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Tourism bigwigs upbeat about Pattaya future saying it is a resort of a "world standard".


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Sex industry , and any other issue aside - Pattaya , the man made part , is just about as ugly as a city  can get.

Its grey , its black , its moldy , its dirty and much of it is broken . Rubbish is everywhere.

Ugly beyond words .

The cables are horrible , the traffic is smoke belching and  aggressive ... and dont ever be around when they lift one of those manhole covers.

Thus the sea is filthy,  and no sensible person would dream of swimming in it.


These officials have to talk as if none of the above exists in Pattaya because its under THEIR watch that it IS decaying and that such a mess exists.


Amsterdam could be labelled a sex capital as well - but there the comparison ends.

Take it from me , the sex industry is the LEAST of Pattayas woes !

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First of all, I don't care how many hookers Pattaya has, it can have one hooker or one million hookers, it's still not nor will it ever be a world class resort.


I don't even think it is a decent resort. It might be acceptable to people who are unable to afford going somewhere decent, but that's about it.


If you think Pattaya is world class then there is just no way you've ever been to a proper quality resort.


Unless of course by world class you simply mean: a lot of pussy.

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11 hours ago, rooster59 said:

There is nothing to worry about," he added. "Pattaya is a quality place that is of a world standard".

Was he referring to :-


1.  The pavements which, in the unlikely event they exist on most sois, are blocked or have gaping potholes

2.  The smooth running of the traffic, particularly weekends

3.  The extensive pedestrian crossings of busy roads, was it 3 or 4 in the whole town

4.  The crystal clear waters of the bay

5.  The mindset of the police, warning people not to go out at night wearing jewelry


Can't be bothered to type 6 - 43


Would be interesting to hear which world standard he is referring to.

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19 minutes ago, dcsw53 said:

Was he referring to :-


1.  The pavements which, in the unlikely event they exist on most sois, are blocked or have gaping potholes

2.  The smooth running of the traffic, particularly weekends

3.  The extensive pedestrian crossings of busy roads, was it 3 or 4 in the whole town

4.  The crystal clear waters of the bay

5.  The mindset of the police, warning people not to go out at night wearing jewelry


Can't be bothered to type 6 - 43


Would be interesting to hear which world standard he is referring to.


They omitted one word "third":wai:

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12 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Pattaya future saying it is a resort of a "world standard".

Fairly accurate if the Royal Thai Police don't mess it up, as recently attempted...........

Arresting all those Outside Girls (African/European) may be a step in the right direction BUT hassling those Thai girls is shooting Pattaya in the foot......... Those local girls (Including Agogo's) are bringing a lot of money into Thailand because they spend a lot of it in Pattaya and send some home to the country folks..... In any case it is big 'tourist money" they are bringing into Thailand...... Leave the girls alone --- Concentrate on the 'gold snatchers' and 'jet-ski' scammers...........Those girls bring in much more money than countrefiet goods ever will............

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3 hours ago, Cranky said:


Good on yer.  If you like beaches, go to a beach place.  If you like hookers go to a hooker place.  If you like beaches and hookers, go to Pattaya. What's the problem?

The problem is the beaches in pattaya are sewerage treatment plants and the hookers well, ummm I'd never swim in  pattaya waters.

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7 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


When a city get 7 or 8 millions tourists a year,

there is necessarily a few troublemakers among them...


Agreed...should they have tried Southend on a bank holiday a few years ago....

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I think most are well aware what Pattaya is. It's highly unlikely to change just because the BIB round up a few beach prostitutes. Thailand has thousands of kilometers of beach, why not try to make the other resorts and islands world class? Pattaya is a party beach, pure and simple. If people want a world class standard beach experience, they are better off hitting one of the islands or beaches on the mainland. Sadly, it seems many of the other resorts and beaches are starting to resemble Pattaya. I went to Patong over Christmas and I will not be returning. Dirty, crowded and expensive. 

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8 hours ago, dhind1 said:

Pattaya is a world class resort destination. It has everything a family could want or a single man or woman. Yes the sex trade exists, but it exists in many countries, Pattaya should not be labeled the sex capital of anywhere. This industry is available if you want to find it. If you do not want to see it then there are many other things to do in Pattaya that are not connected to the sex trade. 

