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More Muslim Thais Flee To Malaysia


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The crisis which continue to plague south Thailand has forced a group of 20 Muslims to flee the country and seek political asylum in Malaysia, Malaysia's official news agency reported on Friday.

The group, comprising nine men and 11 women, aged between two and 55, and from five families of Narathiwat, entered Malaysia through several illegal jetties here about 10pm on Thursday seeking protection from what they claimed as, "military pressure" in their country.

Bernama reported the group's excuses was almost the same as given by a group of 131 Thai Muslims, who had crossed into Malaysia in August.

A spokesman for the group, who declined to have his name published, claimed they were continuously harassed by the army who entered their houses at night and detained whoever they suspected as terrorists.

"The action is torturing the villagers who have been hoping for a better life after a new government was formed recently," he told Bernama when met at the banks of Sungai Golok Thursday night.

He said the villagers had expected the situation in the southern provinces of Narathiwat, Pattani and Yala to improve with the change in the government's administration but the worst was far from over.

He said since a month ago, the army always entered their village at night, allegedly looking for suspects.

According to Bernama, the army trespassed into our homes and arrested whoever they suspected as terrorists without checking. They took several members of my family and we do not know where they are now.

He claimed that the army under the new government was more aggressive.

He said he decided to leave his village and come to Malaysia for a safe and better life for his family.

A housewife, only known as Yah, 47, said her husband was arrested by the army about a month ago and she had never heard from him since.

The Nation

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A bad situation made worse by inept bureaucrats.

This violence will not go away anytime soon and the refugee problems will only increase. It's sad that people all over the world have to flee their homes because of violence.

Peace to All

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

Please keep in mind that they are not all bad, it's only a minority which creates all the trouble, and using Islam as their excuse.

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

Please keep in mind that they are not all bad, it's only a minority which creates all the trouble, and using Islam as their excuse.

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

No apology necessary, we all have had our different experiences, I have lived and worked as an Airline Pilot for 30 years in mostly muslim countries, I still have a lot of friends there, young muslims I trained and worked with, most of them didn't care too much for religion, they would have a beer like any normal human being.

During the 15 years I have been coming to Phuket I have also known quite a few Thai muslims, mostly nice normal people.

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

So much for religious tolerance & understanding. You should read the history of these 3 troublesome Thai provences and you may understand why the local population is not happy. A corrupt bargain made by the colonial rulers, ie the British to "divide & conquer". A similar mess was made of political geography with the splitting of Laos by the French, which they stole from Thailand.

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

So much for religious tolerance & understanding. You should read the history of these 3 troublesome Thai provences and you may understand why the local population is not happy. A corrupt bargain made by the colonial rulers, ie the British to "divide & conquer". A similar mess was made of political geography with the splitting of Laos by the French, which they stole from Thailand.

Even seen "Hotel Rwanda" ? It was nothing about religion there

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

So much for religious tolerance & understanding. You should read the history of these 3 troublesome Thai provences and you may understand why the local population is not happy. A corrupt bargain made by the colonial rulers, ie the British to "divide & conquer". A similar mess was made of political geography with the splitting of Laos by the French, which they stole from Thailand.

Even seen "Hotel Rwanda" ? It was nothing about religion there

There are extreme "whacos" in every religion & politics. Unfortunately, Islam seems to have some of the worst examples. I was pointing out the facts of political and historical geography that have created a situation of somewhat incompatible "bedfellows" in S. Thailand. Similar conditions of illogical ethnic & religious political boundries can be found throughout the world. The cobbled-up state of Iraq is another example of the poor judgement of colonial rullers in the aftermath of WW I.

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Alex, you seem blissfully unaware of the status of Muslims in Thailand and the history of oppression. Have a read of some history books and read some newspapers, particularly of the army's rol in their subjugation and wonderful ideas from the governor - like having a bounty on 'terrorists' heads - maybe then you can see what it would be like being a Muslim in Thailand.

Your blind statement:

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

. . . simply shows what a closed mind you have - - - bet you 10-1 that you've met many but just didn't know it.

