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Trump dismisses Russia controversy as 'scam' by hostile media


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What is really fascinating about this adolescent man, is that he started the war with the media. I am not sure how he thought this was going to end up, but in his own mind (an alternate version of reality to be sure) he somehow felt that despite the war on the media, they would love him anyway. Well, they do not. They despise him. And that will not change anytime soon. He made an enemy out of them. He started this war. He drew first blood. He inflicted the first casualties, by picking on that guy with the infirmities. That offended alot of hard working, honest, earnest reporters, and set the media against him. He thinks he is brilliant, but of course most of us know that this is the furthest thing from the truth. He lives in a self created alternate universe, and he has been able to live there for decades, due to his wealth, and the willingness of most people who deal with him, to stoop down, and kiss his butt. But, that is not going to be the case anymore, now that he has this high profile public position. 


I believe this is going to be very difficult for him to deal with. I believe the possibility of a psychological breakdown (worse than his current state of mind), some sort of mental meltdown, or serious health issues loom on the near horizon. And that is if he is does not resign, or get impeached before then. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What is really fascinating about this adolescent man, is that he started the war with the media. I am not sure how he thought this was going to end up, but in his own mind (an alternate version of reality to be sure) he somehow felt that despite the war on the media, they would love him anyway. Well, they do not. They despise him. And that will not change anytime soon. He made an enemy out of them. He started this war. He drew first blood. He inflicted the first casualties, by picking on that guy with the infirmities. That offended alot of hard working, honest, earnest reporters, and set the media against him. He thinks he is brilliant, but of course most of us know that this is the furthest thing from the truth. He lives in a self created alternate universe, and he has been able to live there for decades, due to his wealth, and the willingness of most people who deal with him, to stoop down, and kiss his butt. But, that is not going to be the case anymore, now that he has this high profile public position. 


I believe this is going to be very difficult for him to deal with. I believe the possibility of a psychological breakdown (worse than his current state of mind), some sort of mental meltdown, or serious health issues loom on the near horizon. And that is if he is does not resign, or get impeached before then. 

I think he'll resign, in time, and the first words out of his mouth will be about the "not fake media" network he will be establishing.

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I finally watched all of this "press conference". This is obviously not funny anymore. Forget about all the lies, and there were far too many to keep track of. Forget about the anti-semitism and racism (the black lady must know all those other black people). Forget about the rantings about uranium, nuclear armageddon. Forget about blowing a Russian ship out of the water. Forget about saying "fake news" a hundred times.


But why can't he just let the whole election thing go? Someone please tell him that he won. And he doesn't have to brag lie about the size of his electoral college win; and when he's called out on it he stumbles around and says someone told him that he won as bigly as anyone.


He needs a vacation. Maybe head down to Bushwood CC, and then hold a rally. And finally, look for those strawberries.





Edited by mtls2005
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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

So when Tom Friedman of the NY Times says Trump's election is equal to Pearl Harbor where 2403 people lost their lives and America went to war on that basis, the call now should be war with Russia? This is a classic example of the Press getting ahead of themselves with whipping up a storm and even insurrection with exaggerated news at best and fake news at worst in their attempt to take down an election they think belongs to the Democrats..If Trump manages to kill 2403 people with his policies then perhaps this could be said, and even so would this be as much as his predecessors?

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1 minute ago, Linzz said:

So when Tom Friedman of the NY Times says Trump's election is equal to Pearl Harbor where 2403 people lost their lives and America went to war on that basis, the call now should be war with Russia? This is a classic example of the Press getting ahead of themselves with whipping up a storm and even insurrection with exaggerated news at best and fake news at worst in their attempt to take down an election they think belongs to the Democrats..If Trump manages to kill 2403 people with his policies then perhaps this could be said, and even so would this be as much as his predecessors?

Absolutely not.  War is not necessary.  Proper diplomacy would probably help.  From both sides.

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33 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What is really fascinating about this adolescent man, is that he started the war with the media. I am not sure how he thought this was going to end up, but in his own mind (an alternate version of reality to be sure) he somehow felt that despite the war on the media, they would love him anyway. Well, they do not. They despise him. And that will not change anytime soon. He made an enemy out of them. He started this war. He drew first blood. He inflicted the first casualties, by picking on that guy with the infirmities. That offended alot of hard working, honest, earnest reporters, and set the media against him. He thinks he is brilliant, but of course most of us know that this is the furthest thing from the truth. He lives in a self created alternate universe, and he has been able to live there for decades, due to his wealth, and the willingness of most people who deal with him, to stoop down, and kiss his butt. But, that is not going to be the case anymore, now that he has this high profile public position. 


I believe this is going to be very difficult for him to deal with. I believe the possibility of a psychological breakdown (worse than his current state of mind), some sort of mental meltdown, or serious health issues loom on the near horizon. And that is if he is does not resign, or get impeached before then. 

