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will the world last another 100 years?

i claudius

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The more i think about it and thank my lucky stars i was born when i was ,the more i despair for my children and grandchildren . the world is going to be so overpopulated in the coming centuary ,the trickle we see coming from the poor country's to the ones that have more will become a tsunami . food will become scarce and i dread to think of the fighting that is going to ensue ,especially from our friends in that peacfull religion ,

what do you lot think ,is it going to become a utopia or a hell on earth in the coming years ?

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Apparently there has already been abit of food rationing in the UK due to poor crops in Europe hit by weather not conducive to crops.


Here in Petchabun , although it's still only the cool season the soil is already baked dry with large fissures in the garden. I think this year is going to be hotter than last so expecting a lot of plants to die and general water shortages.


If farmers produce less food then food prices will go up and poor people will be the first to feel the squeeze.

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Overall, people are healthier and better fed now than they have ever been.


The world is more peaceful now than it has been for centuries.


Living standards are improving year upon year (for most people). In most countries major diseases have been eradicated and science keeps coming up with even better medicines. Potable water is being provided in more and more places.


We are only just beginning to see the clean and renewable energies emerging, the potential is huge. IMO, advances in agriculture will ensure that food is plentiful.


Our children and grandchildren will have a much better life than our parents and grandparents did (millions killed in world wars, rationing, malnutrition, small pox, polio, rickets, etc).


Of course there will be problems to overcome, but I have faith in human ingenuity and endurance.


But, if a massive comet hits the Earth, or aliens invade and enslave us, all bets are off.





Edited by chickenslegs
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Hawkins said humanity will disappear in 1000 years. World will survive but will be very polluted.
What these governments need to do is to limit the growth of the population and pollution but with Trump it won't happen. We always need more and more energy and super suns are not ready before 10 years or even 20 years. It s to the people to learn to live differently like live in mini houses on wheels and limit energy and water consumption. I would say go solar if you can. Solar panels become cheaper and cheaper.
Our parents want us to have kids, wife, house, car, good job, holidays... But these babyboomers were killing eachother in worldwars so they should shut up instead to give lesson to the youngs . many have udge debt now and just shit jobs.

They have been to war for years and of course it s easy to rebuild a new world and have a good life for 20 or 30 years because everything must be rebuilt but does it worth ? Yes it worth for the baby boomers but not for their little children or the one who have been killed by bombs. These baby boomers were just lucky. Enjoy your pension while it lasts.

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1 hour ago, chickenslegs said:

Overall, people are healthier and better fed now than they have ever been.


Although people live longer than they have in the past (however even that trend is now starting to reverse), people in general are sicker and have worse health than ever before in human history. 

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1 hour ago, swissmaninthailand said:

Hawkins said humanity will disappear in 1000 years. World will survive but will be very polluted.
What these governments need to do is to limit the growth of the population and pollution but with Trump it won't happen. We always need more and more energy and super suns are not ready before 10 years or even 20 years. It s to the people to learn to live differently like live in mini houses on wheels and limit energy and water consumption. I would say go solar if you can. Solar panels become cheaper and cheaper.
Our parents want us to have kids, wife, house, car, good job, holidays... But these babyboomers were killing eachother in worldwars so they should shut up instead to give lesson to the youngs . many have udge debt now and just shit jobs.

They have been to war for years and of course it s easy to rebuild a new world and have a good life for 20 or 30 years because everything must be rebuilt but does it worth ? Yes it worth for the baby boomers but not for their little children or the one who have been killed by bombs. These baby boomers were just lucky. Enjoy your pension while it lasts.






I think you are a very jealous man .as to us babyboomers ,we came after the wars ,so don't blame us ,we lived in fairly peacful times ,not like now where there is strife everywhere ,yes it is harder for the young to get jobs ,but that is overpopulation and machines that can do the work that we had to do ,we did not have lots of cash to spend on i pads ,nike trainers , x boxes and 50 inch colour tv's like the young of today ,who think they are hard done by if they dont get a new 300 pound mobile phone every year . we just spent our money on a house and saved up for furniture

but hey what do i know being old ,as Oscar Wilde said " i am not young enough to know everything"

and by the way this "babyboomers" little children are doing ok ,one has her own buisiness and the other a very good job with a shipping company .

Edited by i claudius
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Disease will probably wipe out a lot of people  rather than food shortages  There could be  flue epidemic that kills millions


There are already Antibiotic resistant bacterial infections that could make its way into the general population 


Although it is obvious as a nation becomes wealthy the number of children born into a family Drops One example is Japan and for that matter

Its staring in the USA as well as other countries 

My guess is there will be population tipping point and we have not reached it yet And nature has a way of mitigating  the growth

Time will tell


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4 hours ago, i claudius said:

the world is going to be so overpopulated in the coming centuary

That's why plagues & epidemics are so useful. Cholera, Ebola, dengue, etc are great population growth modifiers along with wars. Given the over-use and growing ineffectiveness of antibiotics,  the untreatable viruses and the nut-jobs in charge of countries with nuclear weapons ( one very recently elected), you should sleep easy at night with regards to over-population.

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The simple answer is yes. Everyone that has ever predicted the end of the world throughout  all of history have been wrong. The betting odds are with most all future predictions of the end of the world also being incorrect. Worry about things that might actually happen such as dying in an auto accident or getting struck by lightning (both are more likely to happen than the end of the world within 100 years).


