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Brit accused of ordering murder of Tony Kenway in Pattaya to arrive in Thailand today


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23 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" Mr Nelham is accused of being the mastermind behind the assassination of British man Tony Kenway in Pattaya on January 24."


So how was this established to the point of being able to arrest him?



they know he was part of boiler rooms, and they knew each other, and he has money he can part with

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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught


2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught

3 hours ago, smutcakes said:


So why the hell was he sitting in Cambodia? why not fake passport etc off to X country a million miles away, long before hit etc. Does not make much sense.

Correct assumption , however by staying in Cambodia his presence and movements would have been noted and thus an alibi . The downfall came with the botched  and poorly planned amateurish  murder . If Nelham had decided to flee Cambodia he would have become the main suspect  once the full details of the case were revealed .He was trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone , i.e. get rid of the threat of danger and retain his wealth and lifestyle .   



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not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught

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2 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught

3 hours ago, smutcakes said:


So why the hell was he sitting in Cambodia? why not fake passport etc off to X country a million miles away, long before hit etc. Does not make much sense.

Correct assumption , however by staying in Cambodia his presence and movements would have been noted and thus an alibi . The downfall came with the botched  and poorly planned amateurish  murder . If Nelham had decided to flee Cambodia he would have become the main suspect  once the full details of the case were revealed .He was trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone , i.e. get rid of the threat of danger and retain his wealth and lifestyle .   



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not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught

Botch is to mismanage  / mishandle or make a mess of and that certainly was clearly the case here of a poorly planned assassination and the main players were identified by the police within hours .

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If it's true that the deceased was running a boiler room scamming old people from their pension then fully deserves to die. You live in a country that believes in karma, so what did he expect?

One guy scammed me a lot of money and I went to the temple to wish him dead, he's now got cancer lol. I'm not saying I believe in these things but I was so happy even if it was a coincidence! Scammers make me puke and should all die.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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12 hours ago, docshock13 said:
Great posts both. Nothing in this case (as reported or what  RTP say) makes sense. 
1) 8 mil THB is chicken scratch in the game. Motive: who has the most to gain? 
2) Amateurish hit.  
3) Alleged shooter and getaway man getaway. Delays in requesting Cambodian help. No follow-up. Cold trail. Why? 
4) No reported temporary seizure of Mr./Mrs. Kenway's assets in Thailand pending results of investigation. Once again motive: who has the most to gain? 
5) Surprise! Alleged "mastermind" and former business partner apprehended. If I had ordered a "hit" over only 8 mil THB using Dumb and Dumber, I  wouldn't be hanging around. Someone dropped his name IMO. 
It is just too easy! The RTP always get their man. Too bad it is usually never the right one. 
Why no enquiries into the Black Widow? She seems fine and seems to be following the script. If I or Mrs. Shock were assassinated for shady dealings, neither of us would be showing up at the local cop shop pleading for faux justice. One of us would be running for cover and getting our kids out of the country. Smelly. 

they know a lot more than what we think they know or going to tell local tabloids, I believe the standard expression is "ongoing investigation" 

with so many conflicting "facts" and speculation- and just so much that does NOT remotely begin to add up, even beyond face value- 

MY mind keeps thinking back to Kenway's fb cover picture posting of Dec 2...


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3 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

not botched

the man is dead and the perps have not been caught

“The human brain is a complex organ with the wonderful power of enabling man to find reasons for continuing to believe whatever it is that he wants to believe.” 
― Voltaire


The job was botched because the whole point in getting away with a crime is to make sure no one knows who did it.


You are correct in that the guys have not been caught, but I would say the word "yet" could/should be added to the end of that sentence..

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23 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


If they do have zero then presumable they will rely on confession .............................


Which begs the question on what grounds was he extradited?

How about a bank ac. with a huge amount of dirty money?

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20 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

The police, In any country, don't publish their  methods chapter and verse.  It's not necessary, and may be counter productive.

The Thai police ar not normally slow to hold a Press Conference  for anything at all, to boast of how clever they are.

They normally tell who shopped who in the process.

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If this was not to send a message hit to keep all the other lowlifes in line,then this is the sloppiest hit I have seen.  Where is the mastermind behind this hit?  5th graders could come up with a better hit.


 To wait 2 to 3 days at a bus stop pacing back and forth and never get on a bus was kind of odd to people seeing this strange behavior.  Then there's the get away driver circling the block then coming back to the bus stop then circling again. 


Then to walk up to the guy and shoot him midday with people strolling by every whichaway.  There was no mastermind behind this hit,there might been a totally stupid xpartener hire a couple of stupid hit men with not clue on how to carryout a hit.


There was no mastermind in this murder.

