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Video: Car crashes as motorcyclist veers suddenly into its path


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Watching the video, I can clearly see the motorbike crossing the road, the car driver doesn't see it until the bike is right in front of the car :)
Who is at fault ?
I would say the car driver for not paying attention to the road ahead. There was plenty of time to avoid an accident in that situation.

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5 hours ago, Psimbo said:

Err- the article states that the driver was trying to catch the motorbike in order to catch his plate number. The driver was past the crashed vehicle within 10 seconds and still traveling at speed . What was behind him and would have gone up his backside had he slammed on the anchors? Thaigeezer Armchair judgement again.

The driver most certainly didn't try to catch the motorbike in order to catch his plate number. Did you happen to bother watching the video?
That car driver lied through his teeth. Take a look at the video, there is not even remotely any inkling he was chasing the bike. I wonder if he was making an excuse for not stopping to assist at the accident because his story definitely doesn't add up with the video.

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5 hours ago, taichiplanet said:

i see this happen all the time and I've nearly been wiped out a few times. It is a seriously dangerous and stupid habit.


I think it is a hangover from when police would book bikes if they weren't keeping left, even when wanting to turn right. Now it seems to be ingrained into the brains (or what little there is) of a lot of bike riders, that don't bother to look behind them.

You mean with a rear view mirror? haha yes will in this case the rider was lucky and as far as complaining about what the driver of the dashcam car did, as other posters have pointed out, he or she may not even have seen what happened, it was very quick

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6 hours ago, revgreen said:

At least someone stopped to help. Oh wait... The car with the camera, and every other car that just drove past, should be held just as culpable.

So how many other cars did you see drive past ?

Amazing even when something is in front of you, people still make idiotic comments.

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A  couple of years ago I was sat on my bicycle watching a approaching bike and pickup, the bike did just as the video but the pick up did not slow down or swerve it killed both on the bike. I was left a bit shaken as one of the men had his leg ripped of.


When you drive in Thailand you must assume everyone is ether drunk, stupid or both. Full concentration all the time.

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And thats where he went wrong, he shouldn't have tried to avoid him at all, just brake and rear end the motorbike

the car driver probably didn't even need to brake at all just foot off the throttle ( hovering over the brake) to let the bike get onto the far right hand side then a slight left hand swerve to pass if needed ...but I think the car driver was on autopilot and totally overreacted.
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7 hours ago, fruitman said:

Did the car dare to horn to the biker?

Probably in a hospital/school zone, quiet please, and in response to post 2, he didn't want to break the speed limits restriction in built-up areas... Next?

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If it was me I would have not braked and ran over the d/head motorcyclist as he clearyl gives no thought to the driver who tried  to save his life by trying to avoid his stupidity.

With similar happening regularly, how many have you killed so far?

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8 hours ago, fruitman said:

Did the car dare to horn to the biker?


..let's hope so but i doubt he had time to evaluate the situation let alone sound the horn or take evasive action...the white car was travelling at excessive speed when the m/cy proceeded to change lanes..(i would estimate the car's speed at 120kmph and the bike at 40kmph..this speed estimate is supported by the video footage showing the huge distance the white car traveled as it swerved to avoid striking the m/cy...the motor cy appears to maintain the same speed and indicates and moves back to the left lane...without so much as turning his head to see what happened..this would indicate to me it was Mr. Magoo's twin..an elderly male riding oblivious to what he had contributed in part to)..he may well have checked his mirror and not seen the white car barreling down on him on the right side... the white car should have been in the left lane as it approached the m/cy but inexperience on the part of the driver who could have braked and easily avoided such a violent swerve at the last second which caused him to lose control...the driver made no attempt at correcting the skid...of course the following car should have stopped immediately as should the rider of both motor cycles...it is the job of an emergency vehicle to 'chase down' other vehicles....checking for injuries and rendering assistance is the most important aspect here IMHO.

Edited by tandor
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19 hours ago, revgreen said:

At least someone stopped to help. Oh wait... The car with the camera, and every other car that just drove past, should be held just as culpable.

why, where does it say especially in Thailand that you have to stop for an accident! thai's are well know for runnibng away from an accident. and the people who witness it are very reluctent to get involved. don't know if it is bred into them or not.

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22 hours ago, manarak said:

This motorcycle driver should be brought to justice.

I witness here totally idiotic driving every day, both by motorcycle drivers and car drivers, not to forget vans, trucks, tour buses and even government buses !!

It is always so sad to watch the vehicle which was not at fault getting into a serious accident and the idiot driving away unscathed and without giving a sh!t.


But the white car's driver was a lit

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19 hours ago, stevenl said:

With similar happening regularly, how many have you killed so far?

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As quoted to a previous member 22 but because they are no longer dangerously driving and potentially killing many more innocent drivers. I feel GOOD

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Where is the weird behaviour? Mc does what they do best: psychotic manoeuvre.  Driver does what they do best: crashing.  Then mc continues his way: mai pen lai. I hope the car driver is ok though..... 

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22 hours ago, mick220675 said:

When you drive in Thailand you must assume everyone is ether drunk, stupid or both. Full concentration all the time.

Or drugged out. Or exhausted as awake since 430am. Or doing line while driving. Or car is virtually defect. Etc. STAY ALERT ALL THE TIME!!!!

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On 03/03/2017 at 3:16 PM, 12DrinkMore said:

That was strangely surreal.


I guess that both the rider and driver were totally unaware of what was going on around them.



Either way, they would have been totally unaware -

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On 3/3/2017 at 3:52 PM, Ceruhe said:

Never seen that before, is that an Australian thing only? How does it work in practise and suff? Watching the video it would appear that only 2 cars at a time can Hook Turn (or 1? are those rail road thingies in the center?) at any given time as to not block the other lane(s), what's with the good old "where's mah light to turn turn?!"


Guess I'll put that on my list to google and watch in real time, I'd doubt Australia is anywhere near as inefficient with traffic lights as thailand, thus I'm actually expecting something interesting to learn from lol

I have seen many more cars than two carry out this manoeuvre simultaneously. It's mainly in the state of Victoria so you don't see it in places like New South Wales or Queensland. I guess the main reason for it is so that motorists don't block the tramways which are on so many of Melbourne's streets.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have number one insurance and I will not swerve violently and dangerously to try to save a dumb asses life, I will do the best I can without losing control. I come from an area where many deer hits happen[ once to me] and it is common knowledge there that you never swerve to miss an animal. Motor bikes too I guess. It really is sad how dangerous it is to drive here.

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