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Thai people giving family names to you


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During my last trip to Thaïland, I met many local friends, this was my goal, not hanging out with farang but with the locals.


One girl called me her baby since she is 4 years older than me.


Another one called me her dad.


Another one called me her uncle.


I noticed also that Thaï girls often say "she is my sister" about a friend of hers.


Ps: these were just normal girls (not prostitutes) that I met by Tinder. With some I hanged out drinked beers and danced, with others I went shopping, no strings attached or no dating with these girls. Just being friends.


Is that a common thing Thaï people do?


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4 minutes ago, transam said:

A "good" Thai friend will use these terms. A couple of Thai lady friends call me brother, I can't write here what I am called if I sing.....



My partner, who is no longer a spring chicken, will get called Auntie by complete (Thai) strangers.

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12 minutes ago, transam said:

A "good" Thai friend will use these terms. A couple of Thai lady friends call me brother, I can't write here what I am called if I sing.....



You can write  " Sounds like a dying cat "   you won't get a TV holiday.  :laugh:

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50 minutes ago, Pebblesz said:

Interesting... can you explain this a little more?

The Thai pronominal system varies according to the sex and relative status of speaker and audience. Also depends on situation.


For example, there are a number of Thai words for "I", but each expresses a different gender, age, politeness, status, or relationship between speaker and listener.

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2 hours ago, Pebblesz said:

Interesting... can you explain this a little more?

Many of those relationship terms you cited like "uncle", "auntie", or "older person", etc., are used in the sense of "older person who is old enough to be my aunt or uncle", and do not imply in any way that you have had family member status conferred upon you. While these terms are often used to infer a degree of common kinship or familiarity, they can also be used to emphasize a person's relative age, especially if they are used to refer to you in the third person, as in "Uncle used the bathroom six times in the last hour." :) 


In rereading the OP, I note you met many of these women on dating websites. If there is a sizable age difference between you and the woman,  I would be inclined to interpret being referred to as "paw" (Dad) or "Lung" (uncle) as a not especially flattering or subtle commentary on your age difference. Calling someone "Dad", "Gramps", "Uncle" is most likely not being used here as a term to connote elder respect, much less as a term of romantic endearment, but rather as a not so subtle way to draw attention to and remind everyone as well as you of your comparative age difference.


While the term 'Father' is used to refer to the King (Father of Thailand), certain male school and government officials and other occupations (in the sense of "male engaged in such and such occupation"), members of the clergy, and, of course, biological fathers or step-fathers, I've personally never observed a Thai person refer to another man as their father simply because they were in a similar age range as their father, but I suppose this is possible.


I often refer to older women and men as Yai (older woman/auntie or Lung (older man/uncle) and this is generally received with amusement. But if a younger woman who I had a romantic interest in started referring to me as "Dad" or "Uncle", that would definitely dampen my romantic ardor.  

Edited by Gecko123
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4 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

In rereading the OP, I note you met many of these women on dating websites. If there is a sizable age difference between you and the woman,  I would be inclined to interpret being referred to as "paw" (Dad) or "Lung" (uncle) as a not especially flattering or subtle commentary on your age difference. Calling someone "Dad", "Gramps", "Uncle" is most likely not being used here as a term to connote elder respect, much less as a term of romantic endearment, but rather as a not so subtle way to draw attention to and remind everyone as well as you of your comparative age difference.


I often refer to older women and men as Yai (older woman/auntie or Lung (older man/uncle) and this is generally received with amusement. But if a younger woman who I had a romantic interest in started referring to me as "Dad" or "Uncle", that would definitely dampen my romantic ardor.  

Okay, well this wasn't the case here. I actually met all of these girls on Tinder and Tinder is both a dating app and just an app to make friends at the same time. I'm only 30 years old and our age differences were not that huge (5 years maximum).

I met "one night stands", "friends" and also my current "Thaï girlfriend" on Tinder.


The people who gave me family names were in the "friends" category, I wasn't interested in them (for dating I mean) and they weren't either, but we met a lot and had nice times together, hanging out, drinking, shopping, etc...

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13 minutes ago, recycler said:

Yes right.....

The fact that you don't believe me is a compliment, it means I'm one of the few that can interact with the normal chicks.


Glad I didn't tell you my Thaï gf is white, in her twenties, has a car, is hot, has no children and is way wealthier than me. You wouldn't believe me anyways and that's perfectly fine.



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You need to understand the Asian complex, especially Thais, Indians and Chinese.  In the past, the reference to "uncle" may well have been a polite way of addressing someone whose age was relatively older - old enough to be your father. 


However, the trend has changed.  It's no longer about the "real age" of the supposed uncle.  It now boils down to the motivation of the caller.  More often than not, the term "uncle" is employed to deliberately damage your self-confidence, especially if you are the object of envy.  For ladies who go around calling people uncles, there is a "feel good" factor by pretending that they are still young.

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From the times picking my kids up from school (they're in their upper teens now) I have been called 'Daddy' by all their friends.  This is because they've heard my kids call me 'Daddy' and assumed that it was my name!  I still get called 'Daddy'.