As for leaving if they're not happy . . . why don't you include anyone that isn't happy, as the words 'Leave if you don't like it here' are surely the cornerstone of any highbrow debate.

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Alex, you seem blissfully unaware of the status of Muslims in Thailand and the history of oppression. Have a read of some history books and read some newspapers, particularly of the army's rol in their subjugation and wonderful ideas from the governor - like having a bounty on 'terrorists' heads - maybe then you can see what it would be like being a Muslim in Thailand.

Your blind statement:

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

. . . simply shows what a closed mind you have - - - bet you 10-1 that you've met many but just didn't know it.

As for leaving if they're not happy . . . why don't you include anyone that isn't happy, as the words 'Leave if you don't like it here' are surely the cornerstone of any highbrow debate.

Hmm...Can one have his personal opinion in here??? If I have a closed mind or not, that's not up to you to decide, regardless of that, I really don't care what do you think about me...Terrorists or not, I can't stand them, nor their attitude or behaviour

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Hmm...Can one have his personal opinion in here??? If I have a closed mind or not, that's not up to you to decide, regardless of that, I really don't care what do you think about me...Terrorists or not, I can't stand them, nor their attitude or behaviour

Of course you can have your own opinion and express it - and then a discussion is magically opened, unless you wish to post in a vacuum and not have anyone rerfence your words or opinion. And it is my opinion that you have a closed mind, just as it is your opinion that you 'can't stand them (Muslims), nor their attitude or behaviour'.

So, is it the 1billion Muslims or the millions of Thai Muslims you 'can't stand'?

Amazing what an exchange of opinions can do!

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There are many instances of outside agitators 

adding to the unrest in southern thailand. The list is long 

and mainly composed of al-qaida elements from indonesia,malaysia and phillipines(Abu Sayaf). Thai muslims in my opinion are in the most part, good people.

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Well, the situation in Thailand wasn't the one conducting me in thinking that I don't like muslims. I've had that from home (I'm not american, so Al Qaida or any other forms of terrorism do not affect me directly). I've met muslims in Romania, France, Czech Republic, etc. and none of them left me with a pleasant impression.

The terorist thing isn't one of the decisive factors in my judgement, most of it it's part of the american BS and I also belive that it has been fueled by the american govt. since they decided to help them in Pakistan to hit the russians (another american BS myth) and removed the communist fear and raised the muslim fear...anyways I'm not getting into this as we'll have to open a new thread that could go on for months.

No, it's just that I don't like muslims for their behaviour, attitude, arrogance and impression of superiority, probably that's what lead them into these scandals and wars in a secondary part, cause the first cause it's financial and political.

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If I may have the nerve to revert to the opening post's point:

It's sad when Thai Muslims feel that life in Thailand is so oppressive that they have to take refuge in another country. I wonder how many Thai Muslims have in effect become 'internal refugees' within Thailand, moving further north?

The opening post only reports a small number who have recently fled to Malaysia. Have there already been many thousands more?

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

Please keep in mind that they are not all bad, it's only a minority which creates all the trouble, and using Islam as their excuse.

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

I know a couple and all are nice guys.

If you would specily mention at every crime done by christs that evil christs did it there would be a lot bad emotions about christs while the christs would more and more live in closed communities.

Once there is already hate on both sides, there is no easy way to get friends again....

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A good friend of mine, a farang, lives in Krabi. He told me that the area he lives has a majority of muslims and that they bother no one. He complains that their stores sell no pork but other than that he has no problems.

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

Please keep in mind that they are not all bad, it's only a minority which creates all the trouble, and using Islam as their excuse.

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

I know a couple and all are nice guys.

If you would specily mention at every crime done by christs that evil christs did it there would be a lot bad emotions about christs while the christs would more and more live in closed communities.

Once there is already hate on both sides, there is no easy way to get friends again....

For me, as I've previously mentioned, it's not a religious thing, I'm not too religious myself, it's not that, it's the way they see things, the way they do things. As for thugs bringing all the Islam BS in wars and all kinds of terrorist acts, I've got no comment, those are the worst of them.

