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Police warn teens going "Live on Facebook": behave obscenely and you could face jail


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6 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Have they checked the letter of the law or are they just making laws up as they go along?


What about these end of term school shows with younger girls. The ones where they dress young girls in short skirts and make up and have them dance like adults? Will we see more 5 year old girls in prison now? What about older or less attractive people dancing sexily in a funny or ironic way? Would the video only be illegal if a bunch of dinosaur police all agreed it aroused them? Anything less would just be a funny video and harmless. 





Its called pick and choose policing. Someone will surely get a promotion over this bright idea. Facebook has let the genie out of the bottle. 

Edited by elgordo38
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The police should ban young girls from posting provocative photos on facebook. It`s obscene and goes against the religious and moral values of any decent society.


These girls need to be subject to attitude adjustments and taught how to respect themselves and authority. 


This video was taken secretly last year during a lunchtime at a Bangkok school when their teacher was away. Disgusting, all should serve the full 5 year prison term.



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7 minutes ago, cyberfarang said:

The police should ban young girls from posting provocative photos on facebook. It`s obscene and goes against the religious and moral values of any decent society.


These girls need to be subject to attitude adjustments and taught how to respect themselves and authority. 


This video was taken secretly last year during a lunchtime at a Bangkok school when their teacher was away. Disgusting, all should serve the full 5 year prison term.



I felt compelled to watch this 5 times. My god, so disgusting. Where's a cop when you really need one?

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7 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

The Thai police are really the laughing stock of all police forces in the world, they think that they can write their own laws.

And they do............. right on the spot......... as they are standing at the road block...... or trying to get the coffee seller loaded into the back of their 'unmarked' police pickup  (as happened just a few days ago)

I also have to laugh and agree with your 'laffin-stock' appraisal of them........ At the same time the RTP have a few 'shining examples' in their force, but percentage wise, not near enough to call attention away from the rest of the laffin-stock........

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11 minutes ago, Essaybloke said:

I felt compelled to watch this 5 times. My god, so disgusting. Where's a cop when you really need one?

Thanks for sharing................... I know you talk in 'jest'...........

The video is likely somewhat 'Professional' and done up by 'legal age adult girls dressed as schoolgirls.....

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12 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

And they do............. right on the spot......... as they are standing at the road block...... or trying to get the coffee seller loaded into the back of their 'unmarked' police pickup  (as happened just a few days ago)

I also have to laugh and agree with your 'laffin-stock' appraisal of them........ At the same time the RTP have a few 'shining examples' in their force, but percentage wise, not near enough to call attention away from the rest of the laffin-stock........

But they are true global citizens... and very accommodating. I was pulled over on the Chonburi motorway for "speeding" (and although Thailand's finest didn't bore me with the actual details of the offence or how he determined I was speeding), he did offer to allow me to pay the fine (300 baht) in cash. I only had 5 x 1,000 baht notes and as I thought he probably doesn't 'do' change, I pulled out a Henry Lawson ($10 Australian). He asked me 'how much is this?'  I replied 'Sarm roy baht'. He pocketed the note (no receipt necessary) and let me go. Happy cop, bemused driver ha ha :smile:

Edited by Essaybloke
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6 minutes ago, sawadeeken said:

Thanks for sharing................... I know you talk in 'jest'...........

The video is likely somewhat 'Professional' and done up by 'legal age adult girls dressed as schoolgirls.....

You think so? I'd better watch it again to make sure.  :whistling:

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3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Anyone out there NOT about to Google Craiglist Thailand?

 I was going to ask for links... but Wilsonanderson (again... your a champ) already came up with one (VJ chat... really?)


this is anothet?


Best get amongst it while while it lasts ?


I cant wait to read roosters review, come Sunday.

Edited by farcanell
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it is not the thai police who are behind all of these anti sex activities.

they receive money from the american christian ngos to do these things.

thailand is being overwhelmed by the great satan

and needs to regain its independence.

whatever your views on trump he is the best hope for thailand.


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6 hours ago, Vermor said:

What about thai songs and video clips that show young girl dancing obscenely....where young people take inspiration ? Maybe it would be wise to look at the cause of it, where they took example from ?!

Well we can kiss all those KPop videos that are on TV bye bye. I am presuming boy bands will be subject to the same obscenity dictates. 


I mean  coming from a country whose reputation around the world is based on the legacy left from the yanks during the Vietnam war and the growth of that particular industry /pastime since.........


but from what little i have I have learned from the Thais they expect us to believe some of the most unbelievable crap they can spout as an excuse

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4 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


The number of police officers in Thailand is almost twice the number of police officers in UK police forces. The countries have similar size populations. Now which would you consider to be the most effective and/or efficient?


Doesn't come down to the number of officers or the BiB would be twice as efficient.

I do not hold much faith in UK Plod, traffic, burglary or any branch. 


After living overseas for for many years Mrs DL and I moved ( reluctantly ) to the UK.


