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Help us! Swedish police demand government action as city is overrun by armed youths

Jonathan Fairfield

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6 hours ago, RickBradford said:

Virtue signal their impeccable PC credentials, <snip>

I'll give it to you you're well rehearsed with the jargon of those who will lead countries into darkness & bankruptcy should they win power.

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8 minutes ago, halloween said:

 I have no desire to see Hanson anywhere near the reins of power, <snip>

Precisely. Unfortunately those who are against Muslim immigration are closed eyed to the destructiveness of her other policies & this is what I'm talking about. Do those who support the likes of Hanson in their hearts truly believe such politicians will just stop at their oppressive policies against Muslims if they win power? No they will not, they will carry through on their policies of isolationism and so on, as well as attempt to destroy democratic processes. 

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On 2/13/2017 at 0:40 AM, simple1 said:


IMO those cheering on the right of centre political parties in the EU & elsewhere are in reality "cutting of their nose to spite their face".

Indeed- just look how Hitler got started. Unfortunately because the lefties currently in government are too weak/ stupid/ PC/ whatever to solve the problem themselves they are opening the door to the right wing as the people have had enough with the BS.

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Interesting blend of visitor comments about a market in the heart of a 'no-go' immigrant zone in Malmo:

No doubt there's roughness & crime in poor areas of Malmo, blended with immigrant youth gangs + local gangs but NO-GO?  From Birmingham to Malmo, this is an alt-right perpetuated myth.

How The Myth Of "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media:

Another big blow-up (or mock-up) was the incident of an Aussie 60 Minutes crew being set upon by masked men (who just 'happened' to be: a) masked and: B) at the same spot/time) as their visit to the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. Turns out the 60 minutes crew were guided there by a well known anti-immigration (+ALT-Right) activist and writer Jan Sjunnesson. All rather 'made for TV' (or at least ALT-Right TV).

Certainly stronger vetting and deportation of violent criminals is needed. However, there's absolutely no reasoning with many irrational alt-right supporters who in reality do not want ANY Muslim's, period, full-stop (and would prefer no Poles, East Europeans,  Africans, etc etc if we're being honest).



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