Anyone who has lived here for any length of time is well aware that sex is available and where to go to get it. How does this make Pattaya any different from Amsterdam, Nevada, Germany or Australia? All of these locations have sex available. I know that these locations are more discrete and are not visible as a street show, but that does not make them any less a location where sex is for sale.

I have been living in Pattaya for close to 20 years and I may hit Walking Street or similar venues once or twice a year. Just because it is there does not mean you have to partake.

I would agree with the Tourism big wigs, Pattaya has much to offer to everyone and the sex industry is but a small part of that. In actual square footage Walking street, Soi 6 and Soi Buakao do not take up very much space, but they get a lot of attention from the media.

What pattaya do you live.I lived in thailand for 12 years.The sex industry is every were in pattaya.There are over 3000 bars restaurants in pattaya.Nearly all have women for hire.Shopping mall, shops and even from the banks women have been hired.I have also lived in amsterdam and germany.These countrys have brothels.very small areas in big city.Pattaya is the last holiday place that you would want to take your family.Soi 6 is a short time soi.And soi buakao is about 2 miles long.I dont believe you have lived there for 20 years.I think you are a typical person who has been for 2 weeks holiday.then comes back and talks like expert.Seen it a thousand times.The main sex area is from the dolphin to walking street ,mainly off beach road and 2nd road.and soi buakao,And over 3 miles long.And this is only the main area.

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I have no vested interest in Pattaya, other than it is where I live, and no one paid me to write anything.

A long time ago I came to terms with living in Thailand. It is not perfect, but it does have it's charm. I decided that if I did not like what was here I should leave or stop complaining about it. Unfortunately I have been unable to stop complaining, but I make sure to do it in private. This is not my country and as I said before if I do not like it I can leave. Incessantly complaining while still living here would only make me a hypocrite. 

Thailand is not perfect, and yes Pattaya has its problems along with most of the world. However I like it here. If that makes me uninformed and or ignorant of what the rest of the world is like it does not matter. I am not discussing the rest of the world, I am extolling the virtues of Pattaya. I have see almost every continent and several countries on each continent, all of them have virtues and all of them have problems. Singapore is a prime example, it is a tropical paradise, but I would definitely not chose to live there, it is much too sterile for my tastes.


Pattaya has numerous events and destinations that are family friendly and are world class. There are plenty of things to see and do here that do not involve sex, I have had friends and family come to visit here and we have not visited the bright lights more than ones if requested. Stating that Pattaya only has sex to offer only makes you uninformed, not knowledgeable.


Again I say to all of you who feel the place has nothing to offer, you do not have to stay here. If you cannot see past the bright lights and scantily clad ladies, then I submit that you only see what you want to see and are not able to enjoy Pattaya and Thailand for what it is. Go somewhere else where you will hopefully be happy.


That is it! Chose to be happy where you are or change your circumstances and leave, and or chose a different destination for your vacation. But that is the problem right, many who post derogatory comments about Thailand and or Pattaya still chose to come here and or live here. I do not understand why that is, but again I do not have to understand, it does not bother me. That is your problem, not mine. Does Thailand frustrate me, yes, of course it does, there is litter, the sidewalks are not straight and level, there is a price for me and a price for Thais (I do not go to those places), there are a myriad of other things that I could say about Thailand, but what would be the point. Every armchair critic is well aware of what is here and what exists elsewhere in the world.  


I submit that everyone who is reading and or posting on This forum and or other forums has their own reasons for living or coming to Thailand. My point is if you are here then enjoy it, do not run it down because it does not conform to what you want it to be.

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34 minutes ago, Thomas Hannah said:

What pattaya do you live.I lived in thailand for 12 years.The sex industry is every were in pattaya.There are over 3000 bars restaurants in pattaya.Nearly all have women for hire.Shopping mall, shops and even from the banks women have been hired.I have also lived in amsterdam and germany.These countrys have brothels.very small areas in big city.Pattaya is the last holiday place that you would want to take your family.Soi 6 is a short time soi.And soi buakao is about 2 miles long.I dont believe you have lived there for 20 years.I think you are a typical person who has been for 2 weeks holiday.then comes back and talks like expert.Seen it a thousand times.The main sex area is from the dolphin to walking street ,mainly off beach road and 2nd road.and soi buakao,And over 3 miles long.And this is only the main area.

