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You can have a lie in in the morning, unfortunately, Donz and Gracelessfawn join you.. :D

I wish I had a girlfriend :o

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You kick me and like a boomerang, I come straight back!

I wish I had a bestselling novel on the market!


You've got those extra hours. Unfortunately they're ones where you're kept awake by crowing roosters, barking dogs, cats in heat, drunks singing in the street, revving motorbikes, your ever-bickering neighbours and a thump-thump-thumping Techno bass-line courtesy of the folks next door.

We wish there was peace on Earth.

I wish the world was peaceful

The world now finally, after centuries and millenia of war and bloodshed, lives in peace and respectful harmony and..

Awww... I'm not gonna be the one to spoil this wish.


You do have that bestselling novel. Unfortunately it's written from (& based on your true experiences in) a Thai prison.

I wish there were more hours in the day

You've got those extra hours. Unfortunately they're ones where you're kept awake by crowing roosters, barking dogs, cats in heat, drunks singing in the street, revving motorbikes, your ever-bickering neighbours and a thump-thump-thumping Techno bass-line courtesy of the folks next door.

We wish there was peace on Earth.

that one's been done!!! make another wish quick!!! :D


There is peace on earth, Earth is now a tranquil, beautiful place where animals live without the threat of extinction, where pollution is just something that happened in the past. No guns, no war, no arguments and no crime. Alas there are also no longer any people!

I wish I owned a 'bar beer' in Pattaya!

(uncorruptable!! what could ever go wrong?):o

I wish I owned a 'bar beer' in Pattaya!

yes,,you own the antique bar beer at Patty , all waitresses are 90's y/o katheoy

I wish i had a red top with an old white knicker which it had some spots of fungus while i was drinking a bottle of cheap whiskey

I wish I owned a 'bar beer' in Pattaya!

yes,,you own the antique bar beer at Patty , all waitresses are 90's y/o katheoy

I wish i had a red top with an old white knicker which it had some spots of fungus while i was drinking a bottle of cheap whiskey

Darn Bambi, you really got in in for her don't you?!

What's gotten in to you?



You have all of that (but can't for the life of me think why you'd want it!), but somehow you find even lao khao is too expensive for you, so you end up renouncing booze & living happily ever after. Sorry, I like BambinA, and the other scenario (ending up in a gutter, begging) is too predictable!

I wish all TV members will have a very, very Merry Christmas and that 2007 will be their collective best year ever!

Corrupt that!!

I wish all TV members will have a very, very Merry Christmas and that 2007 will be their collective best year ever!

Corrupt that!!

....And you'll be burdened with paying for all the lao khaos at the TV pissup. :o

I wish I could become a TV moderator...

I wish all TV members will have a very, very Merry Christmas and that 2007 will be their collective best year ever!

Corrupt that!!

....And you'll be burdened with paying for all the lao khaos at the TV pissup. :D

I wish I could become a TV moderator...

Your wish is granted, but there's a sudden outbreak of tourrets syndrome in the Pattaya members section (not too hard to believe).

I wish for a smooth, traffic free ride to the new airport. :o


You beome a tv moderatore and everyone quits tv leaving no punters, and therefore no advertising revenue, and now you have admin hunting you down....

I wish guardian's avatar snake would do a belly dance.


You get a smooth traffic free ride to the new airport - but thats because all other traffic is banned because of another coup - this time Thaksin has returned!

Guardians snake avatar does a belly dance, but watching this you feel a sense of complete depression knowing that you have wasted a wish on something as pointless as this. This regret lives with you for the rest of your life - as you think if only i used the one about Shakira and massage instead!

I wish I could start every morning sharing a shower with Myleene Klass

You get a smooth traffic free ride to the new airport - but thats because all other traffic is banned because of another coup - this time Thaksin has returned!

Guardians snake avatar does a belly dance, but watching this you feel a sense of complete depression knowing that you have wasted a wish on something as pointless as this. This regret lives with you for the rest of your life - as you think if only i used the one about Shakira and massage instead!

I wish I could start every morning sharing a shower with Myleene Klass

You get your wish and you approach your first shower with Miss Klass. As she slips off her robe you find to your horror that she is more man than you in the 'inbetween the leg department'. You now have to shower everyday for the rest of you life with he/she Miss Klass.

I wish that I had a monkey that could help around the flat.


The monkey is a fabulous housekeeper. He even flosses your teeth for you! Sadly, they forgot to toilet train him. Can you say "Monkey poop"?...

I wish my internet connection was faster & more efficient


Your internet is now more faster and you are getting new viruses every now and then before your outdated anti-virus program can detect and clean them.

I wish I have an one million tetrabye (spelling correct :o ?) hard disk for my passion of saving movies and songs to my computer.

Your internet is now more faster and you are getting new viruses every now and then before your outdated anti-virus program can detect and clean them.

I wish I have an one million tetrabye (spelling correct :o ?) hard disk for my passion of saving movies and songs to my computer.

You have your wish, you click the wrong link and download the entire CIA secret agent file list. You are hunted down and seek refuge in Pakistan. You spend your days trimming the beard of Bin Laden.

You have your wish, you click the wrong link and download the entire CIA secret agent file list. You are hunted down and seek refuge in Pakistan. You spend your days trimming the beard of Bin Laden.

:D And your wish............:o???

I wish I could 'jet pack' to work! You know, like the astronauts!

You jetpack daily. You develop "rocket butt". A debilitating condition that causes the build up of extremely hard callouses on your backside. You can no longer function at work.

You take a job with the circus and are known as "titanium tush" You deflect objects with your posterior that have been launched at you at high speed.

In the evening the fat lady rubs lotion on your bum, hoping one day you'll sit again.

I wish I could catch a world record striped bass.

(sorry I missed my last wish :D shame :o )


No. your wish does not come to fruition. (I take more sadistic pleasure in denying than corrupting) :o

I wish the super-filthy-rich people of the world used their financial power for the future good of all.

No. your wish does not come to fruition. (I take more sadistic pleasure in denying than corrupting) :o

I wish the super-filthy-rich people of the world used their financial power for the future good of all.

The super crazy rich people DO use their wealth to help everyone but just after the last person has been helped bird flu mutates to humans and that's the end of that .... :D

I wish that I could drink towers of dark German ale all night and never have to pee .... :D


you never have to pee because the surgeons rewired your bladder tube to your saliva glands. Unfortunately your breath stinks and everything tastes like... but luckily you got dark German ale to wash it all down.

I wish I didnt spend so much time on TV... :o


The govt clamps down on all internet forums citing the "moral degradation of Thai youth" and, thus TV is no more & none of us can spend any more time here! :D:D:o

I wish I was 22 again, with the knowledge of my life & how it will go that I have now

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