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3 day overstay on METV

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HI all, my first 90 days of METV will expire on 13 February but just stupidly booked my flight to Phenom Penh for the 16th.  Will it just be a fine at the airport?  BTW, I have a long history of SETVs and double entries in previous passports . In my latest passport I have 2 edu-visas and the METV.  Is there any need to worry about getting back in?

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By "90 days" reference, I assume you already obtained one extension to the 60-days you received on your METV-entry.


Go to your nearest immigration office and apply for an extension, which will be denied.  Bring your plane-ticket to show, though they may not ask to see it.  It will cost 1900 Baht.  You will have 7 days to leave the country, and will not be on overstay. 

Edited by JackThompson
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1 minute ago, stephen tracy said:

Thanks fellas.  Do you think the 3 day overstay will prevent me getting back in to Thailand via DM or Swampy?

Why do want to pay 1500bht in overstay fines with the risk what it carries when for 400bht more you can do what has been suggested in post 3? And nobody can give you a 100% cast iron guarantee what will happen when you return.

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11 minutes ago, ThaiWai said:

Did you try to change the flight.  I did it once for 600 B.  You should try the airline before overstaying IMHO.

I did, but it costs mote to do that than to just pay the fine at the airport.  I think I'm gonna take UJ's advice on this one.  Eithet that or just leave on my expiry date and hand out and wait for my friend to turn up in PP.  If I can find a cheap guesthouse for 500 baht a night, it will make no difference financially.  Thanks for input from all by the way.  Steve

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you might consider taking a picture of your plane ticket with your phone just in case you run into the 'law' during your 3 day overstay.  not saying that will be a 'cure all' for an overstay issue but it might help (along with a fee of course).  not sure where you live but i've been stopped in check points in bangkok several times (in a taxi).  they've searched me but never cared at all about checking for overstay.  but these instances all happened before the new overstay rules (last stop/search was may 2016).

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Thank you Joe.  That has put my mind at rest.  Can't believe I was so stupid to mix up the dates.

I did the same thing last December. 1500฿ fine at immigration, fortunately had the cash in my pocket.
Felt totally stupid for my booking mistake, just like you.
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