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The Thread Of Love!


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I vote for Old Croc - he used to wrestle crocodiles - or do something with them...

I heard it was Gekos coming from Perth and all.. :o

Crickey jees-us Little Black Duck, you know me pretty well don't you?

Mate, some of those geckos can be vicious little buggers, let me tell you. Check out this little beauty!


You save lives and property when you take on those creatures!

Anyways, I heard Little Ducks, black or otherwise, hang out with snails and slugs!




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I vote for Old Croc - he used to wrestle crocodiles - or do something with them...

I heard it was Gekos coming from Perth and all.. :o

Crickey jees-us Little Black Duck, you know me pretty well don't you?

Mate, some of those geckos can be vicious little buggers, let me tell you. Check out this little beauty!


You save lives and property when you take on those creatures!

Anyways, I heard Little Ducks, black or otherwise, hang out with snails and slugs!




Croc as a Perth Boy myself look forward to buying you a Beer when you get to Fruckit sorry Phuket..

Thank god you've got a sense of humour, its true we need a few people who don't take themselves so seriously..

Donna tells me your a top guy and that's good enough for me..

How did you know I work with a French man ???

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Little Black duck

You've no idea how excited I am to meet your second hand approval!

The lovely Donna is a special person and I like her very much, but I don't need references from her to fit in to your auspices.

I would look forward to making up my own mind as to your personality in a face to face meeting over a beer, but don't think of you as some one from whom I need patronage.

Equally, I would endevour to remain unbiased about you despite the company you keep.


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Boon Mee is another favorite poster, but he hasn't been around much lately.

I DO see him lurking around today however! :o

hey...me sum too...hey Boon, weigh in will ya?...nobody seems to like 'ol tutsi anymore except dear 'ol queers for fears...

and for those of you that had me top of the list some years ago and now forgotten I SHALL NOT FORGET YOUR BETRAYAL...

(mumble, grumble, sumbitch'...)

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Little Black duck

You've no idea how excited I am to meet your second hand approval!

The lovely Donna is a special person and I like her very much, but I don't need references from her to fit in to your auspices.

I would look forward to making up my own mind as to your personality in a face to face meeting over a beer, but don't think of you as some one from whom I need patronage.

Equally, I would endevour to remain unbiased about you despite the company you keep.



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  • 2 months later...

I think i am greater than this worthless post of poster admiration. It is post traumatic, that posters should playfully posture and post like apostles. You are like compost that should be pulped and turned into bedposts or doorposts. Typing your fingerposts daily looking for guideposts to Thailand and posteriority. I see you all postulate even demand answers, however the answer lies with the post-revolutionary. So before you live all your life and your postmortems creep close, have a heart for the lilttle posters who impost on your verbal battleground.

I admire poster leedm and congratulate and respect him on his 1st post!

Need help with the GF visa post


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I'm presuming Irish rules apply here (vote early , vote often) so :

Thaibebop - For wondrous posts in which he expresses his true thoughts

so eloquently. Shame I can't understand some of them but that's just an

intellect problem on my part.

Bendix - For a wit that is just so gentle and so so dry.

and for laughs

Cat1981 - for starting a thread/troll which has provoked some deliciuos

(and occasionaly some vicious ) humour.


Edited by farangsay
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I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes, I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :o

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I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes, I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :D

We never chatted did we Robski? :o

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I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes, I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :o

Are you a Barry White fan by any chance Robski? You silver tongued serpent, Cassanova, love duvet, damager!

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cdnvic - always sensible, forthright and matter of fact.

stevemarigno - the smartest guy on thaivisa

jet gorgon - well, she's jet, isnt she.

topfield - annoys the hel_l out of me, but how can you not love a guy with such a singleminded passion?

sriricha john - a stalwart. I don't always agree with him, but I like the way he phrases an argument

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I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :D

that definitely couldnt have been me :o


at least I got a mention.....finally :D....................

I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes

in case anyone missed it :D

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I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes, I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :D

Jeez, what a slapper... :o

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I love all the ladies, in no particular order; Lovely Cutie, Mig 16, Donna, November Rain, Graceless Fawn, Jet Gorgon, Soph and all the rest that I won't mention to save their blushes, I love you all, but I love most whoever the last one I chatted to or got a PM from. :D

Jeez, what a slapper... :o

Yep! :D

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Ovenman is cool for his wonderful taste in Jazz! :o

Thank you for the endorsement! The Ovenman finds himself in Prague at the moment , spending an unhealthy amount of time sampling the city's jazz clubs... :D

Just Cool as Ice Mr Ovenman!

Enjoy :D

ps let me know how it goes (lazz wise) as I will take a look myself!

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