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World scorns Thai lies on rights, democracy


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3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

"The report puts forth a damning list – “arbitrary arrests and detention; poor, overcrowded and unsanitary prison and detention facilities; insufficient protection for vulnerable populations, including refugees; corruption; violence and discrimination against women; sex tourism; sexual exploitation of children; trafficking in persons; discrimination against persons with disabilities, minorities, hilltribe members, and foreign migrant workers; child labour; and some limitations on worker rights”.

Ouch! I doubt even Donald Trump could create enough lies to wriggle out from under that lot.

But the NCPO is busy increasing the happiness of the Thai people. ;)

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Anything coming out of any Govt Dept of the US in the next 4 years i will treat with scorn and disbelief.Fake news.On another note i bet they will still sell them arms though,any takers.Politicians are hypocrites of the highest order.

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3 hours ago, Eligius said:

Wow! This is an unexpectedly powerful and hard-hitting piece from The Nation - all credit to them. 


The article also notes what many of us here have often said: that the Authorities just deny, deny, deny everything unpalatable, even though not a single person (except perhaps one or two on Thaivisa!) actually believes them!

I'm just taking my cue from the leader of the country where the report came from.eg make America great again,everything is going great,defending the undefendable,nepotism,vested interests,outright lies,ect,ect.

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2 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

he US the United Nations, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and any one with half a brain is very openly and publicly telling the junta just what they think, And The junta will have their spin doctors in overdrive telling the people of Thailand that every one understands the junta and what they are doing and fully support them.  


The really funny thing is that there are just a few fruit cake junta fan club that will buy the junta's cock n bull stories yet again and criticize any and all that speak out against their hero of the nation...

I will tell you one thing for free,he is far and away better than the alternative.Another 10 years for me.

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4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

One wonders how the PM is going to spin this one. Denial after denial, but the truth always comes back to haunt you.

Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

'Can't do that until you're finished dreaming...


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Lies, fake polls, denial, intimidation, draconian laws and police state and I am not talking about North Korea or China. It's all happening here and there is one among us that want another 10 more years of this. Lunacy holds no bound for sympathizer.   

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Be interested to know how much coverage, if any, the latest State Department Human Rights report on Thailand is getting in the regular, Thai-language news media (as opposed to the small-time English-language outlets).


My guess is, this kind of news isn't going to get widespread dissemination to the unwashed masses.


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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Be interested to know how much coverage, if any, the latest State Department Human Rights report on Thailand is getting in the regular, Thai-language news media (as opposed to the small-time English-language outlets).


My guess is, this kind of news isn't going to get widespread dissemination to the unwashed masses.


If you think it's not going to get much coverage in Thailand, try to imagine how much it is getting abroad.

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

I will tell you one thing for free,he is far and away better than the alternative.Another 10 years for me.

There is an alternative to an elected government?  Perhaps to less than nimble minds.  Thankfully for the rest of the world, you are not the guardian of justice, fairness or freedom.  For if you were, those with opposing view points would find themselves in a dark hole.  Hope you sleep well at night knowing that nothing has been done for the advancement of the average Thai.  Their future has been stolen at gun point.  

Edited by yellowboat
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4 hours ago, chainarong said:

That's seems to be President Trumps view on Thailand , this report would have had to cross his desk , so welcome Thailand to what the Trump era thinks of Thailand , honestly Thailand is a basket case , to gain proper Democracy you need to piss the military right out of the scene, then you hand the place back to mainly a  mob of self centered corrupt incompetents gangsters, bearing in mind that there are some very good capable people in the Thai government , they also know they are beating their heads against a brick wall, since 1999 Thailand has been in a balancing act between catch 22 and nothing , in 2017 nothing is winning....................................................:coffee1:.  


Not disagreeing with you but just look around at the moment.


