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Midweek rant: It’s a dog’s life – time for humans to fight back!


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2 hours ago, pumpuy said:

We do what we can to help those dogs , that farangs seem to hate so much . I agree that there are a few aggressive ones , just buy a taser , they run away scared just by the sound of it ... If you fear for the safety of your kids , be a responsible fatyher and just do not take your kids to places that could become dangerous for them , If you do not and you encounter problems it's Your own fault .

People so full of hate intoxicate everything near them with their negative feelings , and hate is not god for your own health , too . It makes you stressed , and that leads to heart attacks , strokes , etc.

Learn how to live with it , or move on ... you cannot kill them all , in this country karma will have it's revenge on you , if you do not believe it , just wait ...

Not an iota of hate on my part.


If the dog wants to be friendly I'll gladly stop and scratch his head or rub his back.


If the dog wants to try to bite me and my daughter for ridiing a bicycle down public, residential street it's OUR fault???

Edited by jaywalker
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I have had my dog for 9 years and he is awesome. I didn't buy him. He was a very friendly Soi dog, who lived in my village.

He always used to come running when I came home, and occasionally I would give him a few scraps.

One day I realised he was seriously unwell and took him to the vet, who said he had Parvo, with a 50% mortality rate.

He was in and out of the vet for the next few days and I got a fairly nasty vet bill. Way larger than buying a puppy would have been.

He has been my faithful companion ever since. He doesn't bite anyone, ever, and has better manners than many of the people that live here.

I had not intended to get a dog, but I am incredibly thankful that I did. He is getting old and a bit podgy now, but he is a blessing to my house.


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24 minutes ago, darksidedog said:

I have had my dog for 9 years and he is awesome. I didn't buy him. He was a very friendly Soi dog, who lived in my village.

He always used to come running when I came home, and occasionally I would give him a few scraps.

One day I realised he was seriously unwell and took him to the vet, who said he had Parvo, with a 50% mortality rate.

He was in and out of the vet for the next few days and I got a fairly nasty vet bill. Way larger than buying a puppy would have been.

He has been my faithful companion ever since. He doesn't bite anyone, ever, and has better manners than many of the people that live here.

I had not intended to get a dog, but I am incredibly thankful that I did. He is getting old and a bit podgy now, but he is a blessing to my house.


These are the actions of a true dog lover... and this is the attitude that mot Thai and Farange people who say they like the street dogs, should adopt.  


Well done to you, and lucky for the dog.

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A troll rant. 

But it got me.


Dogs are a good judge of character. If you have ever been bitten by one, you probably deserve it.


I believe Farang tourists would kill more people in Thailand per year than Soi dogs. An Englishman in hua hin recently killed a cop on a bike,. Another Englishman in a merc killed two women and ran away etc etc etc.


i took a stroll in my local park today on the corner of Sukhumvit and Kao Talo. There is a pack there of about 20. All very well behaved, I was thinking if it was back in farangland they would all be trying to steal the food vendors food and running amuck.

They are very well behaved the tHai Soi dogs. 





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39 minutes ago, Philthyphil said:

A troll rant. 

But it got me.


Dogs are a good judge of character. If you have ever been bitten by one, you probably deserve it.


I believe Farang tourists would kill more people in Thailand per year than Soi dogs. An Englishman in hua hin recently killed a cop on a bike,. Another Englishman in a merc killed two women and ran away etc etc etc.


That is a ridiculous comparison. Can you imagine the death toll if we let dogs operate heavy machinery?


As for deserving to get bit. How exactly does the dog make this assessment while a jogger is running by, or someone is heading to the store to get some noodles?

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On 08/03/2017 at 10:39 AM, GarryP said:

Disagree with some of your sentiments there. I am a dog lover but definitely not in denial. Total lack of responsibility by many dog owners. And the do-gooders feeding strays need to be severely fined and made responsible if any of the dogs they feed attack or bite people.


That fellow up country needs locking up and his dogs put down. 


What's your stand on pigeons? :wink:

I try to stand on pigeons as often as I can. Flying rats.

As for dogs like Pitbulls Rotties and other large bred for aggression dogs I see no reason for them to exist.

I have always loved GSD's as they are so trainable, you have to train them to be aggressive but even that should be left to the police and army.

The rest of the big so called 'macho' dogs work the other way around. The natural aggression will someday come to the front no matter how well trained and controlled.

Edited by overherebc
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1 hour ago, Philthyphil said:

A troll rant. 