Anyway, all this muslim issues, as far as I'm concerned, I am pretty sure they have been started and now fuelled by the US Govt. with all their fantasies and fears that somebody would like to takeover their bully position, first they had something against the redskinned indians, after they came after the africans, then russians, now...muslims, who in the world knows what they will be after tomorrow, asians, brits, penguins, monkeys or who the he_l knows...

Lately they are concerned about the global warming, wonder when will they realize that they are one of the first on the guilt list for this?!

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A good friend of mine, a farang, lives in Krabi. He told me that the area he lives has a majority of muslims and that they bother no one. He complains that their stores sell no pork but other than that he has no problems.

What about the five daily prayers? I know it gives me the creeps when I hear that guy howling 5 times/day. Why is everybody praying quietly and minding their own business and these guys need a sound station to do it? :o

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What about the five daily prayers? I know it gives me the creeps when I hear that guy howling 5 times/day. Why is everybody praying quietly and minding their own business and these guys need a sound station to do it? :o

The call to prayer is traditional - exactly like our church bells ringing . . . I'd rather hear church bells ringing myself . . .

The point about internal refugees is very true, and I have read that quite a few are moving to the Cambodian border areas.

I am not sure about 'outside agitators' (reminds me of Sheriff R. P. Colatrane) being a big influence here as the Thai Muslims have a genuine gripe and it is the radicals who espouse the grand caliphate or even integration with Malaysia.

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I wish all the muslim in this country a pleasant journey to Malaysia and hope they forget their way back to Thailand :o

Please keep in mind that they are not all bad, it's only a minority which creates all the trouble, and using Islam as their excuse.

Please accept my appologies, but in my experience with muslims, I haven't met a decent one until now, hope I will eventually...

I know a couple and all are nice guys.

If you would specily mention at every crime done by christs that evil christs did it there would be a lot bad emotions about christs while the christs would more and more live in closed communities.

Once there is already hate on both sides, there is no easy way to get friends again....

For me, as I've previously mentioned, it's not a religious thing, I'm not too religious myself, it's not that, it's the way they see things, the way they do things. As for thugs bringing all the Islam BS in wars and all kinds of terrorist acts, I've got no comment, those are the worst of them.

Anyway, all this muslim issues, as far as I'm concerned, I am pretty sure they have been started and now fuelled by the US Govt. with all their fantasies and fears that somebody would like to takeover their bully position, first they had something against the redskinned indians, after they came after the africans, then russians, now...muslims, who in the world knows what they will be after tomorrow, asians, brits, penguins, monkeys or who the he_l knows...

Lately they are concerned about the global warming, wonder when will they realize that they are one of the first on the guilt list for this?!

As for the global warming: The big question is: How can they bomb or shoot the global warming like they did with their other enemies?

As for the penguins: It is obvious that they are evil and must be wiped out. :D :D

Almost every religion was abused for power and money. What did the christs in name of good just a few hundred years ago? Bush told that God spoke direct to him, even buddhist monks are helping the army or told that it is OK to kill communists. If any of these guys would read their own book they would find out that killing people is not allowed in their religion.

Sad story....

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I ask myself this question; "Who do i think is responsible for the bad things that happen to good people as a result of terrorist behaviour?" And invariably i give myself the same answer....... Its the extreemist groups that prompt sometimes extreem action that can be dealt to good/bad people by governments. Can you blame them for trying to sort out the threat?

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No, it's just that I don't like muslims for their behaviour, attitude, arrogance and impression of superiority, probably that's what lead them into these scandals and wars in a secondary part, cause the first cause it's financial and political.

There is some truth in what you said about Muslims. Just as there are arrogant and imposing Westerners, there are also those who have good attitude.

I've mix with some Europeans and Americans. In fact, two of my cousins are married to Americans and another three are half Muslim cousins.

It is so easy to stereotype and generalise these people (the Muslims). But, then, being someone who don't grow up knowing the Muslim community, it is little surprise that you would come up with such attitude towards them.

From where I come from, Muslims are a minority but they are not oppressed nor do they try to impose their beliefs and attitude to the majority of us. So... it is very much a two side of a situation.