Are you sure he made war with the media first? The media was in collusion with the Hillary campaign from the start to set up Trump as the straw man to be nominated that she would easily beat hence all the publicity he got, then to take him down so she could waltz into the Whitehouse. Regardless of whether you think this was Putin hack or a democratic leak, that story came out in John Podesta's emails via Wikileaks and was not denied.

To everyone's horror regardless of the huge Hillary spend not only by her neocon supporters but also 96% of all media donations, the sure thing backfired and they are so angry that they will do anything or say anything regardless, in order to destroy what they think is their inheritance by divine right.

I agree with you that this is a very difficult time for him with the frenzy surrounding him from all quarters and him being a non politician new on the job who often shoots himself in the feet.

The Dems need to regroup instead of blaming each other and take over from the media which seems to be the Opposition Party currently.


Where was all the opposition from the Press when Obama whispered supposedly out of hearing to the Russian ambassador to tell Vlad that he would be very flexible after the election? 



And what of Senator Edward Kennedy's liaison with the KGB to deal with Reagan?



"Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election."

"When President Reagan chose to confront the Soviet Union, calling it the evil empire that it was, Sen. Edward Kennedy chose to offer aid and comfort to General Secretary Andropov"


“The media,” Kengor says, “ignored the revelation.”


This was at a time when the Soviets were Communist. The media pick and choose and are often politicized liberals if not Marxists.



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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I'm not sure how this will play out.  The new UN ambassador had very harsh words for Russia.  Trump now says Russia has taken Crimea illegally and should give it back.  But then says he wants to get along with Russia.  Some say this is his negotiation style...we'll see.  Hopefully, he'll do the right thing and stand up to Russian aggression.

He doesn't know what he's doing!

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2 minutes ago, Redline said:

He doesn't know what he's doing!

Not a clue.

That was an absolute car crash of a press conference, he seems oblivious as to how ridiculous he sounds.


The only thing he got right is that the press will (rightly) report him as ranting and raving.

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Just now, Linzz said:

You could be right but this may be his style, policy on the hoof, everybody's friend and play all sides against the middle.

Or more likely he simply doesn't have a clue.

Another gem from this hour long comedy show:

"A nuclear holocaust would be like no other."


No other what? Nuclear holocaust?

The guy is a blithering idiot.


At least he was honest. He said that Reince Priebus spends half his time putting out lies.



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9 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Are you sure he made war with the media first? The media was in collusion with the Hillary campaign from the start to set up Trump as the straw man to be nominated that she would easily beat hence all the publicity he got, then to take him down so she could waltz into the Whitehouse. Regardless of whether you think this was Putin hack or a democratic leak, that story came out in John Podesta's emails via Wikileaks and was not denied.


Yes, he started the war.  Calling them unhonest, fake news, bs like that.  And all the time he's telling such huge lies.  No wonder the media are after him.  Watch this.  I normally don't watch Fox News, but this reporter has it spot on.  You really need to watch this.



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6 minutes ago, Linzz said:

Are you sure he made war with the media first? The media was in collusion with the Hillary campaign from the start to set up Trump as the straw man to be nominated that she would easily beat hence all the publicity he got, then to take him down so she could waltz into the Whitehouse. Regardless of whether you think this was Putin hack or a democratic leak, that story came out in John Podesta's emails via Wikileaks and was not denied.

To everyone's horror regardless of the huge Hillary spend not only by her neocon supporters but also 96% of all media donations, the sure thing backfired and they are so angry that they will do anything or say anything regardless, in order to destroy what they think is their inheritance by divine right.

I agree with you that this is a very difficult time for him with the frenzy surrounding him from all quarters and him being a non politician new on the job who often shoots himself in the feet.

The Dems need to regroup instead of blaming each other and take over from the media which seems to be the Opposition Party currently.


Where was all the opposition from the Press when Obama whispered supposedly out of hearing to the Russian ambassador to tell Vlad that he would be very flexible after the election? 



And what of Senator Edward Kennedy's liaison with the KGB to deal with Reagan?



"Kennedy’s message was simple. He proposed an unabashed quid pro quo. Kennedy would lend Andropov a hand in dealing with President Reagan. In return, the Soviet leader would lend the Democratic Party a hand in challenging Reagan in the 1984 presidential election."

"When President Reagan chose to confront the Soviet Union, calling it the evil empire that it was, Sen. Edward Kennedy chose to offer aid and comfort to General Secretary Andropov"


“The media,” Kengor says, “ignored the revelation.”


This was at a time when the Soviets were Communist. The media pick and choose and are often politicized liberals if not Marxists.



Hilary is gone!  Obama is gone!  DT is screwing up.  Quit blaming!  He is president.  He should have been prepared to be president.  He said he knew he would win, so why doesn't he know what he's doing?  He should have read the Constitution.  Time to stop whining and blaming.  Get this Russian thing over through a thorough and robust investigation.  Then, the fake president will face another crisis, and blame someone, or something else.  It's getting old already.

