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Meeting Israel's Netanyahu, Trump backs away from commitment to Palestinian state


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6 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


What load of Israeli propaganda BS! "Israeli withdrew from Gaza leaving behind houses and villages" What are you talking about? The Israelis drove Palestinians from their land and into Gaza, build a wall around it and now its the biggest illegal prison camp! 

The Israelis are the occupying power which drops cluster and phosphorus bombs on this prison camp called Gaza! Has the aggression of the Israeli government on Gaza changed anything? Yes, it has killed thousands and thousands of innocent women and children! The fascist Likud party has only one goal, and that is to wipe out all Muslims from Palestine.

This is what I love about Thaivisa!

Here I was being a racist thinking that the Jews owned all the banks and Hollywood and everything....


But now you're telling me that they are trying to commit a genocide against the Gazans.  That just shatters by bigoted view noted above.  After all if they are trying to commit a genocide they are going about it all wrong as the Gazans have increased their population by 400% since 1970.  If Thailand would have had similar growth there would currently be 148,000,000 people in the Kingdom.  Thus obviously the Jews are bad with math and don't really run the banks.


And apparently the Gazan life expectancy is higher than Thailand's.


But thanks for trying to spread false propaganda.

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7 minutes ago, DriveByTrucker said:

You can call the killing of 2100 Palestinian citizens over a period of 2 months (in 2014) what you want, I call it what it is, genocide. And definetly a war crime (or state sponsored terrorism if you prefer that). The comparison to the resistance of WW2 is definitely no hyperbole. But your "balanced" views clearly cant see beyond the "Israeli truth".

You assume that I ignore the Palestinian suicide idiots who walk into a busy bus and slaughter innocent citizens. Just because you ignore the murdering of innocent Palestinians, doesnt mean that I dont strongly condemn the killing of innocent Israeli!


You can post whatever nonsense you like, it would make it correct. Disregarding the fact that not all Palestinian casualties were civilian, it still does not amount to a genocide. Such hyperbole comparisons simply demean the concept. Not all of Israel's actions concerning the conflict are considered war-crimes, your biased opinion notwithstanding (same goes for popular state-sponsored-terrorism catch phrase). The French Resistance did not concentrate its efforts on targeting German civilians, which is pretty much a hallmark of Hamas actions.


You did not condemn anything but Israeli actions, hence my response and hence calling your post hyperbolic (which it still is) and your  views biased.


Either way, Gaza is not really the topic of the OP.

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During the conference, a reporter asked about the “sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents across the United States" since the election.  This would have been a good opportunity for Trump to condemn anti-Semitism.  Here is Trump’s response:



Well, I just want to say that we are, you know, very honored by the victory that we had -- 316 electoral college votes. We were not supposed to crack 220. You know that, right? There was no way to 221, but then they said there's no way to 270. And there's tremendous enthusiasm out there.


I will say that we are going to have peace in this country. We are going to stop crime in this country. We are going to do everything within our power to stop long simmering racism and every other thing that's going on. There's a lot of bad things that have been taking place over a long period of time. I think one of the reasons I won the election is we have a very, very divided nation, very divided. And hopefully, I'll be able to do something about that. And I, you know, it was something that was very important to me.


As far as people, Jewish people, so many friends; a daughter who happens to be here right now; a son-in-law, and three beautiful grandchildren. I think that you're going to see a lot different United States of America over the next three, four or eight years. I think a lot of good things are happening. And you're going to see a lot of love. You're going to see a lot of love. OK? Thank you.


Okay?  OKAY??


Maybe we should have a 'Guess What Trump Said Today!' thread stickied to the top of the forum.

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I wonder who spoke to him just prior to this press conference, or what was on TV just prior?


Netanyahu must have been a bit surprised when Trump said "we'd like to see you hold off on settlements..."? and joked about it.


Netanyahu was probably thinking about that Mossad plan to remove Trump, and thinking about green-lighting that as soon as he get's off the dais.

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One of Bin Laden's stated motives for the 9/11 attack was the US support of Israel.  With Trump's severely misguided move, it is now logical to expect a prolongation and probable escalation of the conflict between Islam and the west. Nice one, guys. I'm wondering what item of clothing I will have to remove next to get on a plane.



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54 minutes ago, Thorgal said:

It's not really rational to ask a real estate developer what he thinks about the illegal settlements...

I didn't expect an ethical answer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

He has a little more authority than a typical real estate developer.  


Does an 'ethical answer' have an ethical question? 

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