Some must think I'm the most virile person around with all these 'daughters and sons'!

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I read your post, and i have to say, i i niether believe you, or disbelieve you.There are hundreds of guys on here spreading your sort of gospel.Nine times out of ten, it is usually a 'wannabe  thought of as a i am a friend of wonderful Thai people'

This is normally when the poster is insecure,shy, and a fantasist.aand feels the need to 'big'themselves up to the forum.Unfortunately, most of us have heard this all before.

Your last paragraph,describing a fantasy girl friend,adds serious weight to your Walter Mitty life style.

Its like saying....'.Yeah! and my dad is bigger than your dad'.

Any way, other than all that, have a nice day.

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"Paw" (different tone) can also mean "enough", as in when topping up a beer, the person whose glass you are filling might say "paw, paw, paw" to mean "that's enough." Otherwise a young woman calling a young man "paw" as in "father" makes absolutely no sense to me.

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I dont really know,or care if you are pathetic or not.'you is what you is' Your life, is what it is, or what ever you want it to be on here.As you say, the forum is anonymous.But you are simply repeating what some people post every day.The only other people who have integrated with the Thai girly thing,as you say you have,would be comparative, in another form,  with mother Theresa and Saint Augustus.(he was the guy who brought Christendom to ancient Britain) To be honest,without being nasty,its boring mate,its 'Mr nice' If we were all like  you, there would be nothing on 'Thai Visa' to read.If you wish to go happily prancing through the Daisy fields of "I'm so happy just to be here",remember, its old hat.

Once again, have a nice day.

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36 minutes ago, Pebblesz said:

Well this is the Internet, I'm just a poster with a random nickname and some avatar, this would be the last place where I would need to prove myself.


Anyways, I posted my story here recently: https://www.stickmanbangkok.com/uncategorized/2017/02/a-different-thai-girl/


I would be really pathetic to invent a story like this.

Anyone who needs to boast about his exploits, internet or not, has some serious self image issues.

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11 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


I dont really know,or care if you are pathetic or not.'you is what you is' Your life, is what it is, or what ever you want it to be on here.As you say, the forum is anonymous.But you are simply repeating what some people post every day.The only other people who have integrated with the Thai girly thing,as you say you have,would be comparative, in another form,  with mother Theresa and Saint Augustus.(he was the guy who brought Christendom to ancient Britain) To be honest,without being nasty,its boring mate,its 'Mr nice' If we were all like  you, there would be nothing on 'Thai Visa' to read.If you wish to go happily prancing through the Daisy fields of "I'm so happy just to be here",remember, its old hat.

Once again, have a nice day.

Listen, I wasn't going to share this info about my gf on this forum.


The only reason why I did so was because the other dude pissed me of with his comment (nobody likes to be called a liar).


If if you don't believe me fine.


I won't post anything anymore here that involves me being friends or dating a non-prostitute girl because people won't believe me anyways.


I'll stick to the useful information about living in Thailand.



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2 hours ago, Pebblesz said:

The fact that you don't believe me is a compliment, it means I'm one of the few that can interact with the normal chicks.


Glad I didn't tell you my Thaï gf is white, in her twenties, has a car, is hot, has no children and is way wealthier than me. You wouldn't believe me anyways and that's perfectly fine.



That you would begin a list of your girlfriend's attributes with a comment about how white her complexion is, and brag that she isn't from Isaan (from your Stickman post), tells me that you have a lot to learn about Thai culture. Personally, I found these comments offensive, and believe that many, if not most, Thais would as well.

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I am called Lung (uncle) by my wife's niece little boy (5 years old) he calls her Yai (Grandmother) but he comments that I don't look old enough to be called Ta (Grandfather, although I am 58 thus a big compliment for me). This just illustrates that uncle, aunt, grandmother and grandfather are just terms used to show respect for people older than you and has nothing to do with family relationships. In South Africa 30 years ago every person 10 years older than you was addressed as "Tannie" Aunty or "Oom" Uncle as a matter of fact in the same manner to show respect to someone older than you. This is currently fading away quickly and I do object to those terms in no uncertain manner. I believe you have a good bunch of kids there that still have respect for someone older then them so enjoy their company. You can just tell them you want to be called by your name, not all if them will do that and it would be rude to force them to call you by your name.

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What a damned good idea.And upon further reflection, i am sure that the op's here would love to see a picture of this beautiful, sexy,hot,  rich girl that you are so lucky to be involved with.And please dont think we are silly enough not to know a 'posed' picture, or mag cut out, when we see it.

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4 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


What a damned good idea.And upon further reflection, i am sure that the op's here would love to see a picture of this beautiful, sexy,hot,  rich girl that you are so lucky to be involved with.And please dont think we are silly enough not to know a 'posed' picture, or mag cut out, when we see it.

PM me I'll send you a pic of her bank account receipts, nude pictures, a copy of her ID ... you name it, I'll send it all.

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