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Appeals Court upholds death penalty for Koh Tao murders

Jonathan Fairfield

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13 hours ago, Hutch68 said:

And they will get the same verdict there so they can never leave Thailand and tell what really happened, like I said to silence them once and for all. I'll bet there are lots of people who cares about what they have to say because they know the truth because they were there and in some way or another was involved in it.

Everybody on Ko Tao knows who did it ......there is no doubt at all !!! It was all clear since begin , and far to many irregularities occured to believe in the " investigations " ..

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13 hours ago, greenchair said:

Sorry, I do actually think they were there, they did it,  and they are playing on peoples vulnerability. 

I do however believe there were at least 3 or possibly 4 on the beach that night. One hauled his sorry arse to myerma and the other one is in a country with no extradition treaty with thailand. 

What about the son of the Village Head man family ,Nom Sod, running away  to Suratthani onn the following morning , early ???CCTV altered etc etc ....

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14 hours ago, greenchair said:

Yahoo. Guilty as sin. 

Justice was served for hannah who was left lying on the beach with her brain smashed to bits and violated in the worst possible way. 

I hope people give a thought for her whilst dishing out sympathy for those 2 sods. 

Well done thai police. 

Shit ! Are you for real ? .... more like a 'redchair' than a green one !

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'The ruling was came as a surprise to defense lawyers, who said they had no knowledge the court made a ruling last week, which it apparently relayed to their clients without notification.'


If nothing else could illustrate Thai justice at its finest, this does. 

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35 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

Everybody on Ko Tao knows who did it .....

And equally, 'everybody' on Koh Tao knows who did NOT do it!

That is why the onlooking crowds of Thais did not hiss and jeer at the Burmese Two when they were forced to do their pathetic re-enactment of the crime (in which they were directed by the 'police'). The silence of the onlooking crowd - their REFUSAL to show hatred and detestation for these two 'rapists' and 'murderers' - speaks volumes.

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15 hours ago, Khun Han said:

Meanwhile, the real killers are living the life of Riley. Truly, utterly disgusting behahiour by the Thai State. They don't even begin to understand the meaning of the word shame.


Dead men don't tell tales. With them safely under the carpet its business as usual.

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9 minutes ago, Eligius said:

And equally, 'everybody' on Koh Tao knows who did NOT do it!

That is why the onlooking crowds of Thais did not hiss and jeer at the Burmese Two when they were forced to do their pathetic re-enactment of the crime (in which they were directed by the 'police'). The silence of the onlooking crowd - their REFUSAL to show hatred and detestation for these two 'rapists' and 'murderers' - speaks volumes.

Exactly !!!

And, what comes to my  mind , how the first Police team was changed once they went in the perfect direction to investigate ....alone this fact is a clear sign and overwhelming that there cant have been a correct investigation.


....and i still remember that they was looking for the escaped guy to BKK , "NOM SOD"...that was short time after the happening and it was UNOFFICAL told from  Ko Tao Islanders .......


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8 minutes ago, roo860 said:



Do they have any say in this verdict?

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Not 100% sure but the victims were UK and the families are UK and maybe there is a duty of care to try and ensure the families see justice. Plus if my memory is right I thought the UK police and forensics got involved at some time which is an act that involves those under the control of the Home office and would therefore lead me to say yes, they have a say.

If the Thais have got this right and these chaps are the guilty party maybe the community would feel safer if the UK government said they were in support of it and they agree the investigation led to a verdict that was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

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Not 100% sure but the victims were UK and the families are UK and maybe there is a duty of care to try and ensure the families see justice. Plus if my memory is right I thought the UK police and forensics got involved at some time which is an act that involves those under the control of the Home office and would therefore lead me to say yes, they have a say.
If the Thais have got this right and these chaps are the guilty party maybe the community would feel safer if the UK government said they were in support of it and they agree the investigation led to a verdict that was proven beyond reasonable doubt.

