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will the world last another 100 years?

i claudius

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12 hours ago, duanebigsby said:

Why would you not seek treatment for a mostly treatable illness. Most people aren't given a "you've got this long to live" speech. Most people are told they've got a very good chance of living a long time. 

My treatment was 10 years ago and no sign of recurrence.


Good to hear you recovered, each to their own of course.


Too many of my own relatives have had cancer and not one ever recovered. Some years back a friend was in hospital for 2 years fighting it. Having been away, I asked someone how he was doing, they said 'fine, propsects are good', the next day he died. Having had a stroke, heart troubles, pneumonia and diabetes, 5 minutes in hospital leaves me feeling depressed. I would rather spend the time with my wife enjoying what we can.


Finally, the point I was making was about the selection process and of course it is only my opinion, 200 years ago if someone got a terminal illness, it took them, they passed away, leaving a space for a new life to fill. And please, before you comment, I have had no real treatment for the stroke, heart woes. I did have treatment for the pneumonia. As for the diabetes, I still enjoy most of those things that are supposed to be absolutely taboo as we do all have to die of something and I don't want to die of boredom.


I hope you live many more years on top of the 10.

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12 hours ago, cruisemonkey said:

The world will be here for approximately another 4.5 billion years. Whether or not human beings are is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.

This is what i was getting at , once on tv a guy explained it like this "if the world was a lighthouse ,well life on the planet would be the thickness of the paint on the top , the world will be here for billions more years ,but i fear that the way we as a race are going ,there are just to many of us , maybe we need a new plague to wipe half of us out ,and start again?

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17 hours ago, kannot said:

people  made  the  biggest  mistake  inventing  god then  thinking  their  invention would  "save  them"

You love Jesus and then post the above comment, 'the biggest mistake people made is inventing god then thinking their invention would save them.'  Am I to understand that you love the invention?  Is this Lucifer posting? What is your bias?

Edited by Kabula
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2 hours ago, Kabula said:

You love Jesus and then post the above comment, 'the biggest mistake people made is inventing god then thinking their invention would save them.'  Am I to understand that you love the invention?  Is this Lucifer posting? What is your bias?

u  need  to  know  my  history  to  understand..............sarcasmometer on 100%:vampire::thumbsup:

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For me it's adapting to the mini ice age which is already upon us and peaks (I think) around 2024.  I expect poles to melt to a large  degree, only to reform elsewhere on the planet with new lands becoming visible.


Before these things there tends to be some clement weather (remember just 2-3  years ago), it's a bit like mild deflation just before hyperinflation.  It'll rain in deserts excessively, snow will get deeper still in some places.  I don't know much about the phenomenon, but where we are geographically seems pretty good as northern hemispheres go.


Purchasing I expect to fall in expensive houses and cars, and that resource be re-purposed into incredibly high food prices due to scarcity.


My Great Grandfather used to skate on a dam in the 1900's, yet when I was a kid it was rarely for it to be more than a couple of inches ice.


But to answer your question, yeah I think we'll still be here as a race, but not as we know it Jim.


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I am so confident that humanity will be here in 100 years that i will offer odds of one million to one that we will still be here. If humanity becomes extinct, i will pay you back 1,000,000 baht for every baht you bet. I only accept cash, paid in advance.

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9 hours ago, rickudon said:

I am so confident that humanity will be here in 100 years that i will offer odds of one million to one that we will still be here. If humanity becomes extinct, i will pay you back 1,000,000 baht for every baht you bet. I only accept cash, paid in advance.

The perfect insurance policy...for the insurer! Just like god beliefs and religious afterlife promises. Drains their victims up front and guarantees an eternal reward that can never be collected on! BRILLIANT! Wonder how many takers you get?!? :vampire:

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On 2/14/2017 at 1:30 PM, Shiver said:

For me it's adapting to the mini ice age which is already upon us and peaks (I think) around 2024.  I expect poles to melt to a large  degree, only to reform elsewhere on the planet with new lands becoming visible.


