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White House bars some news organisations from briefing


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Freedom of the press definition: The right to circulate opinions in print without censorship by the government. Americans enjoy freedom of the press under the First Amendment to the Constitution.


Everyone, regardless of political affiliation, should be alarmed by the Trump administration's attempts to marginalize and undermine the press. It's un-American and extremely undemocratic. Anyone who loves America should be vociferously defending the press's access to the oval office and other branches of government.

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36 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

All media spin. On instructions from their owners, passed down through the editors. Pushing their agenda with no concern for right and wrong, or decency, or fairness, or bias.

“Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see.”

― Benjamin Franklin

That was in reference to rumors.  And was actually a quote from Europe attributed to the middle ages.  Nothing to do with media spin.  The major media players vet their info quite well.  The fringe sites, not so well.

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A warning to keep it civil.


If you believe someone else has stated something that is not true, calmly and politely state your case.


No name calling. Do not call each other liars.


Have the courtesy to accept that other people may genuinely believe things that are contrary to your understanding, or to the facts at your disposal, without intending to lie. Either just let it go, or state your case  in a factual manner without any name calling.






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40 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Yes it is.  Totally  a new thing. 



So in the past anybody with a press pass could show up to the WH for a press conference?

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That's the whole point of having a press pass.  It means you (or your organization) have been cleared to attend a press event.


But that is not what's going on now.  Now, some new organizations that have held White House press passes over many different presidential administrations, both Democratic and Republican, are being barred for no good reason.

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9 minutes ago, attrayant said:

That's the whole point of having a press pass.  It means you (or your organization) have been cleared to attend a press event.




And who hands out the passes? Do a little research, presidents handle press conferences differently.  The press conference is a tradition not a constitutional requirement, how it's carried out, how many, how often and who attends is set by each administration.





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LOL…just as predicted….moaning on CNN going on in full swing.


Jake Tapper (aka The Flapper): "Theres a name for this sort of thing…..one word…..un-american." LOL


Calmly glossing over the fact that there wasn't a blanket ban on all media attending….just his own network that supported hillary clinton and now has an axe to constantly grind with the Trump administration, at whatever cost.



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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Yes it is.  Totally  a new thing. 

Here's an idea.  Why doesn't the press stick together and not attend.  A ban can work both ways.


I'm all for the power of the press.  It's time for them to put up or shut up.

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32 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



Do a little research, presidents handle press conferences differently.  The press conference is a tradition not a constitutional requirement, how it's carried out, how many, how often and who attends is set by each administration.





I found no history of administrations barring entire new organizations from press conferences on the grounds that they weren't legitimate news organizations.  Perhaps you could show us your "research"?

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3 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Yes the BBC are certainly not backing Trump in their reporting.  Actually nor are the ITV or Channel 4 news.  As for the newspapers they are also guilty.  Cartoons in just about all of them lampooning poor Donald almost every day.  In fact in the UK it is hard to find any coverage that isn't highly critical or indeed mocking of Trump.  Thank goodness in the USA Fox are covering his back.

This is not political; it's cultural.


Do you expect any informed person to support Trump's antics?

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2 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

The more I read and think about Trump and his actions the more I see 1930's Germany and the rise of the Nazis with the only mayor difference that Trump blames everything on the Muslims while Hitler blamed everything on the Jews... that are today backing Trump!


I believe most American Jews vote Democrat.

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5 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


In other words you found a history of presidents selecting who can and who can't attend a press conference. Trump  used an unprecedented criteria to do the same, that's his prerogative as POTUS.



Indeed. The criteria of not letting a body attend on the basis that they wrote factually correct but unflattering news has never been used before.... as far as I know. Trump bases the legitimacy of a news outlet on whether they are willing to stoke his ego maniacal attributes. Strange, but he can do it if he wants to. I just wish he would be honest about the reason rather than give some half-baked pseudo-intellectual reason. Fake news lol. Not everyone is that dumb Mr Trump.

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10 hours ago, Dagnabbit said:


Those organisations are still free to write what they like. Not a single freedom was taken off them.


The bottom line is that when the "free press" turn themselves into political hacks, out to ouster the president, they don't really earn full access to his team.


Cry all you like about it.  This is not impeding the freedom of the press in any way whatsoever.


