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U.S. general says Russia deploys cruise missile, threatens NATO


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U.S. general says Russia deploys cruise missile, threatens NATO

By Idrees Ali




Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Air Force General Paul Selva speaks at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, U.S., October 28, 2016. REUTERS/Gary Cameron


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russia has deployed a land-based cruise missile that violates the "spirit and intent" of an arms control treaty and poses a threat to NATO, Vice Chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff General Paul Selva said on Wednesday.


It was the first public accusation by the U.S. military of the deployment after reports said last month that Russia had secretly deployed the ground-launched SSC-8 cruise missile that Moscow has been developing and testing for several years, despite U.S. complaints that it violated sections of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty.


"The system itself presents a risk to most of our facilities in Europe and we believe that the Russians have deliberately deployed it in order to pose a threat to NATO and to facilities within the NATO area of responsibility," Selva said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing. The Air Force general did not say whether the missile was capable of carrying a nuclear weapon.


Selva said the United States had brought up the issue with Russia. He did not say what options were being considered if the discussions did not lead to results, but added that "we have been asked to incorporate a set of options into the nuclear posture review."


"I don't have enough information on their intent to conclude other than they do not intend to return to compliance," he added.


In an interview with Reuters last month, President Donald Trump said he would raise the issue of the deployment with Russian President Vladimir Putin "if and when we meet."


In 2014, the United States made a similar accusation. The State Department concluded in a report that Russia was in violation of its obligations under the INF treaty.


Russia accused Washington of conducting "megaphone diplomacy" after the accusation was repeated by the State Department in 2015. Moscow also denied it had violated the treaty, which helped end the Cold War.


Questions have been raised about U.S. commitment to another nuclear weapons deal, the New START agreement, which caps U.S. and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads after Reuters reported that Trump told Putin it was a bad deal for the United States.

During the Wednesday hearing, senior military officials strongly backed the treaty.


"I have stated for the record in the past, now I'll state again that I am a big supporter of the New START agreement," said Air Force General John Hyten, the head of U.S. Strategic Command.


"The risk would be an arms race, we are not in an arms race now," Hyten said.


(Reporting by Idrees Ali; Editing by Alistair Bell and Jonathan Oatis)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-03-09
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2 minutes ago, The Old Bull said:

Putting troops and missiles in Latvia and Poland makes the Russians nervous , what do you expect? Yanks go home problem solved.

Or, have the Russians pull back their 330,000 troops stationed near the border.  Nuclear missile in Kalingrad doesn't help either. LOL






As Vladimir Putin sends 330,000 troops to the EU border, experts reveal just how much of a threat Russian president is to Europe



The Baltics have asked for NATO help.  Do some research on what happened to them during the last Soviet invasion.  Or the current ones in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc.


Russians go home.  Problem solved.

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from the OP:  Selva said the United States had brought up the issue with Russia.


US General:  "We don't like that you have an advanced weapon."

Russian General:  "Well, isn't that just too bad.  Here, let me pat your head, so you don't feel so sad."


Boomer's comment:  With the new punk on the block (Trump), who is surprised the arms race is heating up?

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The US currently has 622 bases outside of the US in 36 different countries. (Or more, depending who you believe.)

The rest of the countries in the world have, in total, 33 bases outside of their own countries. 

No wonder the world hates the US so much. No wonder a number of those countries are spawning grounds for groups like ISIS.

And the US worry that Russia deployed a land-based missile? Give me a break. 

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Or, have the Russians pull back their 330,000 troops stationed near the border.  Nuclear missile in Kalingrad doesn't help either. LOL

The Baltics have asked for NATO help.  Do some research on what happened to them during the last Soviet invasion.  Or the current ones in Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, etc.

Russians go home.  Problem solved.

        Baltic former Soviet states are technically part of EU.  However, no one can blame them for feeling edgy, now that Putin's bosom buddy Trump is head of the US.  Trump fans will bleat, "No worries. Russia doesn't want to re-form the USSR."   BS.



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6 hours ago, webfact said:

President Donald Trump said he would raise the issue of the deployment with Russian President Vladimir Putin "if and when we meet."

So no telephone call, no US ambassador to Russia to meet with the Russians?

"If and When" implies no sense of urgency, certainly doesn't bode well for Eastern Europe security.

Trump et al had no restraints about talking to the Russians during the election and prior to inauguration day. What's different now? Too many non-Trump loyalists watching?

