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Drugs Suppression Police - Ganga could be a legal drug in the future


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2 hours ago, georgemandm said:

Seen what that shit did to my son  schizophrenic because of that shit 

I find iot very disturbing that you take this attitude - how can you possibly help yyour son when you have such archaic and erroneous ideas about how this disease is manifested?


As he was using the substance illegally, you still haven't explained how making the substance legal would in anyway endanger your son further

Edited by Alan Deer
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3 minutes ago, Alan Deer said:

I find iot very disturbing that you take this attitude - howcan you possibly help yyour son when you have such archaic and erroneous ideas about how this disease is manifested?

F??? Go away can you please go away 

you most have a great life been on here 50 days and 196 post dose not give you much of a life dose it 

 Keyboard warrior you I think .

Edited by georgemandm
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Just now, Alan Deer said:

"Up to you " -  do you not see how despite asking for an opinion you have patently failed to do so - all you have is a set of gainsaying responses that either fly in the face of logic or have no meaning whatsoever?

You are  annoying go away 

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I think Ganga should be freely available to anyone who is over the age of 21 (unless prescribed by a doctor). The effect on undeveloped brains (teens & young adults) is a bit of a concern if you do some research.


I had nothing but positive experience with it when I smoked it back in the 90's. It helped me stop smoking cigarettes, it helped me get rid of Asthma, and it helped me with my spondylitis (been off medication for over 10 years now!)

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5 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

F??? Go away can you please go away 

you most have a great life been on here 50 days and 196 post dose not give you much of a life dose it 

 Keyboard warrior you I think .

You seem quite desperate....having failed to come up with any convincing arguments you now resort to ad hominem attacks and one has to say pretty poor ones at that.

You decided to take up a position that appears to have been based on a monumental lack of knowledge of the  topic....I think if anyone should "go away" you would be doing yourself a favour if you went away and educated yourself on this topic before expressing any further "views" which only continue to make you look more and more ill-informed.

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5 hours ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.


The irony of starting that people who disagree with you are "teenagers" added then essentially declaring that you're going to stick your fingers in your ears and "not have discussion"


Very grown up and responsible...


In argument with your very loose "statement" that appears to highlight that there are legal drugs that are dangerous. What about the tens of thousands, the vast majority, that are not.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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12 minutes ago, Alan Deer said:

You seem quite desperate....having failed to come up with any convincing arguments you now resort to ad hominem attacks and one has to say pretty poor ones at that.

You decided to take up a position that appears to have been based on a monumental lack of knowledge of the  topic....I think if anyone should "go away" you would be doing yourself a favour if you went away and educated yourself on this topic before expressing any further "views" which only continue to make you look more and more ill-informed.

Can't you not read go away

why are you in thailand to get on tv and post I think .

Edited by georgemandm
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Just now, Squeegee said:


Can you not spell, punctuate or use technology?


Stay with us, you can be our funny, cartoon mascot.

Look dr English you need to go way as well , you not understand I not give a shit about you and that stupid shit stupid  drug 

because I not smoke it , I just had my say but people like that don't have a life and need to push your  View on others , like I say go away that is my  Choice to believe it is bad for you and your choice to believe in that drug.

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3 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Look dr English you need to go way as well , you not understand I not give a shit about you and that stupid shit stupid  drug 

because I not smoke it , I just had my say but people like that don't have a life and need to push your  View on others , like I say go away that is my  Choice to believe it is bad for you and your choice to believe in that drug.

This discussion is about medical use, no one is trying to force anything on you, but you are trying to deny people a medicine with proven benefits, that is pretty shameful.

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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

This discussion is about medical use, no one is trying to force anything on you, but you are trying to deny people a medicine with proven benefits, that is pretty shameful.

You do make me laugh read what I said if for medical use , ok no problems as long as it is  controlled .

i am talk about the  dope heads , who driver cars and kill people on the roads .

calling me shameful is very  childish by you , did I call you something so childish no .

just called you dr English because you had a  personal attack on me .

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5 hours ago, Get Real said:


So how about alcohol, the most dangerous substance on Earth. Should it be illegal too, like during the Prohibition era in the United States? What is your opinion about that? And how about nicotine and caffeine, the most addictive molecules known to mankind? 



As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.


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5 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Risks of marijuana :-

1/ Studies show cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia, other psychoses, and social anxiety disorders. It can also raise the risk of depression, studies have found.

2/ Heavy marijuana users are more likely to report thoughts of suicide and heavy use of the drug can worsen symptoms of bipolar disease.

3/ Learning, memory and attention are impaired after using cannabis and there's some evidence that they are damaged even after people stop using it.

4/ Studies have found some evidence cannabis use can raise the risk of unemployment, and users earn less than non-users.

5/ It can impair driving.Use may raise the risk of testicular cancer.

6/ Smoking marijuana may trigger a heart attack.

7/ It can worsen bronchitis and chronic cough.

8/ Babies born to women who smoke marijuana while pregnant can weigh too little.



There seems to be an awful lot of 'likely', 'some evidence', 'can', 'may', and such; generally used when the people conducting those 'studies' don't actually have any hard evidence and when the incidences they have recorded are so rare as to be statistically insignificant. It's the get-out card for if they get pinned down on any of their claims.


It's an old trick that all campaigners who don't like something (or in particular, don't like other people enjoying something) use. They've been doing the same thing about tobacco for years. It 'can' cause this; it 'might' cause that; 'studies point to'; 'experts have said' etc etc. All with a view to convincing people that these are facts, when in reality there is only vague and tenuous correlation that wouldn't stand up to epidemiological scrutiny. It's the finger-wagger's charter, because they know most people are gullible enough to think that if an 'expert' (self-proclaimed or otherwise) has said it, then it must be true, regardless of all the caveats hidden away in the press release.

