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UK not legally bound to pay into EU budget if no Brexit deal - British lawmakers


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3 hours ago, Grouse said:

Are these actual liabilities or not?


It may well be that they are not enforceable but does that mean that liabilities do not exist?


Are we saying we will just leave without paying our bill?


Maybe someone with more in depth knowledge could enlighten us?


I mean, if I have a decent lunch, I don't threaten not to pay because the Thais are smaller than me. Nor do I say, OK I'll pay but I want to take a couple of bottles of port as an offset....

And if your lunch was overcooked then you wouldn't wouldn't expect to pay, would you?

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18 minutes ago, maxtwo said:

Yes Grouse Iam British and a fairly large employer.And close to Sheffield.And I would not pay them another penny.And yes it has cost me a lot of money already,but worth every penny.And all my friends are on the leave side.As for the lords sticking up for the foreigners typically of are establishment.Get are people sorted and reciprocate.

Well good for you!


I still think we should do what ever is equitable, reasonable


Are you from the posh end of Sheffield? Rotherham?

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2 hours ago, gamini said:

Do these highly opinionated and provocative pro Brexit posts represent the majority of Brits on this forum? I feel that many here who opposed Brexit might be upset by them. Perhaps it's the same north and south divide in the UK that is apparent here amongst the Brits here. The more affluent and educated South versus the poorer and less educated North!



How many people on the forum actually voted for or against is more pertinent.


I know Sandyf did as he has said so several times. I know that I did, but how many else were eligible to vote and didn't.

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5 hours ago, Grouse said:

You do realise that is the total estimated cost of corruption across all EU countries. It is not corruption in the EU per se. It is the cost of bribery which is still endemic in certain countries but very low in others.

Good point, and don't forget the EU is not properly audited and billions are not accounted for, never mind all the waste of the administration moving house all the time and the massive salaries, pensions, expenses etc the Eurocrats get (which is why so many politicians wanted to stay in).

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4 hours ago, Grouse said:

This is a real moral conundrum


I'm not the archangel Gabriel by any stretch but I do try to do what's right.


I was employed by a German / Japanese electronics manufacturer with module assembly plants here in Thailand. We would have small teams of engineers from the usual blue chip global consumer electronics manufacturers come to Bangkok to "qualify processes". In addition to being the engineer responsible, I was also the "tour manager" responsible for wining and dining ETC. Now, companies like big blue do not permit gifts; what to do? So I would go to Nana and Cowboy and make arrangements with Mama San. Anyway, the engineers would have a fantastic time! "Didn't cost me anything! She loves me" blah, blah, grin, wink


I used to get receipts from a friendly travel agent for tours to the river Kwai and got re-imbursed like that!


Corrupt? Sure! Bad? I kept plants with 100s of people working and kept shareholders happy!


Where should one draw the line?

Wining and dining, sightseeing and "entertainment" is not a "brown envelope" that gets tucked away in a Swiss numbered bank account. I'm all for socializing and "informal" negotiation.

PS. Do I get an invite next time? (   :guitar:  )

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The Argentinian sovereign debt default crisis was discussed on Radio 4 earlier.


It seems that such defaults are hard if not impossible to enforce.


But, the effect on credit worthiness drives interest rates up.


I say again, we need details of the monies "owed" to the EU.....

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