Your generalizations are telling. I think many of the 3, 4 and 5 star hotels along the beach road would be disappointed in your generalization of their location. 

Again I submit to you if this is such a cesspit of depravity, why are you still here. I have indeed been here for close to 20 years and would be happy to show you the proof. However it appears you have already made up you mind about the place that you chose to live. I am at a loss as to why you still live here.....

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10 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


When a city get 7 or 8 millions tourists a year,

there is necessarily a few troublemakers among them...


NYC gets 48 million domestic visitors and 12 million international visitors a year...


Haven't heard of any tourists causing problems there.  Hmmm, maybe Pattaya gets a different "class" of visitor?


In NYC, visitors are interested in culture, history, museums, world-class cuisine.


I'm guessing Criminals aren't interested in history, culture or museums.  And they prefer eating rubbish to great food.


Pattaya attracts a different lifestyle  ?

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I am glad to see that not everyone is out there with a lets bash Pattaya stick. As many have stated as soon as you move away from the bright lights the resort changes. If you are lucky enough to get away from the tourism industry the Thais themselves change.

A simple internet search for brothels of the world will show you all of the countries that I mentioned earlier. Does that mean they are the same as Pattaya, no of course it does not. A lot of them are cleaner and have 1st world infrastructure, education etc. Does that make them better than here or anywhere else. Perhaps, it is up to the individual to see the diamond in the rough. I cannot change what Pattaya is other than in small ways, like putting my trash in the bin, etc. 

I chose to live here and I like it, I am unapologetic about that fact and I will continue to extol the virtues of Pattaya. The seedy side of Pattaya exists like the seedy side of many locations around the world. We should not judge them or Pattaya by this alone. Do some research and see what is available for families in and around Pattaya.


Is Pattaya a tourist trap - yes it is, and like every tourist trap, tourists are there to be milked, by whatever means possible. Be it beach vendor, entertainment venue, shop keeper or go go girl. However that is the tourism  industry worldwide. I have seen many world class tourist areas that I would liken to a Hollywood set, well presented on the outside where the set is, and a hollow shell with the underbelly exposed just behind the set. Pattaya has its underbelly exposed more than most. It has made great strides in the last 20 years to improve its image and should be given credit for it. Will it change its ways? I hope not as it is what it is, unapologetic and not interested in our opinion. I chose to see it in a good light, many chose to see only the bright lights and the girls. That is your choice, but you do not have to decry the location for offering what you so obviously came to see when you could not be bothered to look for what else is out there.

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It does not matter what class of town Pattaya is.

Rest of the world is getting more and more new law's which are crippling  your freedom .

I feel very free person in Thailand including Pattaya .

This kind of culture and free world exist for centuries an somehow manage very well until to many white and greedy people are involved in very shady business here.

There is no difference to other similar places in the world where freedom still exist.

Best example that Pattaya is on the map of the world news  means ...Man kind like this place  including me.

Edited by gigman
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17 hours ago, Kabula said:

I'm at a loss to understand why so many people are negative about Pattaya and Thailand.


If you don't enjoy it leave and stop spreading your negative content for the world to see.


The fact is most nature tourists come to Thailand once or twice which generates little  revenue for the government, sex and service workers.


What most people don't think about is sex tourism is a multi trillion dollar industry worldwide.  Sex tourists come back on a regular basis and many buy condos, send money to girl friends that feed their families, set up Thai bank accounts and wire money in, hire lawyers, buy visas, rent and buy  cars and motorcycles, pay taxes,   utilize most services, and buy groceries. The list is endless. Some stay for the rest of their lives. Sex tourism built Thailand to what it is today ever since soldiers started to pour in here for R&R.


When expats and tourists write ignorant content here, it hurts the Thai Government's and the sex and service worker's cash flow.  Which in turn over time hurts the expats who have lived here for decades.


Please think before  you spew your negativity and display your ignorance. 

Sex tourism DID NOT build Thailand into what it is today....! What an ignorant statement.

