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Video: Innocent coffee seller dragged off the street screaming by unrepentant cops


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Well she threw a bucket of water on the guy in the blue shirt, maybe that would have been funnier to watch on video.  No wonder he was upset , loss of face big time and that means murder in Thailand . 



Edited by balo
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15 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Once again cowardly men stand around watching and it takes a woman to walk in and try to help. Macho, macho, man.............................

Best to stand back a be a witness rather than a purp...you do no one any good locked up in Thai jail.

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8 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

You don't need to despair for me.......... But maybe you can spare a little 'despair' for the poor coffee lady that this topic is all about and think about humourous remarks derogatory to the poor lady who was totally abused by the cops. She had customers waiting in line, and that is good....... (money in the pocket), and these jerks who might have been Royal Thai Police come along and want to show 'Their authority' (if they indeed had any)..........

Did you notice the guy (I won't say policeman) in the blue shirt got upset at being videoed? Do you need me to explain that to you?

Pity the poor working class people..... They deserve it...... Much more than those standing in the 'food-stamp' lines back in the US...... 

Not on the US so I don't care about people queueing for food stamps. If you can't understand a spot of humour then yes I do and will continue to despair for you. You have to explain nothing to me re the video which I did not watch. My commentire I say again was in humour if you don't like that I don't care. Lighten up for goodness sake

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Sorry, but if anyone in plain clothes tries to drag me anywhere, they are going to work for it and I guarantee one or two of them will be going to the hospital.


Multiple police uniform with the truck, or it's going to get bloody. I don't trust anyone here, let alone some yahoo fake police trying to stuff me in a car.  


People are too passive here.

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17 hours ago, Squeegee said:

This topic really did bring out the whackos.





What good general? You aren't actually saying anything realistic, are you?

You do realise it's not difficult to see you are being deceitful, don't you?








It has as much to do with politics as your whitewashing of the significance of a powerful social force in an almost wholly corrupt system.



I think tactful is the word he wanted to use instead of deceitful.

Edited by The Deerhunter
spelling error
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I once filmed a bunch of cops stripping a bar of its sound equipment, because the music licence had expired.

All demands for ID or documents to show their authority were refused.

When they realised I was filming they stopped their theft and they became very aggressive.

I was told to delete it or I would be arrested.

I asked on what grounds, as I had every right to film it, they said they would make something up.

While the argument was going on I emailed it to myself, before showing them it being deleted from my phone.

The RTP are a blight on this country and need to be completely disbanded and replaced, for the right of law to have any real meaning in Thailand, as trhis video once again shows.

It wouldnt be so bad it they had the brains to arrest the rightr people, but they don't. They just arrest anyone without care.

Thugs and bullies with a uniform and a badge.



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19 hours ago, slapout said:

The entire RTP are a pox on the nation and all the good people who reside here. Until the present PM cleans up this entire group, ( top to bottom) it will continue to ignore his orders as well as the law of the land which the rest of us follow, with minor exceptions.


The good general has a chance to go down  in the history of Asia as cleaning up and eliminating a group which would be like curing a run away illness before it wipes out the potential this country has to stand with or even above Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

"The good general"  there's your first mistake, how do you think he got to his position? through talent, skill, professionalism,

most people buy their way to positions not through hard work.

The junta leader if he was half way serious should on his Friday night blabberings tell the public and the BIB that video of police is fine and should be protected under the law, will it happen?  

Way to go for the coffee lady, she's the hero in this story and the people that filmed it...

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This is a pointless thread. Even if the police busted a milli million pound gambling den. It would just decend as this one has to thai cops are usless/dicks/thugs ect ect ect. Then there's the in the US/UK/Australia ect our police would do this that and the other. If you try to inject a bit of humour it's slated, beacuse ???? . Pointless

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  • 21 hours ago, slapout said:

    The entire RTP are a pox on the nation and all the good people who reside here. Until the present PM cleans up this entire group, ( top to bottom) it will continue to ignore his orders as well as the law of the land which the rest of us follow, with minor exceptions.


    The good general has a chance to go down  in the history of Asia as cleaning up and eliminating a group which would be like curing a run away illness before it wipes out the potential this country has to stand with or even above Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

    that will NEVER happen; just like all corrupt mafiosi throughout the world, the brown shirts have the "goods" on the green shirts, and vice-versa (witness the deaths in custody within the last year or so of the DCI who was a relative of -oops, can't say any more)

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She was resisting arrest despite the fact that she may have done nothing wrong. At least they did not throw her to the ground and put the boot in.


