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Angelina Jolie slams Trump travel ban, calls for 'compassionate America'


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2 hours ago, mogandave said:

So DiCaprio is some kind of brilliant climatologist that the President should defer to?


I don't know whether DiCaprio is brilliant, but he's become one of hundreds of spokespeople for tens of thousands of climate scientests worldwide who concur that the world is in dire straits re; climate and much of that is human-caused.  If Bob Dole comes out to say Viagra is great, are you going to hate Dole because you hate hard-ons?  It makes as much sense.


1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

I wonder who ghost wrote that piece for her…probably one of the unemployed staffers on the clinton campaign. This woman hasn't got two nickels to rub together in the brains department.

And you know she's not smart because.....?   Oh, I know why, ...because she doesn't praise Trump and agree with all his (and Bannon's) edicts.  Trump supporters are in the same ugly rut that Trump is in:   everytime they hear something that doesn't heap praise on Trump, they hate the messenger.  There are lot of people already on Trump burgeoning hate list, ....yet there are millions more to add to that list.   Who will be the next person to speak out against one of Trump's hare-brained edicts?  Whomever it is, will surely be added to Trump's (and his fans') hate list.   What a sorry state of affairs the US is saddled with - with a mega-dufus like Trump at the helm - and we've only got through 2 weeks of his 224 week presidency.  It's like a forced wedding with a man-sized turd.

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21 hours ago, stevenl said:
On Friday, February 03, 2017 at 5:18 PM, JetsetBkk said:
I don't recall her complaining when Obama did it:
"The Department of Homeland Security today announced that it is continuing its implementation of the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015 with the addition of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen as three countries of concern, limiting Visa Waiver Program travel for certain individuals who have traveled to these countries. "

You don't see the difference between that and a travel ban?

Hmm, let me see... one difference is that Trump's is for 90 days and Obama's "Visa Waiver Program Improvement" and "Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015" was for a bit longer I believe.


As for the details, I'm sure you can enlighten us as I'm getting bored with Googling stuff.


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Hmm, let me see... one difference is that Trump's is for 90 days and Obama's "Visa Waiver Program Improvement" and "Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015" was for a bit longer I believe.
As for the details, I'm sure you can enlighten us as I'm getting bored with Googling stuff.

The main difference is between restrictions and ban.

sent using Tapatalk

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I don't hate him, you made that up. I don't hate anyone I don't know. All the hate comes from you lefties.

I'm guessing Bob Dole knows as much about erectile dysfunction as Leo knows about climatology.

It cracks me up the rich lefties that fly their private jets to their save the world summits.

F'n Hypocrites punishing the poor to make themselves feel special.
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In contrast, if another celebrity (like Ted Nugent) says something praising Our Dear Leader, the Trump and his fans celebrate from rooftops, as well as photo-ops and complimentary hotel stays at Trump Hotels, etc.    Trump's support is thinning day by day.  In a month, he'll be lucky to get a favorable mention from Tiny Tim.  Watch what happens at upcoming special events.  Normally, top stars are genuinely excited when asked to perform at Presidential functions.  All that's changed.  White House functions will be scraping the proverbial barrel, similar to the inauguration event, though worse.

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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

In contrast, if another celebrity (like Ted Nugent) says something praising Our Dear Leader, the Trump and his fans celebrate from rooftops, as well as photo-ops and complimentary hotel stays at Trump Hotels, etc.    Trump's support is thinning day by day.  In a month, he'll be lucky to get a favorable mention from Tiny Tim.  Watch what happens at upcoming special events.  Normally, top stars are genuinely excited when asked to perform at Presidential functions.  All that's changed.  White House functions will be scraping the proverbial barrel, similar to the inauguration event, though worse.

All the above assumes that actors, pop stars and the ilk are real people and not people, particularly actors, are not people who are just playing dress up for grown ups.

They make their fortunes being very good at pretending to be other people and who can tell when they are spouting off on politics, is it really them or someone they are playing and want you to believe it's them.

Politicians fall into the same category. Games for grown ups with dollars and pounds being the end aim.

Don't vote for any of them it only encourages them.

And here endeth tonights sermon.

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24 minutes ago, overherebc said:

All the above assumes that actors, pop stars and the ilk are real people and not people, particularly actors, are not people who are just playing dress up for grown ups.

They make their fortunes being very good at pretending to be other people and who can tell when they are spouting off on politics, is it really them or someone they are playing and want you to believe it's them.

Politicians fall into the same category. Games for grown ups with dollars and pounds being the end aim.

Don't vote for any of them it only encourages them.

And here endeth tonights sermon.

I tend to think of actors as being permanently auditioning, whether they are on a chat show or at an awards ceremony - they always want you to like them, give them a job or go see their movie.


I've only recently started to hear the phrase "virtue signalling" and it defines these actors perfectly:  "Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values by an individual done primarily to enhance their standing within a social group."


If you read the Wiki link (above), they give examples of "virtue signalling":



Cited examples of virtue signalling towards certain issues include:


Now, who can we think of who keeps changing his avatar?    cheesy.gif


Edited by JetsetBkk
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Ah, yes the actors.. we shouldn't listen to them and not make them governor or senator or even president, right?. 

It is just what side you are on in America  and how rich and famous someone is and that determines the willingness to take a person serious or not. 

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Nonsense. Ted Nugent is just as clueless and obnoxious as loony lefties like Madonna and Michael Moore. Most people could care less about their silly opinions on politics.


I wouldn't call Michael Moore clueless.   If you remember he went to quite a few places, including some where he was definitely unpopular and unwanted.   He watched, he learned and he listened.   He also came out with his prediction, based on what he saw and heard, that Trump would win.  


The assumption that someone is a somebody does not preclude them from have some knowledge and insight.   Just as somebodys can have an opinion, so can nobodys.  



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You may have a point, but when it comes to Michael Moore, I suspect that it is more of a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. However, he has gained a lot of credibility with the left because of it.

I do give him credit for some of his films, but have no respect for him otherwise.

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59 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

You may have a point, but when it comes to Michael Moore, I suspect that it is more of a case of a broken clock being right twice a day. However, he has gained a lot of credibility with the left because of it.

I do give him credit for some of his films, but have no respect for him otherwise.

Make no mistake, I have no affections for the guy and I have not been able to watch any of his documentaries all the way through.   He is, however, not uninformed.   He's like some of the members we have -- just a little bit too OTT for my taste.  

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On 2/4/2017 at 4:03 AM, boomerangutang said:

Similarly, Trump gained lots of a free publicity from newspapers.  One estimate:  $250 million worth during the campaign.

Yes he did. But that was the idea. Wikileaks exposed Podesta's collusion with the media  to set Trump up to be the straw man Hillary could beat and then once nominated tear him down,. Well it worked for a while but ultimately backfired. Plus he spent a third of Hillary's campaign.

Celebrities are of course entitled to their opinion but not sure they can really evaluate the truth on the ground when they can fly back to their Italian castles or island paradises where real life doesn't affect them

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