But it got me.


Dogs are a good judge of character. If you have ever been bitten by one, you probably deserve it.


I believe Farang tourists would kill more people in Thailand per year than Soi dogs. An Englishman in hua hin recently killed a cop on a bike,. Another Englishman in a merc killed two women and ran away etc etc etc.


i took a stroll in my local park today on the corner of Sukhumvit and Kao Talo. There is a pack there of about 20. All very well behaved, I was thinking if it was back in farangland they would all be trying to steal the food vendors food and running amuck.

They are very well behaved the tHai Soi dogs. 





So go tell the parents of the children mauled or killed by a dog that they child deserved it, because the dog thought they were a bad character. 


Look at the state of the place those dogs are living in... and you think that is a nice thing to encourage?  You want to live in a garbage dump with a pack of dogs... what a life.


You believe farang tourists are more dangerous to people that street dogs?  How many tourists have bitten people and given them rabies?  200 - 300 deaths per year from rabies in Thailand.. 95 percent from dog bites..... you still think tourists are more dangerous?


I suggest you might like to look over this page about dog attacks in Thailand...







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4 hours ago, pumpuy said:

We do what we can to help those dogs , that farangs seem to hate so much . I agree that there are a few aggressive ones , just buy a taser , they run away scared just by the sound of it ... If you fear for the safety of your kids , be a responsible fatyher and just do not take your kids to places that could become dangerous for them , If you do not and you encounter problems it's Your own fault .

People so full of hate intoxicate everything near them with their negative feelings , and hate is not god for your own health , too . It makes you stressed , and that leads to heart attacks , strokes , etc.

Learn how to live with it , or move on ... you cannot kill them all , in this country karma will have it's revenge on you , if you do not believe it , just wait ...

Thank you for your enlightening post.

I shall try to live the rest of my life in Thailand in such a way that does not annoy the hordes of Mangy flea ridden and disease carrying dogs that run wild around the streets.

I will make sure I have a timetable that fits in with the local wild street dogs so they are free to do as they wish when they wish.

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20 hours ago, pumpuy said:

We like these people , they do something good in their life ... what do YOU do ?

Moaning. Mongering. Keyboard Seagaling. Classic on tvf. I like all living creatures except humans. I trust animals. They dont pollute the earth. They dont make bombs. They mostly just live their life and leave others alone. We can learn from them. Khrap.

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On 09/03/2017 at 0:12 PM, overherebc said:

I try to stand on pigeons as often as I can. Flying rats.

As for dogs like Pitbulls Rotties and other large bred for aggression dogs I see no reason for them to exist.

I have always loved GSD's as they are so trainable, you have to train them to be aggressive but even that should be left to the police and army.

The rest of the big so called 'macho' dogs work the other way around. The natural aggression will someday come to the front no matter how well trained and controlled.

This is how well you can train GSD's

images (8).jpg

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On March 9, 2560 BE at 0:15 PM, jak2002003 said:

So go tell the parents of the children mauled or killed by a dog that they child deserved it, because the dog thought they were a bad character. 


Look at the state of the place those dogs are living in... and you think that is a nice thing to encourage?  You want to live in a garbage dump with a pack of dogs... what a life.


You believe farang tourists are more dangerous to people that street dogs?  How many tourists have bitten people and given them rabies?  200 - 300 deaths per year from rabies in Thailand.. 95 percent from dog bites..... you still think tourists are more dangerous?


I suggest you might like to look over this page about dog attacks in Thailand...







Thank you for your reply.


The state of the place they are living in wasn't caused by dogs. Dogs don't litter


If you want to solve the garbage dump problem getting rid of the dogs isn't the answer.


I haven't heard of a dog driving a Mercedes and killing two Thai women in Chiangmai and doing a runner, or ploughing into and killing a policeman on his motorbike in Cha am  etc etc etc 


Come on, how many tourists have been killed by dog attacks in Thailand?


i think maybe you are barking up the wrong tree.


And sorry I don't have Facebook.

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dogs don't litter no but they like to pee and poo , rabies is still very prevalent in Thailand, dogs also like to chase cars and motorcycles causing many accidents and bark all night but never mind they are just doing what dogs do.

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On 09/03/2017 at 0:15 PM, jak2002003 said:

So go tell the parents of the children mauled or killed by a dog that they child deserved it, because the dog thought they were a bad character. 