The US divided like it's never been before with a President whose a loose cannon to say the least. The UK divided like never before with a government elected by less than 24% rushing through a policy they want that many are no longer happy with and feel tricked. France has an apparent corrupt Presidential candidate openly changing his mind to suit himself and still claiming he's a good choice. The far right gaining support in France, Netherlands and Germany with divisive policies. Italy on the brink of financial collapse. Many African countries run by loony dictators with murder a normal daily occurrence. A well armed nut job in NK. Putin and Erdogan looking like Stalin and Mussolini - not a nice double act.  And right next door in Cambodia a glaring example of what can happen when a political gangster and ruthless dictator takes over a country "democratically" including its military and judicial processes.


In all this insanity, Thailand is far from being anywhere close to the worst case. No wonder its the least miserable!

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6 hours ago, Eligius said:

Wow! This is an unexpectedly powerful and hard-hitting piece from The Nation - all credit to them. 


The article also notes what many of us here have often said: that the Authorities just deny, deny, deny everything unpalatable, even though not a single person (except perhaps one or two on Thaivisa!) actually believes them!

The lying and denial is the prime driver of the Thai psyche. No one admits when they are wrong and so they just lie. Go to court here and you will hear and see lying at a whole new level. It is quite obvious but not given much weight against the liars - I guess because it is just what you expect from a Thai. And then complaints about the saying 'Don't Thai to me'

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2 hours ago, GarryP said:

It is good that The Nation seems to be getting braver in publishing news that does not gloss over the true situation here. I wonder how long that will last.  

Guess there will be a few of their editorial staff "disappear" anytime soon.  

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32 minutes ago, yellowboat said:

There is an alternative to an elected government?  Perhaps to less than nimble minds.  Thankfully for the rest of the world, you are not the guardian of justice, fairness or freedom.  For if you were, those with opposing view points would find themselves in a dark hole.  Hope you sleep well at night knowing that nothing has been done for the advancement of the average Thai.  Their future has been stolen at gun point.  

Their future stolen at gunpoint? Considerably less than was stolen, wasted and used for electoral bribes. Couldn't the thai people found a better use for $20 billion than continuing a farce of a democracy?

Strange that he is the one putting those holding opposing viewpoints  in a dark hole, simply by expressing his own. Isn't that allowed?

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5 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Seriously ?   He has enough problems, self made or otherwise.   Unless the report has the word "Shina" or "China" in it, doubt he gave it a minute's thought, barring the possibility he cannot differentiate between Taiwan and Thailand. 

It's pronounced Gina!

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I have lived here for more than 10 years and will continue to live here; for those respondents who find Thailand not up to their homeland standards - go back and see how that has changed while you were away. Put up or shut up - the Thais will decide if they want to control or be controlled.


All I see on Thai Visa is moan, moan, moan

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1 hour ago, halloween said:

Their future stolen at gunpoint? Considerably less than was stolen, wasted and used for electoral bribes. Couldn't the thai people found a better use for $20 billion than continuing a farce of a democracy?

Strange that he is the one putting those holding opposing viewpoints  in a dark hole, simply by expressing his own. Isn't that allowed?

Yes, stolen at gunpoint.  That is what happens when a government is deposed by soldiers.  Soldiers have guns. 


The democracy was working.  It elected a prime minister.  The farce is what we are witnessing now: Bike lanes, beach chairs, redundant steering committees, panels, sub panels, sub committees. 


Of course he is allowed to offer his opinion.  His opinion then may get challenged.  It is an open discussion.  Something not available in Thailand under martial law.   

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If anyone thinks Thailand is going to consider, let alone accept that anything might be wrong, they are deluding themselves. What we'll see is the nationalist "foreigners" don't understand card played, and the Kingdom cosying ever closer to the Chinese.


It doesn't help that the US is now ranked a "Flawed Democracy" according to The Economist. It's hard to take advise from another when they are so full of holes themselves.

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34 minutes ago, clifric said:

I have lived here for more than 10 years and will continue to live here; for those respondents who find Thailand not up to their homeland standards - go back and see how that has changed while you were away. Put up or shut up - the Thais will decide if they want to control or be controlled.


