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True love says Aussie with Thai wife - and she puts my socks and undies on too!


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17 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

I think i sooner put my own undies and socks on and off My thai wife does enough for me and i am happy she is not my slave Funny you know i treat her as my partner 50-50 Is that normal amongst you Farangs with Thai wives

Yes it is, and it should be for everybody. Just that most sad part of the people coming here doesn´t get it!

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42 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Not all Thai women are like that, my wife has just proved that to me in a big way

But she was not a bar girl

I hope it works for these two, like it has for me

Good Luck you too, but stay down under its safer

In walks the my wife is different guy. Yes, of course she is darling. 

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4 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

In walks the my wife is different guy. Yes, of course she is darling. 

Sunshine what she did over the last year and a half would have you saying what I said


When you have to fight with the BIB on corruption and she ties them in knots because she is educated, that is when you realise what you have is very special


So yes a real Darling but one who has proved herself by her actions not by meaningless words

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2 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

Sunshine what she did over the last year and a half would have you saying what I said


When you have to fight with the BIB on corruption and she ties them in knots because she is educated, that is when you realise what you have is very special


So yes a real Darling but one who has proved herself by her actions not by meaningless words


Why do people constantly have to bring up their own wives and what they did or didn't do? Nobody was accusing your wife of being a whore, we were accusing Ron's wife of being a whore for no reason. Why can't people just join in the fun with out having to remind us every single <deleted> thread that their wife isn't a hooker? 


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11 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


Why do people constantly have to bring up their own wives and what they did or didn't do? Nobody was accusing your wife of being a whore, we were accusing Ron's wife of being a whore for no reason. Why can't people just join in the fun with out having to remind us every single <deleted> thread that their wife isn't a hooker? 


Comment said

Someone implied a money grabber as big Sheep farm involved


I said not all Thai women are like that which means there are good Thai Women


So you said what you said and missed what I was trying to do and that was sticking up for Thai ladies


Hope that gives you an idea of what was being said


Sorry may be the correct word for you to use, but as this is TV maybe not

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Just now, wakeupplease said:

Comment said

Someone implied a money grabber as big Sheep farm involved


I said not all Thai women are like that which means there are good Thai Women


So you said what you said and missed what I was trying to do and that was sticking up for Thai ladies


Hope that gives you an idea of what was being said


Sorry may be the correct word for you to use, but as this is TV maybe not


Can we get back to belittling Ron's relationship for no apparent reason?

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Not even King Solomon could figure out a way to take all his wealth with him. I'd say this guy and his bride have made a good choice. She is no child bride at 54 nor a raving beauty, so it has to be love. And I've got arthritis in my knees so putting on shoes and socks if ever I bother involves a certain amount of pain, good for him and her that she helps in this way.


I think it's rather lovely that in his old age he has someone to love and in return someone to love and care for him and if she inherits when he has gone then good for her, a just reward!

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3 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Well said - and I too hope that Ron gets the same care for the rest of his life. I am well behind you in years, but not in care from my wonderful Thai wife - she is fantastic and leaves western women I knew for dead (all Thai women do). There are many lovely wonderful Thai ladies here - but you gotta know how/where to look for them.  


And it is his money and it is his decision - so shut the hell up whingers!!  Women all over the world are 'attracted' to well off men and what the (deleted) is wrong with that?? Good luck to Ron - and all the others like him and us.  No guarantees - we could all end up broke - but that is no excuse for wishing that on others.


Yep - I agree 100%.  They have just looked up from their cornflakes and beer and they sure have a lot of negativity and (deleted) in their heads. I guess I would be cynical too, if I had expected a bar girl to marry me and not take all my money, and then after she did take it all, I was reduced to the pension/savings and drinking beer and whinging about it all day.



As I have said before in other posts, we are leaving Thailand shortly - and bitter Expats are also one thing I will not miss. I dont have a sheep farm - but I am clearly better off financially and morally than many of the TV losers who belittle others like Ron. 

Elvis has left the building.....

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5 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:

My real estate agent friend in Australia is in the process of helping to sell a dairy to some Chinese investors. About 12m AUD I think it's worth.

Don't know why I mention that on a thread about valentines day and true love, it seems inappropriate, I must be in the wrong place.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

I think you jus R wanted 


5 hours ago, reenatinnakor said:

My real estate agent friend in Australia is in the process of helping to sell a dairy to some Chinese investors. About 12m AUD I think it's worth.

Don't know why I mention that on a thread about valentines day and true love, it seems inappropriate, I must be in the wrong place.

Sent from my LG-H990 using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

I reckon you just wanted us all to know you were worth a few bob. You fronter. Or some might say '<deleted>'.

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1 hour ago, Happyman58 said:

I think i sooner put my own undies and socks on and off My thai wife does enough for me and i am happy she is not my slave Funny you know i treat her as my partner 50-50 Is that normal amongst you Farangs with Thai wives

My Thai wife is my partner, we love and care for each other which is as it should be. I trust her and she has proven herself trustworthy, both here in Thailand and in the UK before. In fact she has access to my bank accounts and has my pin numbers and often it is she that goes to the ATM after first discussing our needs. She is not profligate, and we are far from well off, in fact the rate crash after Brexit has hit us hard, but she works with me to economise where we can.


