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Pence used private email while Indiana governor


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Pence used private email while Indiana governor




U.S. Vice President Mike Pence speaks before swearing in Ryan Zinke to be Secretary of the Interior, in Washington, U.S., March 1, 2017. REUTERS/Joshua Roberts


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, his office said in a statement on Thursday.


The private email account was first reported by the Indianapolis Star, which said Pence used it at times to discuss sensitive matters and homeland security issues. The account was hacked last summer, the newspaper added.


During the 2016 presidential campaign, Pence criticized Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was U.S. secretary of state, saying it endangered national security.


"Similar to previous governors, during his time as Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence maintained a state email account and a personal email account," Pence's office said in a statement.


Indiana law does not prohibit public officials from using personal email accounts, the Star said.


After Pence was hacked in June by a scammer who sent a plea for money to his email contacts, the governor set up a new AOL account, the Star reported.


Pence was chosen by then-Republican candidate Donald Trump as his running mate in July.


Indiana law requires all records dealing with state business to be retained and available for public information requests, the Star reported.


Pence's office said in the statement that he directed outside counsel to review all of his communications as Indiana governor to ensure that state-related emails were being transferred and properly archived by the state.


(Reporting by Eric Beech; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-03
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Pence is such a hypocrite.


  • Used public email for official government purposes but criticized other government officials who did just that.
  • Failed to hand over all government related emails from his personal account but then criticized others who did just that.
  • His personal email account was hacked so he closed it down and then created another personal email account but yet criticize other government officials for using "non-goverment unsecured personal email"
  • Used personal email for messages that were so sensitive they can’t be turned over in a records request.


Case closed...yeah right. Maybe case closed on Pence being such a hypocrite.



Edited by Silurian
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:


There you go….case closed.


Plus he wasn't the secretary of state.

Not so fast.  It's not yet known what's in all of those emails.  It might not have been totally legal.




The use of a private email account is not prohibited by law in Indiana. However, public officials cannot use state accounts for political business.

Security experts noted to the Indy Star that some of Pence's emails were apparently confidential and sensitive enough that they could not be turned over in response to public records requests.


“The fact that these emails are stored in a private AOL account is crazy to me,” Justin Cappos, a computer security professor at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering, told the Indy Star. “This account was used to handle these messages that are so sensitive they can’t be turned over in a records request.”



And gotta love this.  Total hypocrite.  And case definitely open.



Pence was a vocal critic of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server as secretary of state and often criticized her for it during the presidential campaign.


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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

You reap what you sow. Trump and Pence have so alienated the media that every possible resource will be put into finding out information that will bring this entire administration tumbling down. Popcorn!

Any right wing govt alienate the rabid left wing media just by being in power. It's the nature of the beast.


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10 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Any right wing govt alienate the rabid left wing media just by being in power. It's the nature of the beast.


So it's a 'right wing Government" and a "rabid left wing media". Are you saying that all media organisations with the exception of Fox, Brietbart and Infowars are rabid left wing organisations? Are you even saying that Fox, Brietbart and Infowars are even worthy of the title of news organisations.


Thanks God for all the 'rabid left wing media' because they will put the truth out there and Trump and his swamp will be assigned to history as the worst ever President and administration.

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57 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Any right wing govt alienate the rabid left wing media just by being in power. It's the nature of the beast.


Look out everyone!  UFOs have been seen dropping rabid snowflakes in various parts of the USA.  It seems, they don't even melt in the heat!?

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You have to applaud JholmesJr for doggedly continuing to make excuses for Trump and his gang. 


In reality this "revelation" about Pence's email blunder is hardly worth a mention at all.  In the normal run of things it might just make page 7 of the local rag.  But, Trump decided to go toe to toe with the media which means they are going to turn over every stone to expose him and his "team".  The media is powerful for a very understandable reason.  The media is where people get the "facts" from.  Without the media none of us would know anything unless we saw it with our own eyes.  In reality though we only get to see those "facts" through the media, either visually or written.  They are flawed and biased but they are all we have and it is up to us to sort out the truth from the bullsh*t.  Anyone believing and trusting a report just because it is coming from their preferred news source needs to wake up!

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4 hours ago, Silurian said:

Pence is such a hypocrite.


Not only that, but even worse, he was using an AOL email account according to the news report, for "sensitive matters and homeland security issues."  AOL email???? 


So he's not only a hypocrite, but also a total technological idiot...  But then, that fits him right in together with Trump.


God help us!!!   :w00t:


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Not only that, but even worse, he was using an AOL email account according to the news report, for "sensitive matters and homeland security issues."  AOL email???? 


So he's not only a hypocrite, but also a total technological idiot...  But then, that fits him right in together with Trump.


God help us!!!   :w00t:


I guess it could have been worse. It could have been Yahoo email. :smile:


I lost count how many times Yahoo accounts have been compromised.


I thought it was funny that Pence's AOL account was hacked so then he turns around and just opens a new AOL account. Yeah, plenty of brains there.


I guess CompuServe email was not in the running.



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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Not so fast.  It's not yet known what's in all of those emails.  It might not have been totally legal.




And gotta love this.  Total hypocrite.  And case definitely open.



a great example of  don't do what i do. do what i say

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I think a lot of people do not understand the difference between a law and a policy.   With both Clinton and now with Pence, they have violated gov't policies.   A policy may have the same force and affect as a law, but it is not a law.   As we saw with Clinton, they did not pursue legal action, in part because it was a stretch to say that violating a policy was in fact breaking a law and since there was no proven intent.   


Pence is roughly in the same situation (although he did not have a private server).   He hasn't broken a law, but he has violated policies of the state.