Your assertion fails the smell test. None of these media outlets have turned themselves into "political hacks". Trump et al don't like that they are actually being called to account for their actions and their outrageous litany of lies. Granted, impartiality in reporting political news no longer exists, but that's true for both ends of the spectrum. I'm curious as to where your outrage was during the Obama years when Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, Jones, FOX and Friends, Kelly, and the rest of the circus of right-wing talking heads were skewering Obama daily? Would it be fair to say that they were trying to "ouster the President", or is it possible that they were simply reporting what they saw through the lens of a highly partisan point of view? I would suggest the latter. Trump, Bannon, Spicer, and the rest of the current White House buffoons are infuriated because the press is no longer giving them a pass on the endless parade of fiction that proceeds from the Oval Office and environs like they did during the campaign. There has been a change of paradigm and the new model is real-time fact checking and the press calling them on their lies to their faces. This is precisely the job of a free press, to hold the politicians to a higher standard in their service to the American citizenry. This is why no administration has had a cuddly relationship with the press, not even Obama. Politicians want to do what politicians want to do, and they prefer to do what they do absent prying eyes. If any administration needs to be held to account, it is this one. As far as your assertion that none of their rights have been violated, you couldn't be any farther from reality if you were on a bad acid trip. Their right to report on what the White House is doing, their right to question this administration, their right to do their job in a manner that most benefits the electorate, their right to have equal access to the statements emanating from the White House and compare them to other data in order to ferret out the truth, and their right to represent the public in its quest to have the best information possible in order to be educated, informed voters...all have been violated.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…just as predicted….moaning on CNN going on in full swing.


Jake Tapper (aka The Flapper): "Theres a name for this sort of thing…..one word…..un-american." LOL


Calmly glossing over the fact that there wasn't a blanket ban on all media attending….just his own network that supported hillary clinton and now has an axe to constantly grind with the Trump administration, at whatever cost.



He never glossed over the fact that it was not a Blanket ban. He stated very clearly which organisations were banned. It was not just his own network that supported HRC. Are you now saying that Trump as President only owes allegiance to the Americans who voted for him? Is that what you are saying? Many people should have many axes to grind with how this administration is being run. There are currently over 650 senior Government positions that remain empty because this administration only wants to employ people that will act unquestionably in accordance with Trumps views. Everyone that held those positions has been sacked. We are 5 weeks in and 650 positions remain empty. The administration is totally incompetent.

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I guess you are only paying attention now that Trump is in the White House.  Obama did the same thing repeatedly with Fox News.  Even wiretapped a Fox News reporter and his parents.  MSNBC and CNN have been way over the line with their attacks on Trump.  
I am for a VERY STRONG PRESS.  American democracy depends on having a strong press and them doing their job, but they were AWOL during the Obama dictatorship.   If Obama had worked with ANYONE (Republicans or Democrats) he would not now be having things erased with the other in of the pen for his Executive Orders.  

So Fox was kept away from press briefings by Obama?
And how has CNN et all go over the line? All they have done is reporting, either simply his words but also some investigating reporting. The only problem at the moment is that Trump does not like it when asked about his words and actions.

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Since this topic opened, it's gotten an average of over 16 responses per hour.  Quite a hot topic.


I haven't waded through the responses, but I suspect it's the same pattern:  roughly 80% to 90% of posters generally agree that pooping on the 1st amendment is wrong, ....with the remainder backing Trump, no matter what harmful-to-America and anti-Constitutional thing he does.

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31 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Since this topic opened, it's gotten an average of over 16 responses per hour.  Quite a hot topic.


I haven't waded through the responses, but I suspect it's the same pattern:  roughly 80% to 90% of posters generally agree that pooping on the 1st amendment is wrong, ....with the remainder backing Trump, no matter what harmful-to-America and anti-Constitutional thing he does.

Your post is a good example of how some news organizations do their reporting.  No facts, just slanted guesswork.


Maybe that's why some of these news organizations are in the news, instead of reporting the news.

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Retired admiral, commander of bin Laden raid, slams Trump's sentiments on media


William McRaven, a retired four-star admiral and former Navy SEAL, defended journalists this week, calling President Donald Trump's denunciation of the media as "the enemy of the American people" the "greatest threat to democracy" he's seen in his lifetime.

That's coming from a man who's seen major threats to democracy.

