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Facing test of resolve, Trump pushes ahead with North Korea review


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Personal opinion. Trump  will  prove  to be the  nemisis  of the totally  contrived  and  artificial assumption  of  global domination in this  era.

He  will  not be the prime cause but he will  be the catalyst  of the inevitable.

The  sad  aspect is that the  gullible  US population and servile associated policy  nations have  been so readily  led to upcoming  subjugation .  

The  UN has  already  lost  credibility as an instrument of international consensus and now is  being shown to be the compliant  agent  of  devolving and  desperate reactive  policy to preserve the  control of  a  selective  minority.

History  has  few  examples  of an outcome that  does  not  put the  general population  at  severe  risk, whether they  be  willing  or  not to  defend  what they  have  been  deluded to  believe.

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1 minute ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Personal opinion. Trump  will  prove  to be the  nemisis  of the totally  contrived  and  artificial assumption  of  global domination in this  era.

He  will  not be the prime cause but he will  be the catalyst  of the inevitable.

The  sad  aspect is that the  gullible  US population and servile associated policy  nations have  been so readily  led to upcoming  subjugation .  

The  UN has  already  lost  credibility as an instrument of international consensus and now is  being shown to be the compliant  agent  of  devolving and  desperate reactive  policy to preserve the  control of  a  selective  minority.

History  has  few  examples  of an outcome that  does  not  put the  general population  at  severe  risk, whether they  be  willing  or  not to  defend  what they  have  been  deluded to  believe.

Well done you deserve more than my like

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

  A high altitude air burst over the Korean peninsula (send the bomb straight up and set it off) would create an EMP that could wreak havoc upon advanced economies over that part of the world--S. Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan--and do devastating damage to the world economy.

Fukishima is slowly doing the latter part of your statement. 

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Trump should do one of his famous deals.  Take Denis Rodman with him on a personal mission, bestow gifts on the Dear Leader (Swiss chocolate maybe?) and shake his hand a dozen times and promise him the earth....maybe a Disneyland in Pyongyang....in other words, as Reagan did with Gorbachev, get on good personal terms with Kim, and see where that takes us all.  Can't be worse than nuclear winter.


China would not like it, neither would S Korea, but it is more important to bring N Korea in out of the cold than to blow her to smithereens.  And btw, tell China in advance what you are going to do, to give them the opportunity to nobble Kim before Trump and Denis get there....

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        I grew up with emotionally unstable women, and actually married one.  Trump is worse.  

He's emotionally immature, quick to anger, always vindictive, ......and that's just a partial list of his psychological problems.  He's the worst person to have in charge of the USA's awesome arsenal. 


         I believe he will unleash one or more unnecessary wars.  His fans will say things like; "don't worry about his irrationality. He's got generals and others around him who will reign in his explosive immaturity."   


        But that's not good enough.  that's like if you had 15 large plastic leaky containers with gasoline - which you needed to store for many months.   Would you put it in your 17 year old son's bedroom?  Yea, the son who chain smokes and likes to play with his blowtorch and pop fireworks.  

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7 hours ago, mesquite said:

Yes, like "Trump will win the nomination" and "Trump will win the general election" which were also met with derision from TV "geniuses" like yourself.

Errr, actually I thought it was quite likely that Trump would win the nomination and that he had a reasonable chance of winning the general, so it looks like your idea of the "truth" is based on complete ignorance or disregard of the facts.

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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

War is a poor option.  North Korea has enough conventional artillery near the border to level much of Seoul.  It also has a massive stockpile of chemical weapons.  No matter how massive and well executed a first strike would be, it would be impossible to eliminate all the retaliatory capability with any confidence. 


It's also impossible to know how many nukes N. Korea has, where they are, and how they might be used.  A high altitude air burst over the Korean peninsula (send the bomb straight up and set it off) would create an EMP that could wreak havoc upon advanced economies over that part of the world--S. Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan--and do devastating damage to the world economy.


There is also the problem of China not wanting a US ally, unified Korea, on it's border.  They might get involved, as they did over 60 years ago.