All I see on Thai Visa is moan, moan, moan

Sadly the amount of control will be decided by a very select few with no thought for the wishes of the vast majority. I wonder where these disenfranchised can go as there is no place to 'go back home' ?

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Not disagreeing with you but just look around at the moment.


The US divided like it's never been before with a President whose a loose cannon to say the least. The UK divided like never before with a government elected by less than 24% rushing through a policy they want that many are no longer happy with and feel tricked. France has an apparent corrupt Presidential candidate openly changing his mind to suit himself and still claiming he's a good choice. The far right gaining support in France, Netherlands and Germany with divisive policies. Italy on the brink of financial collapse. Many African countries run by loony dictators with murder a normal daily occurrence. A well armed nut job in NK. Putin and Erdogan looking like Stalin and Mussolini - not a nice double act.  And right next door in Cambodia a glaring example of what can happen when a political gangster and ruthless dictator takes over a country "democratically" including its military and judicial processes.


In all this insanity, Thailand is far from being anywhere close to the worst case. No wonder its the least miserable!

Nice try. With a few exceptions, all the other countries you mentioned are a haven of democracy and human rights compared to Thailand. Time to wake up to reality, yes Thailand is pretty close to being or becoming one of the worst cases. This report seems to make no doubts about it.

Edited by sjaak327
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Not disagreeing with you but just look around at the moment.
The US divided like it's never been before with a President whose a loose cannon to say the least. The UK divided like never before with a government elected by less than 24% rushing through a policy they want that many are no longer happy with and feel tricked. France has an apparent corrupt Presidential candidate openly changing his mind to suit himself and still claiming he's a good choice. The far right gaining support in France, Netherlands and Germany with divisive policies. Italy on the brink of financial collapse. Many African countries run by loony dictators with murder a normal daily occurrence. A well armed nut job in NK. Putin and Erdogan looking like Stalin and Mussolini - not a nice double act.  And right next door in Cambodia a glaring example of what can happen when a political gangster and ruthless dictator takes over a country "democratically" including its military and judicial processes.
In all this insanity, Thailand is far from being anywhere close to the worst case. No wonder its the least miserable!

Yes, compared to many countries, particularly in Africa, Thailand is better. But: there is no sign of a relaxation of the controls on speech or political freedom, in fact they are maintained and regularly tightened.

Yes, Thailand is better: but as my Irish Grandmother would say, a halo only has to slip six inches and it becomes a noose...
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It's all such a tragedy. A decade ago, the country was doing so well. Rapidly growing economy, democratic progress, 15 years without the military in politics, good diplomatic relations with other countries, freer media, poverty cut by 2/3rds, etc... Thaksin's hubris and military/bureaucracy's tunnel vision that they could unilaterally run the country successfully brought it all down.


Pheu Thai got and still gets a lot more support than they deserve because enough people didn't want to have to go back to this circus, but here we are...

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1 hour ago, clifric said:

I have lived here for more than 10 years and will continue to live here; for those respondents who find Thailand not up to their homeland standards - go back and see how that has changed while you were away. Put up or shut up - the Thais will decide if they want to control or be controlled.


All I see on Thai Visa is moan, moan, moan

Sorry, but there is not much to cheer about with life under the junta.   Most of us have close Thai friends, and we feel for them.  One does not have to go home if one chooses not to live in Thailand.  Neighboring countries offer alternatives the LoS.  Thailand is not the end all be all anymore, and it is fun watching other countries catch up and pass Thailand. 

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Sorry, but there is not much to cheer about with life under the junta.   Most of us have close Thai friends, and we feel for them.  One does not have to go home if one chooses not to live in Thailand.  Neighboring countries offer alternatives the LoS.  Thailand is not the end all be all anymore, and it is fun watching other countries catch up and pass Thailand. 

Just curious how the junta has effected you personally?

For Thais unless they are politically outspoken there would be no change to their lifestyles.

Thais are accustomed to coupes

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