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Thai Police ordered to smarten up their act


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53 minutes ago, hobz said:

Bodycams can be great, problem is that the corrupt cops will "forget" turning them on and there will be nobody to enforce that they use them correctly.


They need a new anti corruption unit that goes undercover to pay bribes etc and severe jail sentences to cops being found guilty of accepting bribes

There is no "they" ....."They" are all  as corrupt as one another.

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Sure the police has to be more aware of their image and will wear body cam it is ok so we also wear body cam and it is all fair game but one thing we forget we do not have any right like any other country we visit or live.

To be polite with them will also be a good return in monetary way they might not ask or order tea money.

Got checked out at a check point did not say a word and smile gave my international license the police tried to get me to say anything i just smile and he did figure out i do not speak or understand the language so he wave me true.

It was a good day.

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1 hour ago, hobz said:

Bodycams can be great, problem is that the corrupt cops will "forget" turning them on and there will be nobody to enforce that they use them correctly.


They need a new anti corruption unit that goes undercover to pay bribes etc and severe jail sentences to cops being found guilty of accepting bribes


No. They would not turn them on, for fear of being implicated in the multitudinous violations they commit daily. Of course they would never be prosecuted anyway. But, why implicate yourself if you do not have to?

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4 hours ago, waldroj said:

"...work with the public for the mutual benefit of everyone not just themselves..."


As damning an indictment of their endemic corruption as you are ever likely to see !!! 


And just when is this six-point plan likely to "take off" ??? 



NOW I KNOW why all those photos of officials in uniform have a paratroop badge !!   

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Interesting move! when the good man seized power (for the good of democracy and the people!) he stated he would Not be trying to stamp out corruption in the Police as it was too entrenched and endemic, guess he is going to be around a while longer if he is now going to "smarten" up the police! When you expect others to "smarten up" it helps to lead by example! :shock1:

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6 hours ago, leeneeds said:

ROOT out corruption,  any pumpkin can see this order will 

be ignored.

To reinforce your argument, I was at the lights the other day while 2 policemen on bikes were in the cue of bikes as well.

There were children and parents everywhere on bikes, as school just got out-- with no helmets, the police did not blink.   :post-4641-1156693976:


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I guess these cameras will be conveniently turned off when they go around to all the bars every month to collect their protection money. This is so common, it makes you wonder why nobody has ever been charged. Just ask the bar owners, on the side with a hidden camera

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

My only conclusion is that there was a quid pro quo between the govt. and the police way back when. We will pay you a dismal salary, which is far less than a living wage. We will ask you to pay for alot of your own equipment, from your meager salary. In exchange, you are free to do as you please, and will never, ever be prosecuted for any crime. Ever. Sound fair? 


So, with this mentality, and this kind of lack of respect from the powers that be, how on earth is it possible to reform this band of charlatans? They are essentially revenue collection. Hope to stop that? Well, the government could come up with a trillion baht, to provide them with decent salaries, good equipment, forensic labs and training, etc. Will they do that? Of course not. Will things change and improve. Most likely not.


Little P. Moving Thailand backwards at an alarming pace. 


Reasonable synopsis. But the police are but a cog. A sometimes troublesome cog that sides with the wrong ones. However if you change them then you might affect the other cogs and they don't need changing - as we've seen.

Edited by Baerboxer
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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:


No. They would not turn them on, for fear of being implicated in the multitudinous violations they commit daily. Of course they would never be prosecuted anyway. But, why implicate yourself if you do not have to?

You mean yes. Just what i said :)

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You can train a young dog to act smart and being loyal. However, I doubt you can order a rookie in the force to act alike when he/she was born in a totally corrupt system in school, in society and in business. They will adopt all common practices from cheating in entry exams, buying positions, demanding and taking bribes and sloppy law enforcement the moment the host with the most is involved.  

Just google: History of the RTP after you read about the founder and his ambitions you know why it is as it is.