These are just a few of the downsides that occur to me off the top of my head.  Hopefully someone is explaining them to Trump in simple terms that he can understand.


Some kind of crisis in North Korean government, possibly manufactured, that would give China a pretext to move in to "assist" and set up a puppet state might work.  However that would be tricky to pull off, and so far China seems content with the status quo.


3 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Fukishima is slowly doing the latter part of your statement. 

Um, Fukishima was a slow motion disaster.  A high altitude nuclear air burst would instantly do incredible damage far beyond the radioactive contamination.  Look into the decades old Starfish test.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime   We are far more vulnerable now.


North Korea is not able to create a nuclear air-burst of such magnitude, but our technology dependent world is far more vulnerable.  Microprocessors and microcircuits are far more fragile than the power lines in Hawaii. Our modern world is far more dependent on them working correctly.


It's late, I won't go into details.  Imagine a world in which phones don't work, navigation doesn't work, banks don't work, governments don't work.  Most of us have not lived in a world in which nuclear weapons were not a threat.  We have become complacent.  Our fragile society and economic system won't survive maliciously detonated nuclear weapons.  In the societal collapse, most of us won't survive.


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

        I grew up with emotionally unstable women, and actually married one.  Trump is worse.  

He's emotionally immature, quick to anger, always vindictive, ......and that's just a partial list of his psychological problems.  He's the worst person to have in charge of the USA's awesome arsenal. 


         I believe he will unleash one or more unnecessary wars.  His fans will say things like; "don't worry about his irrationality. He's got generals and others around him who will reign in his explosive immaturity."   


        But that's not good enough.  that's like if you had 15 large plastic leaky containers with gasoline - which you needed to store for many months.   Would you put it in your 17 year old son's bedroom?  Yea, the son who chain smokes and likes to play with his blowtorch and pop fireworks.  

I agree there is a high probability trump will bring us to a messy war or wars. Both internal and external. It's not rocket science. It's what autocratic demagogues almost always do to consolidate their power. 

Hopefully, the now clearly fragile American democracy and the planet can survive this dark period where the top superpower has tragically elected a dangerous nutcase.

Edited by Jingthing
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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:


Um, Fukishima was a slow motion disaster.  A high altitude nuclear air burst would instantly do incredible damage far beyond the radioactive contamination.  Look into the decades old Starfish test.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starfish_Prime   We are far more vulnerable now.


North Korea is not able to create a nuclear air-burst of such magnitude, but our technology dependent world is far more vulnerable.  Microprocessors and microcircuits are far more fragile than the power lines in Hawaii. Our modern world is far more dependent on them working correctly.


It's late, I won't go into details.  Imagine a world in which phones don't work, navigation doesn't work, banks don't work, governments don't work.  Most of us have not lived in a world in which nuclear weapons were not a threat.  We have become complacent.  Our fragile society and economic system won't survive maliciously detonated nuclear weapons.  In the societal collapse, most of us won't survive.


I can lean in that direction so many people that send me financial reports are saying the next war will be cyber. 

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

Um, Fukishima was a slow motion disaster.  A high altitude nuclear air burst would instantly do incredible damage far beyond the radioactive contamination.  Look into the decades old Starfish test.  

Thanks for your input. Unfortunately Fukishima is like a radioactive tsunami enveloping the world. The NOAA charts give you the frightening numbers. High altitude bursts are only conjecture at this point. I think we are comparing a disaster already in the motion to one that might happen. 

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2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Ah... truth... lost forever if we try to define it.




OK you are a psychologist.  "I can touch it, I can see it, but is it really real?"  "My dog talks to me!"  What you are prescribing for us to use is called perception, which each individual may own as their own "truth."  This works OK inside your condo, but not really in the current social structure.  It is good bar room talk, although I'm not sure the conversation would repeat itself with the same person twice.  So, I mean truth in the context of the definition of lie:

  • 1 :  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

  • 2 :  to create a false or misleading impression.

