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Some people need a statistical report before they can go for a sh1t! :D It's a wonder they can get their pants on in the morning without written instructions.

Quite right they are too, need something to wipe your butt on! :o

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I know guys who come here 4 times a year 2 weeks at a time who are well off, they pay 1,000 to 1,500 baht a night for a room and spend big in bars and night clubs and on the girls, money is no problem for them. These guys would go elsewhere to find this action if it wasn't here, that would have to have an impact on the economy.
If money is no problem to them, then why are they being so tight-fisted to pay only 1,500 baht a night for a room? Thats only about 20 quid for heavens sake! Not really contributing much to the Thai economy are they?....


Obviously you don't know anything about the price of hotel rooms in Pattaya. Middle of the road hotels can be found for 500 to 600 baht, have aircon, cable TV, pool, hot water, room serviced everyday. For 1,000 baht up you get a very nice room and 1500 baht you get a 5 star room. A friend of mine stayed in the new White House apartments in soi 13, brand new rooms, marble floors, ADSL internet in each room, fully serviced, a very high class room for 1200 baht a night and guest friendly. I would say that guys paying 1500 baht a night for a hotel that is almost empty is of great benefit to the economy.

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Interesting replies, now this topic has picked up.

Some people need a statistical report before they can go for a sh1t! :D It's a wonder they can get their pants on in the morning without written instructions.
Quite right they are too, need something to wipe your butt on! :o

And dirty my behind with a page of the Lonely Planet ???!!! :D

bumgun!! :D

Off to read the prevention of prostitution act now.

Edited by kayo
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Hmmmmm well most of the prostitution is thai/thai - I'd find it difficult to stop. It's ingrained in thai society for better or worse, from lowest society to highest - even the govt. :D

I dont see a problem as long as its adults and its smth they want to pursue.

How convenient..."Let's do it and even more, let's encourage it, <deleted>, thais do it too...". No wonder you're so in love with Pattaya :D

:D Poor Alex get buggered from a Katoey - stop whinging and get on with your life. :o

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Hmmmmm well most of the prostitution is thai/thai - I'd find it difficult to stop. It's ingrained in thai society for better or worse, from lowest society to highest - even the govt. :D

I dont see a problem as long as its adults and its smth they want to pursue.

How convenient..."Let's do it and even more, let's encourage it, <deleted>, thais do it too...". No wonder you're so in love with Pattaya :D

:D Poor Alex get buggered from a Katoey - stop whinging and get on with your life. :o

I am, just not with whores :D

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Perhaps our beloved mods would consider moving this topic to the Samui, Phbucket, or just about anywhere other than here.

I'm sure folk on those forums would love to have their say ?????

The General Forum is probably the most appropriate.

Please keep the discussion at an adult level.


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Prostitution happens everywhere!

I don't think it is necessarily bad. Some unfortunate ladies are prostitutes for a number of reasons, mostly sad and sob, but non-the-less true experiences.

To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for those ladies. Most of them are not only victims of poverty, but they are constantly scorned and looked-down by the better-than-thou members of society.

Whether you believe it or not, the only sex that some guys find nowadays is one they pay for. (Not everybody is perfect after all, and it cannot be denied that for most people appearance and personality count. [somehow when coupling] )

There are physically challenge guys or ladies out there that need sex (from time to time/here and there/most of the time/all the time/etc) just like everybody else.

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Twenty odd years ago I used to run an SDS ( Special Duties Squad ) team against prostitution in Mong Kok, the red light area for locals in Hong Kong.

One thing for sure that no matter how many girls I would load into the lorry on any given night, the following day the same number of new comers would take their place.

The laws of supply and demand will always prevail. What the Govt should do in my humble opinion, is to accept this fact and re-direct it's efforts to educate the girls in how to look after themselves financially as well as medically.