She was suspected of something and should have gone quietly with the police and sorted it out at the station.


Filming of the incident is perfectly reasonable and the cop was wrong to try and suppress it.



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18 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

Have you drank her coffee? How can you suggest it was horrible?

She may likely been selling there for a while, and the people choose to wait in a line because it was GOOD coffee.

Some people think the coffee cup is Half-FULL but there are folks who comment as you did who think the coffee cup is half-EMPTY...... 

It is all in how you look at it and how you want to see it..........

Half full, half empty is bulls hit. Psychological clap trap. The glass is always full.


It is similar to the book written by some person about body language - scratching your nose is a sign of being nervous. Really? The person could have an itchy nose? People sitting next to each other with their legs crossed could indicate you do or do not "accept" the person sitting next to you. Have a look at three people sitting on as couch/divan with their legs crossed! The one in the middle could like both of the other two! Wrong message according to body language eggspurts. And the list goes on and on. Gotta give to the author, he probably made a lot of money out of non-thinkers.

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23 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

My g/f just returned from Singapore and says that the difference between the cops there and here is like day and night. 


In Singapore and Malaysia are soldiers/cops on the airports with huge machineguns, 24 hrs...easy to spot them.


On Don Muang i had to search to find one security in the hall, he even didn't have a torch or nothing...


These cops can't even arrest a coffeelady, 3 of them together. And where's the uniform or badge or official car??


I hope the army become the new police.

Edited by fruitman
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8 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

This is a pointless thread. Even if the police busted a milli million pound gambling den. It would just decend as this one has to thai cops are usless/dicks/thugs ect ect ect. Then there's the in the US/UK/Australia ect our police would do this that and the other. If you try to inject a bit of humour it's slated, beacuse ???? . Pointless

Humor , whats that you forget this is Thai visa, for the chosen ones.

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Disgusting animals! Thats all I can say about the thai cops featured in this video......this is not a way to handle a single unarmed woman. I think that those dogs even screw their own mothers! When  is the thai society going to wake up. Dissolve the Thai Police Force....its a disgrace and full of criminals.

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1 minute ago, Canceraid said:

Disgusting animals! Thats all I can say about the thai cops featured in this video......this is not a way to handle a single unarmed woman. I think that those dogs even screw their own mothers! When  is the thai society going to wake up. Dissolve the Thai Police Force....its a disgrace and full of criminals.

 Bottom line is she probably has not paid TEA money

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13 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

"The good general"  there's your first mistake, how do you think he got to his position? through talent, skill, professionalism,

most people buy their way to positions not through hard work.

The junta leader if he was half way serious should on his Friday night blabberings tell the public and the BIB that video of police is fine and should be protected under the law, will it happen?  

Way to go for the coffee lady, she's the hero in this story and the people that filmed it...

I agree about it should be ok to film cops, however back in my country the cops also don't like it. I have seen how it can be manipulated, guy spits cops in the face.. then after that they start filming the response of the cops without the spitting incident. (good thing a third person filmed it too).


So while I am in favor of filming cops things can be taken out of context to put cops in a bad light. Not that I think they need much of that here but I certainly can understand cops not liking it one bit.  We had one guy following the cops all the time and challenging them hoping for a reaction. It can happen here too.. so there are pro and cons.. (still think over all there are more pro's than cons)

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6 minutes ago, robblok said:

I agree about it should be ok to film cops, however back in my country the cops also don't like it. I have seen how it can be manipulated, guy spits cops in the face.. then after that they start filming the response of the cops without the spitting incident. (good thing a third person filmed it too).


So while I am in favor of filming cops things can be taken out of context to put cops in a bad light. Not that I think they need much of that here but I certainly can understand cops not liking it one bit.  We had one guy following the cops all the time and challenging them hoping for a reaction. It can happen here too.. so there are pro and cons.. (still think over all there are more pro's than cons)

If filming police or anyone for that matter it usually gets posted on social media. The biggest problem is its cliped/edited or you only see the bit the pister wants you to see IE PC plod putting a toe rag down or putting on a spit mask or 3 or 4 pc's having to restrain what appears to be a weakling. But if the full video was shown like most are in court you would see the real truth. The toe rag punching the police the guy spitting at police hence spit mask or the weakling lashing out like a banshee whilst high on drugs.

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