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Trump: U.S. will win appeal of judge's travel ban order


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Trump: U.S. will win appeal of judge's travel ban order

By Yeganeh Torbati and Steve Holland


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WASHINGTON/PALM BEACH, Fla (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said the Justice Department will win an appeal filed late Saturday of a judge's order lifting a travel ban he had imposed on citizens of seven mainly Muslim countries.

"We'll win. For the safety of the country, we'll win," he told reporters at his private Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida shortly after the Justice Department filed a notice that it intends to appeal the order.

Trump's personal attack on U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle went too far for some, who said the president was undermining an institution designed to check the power of the White House and Congress.

As the ban lifted, refugees and thousands of travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen who had been stopped in their tracks last weekend by Trump's executive order scrambled to get flights to quickly enter the United States.

The Justice Department did not say when it would file its appeal with the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals of the ruling made by Robart late on Friday that also lifted Trump's temporary ban imposed on refugee admissions.

The judge appointed by former Republican President George W. Bush questioned the constitutionality of Trump's order.

The three-judge panel that will decide whether to immediately block the ruling includes appointees of George W. Bush and two former Democratic presidents, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama.

"The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!" Trump said on Twitter early on Saturday. Trump has said "extreme vetting" of refugees and immigrants is needed to prevent terrorist attacks.

Throughout the day, Trump continued to criticize the decision in tweets. Late Saturday, Trump showed no signs of backing down. "The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!" he tweeted.

Trump’s tweets criticizing the judge’s decision could make it tougher for Justice Department attorneys as they seek to defend the executive order in Washington state and other courts, said Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, adding that presidents are usually circumspect about commenting on government litigation.

"It’s hard for the President to demand that courts respect his inherent authority when he is disrespecting the inherent authority of the judiciary. That certainly tends to poison the well for litigation," Turley said.


It is unusual for a president to attack a member of the judiciary, which the U.S. Constitution designates as a check to the power of the executive branch and Congress.

Reached by email Saturday, Robart declined comment on Trump's tweets.

Democratic U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont said in a statement Saturday that Trump's "hostility toward the rule of law is not just embarrassing, it is dangerous. He seems intent on precipitating a constitutional crisis."

"Read the 'so-called' Constitution," tweeted Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence committee.

In an interview with ABC scheduled to air on Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence said he did not think that Trump's criticisms of the judge undermined the separation of powers.

"I think the American people are very accustomed to this president speaking his mind and speaking very straight with them," Pence said, according to an excerpt of the interview.

The court ruling was the first move in what could be months of legal challenges to Trump's push to clamp down on immigration. His order set off chaos last week at airports across the United States where travelers were stranded and thousands of people gathered to protest.

Americans are divided over Trump's order. A Reuters/Ipsos poll this week showed 49 percent favored it while 41 percent did not.

Wes Parker, a retiree from Long Beach, California, held a sign saying "Trump is love" at the Los Angeles International Airport, and said he supported the tighter measures.

"We just have to support the travel pause," said Parker, 62. "If you were a new president coming in, wouldn't you want what you feel safe with?"

Rights groups, Democrats and U.S. allies have condemned the travel ban as discriminatory. On Saturday, there were protests against the immigrant curb in Washington, New York, Los Angeles and other cities.

At the White House, hundreds of protesters chanted "Donald, Donald can't you see? You're not welcome in D.C."


The sudden reversal of the ban catapulted would-be immigrants back to airports, with uncertainty over how long the window to enter the United States will remain open.

U.S. immigration advocacy groups including the American Civil Liberties Union on Saturday urged those with now valid visas from the seven nations "to consider rebooking travel to the United States immediately" because the ruling could be overturned or put on hold, while a U.S. State Department official said the department planned to admit refugees on Monday.

In Erbil, the capital of the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, Fuad Sharef and his family prepared to fly on Saturday to Istanbul and then New York before starting a new life in Nashville, Tennessee.

"I am very happy that we are going to travel today. Finally, we made it," said Sharef, who was stopped from boarding a New York-bound flight last week.

The Department of Homeland Security said on Saturday it would return to its normal procedures for screening travelers but that the Justice Department would file for an emergency stay of the order "at the earliest possible time."

Some travelers told Reuters they were cautious about the sudden change.

"I will not say if I have hope or not. I wait, watch and then I build my hopes," said Josephine Abu Assaleh, 60, who was stopped from entering the United States after landing in Philadelphia last week with five members of her family.

"We left the matter with the lawyers. When they tell us the decision has been canceled, we will decide whether to go back or not," she told Reuters in Damascus, speaking by telephone.

Virtually all refugees also were barred by Trump's order, upending the lives of thousands of people who have spent years seeking asylum in the United States.

Friday night's court decision sent refugee advocacy and resettlement agencies scrambling to help people in the pipeline.

Iraqi refugee Nizar al-Qassab, 52, told Reuters in Lebanon that his family had been due to travel to the United States for resettlement on Jan. 31. The trip was canceled two days before that and he was now waiting for a phone call from U.N. officials overseeing their case.

