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Trump knew for weeks that aide was misleading over Russia: White House


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Who Told Flynn to Call Russia?


" Let’s stop focusing on the resignation, and start focusing on the real issue here: The mystery of Trump’s Russia ties. Flynn is a bit player in a much larger story regarding the president’s relationship with the Kremlin, and it’s this story the press needs to focus on.  If, as reported, he called five times in a single day, then he was on a mission, and probably not of his own devising. "




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6 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I wonder what the Russian is for "More popcorn over here please".  No doubt a phrase being used by Putin on a regular basis these days.

I Wonder what the Russians mean with this pic: Russia in USA ??





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Trump today denied any connection with Russia after the resignation of his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, accused of lying on his relations with Moscow, the US president believing that this case was "an absurdity" .


DJT_Headshot_V2_normal.jpg Donald J. Trump



This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign.

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2 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.


Trump posted a pre-dawn message on his verified Twitter account Wednesday complaining, "The fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred." He said, "This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's losing campaign."

He added in the post that "@MSNBC & @CNN are unwatchable. @foxandfriends is great!"



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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.


President Trump: I hate leaks!

Candidate Trump: I love WikiLeaks!



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12 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.

Trump will now have to also accuse US allies of leaks:

U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications

As part of intelligence operations being conducted against the United States for the last seven months, at least one Western European ally intercepted a series of communications before the inauguration between advisers associated with President Donald Trump and Russian government officials



Flynn not only didn't think about US interception of his phone conversations with an adversarial foreign power, but also by any foreign country with intercept capability that could have well included the Chinese. VP Pence and the American public were probably the only ones who were unaware of the Russian contacts. And this also raises another issue about Russian (and Chinese?) blackmail potential. The Russian intelligence services would be derelict not to record Flynn's conversations!

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13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Trump has now accused the security services of "leaking information".  Good to know he accepts it is "information" and not the usual fake news and lies.


The Daily Show : We made a browser extension that converts Trump’s Tweets into their rightful state: a child’s scribble. Download: http://MakeTrumpTweetsEightAgain.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 15/02/2017 at 6:17 PM, Neurath said:

This stink will stick. There is now nothing, absolutely nothing, that this administration can do that will not be read - rightly - through the prism of these verified connections with the Russian Government and security services. Anywhere there is a Russian interest involved, this administration cannot be trusted. Sad. What might now appear to be a mole that can be cut, looks like it might turn out to be a metastasized melanoma. Could be terminal.


What other Security Services have been aware of these contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians?


Remember when Trump accused Cruz's father of being involved in the Kennedy assassination? Wouldn't surprise me if the Russians put that idea into his golden hued (and showered) head.

Told ya.

Now with Sessions,  this mole is looking more and more like a metastasizing melanoma.


So both the National Security Advisor and the Attorney General have been shown to have lied about their Russian Romances.


Commerce Secretary? Do we have one yet?


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