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On 2/26/2017 at 5:28 AM, fruitman said:

Ask any travelled person on the world what they know about Pattaya...they will all give the same answer like the UK did.


Why not admit it and make it even better like the whorehouse of the world? Pattaya has nothing else to offer.


Even in restaurants the annying streetvendors come to annoy you to sell their copycopy merchandise...every minute another one.


Taxi's don't use the metre, there's no skytrain, busloads of chinese groups all park on beachroad...it's a total mess. Nobody swims in the sea, nobody plays on the beach, there are no places to sit except in girlybars. Annoying criminal ladyboys everywhere.


Why Miss kobkarn didn't come to see it herself? Was she too scared to be there?


In my time as a sailor, (45 years, 20 years) retired) I have seen hundreds of these towns, like Pattaya, all over the world and called the Waterfront.

Rows of bars with girls and robbing taxi drivers and let me tell you, Pattaya is one of the worst.


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 I was accused of having "vested interests" here in Pattaya. Ya got me: I bought a condo here in 2005, all 27 sq meters of it. A bit monkish cell sort of thing, but not expensive and reckon I could walk away if I wanted as money saved on purchase v rent balance sheet in the black for some time.

 I do have friends here, which money can't buy (although short timers can rent some I hear). For those of us who have been here a bit, or at least my friends, we accept folks on how they are today: are they decent blokes or not? We could care less what they did "back home", how much money they have, all that status rating point stuff we left behind. If someone gets scammed or tricked, usual response is a good laugh and a merit badge. Live and let live. If you think your role in life is to tell others how to live and condemn them if they don't meet your criteria, this is not the place for you. Like I said, if you can stay on top of the wave, or at least not swallow any of the polluted sea water when you wipe out, it can be most amusing.

I did admit it is a dirty, crooked town, so I doubt Tourism will quote me in some promo.

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I think most are well aware what Pattaya is. It's highly unlikely to change just because the BIB round up a few beach prostitutes. Thailand has thousands of kilometers of beach, why not try to make the other resorts and islands world class? Pattaya is a party beach, pure and simple. If people want a world class standard beach experience, they are better off hitting one of the islands or beaches on the mainland. Sadly, it seems many of the other resorts and beaches are starting to resemble Pattaya. I went to Patong over Christmas and I will not be returning. Dirty, crowded and expensive. 

The reason they're more interested in remaking Pattaya is because foreign media hurt their feelings. You know, the face thing. Some resentment at foreign press treatment simply isn't the motivation required to bring the necessary flood of investment funds to repair, update & rebuild the public infrastructure, buy up & demolish existing revenue-generating properties, create new mega-resorts and top-tier casinos, and transform Pattaya overnight into the next Asian Vegas. But they MIGHT succeed in staging a flail-ex that'll dry up the existing tourist flow. .... which'll make some righteous expats happy, but not do much for local incomes.

A few well-planned casinos might do well, but they're just augmenting the existing vice inventory. A new gambling industry isn't, of itself, going to eliminate any of the town's existing "world-class" ills; crime, filth, tourist exploitation, traffic, etc. In fact, it's likely to make those problems worse and create some of its own.
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Officials should go and look at a world class beach resort - South Beach in Miami Florida, or some other place. Then they would realize the huge task before them, to bring Pattaya up to world class standards.


Thais are good at copying. Just make a copy of South Beach.



Edited by Banana7
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2 hours ago, fish monger said:

Sex tourism DID NOT build Thailand into what it is today....! What an ignorant statement.

pattaya was built from the sex industry ,from us troops on r/r ,its evolving and will still be here once you and i ,are long gone from this life thats a fact .

we all have an opinion ,same as all have an <deleted> ,none of us know for sure what pattaya will evolve into,thats one more fact ..

with less sex tourists coming every year ,and with social media changing the scene so much that the sex workers dont have to work in bar,s gogo,s etc to get customers ,

that change is plain to see .even to the ignorant .

who comes to pattaya for holidays in the future will determine ,what pattaya evolves into ,supply and demand is the factor which business model wins in the end ,its a universal law like it or not .

commodities ,transport,housing ,economies the world over all are simple equations of supply and demand ,thats a fact even too the ignorant .

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