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6 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Putting troops and missiles in Latvia and Poland makes the Russians nervous , what do you expect? Yanks go home problem solved.

is that so the Russians can walk in again like they did in 1939

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4 hours ago, Graemej100 said:


The US currently has 622 bases outside of the US in 36 different countries. (Or more, depending who you believe.)

The rest of the countries in the world have, in total, 33 bases outside of their own countries. 

They are there at the will of those countries per agreements with those countries.

Edited by jcsmith
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

It was the first public accusation by the U.S. military of the deployment after reports said last month that Russia had secretly deployed the ground-launched SSC-8 cruise missile that Moscow has been developing and testing for several years, despite U.S. complaints that it violated sections of the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty.

Big deal China is violating every thing in sight. 

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7 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Putting troops and missiles in Latvia and Poland makes the Russians nervous , what do you expect? Yanks go home problem solved.


If the "Ynaks" did go home, as you suggest, then the Latvians, Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Lithuanians, would all be very nervous for starers.



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7 hours ago, The Old Bull said:

Putting troops and missiles in Latvia and Poland makes the Russians nervous , what do you expect? Yanks go home problem solved.

We should have stayed home for WW1, WW2 and Korea as well, and defended only our own continent.  Who needs freedom anyway?

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3 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


If the "Ynaks" did go home, as you suggest, then the Latvians, Poles, Ukrainians, Estonians, Lithuanians, would all be very nervous for starers.



They would be "Russians."

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26 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

They are there at the will of those countries per agreements with those countries.


4 hours ago, Graemej100 said:


The US currently has 622 bases outside of the US in 36 different countries. (Or more, depending who you believe.)

The rest of the countries in the world have, in total, 33 bases outside of their own countries. 

No wonder the world hates the US so much. No wonder a number of those countries are spawning grounds for groups like ISIS.

And the US worry that Russia deployed a land-based missile? Give me a break. 

I'm not crying about that :sorry:

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28 minutes ago, Galactus said:

hope US and Russia destroy each other forever and we live in peace!


If the US and Russia destroyed each other, I'd guess there wouldn't be much left of the rest of the world.  Be careful of what you hope for.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

If the US and Russia destroyed each other, I'd guess there wouldn't be much left of the rest of the world.  Be careful of what you hope for.

actually, you are totally right scott.

you know, these two creates a lot of problems around the world and between each other and nothing to stop them.

and i feel like bc of these two, world will come to end soon too!

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6 hours ago, Srikcir said:

So no telephone call, no US ambassador to Russia to meet with the Russians?

"If and When" implies no sense of urgency, certainly doesn't bode well for Eastern Europe security.

Trump et al had no restraints about talking to the Russians during the election and prior to inauguration day. What's different now? Too many non-Trump loyalists watching?

Rachel Maddow had a good report today detailing how Tillerson is gutting the State Dept.  Without a functioning State Dept, the US will get caught flat-footed on a lot of issues.  I'm in favor of lessening bureaucracy, but it's got to be done with a modicum of smarts.

Also;  Tillerson made zero comment on HRW's (Human Right's Watch) annual report.  Every  year prior, Secretaries of State make comments.   Tillerson also won't answer or acknowledge any reporters' questions since he took office.  


5 hours ago, mike324 said:

I thought Trump said Russia was a good friend? why even worry about Russia deploying cruise missiles? I'm sure Trump can tell his buddy to take it easy.

      I suspect you're trying to be cute, but we know there are many small countries in Europe - and all of them have smarter people in their Foreign Services than employees in US's State Dept.  If not smarter, at least they're not in Putin's pocket, like Trump and his sheeple.   

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There are a few things here which simply do not add up. First of all, King Vlad the impaler is a dear, dear friend of the deflector in chief, so why is this an issue? He could just call Vlad, and since he is so sympathetic, maybe he would just move the missiles, to do his dear friend a favor. Second, since that same deflector kicked the joint chief of staff off of his security council, in favor of the infinite wisdom and experience of the dark lord bannon, how on earth is he supposed to get this information any more? None of this makes any sense to me. Can someone please explain?

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On 3/9/2017 at 7:19 AM, The Old Bull said:

Putting troops and missiles in Latvia and Poland makes the Russians nervous , what do you expect? Yanks go home problem solved.

I agree. I think all U.S. troops and equipment should be withdrawn from Europe and all Nato Pact countries. 

It is time to bring it all back home.

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