Before these things there tends to be some clement weather (remember just 2-3  years ago), it's a bit like mild deflation just before hyperinflation.  It'll rain in deserts excessively, snow will get deeper still in some places.  I don't know much about the phenomenon, but where we are geographically seems pretty good as northern hemispheres go.


Purchasing I expect to fall in expensive houses and cars, and that resource be re-purposed into incredibly high food prices due to scarcity.


My Great Grandfather used to skate on a dam in the 1900's, yet when I was a kid it was rarely for it to be more than a couple of inches ice.


But to answer your question, yeah I think we'll still be here as a race, but not as we know it Jim.


The poles are where they are due to the Earth's orbit in relation to the Sun and the fact that the Earth has a slightly tilted axis. The poles can not change unless the Earth's orbit (or its axis) alters massively (in which case we will likely all perish).


A mini Ice Age just means that we will have to put on an extra pullover or two. In the future your grandchildren may be able to skate on the same dam as your Great Grandfather. He survived the cold and so will they.


The next real Ice Age is not due for at least 20,000 years and it will happen extremely gradually. Many species have survived Ice Ages - The human population will probably diminish gradually during that time but will still be around to repopulate the planet as things warm up again.


We humans are not dinosaurs, we are capable of surviving due to our mental strength and ability to work together to solve problems.







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I've seen a video explanation where it shows the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are 'generally' in opposition, but when they move closer and makes the earth orbit become more oval than round, that extra couple of hundred million miles can throw things off a couple of degrees celsius off our temperature.  Nothing at all to do with the big ice age full of woolly mammoths stuff, but noticable.

We're near a solar maximum right now, and yet it is lower than what is considered a solar minimum.  Just one look into the sky can tell you that sky and sun colours aren't the same as when we were kids.  It's more of a white out on some days.


Bottom line is I expect our winters to become a bit cooler for a few more years yet.

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Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn occur about every 20 years. As far as changing the earths orbit, I doubt if it changes by more than a couple of miles, if that.  Next is 2020.


Winter here in Thailand has been abnormally warm this year, and in the UK December was around 2 degrees centigrade warmer than the 30 year average. Europe was also warmer, with no snow at many Ski resorts before the new year. And of course, 2016 was globally the warmest year on record (3rd year in a row). I wouldn't worry about a mini ice age yet .....

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4 hours ago, rickudon said:

Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn occur about every 20 years. As far as changing the earths orbit, I doubt if it changes by more than a couple of miles, if that.  Next is 2020.


Winter here in Thailand has been abnormally warm this year, and in the UK December was around 2 degrees centigrade warmer than the 30 year average. Europe was also warmer, with no snow at many Ski resorts before the new year. And of course, 2016 was globally the warmest year on record (3rd year in a row). I wouldn't worry about a mini ice age yet .....

I live in the Issan area, and this has had some of the coldest days I've ever experienced here, and we didn't really have much summer (that being usually less than 40C I mean).

There have been ski reports closed down within the last month because of too much snow!


I guess we just look for the answers that we want to find - all of us.

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Much summer in isaan? admit that last songkran was the coolest i have experienced, a mere 38 degrees i think. But July saw weeks of temperatures up in the high 30's. This winter i haven't put a jacket on once, unlike previous years.

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On 2/13/2017 at 7:28 AM, kannot said:

and how  do  you  know "our" viruses  would  even affect  them at  all

    Because viruses... by their very nature... are infectious to life forms and invade and attack the cells of the host body and reproduce in the host body...   

     Unless the alien life form is like a solid rock, (be difficult for it to move around), or it's body temperature is normally twice as high as ours.....  (our world would be very uncomfortably cold to it if that is the case), or it is like a ghost...(not too likely)  then chances are excellent that it would be carbon based, as we are, with a cellular system.... a Earth virus that we have some natural immunity to, would be deadly to it. 

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On 2/13/2017 at 5:02 AM, seancbk said:


It is my hope that we will figure out how to transfer a persons memories and consciousness into computers at some point (hopefully before I die or my mind starts to degrade).