McRaven, who was commander of the secretive Joint Special Operations before he retired from the military, is the man who organized and oversaw the highly risky operation that killed Osama bin Laden almost six years ago.

From the Newspaper of the US Military no less. Way to go Commander in Chief !


Stars and Stripes - Admiral slams Trump on Media comments.




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4 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

LOL…just as predicted….moaning on CNN going on in full swing.


Jake Tapper (aka The Flapper): "Theres a name for this sort of thing…..one word…..un-american." LOL


Calmly glossing over the fact that there wasn't a blanket ban on all media attending….just his own network that supported hillary clinton and now has an axe to constantly grind with the Trump administration, at whatever cost.



Yes and funnily enough, since Trump has started his war with CNN their viewing figures have risen substantially!  Thank you Mister Trump, it all helps with CNN's revenue.

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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:

He's so dumb, he probably thinks that if they don't hear the rubbish Spicer comes out with, they won't be able to write mean things about him.



The GOP would be more than happy if they did not have to deal with the press because they would then be relatively outside of public scrutiny and could go about their nefarious ways unchecked. While the press, and therefore public, are focussing on a couple of 'supposed' big issues the GOP is quietly rescinding regulations in the background so as to pay off their corporate donors and friends. One of these stopped the coal industry from dumping their waste into rivers and streams which most sane people would consider a good thing. Another one involved the movement of large sums of money with foreign entities so as to stop multi million bribes being paid. Both have gone and have been largely unreported because there has been simply too much news. The GOP has been somewhat happy with Trump's antics because it allows them to practice sleight of hand.


The problem with effectively banning media outlets is that that is the reason Trump is doing what he's doing. What I mean by that is that he is in it for the limelight, the spotlight, and that alone. If anyone thinks he is in it because of a genuine desire to improve the lives of the American people then they have been had, stitched up, done like a kipper. Trump cares about the limelight so much that heaven knows what will he will do if he losing what is essentially a fix.





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14 hours ago, MarkusAUST said:

Disgraceful post. Free speech is just something that passes you by isn't it?

The Founding Fathers of America would be turning in their graves to read that utter drivel you just came out with.

Here, go read the Constitution and the amendments, specifically the first one.

CNN has the right to give their views, the same as FOX has the right to give their alternative one.

It is not necessary for you to agree with any of them, BUT THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY IT.

White House briefings are publicly funded, so ALL the press have a right to enter and collect what is being said.

The subsequent dissemination of their views will always be different, dependent on their political stance.

This dissemination of different views is exactly what Democracy is about. Or maybe that one passed you by too?


The lefties are biting today!!


There is a difference between differing points of view in reporting, but outright misrepresentations/lies are quite a different thing.  That seems to have passed you by.


You may recall the ageing woman trotted out by the Democrats, who claimed she was groped by Trump on a flight, didn't report it to the airline, didn't tell her relatives, didn't report it to the police, but just coincidentally, she emerged two weeks before the election, and this happened 36 YEARS AGO!!!


Sure she was.  Everybody (on the left) believed her).

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14 minutes ago, F4UCorsair said:


The lefties are biting today!!


There is a difference between differing points of view in reporting, but outright misrepresentations/lies are quite a different thing.  That seems to have passed you by.


You may recall the ageing woman trotted out by the Democrats, who claimed she was groped by Trump on a flight, didn't report it to the airline, didn't tell her relatives, didn't report it to the police, but just coincidentally, she emerged two weeks before the election, and this happened 36 YEARS AGO!!!


Sure she was.  Everybody (on the left) believed her).

I believe her. She had nothing to gain. If I were her what greater retribution to take than to try to damage the deviant just before he runs for election.  I am not a leftie, I am right wing. Trump has set up patterns of behaviour as a sexual predator (do you think it was ok for him to admit how he would go in the changing rooms of the Beauty contests looking at naked teenage girls? - that story was corroborated)  and the womans story fits in perfectly. Everyone tried to discredit her, saying 'First Class seats have a barrier between them", well they do now but back then they were like a sofa and that is a proven fact. She was right. Why did Bill Cosby's victims not come forward before? Because they were scared of the criminal and the ridicule they would get from people like you. That 'ageing' woman was not aged when the incident happened and neither was Trump 70 years old. Her treatment was despicable, but I really believe that one day she will have her day and Trump will reap all he has sown.