Through Thai friends of friends of friends we were burglarised four times in one year. They did not even try to open the safe they just took it. 


After second burglary Plod actually caught two guys ( incredibly stupid perps one fell through neighbours shed roof whilst trying to escape and fell on a broken glass aquarium the other hot nailed by K9 Plod) 


we we had a six month ( yes six months for nicking over £100,000 of jewelry watches B&O stereo etc) respite whilst they learned new tricks in the monkey house then it was back to business again within days of release using exactly the same method of entry ( we were in rented accom and landlord refused to upgrade doors locks or even put in an alarm)  


CSI (or SOCO as they are known in the UK) came around and just said outright, yes it's the same guys again but as they were wearing gloves we have no proof. I suggested raiding their house ( me leading the raid and after having obtained permission to employ unnecessary violence) But their rights would have been violated.


then the local Plod intelligence team came around. What an oxymoron if ever there was one. They had no idea I was married ( wife having had a nervous breakdown and retired back to the safer confines of thailand) and after having surveyed the completely unnecessary vandalism of basically everything we had left in our lives, the best these clowns could come out with was " Have you got something that you don't want to tell us about?" 


I kid you not


But if a bad move for these imbeciles as I blew at them countering their question and querying their integrity by saying that what they meant was ; was I the king pun of the SELondon drugs cartel?


so I suggested that as they were Plod and supposedly the intelligence Plod they should find the answers to four very simple questions would guide them to the truth

l1) If I was the King pin, then they would not be investigating burglary 2 and 3 but more likely a faceless handless body in the Thames, no?


2) if I wa the king pin, then would I invite Plod to roam about freely in my house?


3) if I was......then I would not be driving that car 


4) I was the wrong colour.


i then suggested that this was obviously beyond their capabilities even though I had already located the perps myself and sighted their house , information which had been passed to Plod already but on which they could not act because.....


so so they should leave and find something simpler to do and stop wasting my time.


the final incident came on 16 Dec of that year at the time when all my kids presents and the presents for all the family and what fee friends we still had were at home. The same guts broke in in the same manner and vandalised the house in exactly the same way the only difference this time was that Plod did not want to a scene of crime visit because they were having their Christmas dinner!


tell me Plod here is any worse than Plod in UK and I can point you to completely idiotic Plod, completely corrupt Plod (met force being perhaps the worst) and a Plod that sets up speed cameras not to slow traffic ( as is the original intent) but to make as much money as possible for the easy pickings of the motorist. 


In my opinion Plod in the UK is as bad ( taking into consideration the differing values of society in th two kingdoms) as here


Anyway off topic post and rant over.


have a nice day!

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7 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

I blame the chat rooms such as Bigo live and Kitty live. You can stream live video via your smart phone and buy gifts to give to your favourite girl or boy. There is the danger of swapping Facebook accounts or Kik accounts thus attracting undesirable predators.

No I don't use them....


oh oh you didn't mean me




now where is that delete button?

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5 hours ago, Alan Deer said:

If you really think this is a serious attempt to rationalise the sex industry or "morals" in Thailand I think you need a rethink.

I certainly agree that many of the TV members are regular users of sex-workers and the industry and are very uncritical of themselves - however this is more an example of how the police are inept at dealing with this sort of stuff and that the basic culture that prevails  towards sex within the police is unhealthy and inappropriate. 

Nice tap-dance.

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This is what the article is about. This clip was on Bigo a live streaming chat site. The girl wears a navy uniform first then she puts on a prathom 6 uniform and dances. To me pretty boring. But to a mum and dad strick Thai values netizen. Well, they don't like it.

There is no obscene footage. Very tame.
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Its that Facebooks fault if we did not have social media we would not have to put up with these kids doing these sort of things. My God what next?


But here is a thought for TV lawyers


There are no servers belonging to the big social media companies located in Thailand, nearest we think is Singapore, There is a reason for that.

Anything located on that server comes under Singapore law and not Thailand's law


Thailand like all other countries has an Intranet (Internal Web) which it can legislate over, but as soon as it connects to the WWW or Internet it has to follow the rules of the web and the country which hosts the server. Taking this one step further every website or Social Media channel has terms and conditions and states that if you use that website you do so under that site owners rules.


Here is a typical media disclaimer


If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the terms and conditions of use which govern (name of Medial Channel) on line and commercial relationship with you. The term ‘you’ refers to the user or viewer of this website.

We currently have an "implied consent" policy in place, this means that we (The Website Owners) will assume by your continued use of our website that you are happy with our terms and agree to be bound by the conditions of use of this website.  >>>>>>>>>>> and so on


You can block a site in your own country, put pressure on SM and another country to take a site down under their internal laws but in International law how would you get on if it was proved you where intimidating the owner of that social media channel or website.


The answer is block the sites if you do not want to see it in your country, that would upset far to many people


You cannot legislate in one country for other countries laws and sooner or later its going to be tested in the International courts,


But I might be wrong


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