But, and here is the funny thing, contrary to all the doom-mongers the 38 year age gap is an irrelevance, we have a loving relationship, a great sex life, and a house full of puppies at the moment that she calls her "children". We have a nice quiet life un-interrupted by dick-heads and tossers which is more than we often had in the UK. She looks after me, I help out with cooking for dogs, washing up, laundry etc so I can take some of the load off her shoulders as she works hard for us. She has made my twilight years wonderful.

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27 minutes ago, anotheruser said:


Can we get back to belittling Ron's relationship for no apparent reason?

No belittling, I just hope it works for them both and they are happy, it does not matter what you and I think or say


Go for it Ron, you only live once ENJOY every minute of it mate

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8 hours ago, anotheruser said:

I was going to ask what TV handle this guy uses. Then it occurred to me the guy is successful so probably not one of us. This story is going to get a lot of sarcastic comments from people whose wives cut their toe nails for them. :)


Congrats to the newly weds.

Quite a few TV members are perpetually unhappy and/or have been unable to form lasting relationships and automatically assume everyone else must be as pathetic as they are. Thus the usual negativity. If they're both happy, for whatever reason, good for them.



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18 minutes ago, cliveshep said:

My Thai wife is my partner, we love and care for each other which is as it should be. I trust her and she has proven herself trustworthy, both here in Thailand and in the UK before. In fact she has access to my bank accounts and has my pin numbers and often it is she that goes to the ATM after first discussing our needs. She is not profligate, and we are far from well off, in fact the rate crash after Brexit has hit us hard, but she works with me to economise where we can.


But, and here is the funny thing, contrary to all the doom-mongers the 38 year age gap is an irrelevance, we have a loving relationship, a great sex life, and a house full of puppies at the moment that she calls her "children". We have a nice quiet life un-interrupted by dick-heads and tossers which is more than we often had in the UK. She looks after me, I help out with cooking for dogs, washing up, laundry etc so I can take some of the load off her shoulders as she works hard for us. She has made my twilight years wonderful.


38 year difference?? i am absolutely flabbergasted.  I am 30 and my GF is 28 and i already find it too much of a difference.. second question why would a 38 year younger girl, fall for such an old man.. life is full of mysteries in thailand...

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38 year difference?? i am absolutely flabbergasted.  I am 30 and my GF is 28 and i already find it too much of a difference.. second question why would a 38 year younger girl, fall for such an old man.. life is full of mysteries in thailand...

Don't forget mate she might not be 28 in her head.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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For those critics out there thinking its all about the money, did you ever hear of a prenuptial agreement ?


When I met my wife 10 years ago, she had no problem signing it in front of her lawyer. She agreed to get zero.


To this day she has loved me, like no other, she has and still takes exceptional care of me, like no other, she asks nothing from or of me, like no other.


She is 21 years my junior, she is my mate, my best friend, and the mother of our 2 children, there is no doubt in my mind that she has had a much better quality of life and love since I came into her life, and she has made my life "perfect" in every sense of the word.


I don't give a rats a$$ that people see an age difference and a foreigner with an Asian, we have as much right as anyone else to walk hand in hand in this life on this farked up planet, shame on those who judge us or anyone else for that matter, shame on those who judge Ronald and his younger bride.


As long as his heart is beating as a young man again, that is what it is all about, it is better than sitting where you all are having a go at another mans happiness, because of your own misery, and as awkward as it may make you feel.


Ever heard that old saying; Love has no boundaries, everyone should be in that boat, and what my wife will receive when I am done and dusted and parted from this body, will elevate her and our children's lives even further, because they deserve it, especially her.


Better than being married to some bitter twisted western bitch who doesn't know how to look after her man, be it by cutting his toe nails, pulling the hairs out of his ears, putting his socks and underwear on for him and not being emotionally farked up every time you want to have a shag.


I am sure he has found his true love just in time, may he live to 100 and enjoy her as much as she will enjoy him and what's coming to her, if he so chooses, nothing wrong with that, oy !


Now go back to your cursing........... 

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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

For those critics out there thinking its all about the money, did you ever hear of a prenuptial agreement ?


When I met my wife 10 years ago, she had no problem signing it in front of her lawyer. She agreed to get zero.


To this day she has loved me, like no other, she has and still takes exceptional care of me, like no other, she asks nothing from or of me, like no other.


She is 21 years my junior, she is my mate, my best friend, and the mother of our 2 children, there is no doubt in my mind that she has had a much better quality of life and love since I came into her life, and she has made my life "perfect" in every sense of the word.


I don't give a rats a$$ that people see an age difference and a foreigner with an Asian, we have as much right as anyone else to walk hand in hand in this life on this farked up planet, shame on those who judge us or anyone else for that matter, shame on those who judge Ronald and his younger bride.


As long as his heart is beating as a young man again, that is what it is all about, it is better than sitting where you all are having a go at another mans happiness, because of your own misery, and as awkward as it may make you feel.