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14 hours ago, sioux2012 said:

i know personally, that depending on who and who did what...goes down to good old ....principle!!!
And before you say.... wrong principles or you wouldn't believe in such an barbaric act... I did say depends on who it was done to


14 hours ago, sioux2012 said:

i know personally, that depending on who and who did what...goes down to good old ....principle!!!
And before you say.... wrong principles or you wouldn't believe in such an barbaric act... I did say depends on who it was done to

I dont think many will care who owed who or did what to who.


It is now common knowledge that both these two scumbags lived the high life from ripping innocent people off of

their life savings.



One will rot under the ground and (hopefully) the other in a nasty Thai prison.

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8 hours ago, bamukloy said:


I dont think many will care who owed who or did what to who.


It is now common knowledge that both these two scumbags lived the high life from ripping innocent people off of

their life savings.



One will rot under the ground and (hopefully) the other in a nasty Thai prison.

And those that allowed these two to carry on their business? 

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19 hours ago, namoi said:

what des Ms Kenway know and what is she got to say, maybe she wants a personal chat with Mr Nelham to pass on her own threats just to let him know if he gets out of it she gets in on the deals or she sings like canary

Maybe there is a life insurance policy.

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16 hours ago, littlejohn71 said:

 To wait 2 to 3 days at a bus stop pacing back and forth and never get on a bus was kind of odd to people seeing this strange behavior. 

Didn't get reported by anyone at any time before the shooting so I would say this was a safe gamble. If they had walked in and out of the gym each day for 2 to 3 days, now that would have been foolish.


16 hours ago, littlejohn71 said:

Then there's the get away driver circling the block then coming back to the bus stop then circling again. 

Once again, nothing exceptional in that behavior either. The fact that both the stalking and circling was only detected after reviewing cctv imagery after the shooting pretty much indicates that nobody noticed. It's sometimes called being hidden in plain sight.

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22 hours ago, Paruk said:

If you google, don't grab the first you get. Look a bit further and use your common sense. You just proved the Peter Principle.

still dont get it...."promote to level of incompetence"....learned this first year college....long time ago. 


figured it out yet...?

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The Cambodians said they were going to hand Nelham over on Saturday.  Today is Monday and there have been no reports from the Thai side about his arrival in the Kingdom.  Normally this sort of thing would be a big media circus.  Is Nelham in a Thai being interviewed in a safe house.  Will the Thai authorities say they never received him?  

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The priorities are surely going to be getting hold of some of his ill gotten gains and then replacing the networks that he and Kenway were running to get the gravy flowing out of pensioners' savings accounts again.  There are payments on luxury homes and cars to be made and overseas school fees to be paid.  Perhaps we will see ads appearing in the British tabloids and English language rags on the Costa del Sol asking well qualified candidates to send their CVs to the Pattaya cop shop.

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58 minutes ago, Dogmatix said:

The Cambodians said they were going to hand Nelham over on Saturday.  Today is Monday and there have been no reports from the Thai side about his arrival in the Kingdom.  Normally this sort of thing would be a big media circus.  Is Nelham in a Thai being interviewed in a safe house.  Will the Thai authorities say they never received him?  

The Thais don't want him to arrive. If he does not arrive they don't need to cover up for the powers to be.

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8 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

The Cambodians said they were going to hand Nelham over on Saturday.  Today is Monday and there have been no reports from the Thai side about his arrival in the Kingdom.


Well , no news and I wonder if he ever will appear in Thai media again ?  I didn't know he was that influential,  

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5 hours ago, ffaarraanngg said:

According to this paper Nelham has not been arrested and the Cambodian police dont know much about him


this makes more sense....rtp could not catch a cold, and even if they had a clue they wouldn't know what to do with it.

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4 minutes ago, bangkok101 said:

this makes more sense....rtp could not catch a cold, and even if they had a clue they wouldn't know what to do with it.

That's not fair. 


If they found a clue (of the unwanted variety) they are expert at ignoring/discrediting with "alternative facts" clues/burying it. 

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7 hours ago, bangkok101 said:

this makes more sense....rtp could not catch a cold, and even if they had a clue they wouldn't know what to do with it.

Indeed. If someone stole the RTP station toilet, their comment would probably be "We have nothing to go on."

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It appears that the Cambodian authorities, particularly the Interior Ministry have issued a statement via a newspaper proxy. I'd say they are attempting/ preparing to wipe their hands of this potentially embarrassing situation. Had someone within the Cambodian chain of command accepted money, either pre or post shooting then these facilitators would be complicit in a few areas. Even the perception of harboring fugitives is enough to want to bury this case from International scrutiny and condemnation. A cold case is sometimes like a draw. No clear winner or loser. Interesting.

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