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Interesting, but not surprised about Indians/Arabs. I have to believe bad business dealings lead to this rather than the smell aspects. Not lot one can do especially if the Govt won't make a stand.

It's definitely the smell aspect that is the problem for some condos, Sansiri is well known for this. It's not even about body odour so much, the main reason being the cooking.

Personally I'd have no problem with the smell of Indian cooking wafting through my condo block. The Indians might have a problem with me knocking on their door with a plate everyday though. :o

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I'm Indian but not Hindu. Making generalized accusation that caste system prevalent with all Indians is incorrect. All the major worldly religion and a few minor religions are there in India and none of the others religions except Hinduism practice caste systems.

Also, generalizing that all Indians stink is not correct too. I do know a lot of my fellow countrymen stink. And there are a lot others who don't. Also, I've been near stinking Chinese, Farangs, Koreans and even Thais. But, that does not mean all the folks from these countries are the same.

Yes, I think that one main source of body odour / odor [now who's the majority here Brits or Yanks :D? Don't want to offend either so used both words :o] is eating habits. At the place where I work, bus load of Korean tourists come everyday. Everyone dreads at the sight of entering a lift which is full of them. Mind you, this place is not majority Indians. It has many nationalities working here Thai, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Farangs (mixed). Whenever the Koreans enter the building, the entire place stinks of rotten pickle. Why? Kimchi's a traditional dish for them which they eat everyday with their food. The smell lingers well over 10 - 15 minutes after they clear the area. This smell so offensive that many people outrightly make a facial expression showing their disapproval of the smell coming.

Like a few mentioned, it definitely must be something to do with cooking as Indians like to add a lot of spices and this tends to emit a strong smell while cooking. I've seen a few people refused either rental or outright purchase of condos for this very reason. But, never have I heard anyone being refused for body odor/odour.

Like a few mentioned, it definitely must be something to do with cooking as Indians like to add a lot of spices and this tends to emit a strong smell while cooking. I've seen a few people refused either rental or outright purchase of condos for this very reason. But, never have I heard anyone being refused for body odor/odour.

I think the body odour thing is just an extra racist slant they like to chuck into the mix unfortunately.

Going back to a point I briefly touched on earlier, Sansiri may be using this policy to add a selling point to their condos. I bet it doesn't hurt them too much when they tell that oh so typical hi so Chinese-Thai couple that Indians aren't allowed to live there, in fact I would guess that many of them will be more tempted to sign up and buy precisely because of this policy.

I can see it being explained by the condo management so easily "No we don't allow any Indians here of course, we are an upmarket condo block, only farangs, Japanese, Chinese etc. allowed."

If these policies become more public knowledge than they already are, I would bet their condo sales would increase. Such is Thailand I'm afraid.


The hygiene thing is interesting. One of those delicate politically correct things. I have lived a very multicultural life and in my experience with Indian people, the body odor level is often linked to class and climate, not diet. I worked with many Indian engineers who ate lots of curries (as do I) and I never noticed their smell, pro or con. However, in experiences with lower class Indians in the US and Asia, I have been floored by a putrid smell, pretty much more so than other groups. We are talking odors that do indeed befoul rooms for long periods of time. I think it is wrong to ban people from housing based on nationality, but then, again, the nose don't lie.

These things are cultural, of course. I remember reading that in the American south in the 1800s, people who managed to fit in one bath a month were considered dandies ... One wonders about the olfactory details of their ancient sex life. I guess I am getting off topic.


I know quite a few Indians and Pakistanis, they dont stink, so it isnt everyone from those races.

Thailand - if you stink your not welcome!


Odor seems to have an important place in northern Thai culture. For at least one month after a baby is born everyone in our village living near the mother will take precautions to not create any strong odors in her vicinity since these could damage her health. When cooking odorous food my wife closes the door to the bedroom because she doesn't want odors to go there....and our bedroom door is quite removed from the kitchen so any odor that might (unlikely) go there would certainly dissipate in a short time.



What would you prefer:

1) General policy of no Indians

2) You have to sign a form saying you don't and won't smell bad, and if you do end up smelling bad they have the right to kick you out.

Either way its harsh, but if the people in the other condos don't want any smell...then what other options are there?

You may say "Well some white people smell too", true. But the white people who smell tend to be lower class, fat people that probably couldn't afford to move in anyways.

And honestly i havent meet that many Thai people who actually smell (BO), but they certainly can stink up the place with some of their dishes.

But then again most buildings have rules about certain kinds of Thai food that cannot be cooked (Durran (sp?) seems be common on this list)


well sometimes you understand, mayb with all the migra scams and sstuff withteh blacks, but still this is crazy...I just had some blacks move in across the halll in my condo, they are renting.....sometimes thier is a baby thier,sometiems they are gone for weeks at a time then come back, sometiems they are thier and no baby....even my thai maid was woudnering what they are up to......but the order thing I find that some thai will even smell of curry and the apicy foood they eat, some of it could be controled by the food they eat, but indians do have a smell that is natural only to them, but never noticed unless I was very close to one, never noticed walking down the hall in a hotel or anything...so do not under stand the ban for the condo, that seems it is way out of line....


Discrimination. Don't think so.

My friends Hotel Manager won't let them stay.

They used to, but the housekeepers started refusing to clean the rooms afterwords. Often trashed.

...and what about the French?

Shouldn't they be on the list too?


I have always been puzzled at the Thai attitude to Indians.

When you consider that most aspects of Thai culture, especially religion, have roots set in India.

The Koreans are far worse than Indians in the Pong factor. I have flown to Thailand twice from Korea. The planes just reeked of garlic.


I wonder if they try and keep Thais from the south out too. I love shrimp but I find southern thai dishes using shrimp paste is one of the worst smells out there and it lingers forever...

his reminds me of those signs you see in guest houses around this country "No Israelis Allowed".
Could be based on experience; Israeli tourists are notorious for making even English lager louts seem well-behaved. There was one Spanish jpurnalist in Barcelona some years back who accompanied a group of young Dutch package tourists on a holiday to the Costa Brava. When he asked the hotel staff how they stood for the antics of the Dutch she replied that the week before they had an Israelis football team, and after that anybody was a welcome respite.

Incidentally, what amazes me about this thread is not the attitude of the Thais who have until recently lived in a basically racially homogenous culture, but that of the expats. Possibly the improvement in race relations in the UK and US is because much of the racist scum has emigrated to Thailand.


This most likely is simply business driven,

When it comes to the bottom-line, any possible discrimination issues will most likely not be that important.

The smell of curry will go thru walls, just as if I continually practiced on a violin and it was clear I wasn't very good, and it impacted the lease / sale of adjacent units, it would just be a matter of time before " Musicians not allowed...", :o


"Indians and Pakistanis stink"


all these "experiences" sound a bit funny to me as they originate from people who used to wipe their butts with toilet paper after sh**** before being introduced to asian customs to wash them!


concerning body odour and curries = utmost bullsh***! after eating thai food (which i relish) my breath stinks like a water buffalo which hasn't seen any water in 12 months.

facit: GET REAL!

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