Edited by nisakiman
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16 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

Look dr English you need to go way as well , you not understand I not give a shit about you and that stupid shit stupid  drug 

because I not smoke it , I just had my say but people like that don't have a life and need to push your  View on others , like I say go away that is my  Choice to believe it is bad for you and your choice to believe in that drug.


You did not "just" have your say (unless you have tourette syndrome: was that the Drugs as well?)

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15 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

You do make me laugh read what I said if for medical use , ok no problems as long as it is  controlled .

i am talk about the  dope heads , who driver cars and kill people on the roads .

calling me shameful is very  childish by you , did I call you something so childish no .

just called you dr English because you had a  personal attack on me .

No mate, that was me. You're losing count of all the people queuing up to pick on you.


OK, anyway, I think I get it now:


"...that is my  Choice to believe [...] and your choice to believe..."







So that's why you were telling other posters to exit the thread: you are special.

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8 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

There was also a reason for Prohibition in the States.

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8 hours ago, Get Real said:

Yep! Just add a little bit more fire in the already hot and boiling pot. Actually insane!

That´s my opinion, and if possible maybe I can be overlooked by all the people in this forum that are positive to drugs. Just heard the stories before. There is a reason why it´s illigal in most countries.

It seems you ought to canvas to outlaw alcohol if you are worried about the existent hot and boiling pot.

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25 minutes ago, georgemandm said:

You do make me laugh read what I said if for medical use , ok no problems as long as it is  controlled .

i am talk about the  dope heads , who driver cars and kill people on the roads .

calling me shameful is very  childish by you , did I call you something so childish no .

just called you dr English because you had a  personal attack on me .

You didn't call me Dr English, that would be someone else.  And why are you commenting on people driving stoned on a post about medical use?  Why conflate issues?  And if we are to talk about that issue, why not just have a system like in Germany, where people caught driving stoned are banned like people who drive drunk?  Anyway, the reality is people driving stoned result in far fewer deaths than people driving drunk, and you are in a country where drink driving is rife and particularly prevalent within the expat community, would you like to see alcohol banned for responsible people due to the idiots who think it is ok to drive drunk?

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33 minutes ago, nisakiman said:

There seems to be an awful lot of 'likely', 'some evidence', 'can', 'may', and such; generally used when the people conducting those 'studies' don't actually have any hard evidence and when the incidences they have recorded are so rare as to be statistically insignificant. It's the get-out card for if they get pinned down on any of their claims.


It's an old trick that all campaigners who don't like something (or in particular, don't like other people enjoying something) use. They've been doing the same thing about tobacco for years. It 'can' cause this; it 'might' cause that; 'studies point to'; 'experts have said' etc etc. All with a view to convincing people that these are facts, when in reality there is only vague and tenuous correlation that wouldn't stand up to epidemiological scrutiny. It's the finger-wagger's charter, because they know most people are gullible enough to think that if an 'expert' (self-proclaimed or otherwise) has said it, then it must be true, regardless of all the caveats hidden away in the press release.


The evidence that tobacco causes diseases stands up to epidemiological scrutiny, there is a massive amount of evidence that has already stood up to epidemiological scrutiny supporting that tobacco causes lung cancer as well as other cancers, heat disease and strokes.

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Imagine wine or cognac only allowed when prescribed. The law makers, the politicians, the establishment, the decent folks would be shocked, horrified, disgusted, etc. Alcohol causes road accidents, domestic violence, health issues, mental issues, hangovers, etc. 




The world needs civil disobedience and an international WEED day! Thailand needs to claim back its krathom right too. 

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I think it's great. Once the fed legalizes grass, we'll be able to get a prescription, and Medicaid will have to pay for it.

We'll be able to lay around the crib, draw disability and get loaded all day on free "medicinal" weed all the time whining about tax breaks for the rich and

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8 hours ago, Get Real said:





As usual the drug supporters are flocking like teenagers that want to belong to the popular crowd, so I just had to hear the stories once again.

And the answer is always a big NO! Just not going to be a discussion from my side on this. IMO there is already a load of things that are legal drugs. They are already creating enough problem in this world.
I also know that many are going to say that this is not stopped by keeping them illegal. Sure, can be true, but it´s better that they stay that way due to that some people still feel afraid of using them.

That was the end of the story from my part, and as long as nobody has any facts that contradict my statement it´s just going to be useless talks from people that wants to use the things that are considered illegal today, just for getting a small buzz. It´s just time to grow up and live a responsible life.

Whats wrong here is that you consider it to be, and compare it to other drugs.. Cannabis has a wide range of uses, that is very benifial for medical uses, smoked/oil/pillform the like.. Different kinds of cancer, parkinsons, pains.. The list continues with a lot of different illnesses where it helps the patient recover or just being able to live a decent life.. For a lot of people it is not about a buzz.. And even it was only about a buzz, it is furthermore proven to be one of the least dangerous substances of all kinds of known drugs, whereas for example alcohol and nicotin are much much much worse, even worse than heroine or cocaine.. The "normal" excuse about alcohol having a culture about it and therefore is OK, is weak and useless.. Cannabis has millenia of culture in its use too, and has no deaths related directly to its consumption, ever, in the history of world. Compared to the countless people dying from alcohol, smoking tobakko, and other hard drugs all the time.. That shit (the cannabis) should be the legal option if logic is applied.. That people even consider it a drug is beyond me. Not to mention the plant itself can be used industrial in so many ways, that could help our nature being less destroyed.

Edited by Lowryderen
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