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Emotions run high as woman wails: "Why are you doing this to the Buddhist religion?"


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A very sensitive subject so we all need to show respect. :smile:


The best way to end hatred, wars and protesting is to be respectful and make them your friends.


I don't imagine many of the trolls in this world have any friends left!


Watch them pile on now. Ha ha ha

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I have no stance on this other than this charade is clearly not about any financial malfeasance. Dhammakaya originated in 1916 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhammakaya_meditation has a very large international following. The fact that it has become a money making machine in the eyes of many on here should come as no surprise as every other wat here appears to be the same.


Oh, BTW, has anyone else spotted today's BP headline that the Tiger 'Temple' is to reopen on adjacent land? The one run by as yet uninvestigated, unprosecuted 'monks'.

Edited by dageurreotype
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Folks should read the article today in the paper we cannot mention- it has an interview with Stephen Young, the American professor who discovered the Ban Chiang site . He met the leaders of Wat Thammakai twice six years ago and it struck him how political they were. He met a financial supporter who said when they were 5 million strong nothing could stop them overthrowing the 'dark power'

Nonsense claims from Tammachayo  too about how he  had met the Buddha (no one has ever claimed that before) and could go back to his past lives to change his merit 

Well worth a read.

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7 hours ago, optad said:

Buddhism is not a religion, more a way of thinking or philosophy. Permissive for almost anything.


But, up to you...

"Buddhism is not a religion, more a way of thinking or philosophy."

That is true for true Buddhism. Then there is also fake Buddhism, which is similar to the Catholic Church more like a money-making racket. 

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7 hours ago, optad said:

Buddhism is not a religion, more a way of thinking or philosophy. Permissive for almost anything.


But, up to you...

They've turned a philosophy into a religion, with all the inherent drawbacks this implies.

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5 hours ago, tagalong said:

All so-called religion is based on FEAR n Intimidation.....:shock1:


I rather think that religion is based on hope.  I do agree that a certain amount of fear and intimidation is involved in maintaining the social norms of any group religious or not.

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6 hours ago, onemorechang said:

And there was me thinking it was all about control

all looks the same as religions to me.

One group wanting control over you.

that's what's going on here. :jap:






Ever think it might be about abiding by and respecting the laws of Thailand, and gaining justice for thousands of folks (many poor) who had their life saving stolen and used to build a monument to a rogue out of control monk who has serious past baggage and who has created a personal cult following, way way outside the real teachings of the enlightened wise Buddha? 


Seems to me it would very interesting to calmly and politely ask the wailing women (and quite a few more followers and monks) what she / they specifically know and understand about the background details of this sorry saga.


And then explain to her the facts about the funds stolen from the credit union and the fact the theft has ben proven and at least one person is already in jail on a long sentence, and the money laundering charges, and the facts of the rogue monks activities 10/12 years ago and prove to her that the rogue monks teachings are way way different to what the Buddha taught and listen to her / their reactions. 

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8 hours ago, optad said:

Buddhism is not a religion, more a way of thinking or philosophy. Permissive for almost anything.


But, up to you...

Buddhism absolutely 100% is a religion. The idea of being reincarnated over and over until you find enlightenment. It's usually only white dudes who wear Buddhism as a cool badge who say it's not a religion, because religion is being exposed as being more and more moronic every single day. 


if you wanna follow a set of good rules, ideas, etc, use common sense. If people ask you what religion you are, you can say you're an atheist who practices common sense. 


As for the lady, how commendable of you. Buddha will be pleased. ""How can you do this to Buddhist religion?" Was that aimed at the authorities or the temple that runs as a business taking advantage of arrogant idiots? 

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1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

Buddhism absolutely 100% is a religion. The idea of being reincarnated over and over until you find enlightenment. It's usually only white dudes who wear Buddhism as a cool badge who say it's not a religion, because religion is being exposed as being more and more moronic every single day. 


if you wanna follow a set of good rules, ideas, etc, use common sense. If people ask you what religion you are, you can say you're an atheist who practices common sense. 