Ever heard that old saying; Love has no boundaries, everyone should be in that boat, and what my wife will receive when I am done and dusted and parted from this body, will elevate her and our children's lives even further, because they deserve it, especially her.


Better than being married to some bitter twisted western bitch who doesn't know how to look after her man, be it by cutting his toe nails, pulling the hairs out of his ears, putting his socks and underwear on for him and not being emotionally farked up every time you want to have a shag.


I am sure he has found his true love just in time, may he live to 100 and enjoy her as much as she will enjoy him and what's coming to her, if he so chooses, nothing wrong with that, oy !


Now go back to your cursing........... 

I dont reckon she is thinking of a pre nup whilst she changes his soiled undies.


I thought all assets accumulated after marriage were split 50/50 or does your pre nup circumnavigate this (are they actually legally binding in Thailand ?).

Edited by Don Mega
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1 hour ago, cliveshep said:

My Thai wife is my partner, we love and care for each other which is as it should be. I trust her and she has proven herself trustworthy, both here in Thailand and in the UK before. In fact she has access to my bank accounts and has my pin numbers and often it is she that goes to the ATM after first discussing our needs. She is not profligate, and we are far from well off, in fact the rate crash after Brexit has hit us hard, but she works with me to economise where we can.


But, and here is the funny thing, contrary to all the doom-mongers the 38 year age gap is an irrelevance, we have a loving relationship, a great sex life, and a house full of puppies at the moment that she calls her "children". We have a nice quiet life un-interrupted by dick-heads and tossers which is more than we often had in the UK. She looks after me, I help out with cooking for dogs, washing up, laundry etc so I can take some of the load off her shoulders as she works hard for us. She has made my twilight years wonderful.

Image result for kudos to you gif

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14 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



I thought all assets accumulated after marriage were split 50/50 or does your pre nup circumnavigate this (are they actually legally binding in Thailand ?).

Done in Australia, once you have kids the ball game can change slightly, but it has never been contested as far as I am aware. What I was advised was if you have kids and you split, and if it ever went before the courts, the Judge is more likely to look at what child support plans you have in place for the kids, and might suggest a % per child, but by then I am sure you would have gone to plan B, if your so inclined, what assets Judge ?

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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Done in Australia, once you have kids the ball game can change slightly, but it has never been contested as far as I am aware. What I was advised was if you have kids and you split, and if it ever went before the courts, the Judge is more likely to look at what child support plans you have in place for the kids, and might suggest a % per child, but by then I am sure you would have gone to plan B, if your so inclined, what assets Judge ?

Ohh its not a pre-nup made in Thailand so worthless here.



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4 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Well said - and I too hope that Ron gets the same care for the rest of his life. I am well behind you in years, but not in care from my wonderful Thai wife - she is fantastic and leaves western women I knew for dead (all Thai women do). There are many lovely wonderful Thai ladies here - but you gotta know how/where to look for them.  


And it is his money and it is his decision - so shut the hell up whingers!!  Women all over the world are 'attracted' to well off men and what the (deleted) is wrong with that?? Good luck to Ron - and all the others like him and us.  No guarantees - we could all end up broke - but that is no excuse for wishing that on others.


Yep - I agree 100%.  They have just looked up from their cornflakes and beer and they sure have a lot of negativity and (deleted) in their heads. I guess I would be cynical too, if I had expected a bar girl to marry me and not take all my money, and then after she did take it all, I was reduced to the pension/savings and drinking beer and whinging about it all day.



As I have said before in other posts, we are leaving Thailand shortly - and bitter Expats are also one thing I will not miss. I dont have a sheep farm - but I am clearly better off financially and morally than many of the TV losers who belittle others like Ron. 

Thank you very much 


dancing elvis presley elvis

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19 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Ohh its not a pre-nup made in Thailand so worthless here.



Cannot touch me here, assets in Australia, she would have to file for court action back in Oz


If the relationship ever went south, which it won't, she will get the house here and the car here, and of course I would make sure she is looked after, don't forget she is the mother of our 2 kids, I only invest as much as I am prepared to lose, and shifting assets in Oz would be done with the press of a button, no property back in Oz.


As for prenuptial's in Thailand I haven't investigated them, had no inclination too, found a link below if your interested to brush up on Thai law though. 



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23 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Cannot ouch me here, assets in Australia, she would have to file for court action back in Oz


If the relationship ever went south, which it won't, she will get the house here and the car here, and of course I would make sure she is looked after, don't forget she is the mother of our 2 kids, I only invest as much as I am prepared to lose, and shifting assets in Oz would be done with the press of a button, no property back in Oz.


As for prenuptial's in Thailand I haven't investigated them, had no inclination too, found a link below if your interested to brush up on Thai law though. 



A pre-nuptial agreement in the U.K. has no legal force, so that is an option that Brits cannot take advantage of. That old bloke will get put in a drip feed for money from day one ... they are in love, he loves her and she loves his money. 


If it flies, floats or <deleted>, rent it, don't buy.

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