live in a predominately Muslim area of Pattaya and from my experience are good people - what's your problem?


By the way the period you were talking to during US domestic expansion was the same time the US was proactively supporting dictatorships in the M.E. and elsewhere who stole billions from their people and suppressed the majority of their people both economically and militarily. Policy, which in the longer term, led to the rapid expansion of radical Islam (all of them citing dictatorships as their target, not just Western countries), plus revolutionary forces in place such as Central America.



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1 hour ago, Scott said:

Halving the refugees will not impact on the overall numbers admitted to the US.   The refugee numbers are taken from the overall allotment of people who can enter the US.  

OK, but isn't the bottom line that the Trump Administration has cut it's refugee intake by half and as you have previously mentioned no humanitarian visa allocations.


Not asking you personally to comment on Trump's polices, though they do seem to be very mean spirited, not just on refugee matters.

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Yes, and it is most likely mean spirited.   The numbers once set do not have to be filled and in some years they certainly are not.   If Congress sets a specific number, then more people can be allowed in under different visas.  


It does not help the refugees whose options are limited, although those who have relatives in the US can come under family reunification visas, which is the general case even if they are a refugee.  


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WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a spate of annoying telephone pranks that has lasted nearly two weeks, heads of state from around the world have been receiving crank calls from someone claiming to be the President of the United States, the United Nations reported on Thursday.

According to the U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, who has fielded complaints about the crank calls, the caller has tormented leaders from Mexico, Australia, and many other countries.



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Donald Trump is about to learn that he cannot speak disrespectfully to World leaders and think that no one else is listening. It is obvious that the tenor and wording of his call was leaked to the press by an 'insider' who realizes that Trump's demeanor and way of discussing issues is not only imprudent but dangerous.

Trump and his inner circle may think he can do or say anything but he and they are wrong. There are many Amereicans who do no approve of the way Trump is conducting business and his Director of Homeland Security General Kelly has already provided 'waivers' for green card holders against the wishes of Mr. Bannon. 

If this charade continues more of his cabinet will turn against him and his party. As we speak, I am certain that there is a clandestine search for compromising information on Trump underway which will be used at the proper time to either impeach him or use the provisions of the Presidential Succession Act to declare him unfit. You just can't keep pissing off World leaders who are friends and the powerful American bureaucracy without blowback. The American intelligence agencies alone can get real nasty if they need to.

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On 2/6/2017 at 5:02 PM, Thaidream said:

Donald Trump is about to learn that he cannot speak disrespectfully to World leaders and think that no one else is listening. It is obvious that the tenor and wording of his call was leaked to the press by an 'insider' who realizes that Trump's demeanor and way of discussing issues is not only imprudent but dangerous.

Trump and his inner circle may think he can do or say anything but he and they are wrong. There are many Amereicans who do no approve of the way Trump is conducting business and his Director of Homeland Security General Kelly has already provided 'waivers' for green card holders against the wishes of Mr. Bannon. 

If this charade continues more of his cabinet will turn against him and his party. As we speak, I am certain that there is a clandestine search for compromising information on Trump underway which will be used at the proper time to either impeach him or use the provisions of the Presidential Succession Act to declare him unfit. You just can't keep pissing off World leaders who are friends and the powerful American bureaucracy without blowback. The American intelligence agencies alone can get real nasty if they need to.

If you decide  to take ownership of  a  mad  dog, declare it  has some pedigree and then it set it loose then there must be  some explanation.

Alternative  explanations  are that you are stupid, psychopathic, have an  ulterior  motive that is presumed  to be  a  secret secret, or  you  are  stupid enough to believe that  nobody will  realize  you  are  all of the above and believe the  majority accept the intent of the  real  masterminds  who  trained   you like  a dog  to  follow  commands which are much  more insidiously intended ! 

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Trump’s faux-pas diplomacy


The State Department is struggling to contain the fallout as Trump goes off topic in calls with foreign leaders.

“It was a difficult conversation, because he talks like he’s speaking publicly,” the official said. “It’s not the usual way heads of state speak to each other. He speaks with slogans, and the conversation was not completely organized.”


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