As for the lady, how commendable of you. Buddha will be pleased. ""How can you do this to Buddhist religion?" Was that aimed at the authorities or the temple that runs as a business taking advantage of arrogant idiots? 

True Buddhism says energy cannot be destroyed, it merely changes form as we do after death. The Lord Buddha was never definite about reincarnation, especially as a human. It's certainly not moronic, rather it's very psychological in exploring how our subconscious affects our desires and thoughts. No wonder Nietzsche was interested in it though he had only a superficial grasp due to lack of Buddhist literature in the West at his time.

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12 minutes ago, bannork said:

True Buddhism says energy cannot be destroyed, it merely changes form as we do after death. The Lord Buddha was never definite about reincarnation, especially as a human. It's certainly not moronic, rather it's very psychological in exploring how our subconscious affects our desires and thoughts. No wonder Nietzsche was interested in it though he had only a superficial grasp due to lack of Buddhist literature in the West at his time.

Oh, it's absolutely moronic. Maybe not as moronic as the other religions, but moronic all the same. 


Science, laws of physics and common sense. Not being able to prove something doesn't make it 50-50. The burdon of evidence is always on the person making the claim. 


The sooner we all accept that we are the same decaying organic matter as everything else - the sooner we can get busy living and not busy dying. 

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7 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

I don't know why so many people are making negative comments about the monks. This is the only opposition the military junta cannot defeat with weapons of war. If the monks can get a million people on the streets it will spell the end of Phrayut. I don't think they are there yet but it is coming. Every Thai person I have spoken to supports the monks and despises the army.

you are seriously out to lunch.

the biggest political force in Thailand is the Civil Service ajarn. 


that group is so powerful.... entire narratives are constructed to explain away "corruption" and a lack of functional literacy as problems of "Thai culture" perhaps requiring "education reform".  usefully vague code words. why? that's obvious is it not?


here's one not so vague. decentralization. last tried in late 2005, am I not right? remember anything else from 2005?




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3 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

Oh, it's absolutely moronic. Maybe not as moronic as the other religions, but moronic all the same. 


Science, laws of physics and common sense. Not being able to prove something doesn't make it 50-50. The burdon of evidence is always on the person making the claim. 


The sooner we all accept that we are the same decaying organic matter as everything else - the sooner we can get busy living and not busy dying. 

And what makes you think Buddhists don't believe we are the same decaying organic matter?. One of the tenets is there is no permanent self, it's an illusion to get through life. A true Buddhist is intent on living in the moment, dying is not in his thoughts,. And  in that living is a code of thought and behaviour, not dissimilar to humanist thought.

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The police, military, and government and the people have to treat this as the criminal situation

that it is. Stop all food, water, electritity and aid to the temple grounds. make all the people on

the property leave and not let anyone back in.  Let this property grow back to nature.  If the

former abbot won't give up then start blowing up the UFO structure a bit at a time  until he

gives up or the structure is completely gone.

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3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Buddhism absolutely 100% is a religion. The idea of being reincarnated over and over until you find enlightenment....

Absolutely correct, Rkidlad. Buddhism is viewed by most scholars as a religion, and this is hardly surprising. It teaches:

1) the existence of hells and heavens, into which people can go for aeons of time

2) reincarnation, in which animals can later become humans, and vice versa

3) realms of ghosts, and hell-dwellers, and angelic beings or godlings ('devas')

4) a cosmic moral law called Karma (or kamma, in Pali) which returns good for good and evil for evil

5) the reality of a realm called Nirvana, which is highest happiness and perfect peace - forever. Immortality, beyond the limitations of 'samsara' (the visible, material world and similar 'samsaric' spheres, where karma and reincarnation rule).


This all sounds pretty much like religion to me. Not that I am bashing it. Far from it. But it is important to be factual in one's designation of Buddhism. The fact is: it contains philosophy, certainly - a good deal of it -  but in its foundational scriptures (suttas/ sutras)  -  especially those of Mahayana Buddhism - it is in essence a religion, as it deals with 'supernatural' realities beyond nature, death and this world.

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