I am sure that a very large percentage of the population, both in gov't and in the private sector have violated policies, and some are reprimanded and some ultimately get fired, but a lot depends on how often, how much, how serious and the intent.   


The Republicans made such a big, big deal about the Clinton emails, which basically, put emails on the front burner.   Pence is now paying for this.   As a governor, it is unlikely, but still possible, his emails were a threat to national security.    


For Pence an unwise move, for Clinton an unwise move, and for the Republicans to make such a big thing about emails, a very big deal.   

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Private server.  Classified info.  Lied about it. 


No server.  Classified?  As a Govorner?  Doubt it.  Lied about it?  Nope.


This is a bit too desperate a smear job.  I mean damn, not like there's a shortage of dirt to dig. 

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10 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

You reap what you sow. Trump and Pence have so alienated the media that every possible resource will be put into finding out information that will bring this entire administration tumbling down. Popcorn!

The media are somewhat pissed off, but won't stoop as low as Trump in the Vindictiveness Dept. Mainstream jJournalists are still sticking with the laudable standards of journalism.  Those are a lot higher standards than Trump and his henchmen are sticking with - in relation to the jobs they're not qualified to do.

8 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Next they'll accuse him of setting up a Charity to launder money.

If you're referring to Trump, his charity......

>>>>  didn't get any funding from Trump himself, even though he claims to be a worth at least 10 billion $$'s

>>>>  bought at least 2 life-sized paintings of The Divider, for him to hang in his mansions.

>>>>  bought a football helmet signed by a sports star for......   Trump

>>>>  paid several tens of thousands of dollars to the Republican AG of Florida to convince her to NOT prosecute any cases re; Trump U.   The next day, she showed up for a gala reception at Mar-A-Lago.

>>>>  and those are just the few we know about.


6 hours ago, yardrunner said:

a great example of don't do what i do. do what i say

                        Let me take it a few steps further:   Trump and his campaign goons tried to eviscerate HRC re; her use of a private server.  Her predecessor, Republican icon Colin Powell, also used a private server.   Trump gladly got his redneck rabid fans to shout "Lock her up! Lock her up" at every rally.   A chant started by tubbo Christie and gleefully kept going by backstabbing shyster Guiliani (who was also the guy who goaded FBI's Comey into releasing the letter to Congresspeople about Wiener's emails, 8 days before the election).   Of course nothing was found in Wiener's emails, but that wasn't the point.  The point was to Shanghai the election - and that's what it did.


             There should also be an investigation into the Guliani/Comey connection, .....and Comey should definitely recuse himself from any investigation relating to the campaign or the Russkies.   Comey is as full of dirt as any other of Trump's co-conspirators.

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23 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Private server.  Classified info.  Lied about it. 


No server.  Classified?  As a Govorner?  Doubt it.  Lied about it?  Nope.


This is a bit too desperate a smear job.  I mean damn, not like there's a shortage of dirt to dig. 

Not exactly.   From the OP :

Indiana law requires all records dealing with state business to be retained and available for public information requests, the Star reported.


Using the personal email does not assure that those are retained and available.   I also note, that in Pence's case this is a law, not a policy.   

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23 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Private server.  Classified info.  Lied about it. 

No server.  Classified?  As a Govorner?  Doubt it.  Lied about it?  Nope.

This is a bit too desperate a smear job.  I mean damn, not like there's a shortage of dirt to dig. 

         Are you saying the American people shouldn't be bothered to be informed about such things?  I don't know about you, but I want to know which taxpayer-paid government people are corrupt, and to what degree.  I also want to know who's breaking laws, and to what degree.  Maybe Trump's presidency will die 'a death of a thousand little cuts' ......but however him and his brigands are booted out of office, it's worth the efforts. 


           BTW, Pence did lie about it.   Not only that, he was railing against HRC for months last year, while all the while knowing he was guilty of the same, or possibly worse (because his hacked account purportedly contained sensitive info about terrorist activity).   You'll note:  EVERY, I repeat EVERY bit of dirt coming forth about Trump and his people is stuff that the press corps or others dig up.  NOTHING is volunteered from within.   Also:  EVERY BIT OF DIRT is at first denied. If that doesn't work, then it's claimed it was forgotten about.   It's only later, when it can no longer be denied or forgotten, that there are sometimes reluctant admissions of guilt.  

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12 minutes ago, rijb said:

Wonder how many other governors, Congress people, etc. are in the same boat.  


Yes, they're not a VP.  But, some might have aspirations for higher office.

I would guess that there are plenty of people who would be in same boat.   The point is to not be less than truthful and to make sure they have done everything to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.  



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8 hours ago, Credo said:

Not exactly.   From the OP :

Indiana law requires all records dealing with state business to be retained and available for public information requests, the Star reported.


Using the personal email does not assure that those are retained and available.   I also note, that in Pence's case this is a law, not a policy.   

Pence creeps me out and I wouldn't bat an eyelid taking down a hypocrite...especially one who wraps himself in the bible. 


However, this smells like petty "gotcha" nonsense from a political flunky out looking for dirt, who thought this might play as a salacious "Ah Ha!  Gotcha!" moment because it involves email. 


Got no problem with issue, let's see how it pans out but, from a political mud slinging context, my guess is it'll die an appropriately quick death in the news cycle because there's not enough meat on the bone.   


Ironically, rushing this out into the ether with such amateurish, political intent, could backfire and pull the bloody scab off the email mess Hillary Clinton created for herself.  Last thing I want to hear Trump droning on about again is Hillary and her Email.  She may not mind if it was relevant enough to diminish the mess she got herself into, but my sense is this ain't it. 

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