Your original statement falls into definition number 2, which now, I'm sure you figured out.

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2 minutes ago, Redline said:

OK you are a psychologist.  "I can touch it, I can see it, but is it really real?"  "My dog talks to me!"  What you are prescribing for us to use is called perception, which each individual may own as their own "truth."  This works OK inside your condo, but not really in the current social structure.  It is good bar room talk, although I'm not sure the conversation would repeat itself with the same person twice.  So, I mean truth in the context of the definition of lie:

  • 1 :  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

  • 2 :  to create a false or misleading impression.

Your original statement falls into definition number 2, which now, I'm sure you figured out.

Many people outside my condo hold things to be truths.... which are plain BS, in my opinion.


but yes... a philosophical debate can be made of the whole issue of truth... which is what often happens on these pages, when one interprets, or misinterprets statements made by others.


Your point two... correct... or is it, if I'm opening up the forum for inquiry?


the truth is out there (x files)... or is it?


its a conundrum. Oh my

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18 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I hope he does a better job of the North Korea mess than he has with everything else he has touched to date.

He seems to have an anti Midas touch, where things don't become gold, but a nasty pile of poo.

But he calls everything a great success anyway, and his rabid true believers lap it up. 

Any negative FACTS about him is ... FAKE NEWS. 

We have a president now creating his own fantasy reality ... 

Americans expect that kind of crapola from  some crazy foreign leaders, but this is a new one for us. 

If the trump mistake doesn't end in tears, it will be a miracle. 

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6 hours ago, Redline said:

OK you are a psychologist.  "I can touch it, I can see it, but is it really real?"  "My dog talks to me!"  What you are prescribing for us to use is called perception, which each individual may own as their own "truth."  This works OK inside your condo, but not really in the current social structure.  It is good bar room talk, although I'm not sure the conversation would repeat itself with the same person twice.  So, I mean truth in the context of the definition of lie:

  • 1 :  to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive.

  • 2 :  to create a false or misleading impression.

Your original statement falls into definition number 2, which now, I'm sure you figured out.

As  said. The psychologistic mind  bent derivations of truth do not compare well to the eventual outcomes of  rational observation of  the direction of preceding  events.

What I  cannot remove  from my thinking is that there is  a great possibility that what is unfolding is  not a  glitch but a  very deliberate infliction and provocation by use  of  meglomania. Such a  concept in the  modern world infrastructurally  as vulnerable as it now  is nothing  short of  desperation.


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20 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

As  said. The psychologistic mind  bent derivations of truth do not compare well to the eventual outcomes of  rational observation of  the direction of preceding  events.

What I  cannot remove  from my thinking is that there is  a great possibility that what is unfolding is  not a  glitch but a  very deliberate infliction and provocation by use  of  meglomania. Such a  concept in the  modern world infrastructurally  as vulnerable as it now  is nothing  short of  desperation.


Curiously yes, although meglomania has never seemed to accomplish long term results

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I like this debate and whether Trump will instigate a war, will there be a nuclear weapon air burst etc etc is all interesting stuff.  But at the end of the day those N Koreans will be supported by China, no doubt, and china I suspect would love an excuse to take a pop at the Americans over the South china Sea issue. In fact they are gearing up for it by all accounts. They also have the capability to drop a lot of nuclear shit directly on America so sure as hell Trump and his goons will either have the good sense to know that they may well be on the loosing end of a doomsday scenario or else they will be intelligent enough not to promote a nuclear exchange in my opinion

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Of topic a bit, but I just heard on the radio, that now that the orange prez has torn up the trade agreement with Mexico.... the us Supreme Court has come out and said that any new deal with Mexico has to be more favorable to Mexico.:cheesy:o:cheesy:

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15 hours ago, farcanell said:

Of topic a bit, but I just heard on the radio, that now that the orange prez has torn up the trade agreement with Mexico.... the us Supreme Court has come out and said that any new deal with Mexico has to be more favorable to Mexico.:cheesy:o:cheesy:

Source please or this goes into the fake news category 

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