Once we do that then vast numbers of people will be able to live in virtual reality taking a lot of pressure off of the environment etc


I doubt humans will become extinct, but I definitely see large numbers of less fortunate people suffering and most likely dying if there isn't a major reversal of certain climate change factors.

       We will be fine !   Our cavemen ancestors (who didn't have the resources and technology and knowledge that we have)... survived the freezing cold last Glacial Period that lasted for 80,000 years and just ended around 12,000 years ago...most of Europe, Siberia, North America covered in a mile thick sheet of ice...


  And more recently.. we survived the "Little Ice Age"   although it was not easy in that colder time... with shorter growing seasons...  early frosts... late Springs....  failed harvests and famine. 


   Do you seriously think we would have a deadly time if the average global temp was 3 or 4 degrees warmer ?   Really ?    Don't fall for the scare mongering and Chicken Little Alarmism of the Gore Bull Warming leftist/socialists..  it only aids their political agenda. 


   Remember... as long as the planet has glaciers, ice caps and ice sheets... we are still in an Ice Age.  The Pleistocene/Quaternary Glaciation.. that began about 2.6 million years ago and is still going on.


   We are in an Interglacial Period, between Glacial Periods, during the Current Ice Age. 


  Surprised ? ? 

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The rich will live just fine behind their walls, gates and protected by their armed security. The life of the poor will get worse and the current middle class will fight to survive. This is unless we make it a human right to have water, basic staples like rice and grain and medical is also a right and not reserved for the very rich. But those who have want to keep and those who don't want to take for free ... answer ??? This is the problem of the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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26 minutes ago, ttthailand said:

The rich will live just fine behind their walls, gates and protected by their armed security. The life of the poor will get worse and the current middle class will fight to survive. This is unless we make it a human right to have water, basic staples like rice and grain and medical is also a right and not reserved for the very rich. But those who have want to keep and those who don't want to take for free ... answer ??? This is the problem of the world.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

The problem is also overpopulation that is consuming resources at an alarming rate. I doubt if there will be a fish left in the ocean in 100 years, what with pollution and overfishing.

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On 2/13/2017 at 0:30 AM, Kabula said:

The world will, but most life probably will not live more 25 years, perhaps sooner.


It is my belief that God made one mistake.  He made greedy, evil humans, especially most senior level bankers and senior level scientists.

Rothschild, Soros, Big Pharma, Federal Reserve, and of course, Hillary Clinton. These people want the world population dropped to half a billion so they can control us more easily.

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1 hour ago, Karry Yokie said:

Rothschild, Soros, Big Pharma, Federal Reserve, and of course, Hillary Clinton. These people want the world population dropped to half a billion so they can control us more easily.

You forgot the Rockefeller's.

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On 2/16/2017 at 4:57 PM, Catoni said:

    Because viruses... by their very nature... are infectious to life forms and invade and attack the cells of the host body and reproduce in the host body...   

     Unless the alien life form is like a solid rock, (be difficult for it to move around), or it's body temperature is normally twice as high as ours.....  (our world would be very uncomfortably cold to it if that is the case), or it is like a ghost...(not too likely)  then chances are excellent that it would be carbon based, as we are, with a cellular system.... a Earth virus that we have some natural immunity to, would be deadly to it. 

 I didn't know a virus could plug into the receptor of just about any cell.  So glad I gave myself a distemper shot yesterday,

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On 2/18/2017 at 8:20 PM, i claudius said:

Just look at Brazil's northeast,a whole town may have to be evacuated for lack of water ,no rain for 4 years

Sent from my ASUS_T00J using Tapatalk

Immigration! Need free help from outsiders to fix busted dam that filled lakes in 1 day that could equal a 100 year drought.

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On 2/18/2017 at 5:40 AM, Karry Yokie said:

Rothschild, Soros, Big Pharma, Federal Reserve, and of course, Hillary Clinton. These people want the world population dropped to half a billion so they can control us more easily.


     Yes.... it's on the "Georgia Guide Stones"       Looks like the "Elite" want 80% of us....dead ! ! 


A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones[8] in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: EnglishSpanishSwahiliHindiHebrewArabicChinese, and Russian.

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.


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