As far as I can remember UK sent a number of police officers, but as for forensics can't recall that been mentioned. Wouldn't reckon they could influence the system here, as if a Thai national was murdered in UK, they surely wouldn't ask the RTP to come and investigate.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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1 minute ago, roo860 said:



As far as I can remember UK sent a number of police officers, but as for forensics can't recall that been mentioned. Wouldn't reckon they could influence the system here, as if a Thai national was murdered in UK, they surely wouldn't ask the RTP to come and investigate.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app



Ha good point about the RTP but let me speculate that the investigation and forensics may have been performed differently. The way it was bone here would not have been acceptable to an UK court I would think.

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15 hours ago, sharecropper said:

Totally disgusting but sadly expected. Rotten from top to bottom.

This was not an appeal, nothing more than a back door face saver for the rotten corrupt police , judges and Mafia.


Shame on Thailand, and even more SHAME on the Millers the bigot's who know dam well that these boys are innocent.

If they could stand up and be human they could  save two innocent lives.

They will be nothing but murderers themselves for letting two more innocent men die.

Shame Shame Shame.

I hope they read this , I hope it gets through their thick skin.

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40 minutes ago, thetruth revealer said:

Partial match is equal No match . Difficult to realize huh ??

what argument are.you trying to make ?I'd there was a partial match with Mind of would that make him innocent even if there was a dna match with the victim ?

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3 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

This was not an appeal, nothing more than a back door face saver for the rotten corrupt police , judges and Mafia.


Shame on Thailand, and even more SHAME on the Millers the bigot's who know dam well that these boys are innocent.

If they could stand up and be human they could  save two innocent lives.

They will be nothing but murderers themselves for letting two more innocent men die.

Shame Shame Shame.

I hope they read this , I hope it gets through their thick skin.

Kiwi you're right. I don't think many people know that the appeal judge appointed was the very same judge who convicted them in the first place!

How the <deleted> is that allowed to happen?!!!

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4 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

You may not criticize a Thai court, but the Thai court may treat the defense with contempt. Let us have a look at an old website, which told us all we needed to know already:  http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/



That's a real nugget of a story there FXE!

Was   Pol Lt-Gen Panya Mamen the guy who was swiftly taken off the case?

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You may not criticize a Thai court, but the Thai court may treat the defense with contempt. Let us have a look at an old website, which told us all we needed to know already:  http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/

There you have it the real story until the powers of be came up with pure fiction!

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15 hours ago, AGareth2 said:

the problem with overturning the verdict is that it would mean they were scapegoats


It would also cast doubt on the investigation, the trial process, all those involved and the justice system. Ain't never gonna happen. 


This case has been investigated, prosecuted, tried, a verdict given, an appeal verdict given. An appeal to the Supreme court may be made, otherwise forget it and move on. Nothing will change, done and dusted.



Edited by Baerboxer
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11 minutes ago, fxe1200 said:

You may not criticize a Thai court, but the Thai court may treat the defense with contempt. Let us have a look at an old website, which told us all we needed to know already:  http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/




Where is that senior police officer now? And whatever happened to the Scots guy who claimed he knew everything and was scared of his life?

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8 minutes ago, DiscoDan said:

what argument are.you trying to make ?I'd there was a partial match with Mind of would that make him innocent even if there was a dna match with the victim ?

Apart from not understanding what you've written from an English grammatical POV , let me put it this way:


If one of the B2's DNA was on the alleged murder weapon it would be a 99.99% match, not a partial match, not a 25% match or whatever % that was recorded. In effect, that rules out his involvement from a DNA point of view.  


Bearing in mind both victims DNA were on the hoe, logically it was some other perp who committed murder. That is as reliable as night follows day. 

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17 minutes ago, Marvo said:

Kiwi you're right. I don't think many people know that the appeal judge appointed was the very same judge who convicted them in the first place!

How the <deleted> is that allowed to happen?!!!

Quite correct, and as incomprehensible as the verdict. Probably the Thai justice system has never heard of conflict of interest. Nevertheless, the same written defence appeal will be submitted the the Supreme court where a different set of judges will review the case.    

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Let me just question that for one moment.

The DNA on the murder weapon did not belong to either of them, so how did they do the murder?

The other DNA evidence was discredited by the countrys leading expert. Wrongly handled, wrongly stored, incorrectly processed for the "match."

There was no other evidence against them.

Please tell us your logic as to how the verdict is safe.

It's safe because the RTP, the court and the grinch say so!!!

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