Once again you are another claiming downright lies were spoken by CNN about Trump. Please tell us what these lies were. Why is Trump innocent when a woman comes forward after decades but Clinton is not? You are all so blinded by faux rage it is incredible.


I think the magician Darren Brown did an experiment which showed that one in 10 or 15 people were susceptible to mass hypnosis using TV as the delivery medium. You and many like you have fallen in that category. Get help quick! Then smell the coffee and wake up.


And then there are still the unheard alleged crimes of the statutory rape of a 13 and 12 year old. A poor woman managed to get the charges in to court and then to the dismay of the lawyer Trumps heavy team moved in and made threats, the like of which would terrify any 'normal' person. The court case was dropped as the prime witness refused to testify.


You think so much smoke without any fire? How naive. And I bet a thousand dollars the intel dug up by the ex British agent of the 'party' in a Moscow hotel room is 100% true.


It will all come out in the wash and I just hope that now the press make it their primary mission to bring him and his 'surrogates' down!

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8 hours ago, notmyself said:

Strange, but he can do it if he wants to. I just wish he would be honest about the reason rather than give some half-baked pseudo-intellectual reason. Fake news lol. Not everyone is that dumb Mr Trump.


Not so strange for a president to select how and  through which media he disseminates information. His overall decision making process is pretty strange though. The outright lies and misinformation he tells though is beginning to bite him in the ass. He's losing followers.


As far as the fights with the press , IMO, it's his way of keeping a dominant position in the news cycle. At the same time it keeps  attention off his real problems that he has like his relationship with Russia, all the lawsuits he has against him, the big question of his taxes, etc.


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47 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I believe her. Hnhe had nothinginto gain. If I were her what greater retribution to onlysake than to try to damage the deviant just before he runs for election.  I am not a leftie, I am right wing. Trump has set up patterns of behaviour as a sexual predator (do you think it was ok for him to admit how he would go in the changing rooms of the Beauty contests looking at naked teenage girls? - that story was corroborated)  and the womans story fits in perfectly. Everyone tried to discredit her, saying 'First Class seats have a barrier between them", well they do now but back then they were like a sofa and that is a proven fact. She was right. Why did Bill Cosby's victims not come forward before? Because they were scared of the criminal and the ridicule they would get from people like you. That 'ageing' woman was not aged when the incident happened and neither was Trump 70 years old. Her treatment was despicable, but I really believe that one day she will have her day and Trump will reap all he has sown.


Once again you are another claiming downright lies were spoken by CNN about Trump. Please tell us what these lies were. Why is Trump innocent when a woman comes forward after decades but Clinton is not? You are all so blinded by faux rage it is incredible.


I think the magician Darren Brown did an experiment which showed that one in 10 or 15 people were susceptible to mass hypnosis using TV as the delivery medium. You and many like you have fallen in that category. Get help quick! Then smell the coffee and wake up.


And then there are still the unheard alleged crimes of the statutory rape of a 13 and 12 year old. A poor woman managed to get the charges in to court and then to the dismay of the lawyer Trumps heavy team moved in and made threats, the like of which would terrify any 'normal' person. The court case was dropped as the prime witness refused to testify.


You think so much smoke without any fire? How naive. And I bet a thousand dollars the intel dug up by the ex British agent of the 'party' in a Moscow hotel room is 100% true.


It will all come out in the wash and I just hope that now the press make it their primary mission to bring him and his 'surrogates' down!

You're right?.  Yeah left !  (I'm dyslexic)


If that happens Al, and Pence assumes control, the left's rage will continue because they know no other way.  This Is only partly anti Trump  (he just happens to be In the chair).  It's mostly about the democrats losing and their Inability to accept the result.

The left Is  never different....only the country changes.

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13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Yes the BBC are certainly not backing Trump in their reporting.  Actually nor are the ITV or Channel 4 news.  As for the newspapers they are also guilty.  Cartoons in just about all of them lampooning poor Donald almost every day.  In fact in the UK it is hard to find any coverage that isn't highly critical or indeed mocking of Trump.  Thank goodness in the USA Fox are covering his back.

That is all fine with me, they can have cartoons, not back him or whatever, but they should never report "gossip" as fact

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