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58-year-old woman injured when monks battle police, DSI officials


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5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Talk about being at the wrong place at the wrong time. 58 year old and in the middle of a fight with the police. Not so wise decision.

And she's the only lady i saw on the video...don't those monks have wives?


It's an ashaming video for budhism, i always thought monks were very peacefull and correct people..

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Buddhism in Thailand, appears to be a religious name for triads or Mafia. Monks are always in the news for various things, first class airline travelling, drinking and Sexual liaisons with younger girls, doing what they please as they know their believers are brainwashed. Like ALL religions a total farce .

i on many occasions have sat in the business class lounges of Cathay Pacific watching Monks throwing back expensive brandies etc and then arguing with cabin crew on the following flight. Totally unbelievable and totally out of order.

have you noticed at Swampy how Monks are allowed to use the priority immigration channels. Such reverence for a bunch of thugs 

Edited by DipStick
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And as usual the foreign press agency doesn't quite give & avoids the correct details / doesn't include other relevant details which would provide well balanced coverage of the situation. 

They give correct details that you dont like...this is just another political witch hunt.
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2 minutes ago, DipStick said:

Buddhism in Thailand, appears to be a religious name for triads or Mafia. Monks are always in the news for various things, first class airline travelling, drinking and Sexual liaisons with younger girls, doing what they please as they know their believers are brainwashed. Like ALL religions a total farce 

Do the monks also do good things by the way? If they come to bless a new house or wedding they always get money...What do they do back for the Thai??


I was at a huge Wat in BKK last week where they recycle a lot of old junk, and i mean really a LOT...there are loads of shops on the templegrounds and around it where it's sold but it costs more than in Central and is very old and crappy.


Also we took a roundtrip on a tricycle through the gardens of that Wat, a 13 year old boy was driving it like an idiot and there were loads of people in the back of it, including me....Then he drove fast under a lowhanging branch and i was luck to see it and duck or i would have been beheaded.



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1 hour ago, scorecard said:


Just wondering who is winding up these monks and the followers?

Exactly. They could just stand aside and let the authorities do their search. They could provide any information they have if he's really long gone.. So the question is why exactly do they need to put up forceful resistance? Most will just be followers, so who's benefiting from the situation here?

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A very well orchestrated attempt by the so called monks and their supporters to get support for their 'fight' by posting photo after photo of a woman and a monk who suffered minor injuries whilst taking part in an illegal demonstration. No sympathy for them whatsoever. This so called temple needs shutting down for good. It is an embarrassing symbol of opulence and a brainwashed mass.

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4 minutes ago, Prbkk said:

Would have been a sensational story on social media though.

Yes i agree, but i'm sure my insurance would sue them and i wonder if the temple would pay....it won't be cheap i guess. Of course it would be in the newspapers for a long time and not good for the image of thailand/budhism.


I can't understand why even monks/temples are so careless about safety, even for paying visitors from the 1st world.

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4 hours ago, nahkit said:

Probably they want more proof than one monk coming out and telling them he's not there.

"Police declined to comment on a report in the Bangkok Post newspaper that Phra Dhammachayo escaped the monastery on the first day of the search."

More than one monk it seems. Countries most respected newspaper think so too.

I concede no one can prove conclusively where he is till he is found, but, wouldnt it pay to spread the net a little wider, just in case he has slipped the cordon?

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4 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

If u were a leader of a group or sect of ppl, then when the authorities come, u should step out 1st n stand in front of your disciples n protect them from any harm. Not that I am a Christian, but at least in the bible Jesus stood out n protected all his disciples n gave himself up when Judas betrayed him.

Any leader that hides behind his followers n not lead by example is not worth following.

I remember during my army training when we had to disembark from the helicopter, the top ranking officer always has to alight 1st even in enemy fire n lead his man out to battle.

Yes, but you are talking about people with honour, courage and steadfast dedication to their fellow man.

This is a story about a suspect in a 1.2 Billion Baht scam.