Look at the state of the place those dogs are living in... and you think that is a nice thing to encourage?  You want to live in a garbage dump with a pack of dogs... what a life.


You believe farang tourists are more dangerous to people that street dogs?  How many tourists have bitten people and given them rabies?  200 - 300 deaths per year from rabies in Thailand.. 95 percent from dog bites..... you still think tourists are more dangerous?


I suggest you might like to look over this page about dog attacks in Thailand...







You might want to check your facts on Rabies deaths in Thailand.

http://www.ddc.moph.go.th/eng/login/filedata/Rabies Situation in Thailand.pdf

Thailand had 4 cases in 2012. Even less since.

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

You might want to check your facts on Rabies deaths in Thailand.

http://www.ddc.moph.go.th/eng/login/filedata/Rabies Situation in Thailand.pdf

Thailand had 4 cases in 2012. Even less since.

Your link has no scientific reference, in fact there are no references, or details about how these statistic were collected or even where they came from or who is claiming they published them.


Did you just do some quick google search and decided that those pretty graphs must be true?


You might want to check 'your facts' are indeed facts to start with.


Do a bit more research and see what you can find.. you might be surprised.



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Need to do a better job on street dog management....


that said, humans poise much greater risk to humans than dogs...


how many people die from dog rabies in a year? Probably less than a daily bus or van accident?


now back to our pedi abusing 80 kids...


get your priorities in order...

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On 3/8/2017 at 1:43 PM, jaywalker said:

I think everyone who is opposed to culling Soi Dogs should adopt at least 50 or 100.


Feed them, pay for their medical care....open arms....It'd be just like Europe.

Point 1. most people who oppose culling dogs do it because a. it doesn't work and b. it is too expensive. What does work is sterilization which is a real long term solution to the problem and works. You will find most people who oppose culling are level headed and logical and support sterilization - Soi Dog Foundation are a good start on this point.


Point 2. that fact that you equate humans fleeing from war zones with dogs on the streets says a lot about your mentality. And Europe isn't being flooded, try actually looking up some facts (and no I don't mean on some nutjob rightwing website or blog)

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Solution is simple and every one knows it: neuter them and in a few years the problem has disappeared. Since that's not being done, I can only draw the conclusion Thais love to be bitten by soi dogs. Hence they should have rottweilers in every corner.

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Point 1. most people who oppose culling dogs do it because a. it doesn't work and b. it is too expensive.

How can it be less expensive to have to catch the things and have a trained veterinarian do the operation then release them right back where they came from to carry on defecating,causing accidents and barking all night...than to just let some hungry Burmese construction workers have a BBQ ?

The Burmese solution solves all the issues cheap and effective.

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23 hours ago, johng said:

How can it be less expensive to have to catch the things and have a trained veterinarian do the operation then release them right back where they came from to carry on defecating,causing accidents and barking all night...than to just let some hungry Burmese construction workers have a BBQ ?

The Burmese solution solves all the issues cheap and effective.

Because you have to keep doing it over and over again - try doing some research

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True rant but your solutions are from a dream world. Get rid of Soi dogs the monks would lose a fortune , how many millions do they reap from people making merit who do not want to be re born as Soi dog.

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I'm a great believer in promoting responsible pet ownership. Unlike the OP I have dedicated countless hours to improve the lives of stray animals, as well as the quality of life of the communities they live in, through mass sterilizations and education. Despite handling hundreds of street dogs during spay/neuter campaigns, I have never been attacked or seriously injured by any of them. Dogs are very good at picking up negative energy, such as fear and hostility and some of them react to it.


The irrational, hysterical hatred the OP is spewing in his piece has definite trumpian overtones. Given the chance he might run for office, by promising to build a wall around Thailand to keep all the dogs out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On March 9, 2560 BE at 11:00 AM, Philthyphil said:

A troll rant. 

But it got me.


Dogs are a good judge of character. If you have ever been bitten by one, you probably deserve it.


I believe Farang tourists would kill more people in Thailand per year than Soi dogs. An Englishman in hua hin recently killed a cop on a bike,. Another Englishman in a merc killed two women and ran away etc etc etc.


i took a stroll in my local park today on the corner of Sukhumvit and Kao Talo. There is a pack there of about 20. All very well behaved, I was thinking if it was back in farangland they would all be trying to steal the food vendors food and running amuck.

They are very well behaved the tHai Soi dogs. 





This week, the park where these dogs live has been cleaned up.

nice one!




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