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Conservatives rebel against Trump-backed Republican healthcare plan


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Conservatives rebel against Trump-backed Republican healthcare plan

By Yasmeen Abutaleb and Susan Cornwell




Beside a painting of Hillary Clinton, U.S. President Donald Trump makes a surprise appearance in front of a tour group at the White House in Washington, U.S. March 7, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday endorsed Republican legislation to replace the Obamacare healthcare law but it faced a rebellion by conservative groups and lawmakers who denounced it, complicating its chances for passage in the U.S. Congress.


Republican U.S. House of Representatives leaders on Monday unveiled legislation to do away with Obamacare, eliminating the requirement that most Americans obtain medical insurance and creating a system of tax credits to coax people to purchase private insurance on the open market.


Speaker Paul Ryan said he could guarantee that he had enough votes to win passage of the measure in the House, adding that conservatives should be excited about the plan to repeal and replace Democratic former President Barack Obama's signature domestic policy achievement.


But conservatives slammed the proposal, with Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee calling it "exactly the type of back-room dealing and rushed process that we criticized Democrats for."


Trump said the plan was open to negotiation but said it had already earned support "from everybody." Vice President Mike Pence described it as a "framework," signaling it was far from its final form, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price called it "a work in progress."


The proposal represented a key step toward carrying out pledges by Trump and congressional Republicans to dismantle Obamacare.


But lawmakers face pressure from constituents not to throw America's healthcare system into chaos, and some conservatives complained the bill did not go far enough in removing government from the healthcare industry. Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky decried it as "Obamacare Lite."


Democrats denounced the proposal, saying it would take away health insurance from millions of Americans and benefit the rich.


Conservative groups including Heritage Action for America, the Club for Growth, Americans for Prosperity and Freedom Partners, backed by the billionaire Republican donor Koch brothers, urged its defeat for different reasons.


The Club for Growth derided it as "RyanCare" and a "warmed-over substitute for government-run healthcare."


"We think you have to get rid of Obamacare completely," said conservative Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, who announced plans to introduce his own bill to repeal Obamacare on Wednesday, the same day that House committees begin debating and considering amendments on the Republican plan.


Conservative opponents said the legislation maintains some Obamacare regulations and mandates that have caused rising insurance prices, creates a new entitlement in the form of tax credits and fails to embrace free-market ideals.


Instead of current income-based subsidies to buy a plan, the plan proposes tax credits, which would range from $2,000 to $4,000.


The 2010 Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare and passed by Democrats over unified Republican opposition, is popular in many states, even some controlled by Republicans. It has brought medical coverage to about 20 million previously uninsured Americans.


Democrats and some moderate Republicans said the new House measure would hit lower-income Americans by rolling back the Obamacare expansion of the Medicaid health insurance program for the poor.


Republicans control both Congress and the White House but the future remains uncertain for the plan. It must win approval in the House and the Senate before it could go to Trump for his signature. In the Senate, Republicans hold a narrower majority.




In a series of Twitter posts, Trump called the draft "our wonderful new Healthcare Bill" and said it was "now out for review and negotiation." In a later meeting with Republican lawmakers, Trump said, "I really believe we're going to have tremendous support."


Trump, who has previously called for lower drug prices, said on Twitter he was "working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down!" He gave no details. His comment sent shares of drugmakers lower.


White House Office of Budget and Management Director Mick Mulvaney said the plan should pass the House before lawmakers break in mid-April.


During a White House briefing, Price sidestepped questions on whether he could guarantee the plan would not result in millions of Americans losing health insurance or whether the administration supported everything in it.


Price said the drug-pricing initiative would occur in future phase of healthcare action involving regulatory changes and other legislative fixes. Trump said on Twitter there would be additional action to allow people to buy health insurance across state lines.


Senator Roy Blunt, a member of the Senate Republican leadership, appeared to question whether there were enough votes in Congress for passage.


"I'm going to be very anxious to hear how we get to 51 votes and how the House gets to 218," Blunt told reporters, referring to the minimum number of votes needed for passage in the two chambers.


Shares in hospitals, whose government reimbursements would be impacted by changes in federal reimbursement for Medicaid, fell, with Tenet Healthcare Corp <THC.N> off 7 percent and Community Health Systems <CYH.N> down 9 percent.


Investors, insurers and hospitals expressed concern that the planned tax credits and the draft legislation did not do enough to make health insurance affordable.