"It's in God's hands," he said.

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-02-05


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A few points:


'If the 9th Circuit declines to step in and block Robart's order, the Justice Department could seek a stay from the Supreme Court.That raises the prospect that the high court could deadlock, which would leave any 9th Circuit ruling in force.'

-So, could still go either way depending on 9th Circuit decision. Might come down to does the Justice Dept have legit legal grounds under the constitution? (Trump must get a majority appointed to his new Ministry of Truth /er, Supreme Court, raos raos...;)

'The federal government's motion rejects the states' argument that Trump's order violates the Constitution by discriminating against Muslims. "It does not favor Christian refugees at the expense of Muslims, but rather is neutral with respect to religion," Justice Department lawyers insist.'

-Meanwhile, what is the ban designed for according to Trump?

'Donald Trump, who claims the policy is intended to keep out terrorists, said in a speech on Friday that “we don’t want them here”.

-Okay, so keeping out terrorists, all good. So what have past immigrants from the 7 banned areas been up to in the US?

'Pew’s analysis also shows that many immigrants from the region now work in management (11%), healthcare (11%) or education (8%) – only 1% were unemployed as of 2012. Some have been able to become US citizens; only half of all US immigrants were naturalized as of 2012.'

-How many deadly terrorist attacks have been carried out by Muslim folks from the 7 banned areas?

'zero attacks were carried out by immigrants from the seven Muslim-majority countries targeted by the ban

-Uh, okay but Trump's also targeting folks from the countries who HAVE attacked us, right?

'From 9-11, of the 19 hijackers, 15 were from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.'


oops, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc were somehow missed on Trump's list...




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Appeals Court Denies Motion to Stay Halt of Trump Executive Order


The Trump administration's emergency motion for a stay of a Washington federal court's restraining order of President Trump's immigration executive order was denied.


The ruling means that a case filed by the State of Washington, which resulted in a nationwide halt to the Trump administration's executive order regarding immigration and travel restrictions for individuals from or who have visited certain countries, will remain in effect until the administration can further argue its case before the court.



Edited by mtls2005
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Meanwhile, while this nonsense remains on the front pages, more scum drains into the swamp.




The Senate voted strictly along party lines Friday morning to repeal a regulation requiring disclosures for the payments that energy companies make to foreign governments. The measure passed 52-47 in a pre-dawn vote. The Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) foreign payments rule was mandated by a key provision of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform bill and was meant to reduce corruption in resource-rich countries by detailing the royalties and other payments that oil, natural gas, coal and mineral companies make to governments.



You have to admire Bannon, he knows how to put on a dog and pony show, eh?


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Absolutely Trump will win.  Lets hope in the meantime no 'problems' get into USA posing as Refugees.


Question:  Why wasn't Obama's 6 month ban in 2012 also stopped??? Where was all the outrage then???

Answer: Anything done by a left-wing POTRUS is OK, but anything done by Trump will be challenged.

Reason:  The left-wing lost the election and they refuse to accept the People's decision.

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Oh dear...The Trumpser has been trumped. 

No doubt he will confirm that they are all bias republicans and are not patriotic for not doing what he the great redeemer has ordered. 

Edited by Roadman
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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Absolutely Trump will win.  Lets hope in the meantime no 'problems' get into USA posing as Refugees.


Question:  Why wasn't Obama's 6 month ban in 2012 also stopped??? Where was all the outrage then???

Answer: Anything done by a left-wing POTRUS is OK, but anything done by Trump will be challenged.

Reason:  The left-wing lost the election and they refuse to accept the People's decision.

Oh, yes, I forgot; the liberals control the media, the judiciary, and the establishment. It is a wonder how any conservative politician or policy ever gets anywhere. Poor little underprivileged, unrepresented, and unfairly treated conservatives.

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U.S. court denies request to immediately restore travel ban

By Yeganeh Torbati and Tom Perry



Protesters in U.S. cities rally against the travel ban President Donald Trump had imposed, while impacted travelers finally enter the U.S. after a judge lifts the restrictions. Jillian Kitchener reports.


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. appeal court late on Saturday denied a request from the U.S. Department of Justice to immediately restore a immigration order from President Donald Trump barring citizens from seven mainly Muslim countries and temporarily banning refugees.


Full story: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/967353-us-appeals-court-denies-request-to-immediately-restore-travel-ban/

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56 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

Being an eternal optimist I would like to imagine the judges, who constantly attempt to thwart Trump from carrying out the promises that put him in power, all washing dishes in Howard Johnson,s Motel chain ! 

So why not instead just imagine that the Judges exercise the wisdom, loyalty and patriotism for which they were so carefully selected for their current role. They are NOT there to do the beck and call of various Presidents, they are there on behalf of the US and it's constitution to uphold the law and to make everyone accountable to it. Perhaps if you deem yourself a patriot you should see the law that protects your country way above that of the whims of any transitory President. The Republicans and Trump supporters currently shame themselves and the US Flag by their reprehensible behaviour in a bid to secure their own material satisfactions whilst in exchange they are all happy to trample on the constitution and the flag and everything they stand for.