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5 minutes ago, Linzz said:

You could be right but this may be his style, policy on the hoof, everybody's friend and play all sides against the middle.

That may work in his business because he dictates everything in his business.  Unfortunately, he is in charge of a Democracy now.

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2 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Yes, he started the war.  Calling them unhonest, fake news, bs like that.  And all the time he's telling such huge lies.  No wonder the media are after him.  Watch this.  I normally don't watch Fox News, but this reporter has it spot on.  You really need to watch this.



Yes I did see that today. It's good to know that Fox News offers different opinions

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6 hours ago, webfact said:


"The leaks are absolutely real. The news is fake," Trump told a news conference, referring to media reports that his presidential campaign team had contacts with Russian intelligence officials.

I think after Trumps next four years are up they should gracefully retire the words "fake news" as they have and will be worn to death. 

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

I think after Trumps next four years are up they should gracefully retire the words "fake news" as they have and will be worn to death. 

I think the media should ignore Trump because they feed of each other. It's symbiotic relationship.Only thing is they would both die from no readership and no publicity

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1 minute ago, Linzz said:

I think the media should ignore Trump because they feed of each other. It's symbiotic relationship.Only thing is they would both die from no readership and no publicity

As things stand now the GOP control everything the Dems are in disarray with no heir apparent to leadership. Trump looks to be and acts like a dictatorship coming up through the middle. 

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Just now, Linzz said:

I think the media should ignore Trump because they feed of each other. It's symbiotic relationship.Only thing is they would both die from no readership and no publicity

The media are basically corporations, with revenue numbers to hit and stockholders to answer for.  They publish news because you'll read it.  One reason you don't read about an outbreak of crabgrass in St. Louis on the national news.  Nobody would read it.  But when the president lies and pulls these shenanigans, it's big news and gets more viewers/readers.  They just go where the money is.

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5 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I imagine the sycophancy on Fox & Friends will be vomit-inducing today though.

Yes they have that effect on me. I always am amazed when I drop into Fox News from time to time how they can take that rotten apple and try to give it a shine. Amazing what they will do for a paycheck. The bar girls here in Thailand put them to shame. For the sake of disclosure I have nothing against bar girls. 

Edited by elgordo38
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13 minutes ago, Redline said:

Hilary is gone!  Obama is gone!  DT is screwing up.  Quit blaming!  He is president.  He should have been prepared to be president.  He said he knew he would win, so why doesn't he know what he's doing?  He should have read the Constitution.  Time to stop whining and blaming.  Get this Russian thing over through a thorough and robust investigation.  Then, the fake president will face another crisis, and blame someone, or something else.  It's getting old already.

But Hillary hasn't gone, she is tweeting her usual identity politics "the future is female".

Obama hasn't gone, he's still in Washington with his new organization to preserve his legacy.


"He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country."


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Just now, Linzz said:

But Hillary hasn't gone, she is tweeting her usual identity politics "the future is female".

Obama hasn't gone, he's still in Washington with his new organization to preserve his legacy.


"He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country."


I think the point is that they have NOTHING to do with Trump's presidency.

He's doing a more than capable job of tanking it on his own.

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3 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes they have that effect on me. I always am amazed when I drop into Fox News from time to time how they can take that rotten apple and try to give it a shine. Amazing what they will do for a paycheck. The bar girls here in Thailand put them to shame. For the sake of disclosure I have nothing against bar girls. 

I dunno the girls on Fox are not so bad as eye candy

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1 minute ago, Linzz said:

But Hillary hasn't gone, she is tweeting her usual identity politics "the future is female".

Obama hasn't gone, he's still in Washington with his new organization to preserve his legacy.


"He’s doing it through a network of leftist nonprofits led by Organizing for Action. Normally you’d expect an organization set up to support a politician and his agenda to close up shop after that candidate leaves office, but not Obama’s OFA. Rather, it’s gearing up for battle, with a growing war chest and more than 250 offices across the country."


Stop reading tweets.  Shadow government huh?  You should set one up too!  Hell, we all should.  I think a cult would be easier, and we can get tax free stuff, and lots of wives

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Just now, Linzz said:

I dunno the girls on Fox are not so bad as eye candy

Yes your right but as soon as they open up their mouths the whole eye candy scenario falls apart. I understand there is a lot of groping going on at Fox behind the scenes it seems one girl got a fat settlement and the CEO spouting denials resigned. Then the blonde that Trump made famous did not have her contract renewed and she moved on to bigger and better things. Could be a good place for a beautiful beginner. 

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1 minute ago, Redline said:

Stop reading tweets.  Shadow government huh?  You should set one up too!  Hell, we all should.  I think a cult would be easier, and we can get tax free stuff, and lots of wives

And if things do not work out we could always pull a Jim Jones. 

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