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The Taliban were created in Pakistan

using Saudi arabian money under the pretext of religious schools, with US approval. The US,Saudi Arabia and the UAE were 

the only countries to recognize the Taliban as the rulers

of afghanistan. The word taliban comes from the arabic taleb,

which means one who has wants to be enlightened or one who wants to learn.saudi arabia and arab countries have for years spent large sums in order to build madrassas(religious school) which expound their

brand of extremist Islam(wahhabism). Most Thai Mosques have been built 

using this money(70's-Present) and the supply of religious books are also from same sources.The same money has found it's way to indonesia(jamah islamiyah),malaysia(rafiq & rafah),thailand(southern extremists) and the phillipines(abu sayaf)among other SEA countries. These are loosely connected movements which share the same benefactors, and who all have the same aims. The establishment of sharia law and the long gone caliphate. Al-qaida is just an all encompassing term the US media and gov't use for all islamic extremists from the Sunni tradition. If you look at recent history, in the early 1990's, the same Ramzi Yousef that tried to blow up the WTC in New York with a truck bomb, narrowly failed to blow up the Israeli embassy in bangkok. He was staying at the Grace Hotel by the way and he made a truck bomb which was driven near the israeli embassy and which got into a car accident on Witthayu and the driver left the van and ran out.the bomb was later defused. so not as unrelated as one would think

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No, it's just that I don't like muslims for their behaviour, attitude, arrogance and impression of superiority, probably that's what lead them into these scandals and wars in a secondary part, cause the first cause it's financial and political.

There is some truth in what you said about Muslims. Just as there are arrogant and imposing Westerners, there are also those who have good attitude.

I've mix with some Europeans and Americans. In fact, two of my cousins are married to Americans and another three are half Muslim cousins.

It is so easy to stereotype and generalise these people (the Muslims). But, then, being someone who don't grow up knowing the Muslim community, it is little surprise that you would come up with such attitude towards them.

From where I come from, Muslims are a minority but they are not oppressed nor do they try to impose their beliefs and attitude to the majority of us. So... it is very much a two side of a situation.

Are you coming from Bronx? :o

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The Taliban were created in Pakistan

using Saudi arabian money under the pretext of religious schools, with US approval. The US,Saudi Arabia and the UAE were 

the only countries to recognize the Taliban as the rulers

of afghanistan. The word taliban comes from the arabic taleb,

which means one who has wants to be enlightened or one who wants to learn.saudi arabia and arab countries have for years spent large sums in order to build madrassas(religious school) which expound their

brand of extremist Islam(wahhabism). Most Thai Mosques have been built 

using this money(70's-Present) and the supply of religious books are also from same sources.The same money has found it's way to indonesia(jamah islamiyah),malaysia(rafiq & rafah),thailand(southern extremists) and the phillipines(abu sayaf)among other SEA countries. These are loosely connected movements which share the same benefactors, and who all have the same aims. The establishment of sharia law and the long gone caliphate. Al-qaida is just an all encompassing term the US media and gov't use for all islamic extremists from the Sunni tradition. If you look at recent history, in the early 1990's, the same Ramzi Yousef that tried to blow up the WTC in New York with a truck bomb, narrowly failed to blow up the Israeli embassy in bangkok. He was staying at the Grace Hotel by the way and he made a truck bomb which was driven near the israeli embassy and which got into a car accident on Witthayu and the driver left the van and ran out.the bomb was later defused. so not as unrelated as one would think

....with US approval AND MONEY, 1 billion dollars if I remember correctly and US military trainers for the taliban army. Objective completed, no more russians in Afghanistan.

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....with US approval AND MONEY, 1 billion dollars if I remember correctly and US military trainers for the taliban army. Objective completed, no more russians in Afghanistan.

With US approval,Money, military trainers and

US armaments.Many of which including stinger missiles were later sold to different gov'ts and militant groups. Yes the russian military in afghanistan has been replaced by ex russian military people smuggling heroin and women. What a coup!

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As with roguegirl, the population here includes 15% Muslims - never a problem simply because they have the same education possibilities, career opportunities and are in every way equal to the rest of the population . . . no reason for upheaval . . . this may lead us to summise that it is not a religion which sparks violence, rather the persecution of the individual.

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