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Have heard this same thing ,over so many years,and

expect to hear it well into the future, as nothing ever

changes.when you have to pay to get the job and 

promotions,what can you expect.

regards worgeordie

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29 minutes ago, Ludo55 said:

I guess these cameras will be conveniently turned off when they go around to all the bars every month to collect their protection money. This is so common, it makes you wonder why nobody has ever been charged. Just ask the bar owners, on the side with a hidden camera

Because nobody in their right mind goes after the mafia, i mean the police. Try filming the cops with a hidden cam and then go to the station,, see how long you survive.

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Way,way too late.Without corruption,bribes,Threats,etc,the RTB will be crippled.

They are so far into that way of life now,that they depend on the 'extra's.In fact some of them couldn't live without them.many of them live,way beyond their means.After a century or two of keeping the uneducated,in their place and terrified,its now ingrained into their way of life. they will look upon this warning as a threat to their existence.The whole country is rife with the ugliness of vampires feeding off the common populace.The cattle,will always be fodder for their superiors.Thailand will never be corruption free,because its a god given right to those in power.Thats why it will always be 3rd world,and those in power,wouldn't want it any other way,and will  ensure that it never changes.

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Once again there are always most of the people with critic, sarcasm and funny comments that rule the forum. As you all can see, changes has been happening. More things are coming all the time. Some people that live up in the blue with thier comments, are questioning why the police and the corruption is not okey and gone after already 2 year. When something is rooted so hard for so long time, it´s nothing that happens under a short period of time. This thing that has started will take approx. 20-25 years to come into full effect. Just continue to don´t understand that and post in a negative attitude, instead of seeing something positive and understanding that things take time. The situation that is right now with a lot of crime and corruption also took a long time to reach.

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Assign a military man to every bib for their shift every day for a month or 3. where one goes the other goes. When, or if the military man is inticed to join in the illegal activity, he reports to the military  and is replaced by a different military minder.If  the second one is made the same offer, sack the cop and jail time, without any judical involvment.

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5 hours ago, Brer Fox said:

This story has about the same humour value as the one about the election being held this time next year.

I guess like another poster states more doctoring and concocting to do before the election. We want to make sure of the results before the first ballot is cast. 

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OK  Ill start off corruption reports i know are true....Phrakanong Police and  3  condos being built nearby, The  Next, Tree Condo  and another one, all use  small golf  carts  to chauffeur  potential buyers from their sale s office to the site, Police  ask for 3000 baht a month for them to drive on the roads  illegally in said golf  carts and then they will turn a blind eye, one  just  refused  and  now  they cant use the carts on the road.

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Just making the police the flavor of the day will not make the problem go away. Their very "lax" in their approach to the job and as one poster states it will take years to correct which I can go along with but the bad apple has been in the barrel to long. They have been a whipping boy since the days of Thaksin. You just cannot point to one segment of the system here and say "It must be cleaned up" This no doubt will affect police moral more than accomplishing anything positive as the police are well aware of how the system works and for them to bear the brunt of any "clean up your act" order will not sit well and possibly have the adverse effect. You cannot ask one horse to pull the cart when it requires 2 or more. Yes improvement has to start somewhere but if I was a cop I would ask the question "Why always me?"

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:


Last year, I have submitted 2 complaints to a big police station in Sukhumvit, one is

a serious of nature the other less nevertheless, a complaint the police obliged

to follow on, nearly a year later and I'm still waiting...

So yeah, improving the service to the public is needed right about now

( although I will not hold my breath on this one )....

I hear you.

When my sons motorbike was stolen, along with him being beaten to the ground in the process, the police wanted 10,000 baht before they would "go and have a look."

Given that I had very low expectations of their ability to actually achieve results, I cut my losses.

If they could spend as much time doing police work, as they do lining themselves up and preening for the numerous Press conferences, crime would probably drop significantly.

I do not expect this initiative to change much at all. There is sadly, completely the wrong mentality throughout the entire force.

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