The Issan farm girls have to live and for many of them there is little choice in the profession they choose. Start small collective banks and loan agencies run by the girls themselves much the same as the wonderfully successful schemes run for lady subsistance farmers in India/africa, then at least they will have something to work for rather than boyfriends/husbands of whatever creed who abuse and rip the poor sods off

You make an excellent point regarding what the Thai government should do. The real outrage is how many of the prostitutes, both male and female, are in virtual financial bondage to the establishments where they work.

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True, Donz Makes a good point, not many guys here would have bought if their wives weren't already on the rent to own program first :D


'rent to own programme', I'm using that!

Anyways, haven't read much of this thread, but I've got no problem with prostitution, legalise and tax it best way to keep the trade safe and secure for all those involved.

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In view of a recent post entitled "Service Girl Accuses German Of Not Paying" i want to ask what do you think would hapen if the police did there job and stoped all of the Prostitution in Thailand. What would hapen considering the amounts of money it generates for a lot of people but on the other hand it being detrimental to those concerned and Thailand as a whole and all the other negative things that go with it crime ect. So what do you think would hapen to Thailand if it stoped tomorrow would tourism go down or up ? would thai pepole be beter of or worse of ? what would all the prostitutes do ?. I know there is more to Thailand than Prostitution but to say it is illegal in places like pattaya its like a major industry. This is only a hypothetical question because i can not see it ending any time soon unless the new government does something to affect the standrad of living in Thailand. So dont take it to seriously please :D

Prostitution exists I think even in North Korea. Where there are human beings, there will be prostitution.

So your question is like asking what will happen if we stop the sun from shining onto the earth.

Just my humble opinion. :o

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It wouldn't happen.

I mean, technically (if we believe the previous gov't) there is NO prostitution in Thailand right?

But let's imagine that there was prostitution on a wide scale - completely obliterating the public's perception of thailand, due to the sheer numbers of tourist who come to thailand purely for this fictional prostitution - and the country wanted to take action on the illegal trade.

The only sensible manner would be to de-criminalise it. Maybe not legalise it, but de-criminalise it.

Then enforce certain minor laws, Sweden or HOlland do.

But then the gov't could also put its weight and money behind also providing a more structured and caring approach towards the industry, thereby allowing for much more (never total) care of both the customers, the girls, the industry, and the public's perception.

I won' elaborate too much now, cos it's late where I am, but I'll come back here tomorrow.

That would be the sensible answer but Thailand could never admit that it had a problem because of the face thing. The government deals with the problem by ignoreing it because to admit would bring shame

Is Thailand the only place you know on this planet? :o

For your information, prostitution is illegal here in HK and mainland China too. This is not "face", it is called "hypocrisy".

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Prostitution exists in rich countries and poor countries. It is also a major part of the economy of such world cities as Paris, Amsterdam, Rio, Mexico City, Las Vegas, San Francisco, etc. etc. Thailand could shut down the obvious venues such as go go bars, beer bars, and even harass street prostitutes, but short of a total police state with death penalties, they couldn't eliminate widespread prostitution. There is too much an incentive for the sellers.

By allowing such obvious venues, Thailand has largely divorced the connection between prostitution and violence that is much more common in other countries such as the US. In effect, allowing such open venues is de facto legalization.

Please, where can I find the statistical report?

Do you need a report for that??? :D

Some people need a statistical report before they can go for a sh1t! :o It's a wonder they can get their pants on in the morning without written instructions.

Can I have some statistics for that please


Anyways, haven't read much of this thread, but I've got no problem with prostitution, legalise and tax it best way to keep the trade safe and secure for all those involved.

Hear! hear! This is imho the best way to deal with prostitution at the end of the day. It is the most likely to have a beneficial impact on this industry. It' will be more likely to keep the children out of the trade, as the Women (&Men) working the industry will be more commited to keeping the industry safe.

Now,bear in mind, I'm not saying every shady aspect will be eliminated. There will always be murkier places, more underground, more catering to the unacceptable desires, but it willbe bounds and leaps in the right direction.

