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Europe must not bow to U.S. spending demands on NATO - EU's Juncker


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4 hours ago, Dan747 said:

If you don't pay-The United Sates will "NOT PLAY!"

The US pays 70% of the cost of NATO. NATO was set up as a defense to Communist USSR or any other regime from invading Europe . In the last century it has cost The US billions of dollars and the deaths of many Americans going to defend The UK and Others after they could not defend  them self's..

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5 minutes ago, sanukjim said:

The US pays 70% of the cost of NATO. NATO was set up as a defense to Communist USSR or any other regime from invading Europe . In the last century it has cost The US billions of dollars and the deaths of many Americans going to defend The UK and Others after they could not defend  them self's..

NATO is/has been deployed in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, and others where the "defence of Europe" would be highly questionable.  USA gets to park it's domestic defence missiles in Europes backyard, making it the target of first strike. There's no easy answer to all this while the EU - as a non-nation - can not pass a simple trade deal with Canada in less than 3 years.  Once UK gets out of EU, and the Eu reforms to be a properly federated Germany, then NATO might well become redundant.  When was the last time anyone saw a big bureaucracy being dissassembled and it's funding clearly being used for the more immediate needs of the country?

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Clearly defence is one of the most important matters for any government.


NATO has worked well and if everyone agreed that they should each spend 2% of GDP then so be it.


However, I think the whole thing requires review.


1) Europe's borders are too porous


2) The Soviets are no longer about to pour through the Fulda gap!


3) What about the post Cold War peace dividend


4) Is NATO fit for purpose?


5) Some countries have highly expensive nuclear ballistic missile submarines and ocean going fleets. Is 2% for U.K. Too little? Do we really want Germany to treat itself to 4,000 main battle tanks per annum?


As I say, this requires a little thought.....

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's obviously an idiot. How do stupid people get into positions like that?

If Germany can't afford 2% to help pay for their own defence, perhaps they should stop inviting a lot of immigrants in that they have to support.

May I kindly correct you. Better have left 'obviously' out. :smile:

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He's obviously an idiot. How do stupid people get into positions like that?

If Germany can't afford 2% to help pay for their own defence, perhaps they should stop inviting a lot of immigrants in that they have to support.

I think he might suggest that Germany can take over the military defence of europe - start with Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland, and move on to Belgium, Netherlands and France. Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania can help out while Spain and Portugal can watch from the sidelines and Switzerland can organise the banking... oh wait... that sounds familiar

Edited by bangon04
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News Flash

Because of the false news and the lying MSM the Donald is taking his message "On the road again" directly to the people. Should be interesting the prophet going directly to the masses. Getting to look like one of my favorite movies "Night Of The Hunter" Since Barnum and Bailey have now given up travelling the Donald could get some mighty cheap roadshow equipment on the cheap as this looks like travelling directly to the masses will be a never ending thing. 

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5 hours ago, sanukjim said:

The US pays 70% of the cost of NATO. NATO was set up as a defense to Communist USSR or any other regime from invading Europe . In the last century it has cost The US billions of dollars and the deaths of many Americans going to defend The UK and Others after they could not defend  them self's..

UK couldn't defend itself? Suggest you check the history books (not the coloured rubbish you lot were taught in school or historically inaccurate movies. U571 lol). Have a look at the Battle of Britain for one. The US eventually put some work in once all the fighting was done.


Agree with Trump on NATO though, and Juncker is just a Eurocrat numbnut. The yanks do put in too much, while the likes of France swans around and also gets away with minimal EU payments. On the other hand, the US gets cosy access to Europe, its missile placements being one of the benefits. You don't think it pays over the odds out of the goodness of its heart, do you?



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5 hours ago, bokningar said:

How much is 2.38% of 0? 



Well actually, thinking about it, Greece's contribution should be attributed to Germany as it's Germany's loans and gifts that Greece is actually spending! Why not spend big when it's not your $$$!

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12 hours ago, anotheruser said:


Looking at the article the USA is paying 3.61% of it's GDP. The recommended amount it seems to be 2%. So the USA over pays by 273,700,000,000 (1.61% of 17 trillion) every year. That is no small amount. The USA could effectively pay off it's the national debt in a decade with that kind of money. 


Even if everybody paid the recommended percentage the USA would still have the highest burden because it has by far the highest GDP. These numbers are disgraceful and I just can't imagine how anybody can justify this. If Trump could do one worthwhile thing correcting this immediately would be the one I would like to see. 


I hope my math was right as I am not used to dealing in billions and trillions. 


Edited: my math has to be off because 1.6% of 17 trillion wouldn't be able to pay off the national debt of around 19 trillion in a decade. Anyway it is still a lot of money. I must have got a zero out of line somewhere.

One must remember that the 650 billion US$ spent by the USA is not just for NATO but is a Global Figure with parts picked up by other Asian and Middle East Allies. Yes America is paying the Lion's share of so called anti Russian, Anti Chinese Military spending but is the Bulk of the US Military overseas or in US Territories. What is the percentage of US spending in actual Foreign Deployments? Most NATO Countries indeed National Defence Forces are based in their Home Countries.

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22 hours ago, anotheruser said:


Out of all the countries that don't really need NATO as well. We have the Pacific and the Atlantic to do our heavy lifting. All that money could do a lot of good back home.

Hey Canada has got your back. Your now covered on 3 sides. You only need to worry about those pesky pool cleaners, gardeners, maids, MacDonald workers creeping in from the south and possibly the odd terrorist. 

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On ‎17‎.‎02‎.‎2017 at 11:18 AM, jpinx said:

If the US and some allies hadn't made unlawful fabricated wars they wouldn't need so much money of the GDP.

BTW, Trumps hidden idea: make the US-weapon industry stronger ! A very nice idea to trick other countries into contributing to this idea.

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