Whilst you all mock each other domestically in  partisan displays of hatred, the rest of the world laughs at you and your kin and the word 'American' is now almost accepted to being a word that precedes the punchline of a joke. As I saw one journalist write today, "It is not the lies of President Trump that are the problem, it is the millions of supporters that believe them".


If as everyone of the Trump supporters is saying the media are controlled by the left, the courts, the establishment the judiciary then why with such an overwhelming majority do the left not control the house and the senate? It is because what you all claim is preposterous and is used by Trump et al to sow their fascist agenda and sucker you all into the wolves den. The opposition to Trump and his megalomaniac master plan is also coming from within your own ranks. the sorry people that voted party before country who now know that the real job now is to keep the Republican majority in both houses and get rid of the clown and his team running the circus.


The reason you do not think of all these things instead of Judges washing dishes - because there is not a patriotic bone in your body and ever time you sing the national anthem and put your hand on your heart in fidelity, it is a lie and dishonours the constitution and the real America.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Absolutely Trump will win.  Lets hope in the meantime no 'problems' get into USA posing as Refugees.


Question:  Why wasn't Obama's 6 month ban in 2012 also stopped???

What 6 month ban is that then?

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When the Supreme court is reached, then prior to decision, stand by for a black flag op representing a terrorist attack on US soil from one of the 7 banned countries. It is Trumps next move............but wait, the CIA, normally responsible for such operations will probably tell Trump to ram it. According to Trump they are Nazi's after all.


Still fancy this guy to make 4 years? It's a good time for a bet with the bookies now.

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1 hour ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Absolutely Trump will win.  Lets hope in the meantime no 'problems' get into USA posing as Refugees.


Question:  Why wasn't Obama's 6 month ban in 2012 also stopped??? Where was all the outrage then???

Answer: Anything done by a left-wing POTRUS is OK, but anything done by Trump will be challenged.

Reason:  The left-wing lost the election and they refuse to accept the People's decision.

Trump is a wrong again. Zero attacks from anyone from these 7. Left wing is just you name calling. No real content not surprising.


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Okay, we all know the appeal was overturned.

However, doesn't everyone else see the subliminal messages in Trump's sound bites, e.g., “U.S. will win appeal of judge's travel ban order." As if it was the US against that judge and his decision.

Trump, of course, was unwittingly right; the US did win the appeal, it was overturned. It is not all about Trump.

Somehow, I just can’t get rid of the yearning to correlate Trump to Pavlov.

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And the so called federal judge has given the so called president decisive kick in the b*lls.  Trump tries to respond and gets another kick in the b*lls from the so called federal judges.  Of course according to certain Trumpsters here "Trump eats federal judges for breakfast!".

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It might take months for the case to go to the US Supreme Court - especially given the lack of any REAL urgency based on FACT (please do lie and/or misrepresent facts before the court) that the nation is not in a Clear and Present Danger from foreigners from the designated countries immigrating into the US so long as current vetting practices remain in place. Practically, the Trump administration must ask itself whether it really can in the infancy of its regime withstand a loss on immigration in the Supreme Court that will establish a precedent for all subsequent lower court decisions.


Trump would do best to learn from this particular judicial process to take a more deliberate and studied approach to immigration issues. But that would involve input and participation with & from the whole of the Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security and the Republican-congressional majority - something in which Trump's Lord of the Ring group of personal Leninist advisors might not prevail in their agenda.

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5 hours ago, Srikcir said:

Iractically, the Trump administration must ask itself whether it really can in the infancy of its regime withstand a loss on immigration in the Supreme Court that will establish a precedent for all subsequent lower court decisions.




It will not lose. It is perfectly legal and will prevail. It would be stupid to withdraw it now.

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12 hours ago, smotherb said:

Oh, yes, I forgot; the liberals control the media, the judiciary, and the establishment. It is a wonder how any conservative politician or policy ever gets anywhere. Poor little underprivileged, unrepresented, and unfairly treated conservatives.



Luckily, Americans are skeptical of these institutions. Therefore, conservatives control the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court and the White House. Liberals are the ones bawling now.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


It will not lose. It is perfectly legal and will prevail. It would be stupid to withdraw it now.

Apart from applying to be on Trumps close advisory team you should also apply for the SCOTUS slot as you seem to see through the legal minefield that all the high paid lawyers and Judges are getting bogged down in. If only Federal Judges could see things as clearly as you Ulysses.  :coffee1:

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Luckily, Americans are skeptical of these institutions. Therefore, conservatives control the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court and the White House. Liberals are the ones bawling now.

I seem to hear frequent conservative bawling of the same mantra--the media keeps picking on Trump

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21 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

When the Supreme court is reached, then prior to decision, stand by for a black flag op representing a terrorist attack on US soil from one of the 7 banned countries. It is Trumps next move............but wait, the CIA, normally responsible for such operations will probably tell Trump to ram it. According to Trump they are Nazi's after all.


Still fancy this guy to make 4 years? It's a good time for a bet with the bookies now.

At even money it's not worth the effort!   1513837.gif

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