Holland, for example, you average legitimate prostitute is actually quite content with the police, the hotel owners, etcc. for they know that not only are they protected by laws and labour union edicts, , but they are veryoften regarded as just another person working to please the tourist. When I was a hotelier in the netherlands, the prostitute coming to visit the business man in his room was regarded increasingly equal to the waiter that serves him in the restaurant, the taxi driver we always try to ensure is going to be good to our guest, the tour guide we try to ensure is reputable for our guest, etc, etc..

And vice versa, there was, for example, an incident when the guest was out of order with the girl in his room. The girl, as per procedure, had written down her Union card number on a registration form earlier, and when things went awry, the girl managed to call down to hotel reception, and we were there in a minute to get her out of the room while a colleague of mine phoned her boss to get her picked up. The bill for the girl? although usually handled in cash by the guest and the girl, in this case, her hour was paid under misc'l charges inserted on the guests bill, which we were happy to explain if he asked. Which he didn't.

Now, if the girl had been unregistered, illegitamate, orwhatever, she wouldn't havebeen able tocall for assistance, and even if we thought something was up, we couldn't intrude, we wouldn't know who was right, who was wrong, we couldn't have sorted out her payment, we'd probably have sided with the guest and chucked her out on the street, thereby risking backlash in the future, from her, from the russian, fromthe hel_l's angels, whoever....

Legalise/decriminalise it gets my vote.

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Laws are a set of rules which a society consider a reasonable way for that society to function. Prostitution is in demand in every country in the world. The demand exists not through force, but by a need form a part of that society, for what ever reason, to fulfill a need which will not go away.

As you can't stop it. As people need it. Legalize it, keep it as clean as possible by enacting reasonable laws and let those who prey on the unfortunates who now have to hide what they do on pain of arrest, be the ones to suffer.

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Twenty odd years ago I used to run an SDS ( Special Duties Squad ) team against prostitution in Mong Kok, the red light area for locals in Hong Kong. One thing for sure that no matter how many girls I would load into the lorry on any given night, the following day the same number of new comers would take their place

Good morning, Sir! :o

I thought the lights were mostly in yellow.

I guess the HKRPF had to keep one eye shut as well so as to keep a harmonious atmosphere with the mafia like 1?K?


The laws of supply and demand will always prevail. What the Govt should do in my humble opinion, is to accept this fact and re-direct it's efforts to educate the girls in how to look after themselves financially as well as medically.
Hear! Hear! But I doubt the hypocrites(selfish people) like the government and the legislators will give a shit!
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Twenty odd years ago I used to run an SDS ( Special Duties Squad ) team against prostitution in Mong Kok, the red light area for locals in Hong Kong. One thing for sure that no matter how many girls I would load into the lorry on any given night, the following day the same number of new comers would take their place

Good morning, Sir! :o

I thought the lights were mostly in yellow.

I guess the HKRPF had to keep one eye shut as well so as to keep a harmonious atmosphere with the mafia like 1?K?


The laws of supply and demand will always prevail. What the Govt should do in my humble opinion, is to accept this fact and re-direct it's efforts to educate the girls in how to look after themselves financially as well as medically.
Hear! Hear! But I doubt the hypocrites(selfish people) like the government and the legislators will give a shit!

True true, yellow they were. Both eyes open sadly. HKG as bad if not worse than the LOS mob in pretending their " <deleted> don't stink " and allowing the rat bags in HK to run vice, just like the rat bags here.

Huge revenue opportunity for both with the demand for girls, never ending. The tax income would be enormous. Makes you think who has their dirty hands on the dosh behind the scenes, as neither Govt ever attempts to enact legislation to place such substantial amounts into the hands of the treasuries?