Under the bill, Obamacare's income-based and location-based tax credits would be replaced by fixed tax credits, which could put plans out of reach for consumers in certain states and result in lower enrollment, some industry sources said. The BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA), which represents Anthem Inc <ANTM.N>, the biggest player in the individual Obamacare markets this year, emphasized the need for affordable insurance. To keep prices down, Republicans will need the buy-in from Anthem and other insurers, particularly after UnitedHealth Group Inc <UNH.N>, Aetna Inc <AET.N> and Humana Inc <HUM.N> exited most of the states where they sold individual insurance plans under Obamacare. Mulvaney said he expected the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office's budgetary review of the bill in a few days. Congress’s nonpartisan tax analysis unit, the Joint Committee on Taxation, estimated repealing Obamacare’s taxes alone will cost almost $700 billion through 2027.


Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas expressed hope the legislation could be improved through amendments to satisfy the concerns of conservatives. "And I think amidst the horse excrement, we can find a pony around here somewhere," Gohmert said.


(Additional reporting by Doina Chiacu and Caroline Humer; Writing by Alistair Bell; Editing by Frances Kerry and Will Dunham)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-08
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1 hour ago, webfact said:

Trump said the plan was open to negotiation but said it had already earned support "from everybody." Vice President Mike Pence described it as a "framework," signaling it was far from its final form, and Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price called it "a work in progress."

Trump in La La land as usual.  Terrible thing to kill this just because it was part of Obama's legacy.  It may not be perfect, but come up with something better before killing it.  Which will take a lot of time.

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None of them get it.... Healthcare is a human right not something that should depend upon credits; the value of the stock market or whether there is a Republican or Democrat in office. There is never going to be a plan that is affordable and universal until America adopts plans like Canada, the Uk, Japan and other industrialized countries  utilize.

America needs to offer Medicare to everyone- it is funded by a percentage out of one's salary already. That percentage can be raised slightly for everyone. If one is not working or over the age of 65- all healthcare should be free.

The US government seems to have no problem finding monies to increase the defense budget; fight wars; build useless border walls and deport people. Trump says he wants to take care of Americans first- how about a real healthcare program not ones that will make insurance companies and Big Pharma richer. Trmp is full of crap- a liar and incompetent.

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Trump in La La land as usual.  Terrible thing to kill this just because it was part of Obama's legacy.  It may not be perfect, but come up with something better before killing it.  Which will take a lot of time.

ACA just needs to be continually refined.  A single payer system is still the best option.  If people want to upgrade, they just purchase better insurance, or go to private hospitals in which they can pay more for better faster service.  I don't understated why people want the current system, when in the end, you loose everything you own, or ever owned.  I don't get it.  Unless you are rich...

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

In a series of Twitter posts, Trump called the draft "our wonderful new Healthcare Bill" and said it was "now out for review and negotiation." In a later meeting with Republican lawmakers, Trump said, "I really believe we're going to have tremendous support."

I think you can almost guarantee that Trump has no idea what is in the new act and has no detail of how it works. He will learn of its contents by watching infowars and will no doubt be worried that reptilian aliens are claiming healthcare when they are not entitled.

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Regardless how this plays out, the entertainment level is going to be very high. So far, the most insightful perspective on this, amazingly enough, comes from former Speaker Boehner two weeks before the Republican leadership announced this plan:


"They’re basically going to fix the flaws and put a more conservative box around it,' Boehner said."



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5 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I think you can almost guarantee that Trump has no idea what is in the new act and has no detail of how it works. He will learn of its contents by watching infowars and will no doubt be worried that reptilian aliens are claiming healthcare when they are not entitled.


And he will then build a US$100Billion wall to keep the out. Easy ...

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On ‎3‎/‎7‎/‎2017 at 5:07 PM, craigt3365 said:

Trump in La La land as usual.  Terrible thing to kill this just because it was part of Obama's legacy.  It may not be perfect, but come up with something better before killing it.  Which will take a lot of time.

Wingnuts on parade.  As usual.  Well it is better, though that's not saying a lot at all.  UFA, like its author, did set the bar pretty darn low.

Edited by hawker9000
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There was nothing wrong with the ACA. It was the biggest "start up" in corporate history and it was bound to have things that needed improving and replacing. It was evolving and was definitely work in progress. You cannot start a project of that magnitude to take into account the needs of 350 million and expect to hit the nail squarely on the head straight away. Now the whole thing will be trashed and another huge start-up will commence that has not had the time nor expertise to research and implement it and the people that will really suffer will be the American people.


If people would actually stop calling it 'Obamacare' and refer to it as the 'Affordable Care Act" then the US could move forward instead of playing to politicians ego's.


This is what happens when stupid people are given the vote!




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I wonder if there are any statistics out there which shows under Obamacare how many patients have been saved just because they have insurance, compare to those that don't have insurance and can't get the treatment they need.

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