Corruption tends to dilute peoples morals in general, to the extent that sending out brainswashed muppets to fight your battles would not seem amiss.

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I believe this  will be a test of the credibility  of  "modern"  Bhuddism  in Thailand. Long overdue and long ignored. 

I have  seen locally the loss of respect  even for those  Monks  who may percieve themselves as genuine  as well as those  who  obviously  have chosen to ignore the  basic principles that would endear themselves to  devotees in the interests  of a  lifestyle. 

I further  believe  that tax exemption  for  religion   anywhere  should  be removed which  would have the potential to  eliminate a large percentage of the  lucrative  business aspect.

In this particular situation I believe the  government  should  freeze  the  entire estate  and  evict  all residents including those in the extensive  township until  such time  as the  actual legitimacy or otherwise  is established. 

Demigods are  in abundance but when there is  the  chance  to  nullify them it is probably wise  to.

Is  that  not the intent in the proclaimed case of a different  but  more  global "terrorist" challenge?

Or is  it the  usual public  confusion  between   fact and  fiction?

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On 2/20/2017 at 9:08 AM, cliveshep said:

A few THOUSAND Harry? I thought Thai jails were already overcrowded? What about the cost of care for them? Come to that isn't it all part of Religious Freedom granted to all religions in the Kingdom? Do you really want what Human Rights there still are here to be further eroded?


They may be misguided, probably are, but as they see it they are supporting their religious leader, even if he is a criminal. Locking them up for a year is overkill surely?

So, if they are stopping the police from doing their job, what do you suggest the penalty be?  Finally they are doing their job, and people are trying to stop them.

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On 2/20/2017 at 11:19 AM, darksidedog said:

"Meanwhile the DSI was giving protection to a senior monk after he decided to come out on order of authorities.

The defected monk reported to tell authorities that Phra Dhammachayo has already sneaked out of the temple since February 16. He was accompanied by his aids and doctors.

The defected  monk said he could never return to the temple again after his disclosure.

DSI chief Pol Col Phaisit Wongmuang did neither deny nor confirm the monk’s disclosure but said DSI has information already."


If they have information that Phra Dhammachayo has done a runner already, why are there still thousands of police and army there?

Wouldn't they be better off spread around the countryside looking for him elsewhere, thus preventing more injuries to all sides?


There is evidence on the temple grounds for sure

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19 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

If u were a leader of a group or sect of ppl, then when the authorities come, u should step out 1st n stand in front of your disciples n protect them from any harm. Not that I am a Christian, but at least in the bible Jesus stood out n protected all his disciples n gave himself up when Judas betrayed him.

Any leader that hides behind his followers n not lead by example is not worth following.

I remember during my army training when we had to disembark from the helicopter, the top ranking officer always has to alight 1st even in enemy fire n lead his man out to battle.

If you have nothing to hide, you just let them in~easy

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On 20/02/2017 at 9:26 PM, darksidedog said:

Yes, but you are talking about people with honour, courage and steadfast dedication to their fellow man.

This is a story about a suspect in a 1.2 Billion Baht scam.

Corruption tends to dilute peoples morals in general, to the extent that sending out brainswashed muppets to fight your battles would not seem amiss.

I have seen the interviews of the disciples with  Khun JomKwan on Thairath n they twist the truth n excuses for just not answering the charges. It was really hard to watch how misguided these disciples are. 

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16 minutes ago, Moonmoon said:

I have seen the interviews of the disciples with  Khun JomKwan on Thairath n they twist the truth n excuses for just not answering the charges. It was really hard to watch how misguided these disciples are. 

Which brings the question - who is telling them the lies / who is deliberately winding them up?

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It seems incongruous that military authorities backed by guns and tanks who stole power from a democratically-elected government a few years ago  can be bluffed by a few monks.  Does this mean military authorities believe religion is a more powerful force in the community than civil/human rights?  What does it say about their opinion of ordinary Thai citizenry?

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