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The best part of the world has gone into history....

The way Muslims kill Muslims n anyone else, and with more n more incidents of crime in the rest of the world, I do not believe the world will last another 100 years...It will be lucky to last 50 years more....

Humans have a built-in gene that makes us want to kill anyone n every living thing....

When humans are extinct, the world will become a beautiful place again........

Edited by tagalong
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The world will, but most life probably will not live more 25 years, perhaps sooner.


It is my belief that God made one mistake.  He made greedy, evil humans, especially most senior level bankers and senior level scientists.

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42 minutes ago, seancbk said:

Climate change scientist Guy McPherson from the US reckons in 10 to 20 years there will be a major climate change which will make all humans extinct.



A classic example of why we still have so many still ignoring the science.

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Climate change scientist Guy McPherson from the US reckons in 10 to 20 years there will be a major climate change which will make all humans extinct.



LOL. Is he David Icke's brother?

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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4 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Overall, people are healthier and better fed now than they have ever been.


The world is more peaceful now than it has been for centuries.


Living standards are improving year upon year (for most people). In most countries major diseases have been eradicated and science keeps coming up with even better medicines. Potable water is being provided in more and more places.


We are only just beginning to see the clean and renewable energies emerging, the potential is huge. IMO, advances in agriculture will ensure that food is plentiful.


Our children and grandchildren will have a much better life than our parents and grandparents did (millions killed in world wars, rationing, malnutrition, small pox, polio, rickets, etc).


Of course there will be problems to overcome, but I have faith in human ingenuity and endurance.


But, if a massive comet hits the Earth, or aliens invade and enslave us, all bets are off.





Dream on ;)

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4 hours ago, chickenslegs said:

Overall, people are healthier and better fed now than they have ever been.


The world is more peaceful now than it has been for centuries.


Living standards are improving year upon year (for most people). In most countries major diseases have been eradicated and science keeps coming up with even better medicines. Potable water is being provided in more and more places.


We are only just beginning to see the clean and renewable energies emerging, the potential is huge. IMO, advances in agriculture will ensure that food is plentiful.


Our children and grandchildren will have a much better life than our parents and grandparents did (millions killed in world wars, rationing, malnutrition, small pox, polio, rickets, etc).


Of course there will be problems to overcome, but I have faith in human ingenuity and endurance.


But, if a massive comet hits the Earth, or aliens invade and enslave us, all bets are off.





I love an optomist. Nice one.

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I'm sure to many my comments are going to sound incredibly mean and even blase, however here goes.


The way we are heading, organ transplants etc, perhaps one day a cure for cancer, people wanting to live until 200 and beyond, IVF for couples not meant to sire children etc etc. it's all becoming too much. I don't believe in any God, but I do believe in the natural, if all too often unfair, selection of things. We live for XX years, many babies are still born and have no life, yet because he has money, the likes of Dick Cheney can pay for a new heart when he should have died years ago. That just isn't the way it was meant to be. I have had 60 years, I may get another ??, or I could kick off an hour from now, that's the way the cards fall. The time has long since passed when 'we' should have stopped messing with things.


My wife, 25 years my junior, knows my outlook. If i was told next week that I have cancer, I will not go for chemo etc. I will deal with it with pain relieving drugs and when it gets too much, take my exit my own way if it becomes unbearable. She is very understanding and agreeable, despite her wanting me to go on forever.


I read something a couple of years ago that eventually wars will be fought over access to water. With 7 billion and counting, the world will destroy itself and Stephen Hawking was right about that, but will it take 1,000 years as he said, or 100 as the OP has questioned? No one can predict when..........

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1 hour ago, seancbk said:

Climate change scientist Guy McPherson from the US reckons in 10 to 20 years there will be a major climate change which will make all humans extinct.



I'm willing to place a bet, let's say THB50M, that human beings won't become extinct in 20 years.


Any takers?

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11 minutes ago, Nokawou said:

The world has been here for 4 500 000 000 years and will be around for another 4 to 5 billion years so I do not a problem in the near future.

The world, yes. But the human species has been here for only 100 000 years and it is doomed by its own lack of population control. The world will survive and will be a much better place without us!

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100 years from now.

The same the people asked 100 years ago.


You not worry the world will be still there the question is more why you worry? It is beyond the life span of most of us now and think of all who can read and use this forum.


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1 hour ago, Kabula said:

The world will, but most life probably will not live more 25 years, perhaps sooner.


It is my belief that God made one mistake.  He made greedy, evil humans, especially most senior level bankers and senior level scientists.

people  made  the  biggest  mistake  inventing  god then  thinking  their  invention would  "save  them"

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33 minutes ago, grollies said:
2 hours ago, seancbk said:

Climate change scientist Guy McPherson from the US reckons in 10 to 20 years there will be a major climate change which will make all humans extinct.



I'm willing to place a bet, let's say THB50M, that human beings won't become extinct in 20 years.


Any takers?


It is my hope that we will figure out how to transfer a persons memories and consciousness into computers at some point (hopefully before I die or my mind starts to degrade).

Once we do that then vast numbers of people will be able to live in virtual reality taking a lot of pressure off of the environment etc


I doubt humans will become extinct, but I definitely see large numbers of less fortunate people suffering and most likely dying if there isn't a major reversal of certain climate change factors.

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