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Sorry prostitution is not illegal in Hong Kong. Solicitation is, as is more than one woman working out of the same premises. One on one, not a problem.
Oh yes, you're right. But without solicitation, prostitution can hardly exist, right? So it is just like playing with words. I know quite a few cases where the rights of the women(prostitutes) are being abused and even sexually molested by police officers thanks to this grey area of the Law. (not blaming you)

Anyway, thanks for sharing. Your post was good. :o

Edited by meemiathai
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Hear! hear! This is imho the best way to deal with prostitution at the end of the day. It is the most likely to have a beneficial impact on this industry. It' will be more likely to keep the children out of the trade, as the Women (&Men) working the industry will be more commited to keeping the industry safe.

Now,bear in mind, I'm not saying every shady aspect will be eliminated. There will always be murkier places, more underground, more catering to the unacceptable desires, but it willbe bounds and leaps in the right direction.

Holland, for example, you average legitimate prostitute is actually quite content with the police, the hotel owners, etcc. for they know that not only are they protected by laws and labour union edicts, , but they are veryoften regarded as just another person working to please the tourist. When I was a hotelier in the netherlands, the prostitute coming to visit the business man in his room was regarded increasingly equal to the waiter that serves him in the restaurant, the taxi driver we always try to ensure is going to be good to our guest, the tour guide we try to ensure is reputable for our guest, etc, etc..

And vice versa, there was, for example, an incident when the guest was out of order with the girl in his room. The girl, as per procedure, had written down her Union card number on a registration form earlier, and when things went awry, the girl managed to call down to hotel reception, and we were there in a minute to get her out of the room while a colleague of mine phoned her boss to get her picked up. The bill for the girl? although usually handled in cash by the guest and the girl, in this case, her hour was paid under misc'l charges inserted on the guests bill, which we were happy to explain if he asked. Which he didn't.

Now, if the girl had been unregistered, illegitamate, orwhatever, she wouldn't havebeen able tocall for assistance, and even if we thought something was up, we couldn't intrude, we wouldn't know who was right, who was wrong, we couldn't have sorted out her payment, we'd probably have sided with the guest and chucked her out on the street, thereby risking backlash in the future, from her, from the russian, fromthe hel_l's angels, whoever....

Legalise/decriminalise it gets my vote.

And my vote, too. But move it out to the boonies.

The other evening I went to downtown Pattaya to do some shopping at Royal Garden and to have a meal at the New Orleans and chose to sit outside because it is so cold inside. I had a view of half naked girls solicitating for customers to drink beer at B49. Then their friend arrived with a small child so they all disappeared inside while cuddling and oohing and aahing over the child. Is this really a healthy environment for a child - theirs or a tourist's?

Then on the way to 2nd Road we had to pass large poster photographs of men clutching their private parts.

It's high time prime real estate in downtown Pattaya was given over to other busnesses.

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Laws are a set of rules which a society consider a reasonable way for that society to function. Prostitution is in demand in every country in the world. The demand exists not through force, but by a need form a part of that society, for what ever reason, to fulfill a need which will not go away.

As you can't stop it. As people need it. Legalize it, keep it as clean as possible by enacting reasonable laws and let those who prey on the unfortunates who now have to hide what they do on pain of arrest, be the ones to suffer.



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Prostitution happens everywhere!

I don't think it is necessarily bad. Some unfortunate ladies are prostitutes for a number of reasons, mostly sad and sob, but non-the-less true experiences.

To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for those ladies. Most of them are not only victims of poverty, but they are constantly scorned and looked-down by the better-than-thou members of society.

Whether you believe it or not, the only sex that some guys find nowadays is one they pay for. (Not everybody is perfect after all, and it cannot be denied that for most people appearance and personality count. [somehow when coupling] )

There are physically challenge guys or ladies out there that need sex (from time to time/here and there/most of the time/all the time/etc) just like everybody else.

I love u GF. :o

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move it out to the boonies.

It's high time prime real estate in downtown Pattaya was given over to other busnesses.

You keep on beating this dead horse, and even the worms and have given up and moved on.

Pattaya is a world famous sex resort that makes millions and millions of dollars and will remain so. Nothing that you do is ever going to change that. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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