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Two students, four teachers killed in bus accident in Prachinburi


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And the bus driver fled the scene and left the injured.


He probably left to sell all his assets!


Unbelievable and scary.


I feel for the parents who lost their children.


I hope the bus company has liability insurance with a big limit of liability.


So sad.


The driver could have fallen asleep.

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5 hours ago, Smithson said:

The kids were going all the way from Khon Khen to Chantaburi. My guess the accident was on hwy 304. A few years ago there was an accident in the same area, this time the kids were coming from Chonburi, around 25 died. There are plenty of educational activities close to us, but our kids are never taken there, day trips always involve half a day in the bus.


Why do teachers take kids on day trips to places so far away?

One of the main reason why the schools take the students so far is, because many of the students from the north have never been to the seaside. Many don't have the chance to go with parents because they are poor and the only chance is going with school. 

What normally happens with school tours if a school has them, many don't. Is that M1, M2, M4 and M5 students all go on day tours around their area (around the nearby province's). M3 and M6 students are given the longer tours because they are or might be leaving school for Unviersity (M6) technical college or just leaving to get a job or staying on (M 3).

Edited by slappy
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4 hours ago, aslimversgwm said:

What are DB' s pray? In Western culture it is common politeness and good manners to offer condolences whether or not one knows the victims. I'm guessing from your monicle  you are Thai so are unaware of this little civilised nicety. 

It's dismissive to use the phrase RIP and offer feigned condolences but it's over your head so hard to explain.  And it's moniker not "monicle" idiot.   Monicle is not even a word.  I assume from your lack of intelligence you are another DB.  Rhymes with couche sag.

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It's dismissive to use the phrase RIP and offer feigned condolences but it's over your head so hard to explain.  And it's moniker not "monicle" idiot.   Monicle is not even a word.  I assume from your lack of intelligence you are another DB.  Rhymes with couche sag.

It's a forum mate, people view different situations in different ways, no need to be rude, and he made a spelling mistake, not a crime.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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27 minutes ago, slappy said:

One of the main reason why the schools take the students so far is, because many of the students from the north have never been to the seaside.

They should stop doing it, it's not worth the risk. Besides, school is about learning, not trips to the seaside...Pattaya? It's also sending the wrong message to kids - that fun is more important than learning or even safety. There are many educational places in our area for the kids to see, but instead the get taken to Dreamworld - which is possibly more dangerous than the roads.

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As Bontang said in #57, vehicles equipped with dual circuit (split) full air braking systems are very efficient, engineering wise. Complete brake loss is extremely rare, as the vehicle would need to experience 2 catastrophic brake component failures, at different ends of the coach, at the same time.


The whole point of split system brakes is, if a front brake component fails, the rear brakes still function 100%  (and vice versa)


Brake adjustments and maintenance (draining tanks, checking hoses) is one of the simpler jobs for workshops. Poorly set, or never set, slack adjusters is a common reason for "brake failure". When you depress the brake pedal, the brake shoes don't expand outward enough to make full contact with the drums. It's not brake failure ... it's maintenance failure.


I suspect many "brake failure" accidents in LOS are really the fact that the driver has come to a sticky situation on the road, and is travelling too quick, or too close to the vehicle in front, for his valiant braking efforts to have any effect. But .... "Sorry officer .... the brakes didn't work."


Electric retarders for big auto gearboxes, and engine exhaust retarders, are 2 wonderful inventions. Particularly the electric retarder. Any coach approaching the descent of a steep hill, at a sensible speed, should never need to use the brakes at any point. Set on maximum 5 retard, the coach will slow gently almost to jogging pace just using the gearbox.


But the driver must know his vehicle. What do all the switches do, and what is the coach capable of ?


All the above is of no consolation whatsoever to the families affected by this accident. Sadly there will be more. Strict maintenance procedures, properly  trained drivers and reasonable schedules are the keys to a safer coach industry.


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57 minutes ago, Smithson said:

They should stop doing it, it's not worth the risk. Besides, school is about learning, not trips to the seaside...Pattaya? It's also sending the wrong message to kids - that fun is more important than learning or even safety. There are many educational places in our area for the kids to see, but instead the get taken to Dreamworld - which is possibly more dangerous than the roads.

100% agree with that. Seems to be too much focus on non educational stuff when it's blatantly obvious many have extremely short attention spans. Leaves a very bad taste in my mouth when I meet so called teachers. 

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7 minutes ago, electric said:

As Bontang said in #57, vehicles equipped with dual circuit (split) full air braking systems are very efficient, engineering wise. Complete brake loss is extremely rare, as the vehicle would need to experience 2 catastrophic brake component failures, at different ends of the coach, at the same time.


The whole point of split system brakes is, if a front brake component fails, the rear brakes still function 100%  (and vice versa)


Brake adjustments and maintenance (draining tanks, checking hoses) is one of the simpler jobs for workshops. Poorly set, or never set, slack adjusters is a common reason for "brake failure". When you depress the brake pedal, the brake shoes don't expand outward enough to make full contact with the drums. It's not brake failure ... it's maintenance failure.


I suspect many "brake failure" accidents in LOS are really the fact that the driver has come to a sticky situation on the road, and is travelling too quick, or too close to the vehicle in front, for his valiant braking efforts to have any effect. But .... "Sorry officer .... the brakes didn't work."


Electric retarders for big auto gearboxes, and engine exhaust retarders, are 2 wonderful inventions. Particularly the electric retarder. Any coach approaching the descent of a steep hill, at a sensible speed, should never need to use the brakes at any point. Set on maximum 5 retard, the coach will slow gently almost to jogging pace just using the gearbox.


But the driver must know his vehicle. What do all the switches do, and what is the coach capable of ?


All the above is of no consolation whatsoever to the families affected by this accident. Sadly there will be more. Strict maintenance procedures, properly  trained drivers and reasonable schedules are the keys to a safer coach industry.


They should be able to implement your suggestion....they're certainly not short of 'retards' here.

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1 hour ago, Smithson said:

They should stop doing it, it's not worth the risk. Besides, school is about learning, not trips to the seaside...Pattaya? It's also sending the wrong message to kids - that fun is more important than learning or even safety. There are many educational places in our area for the kids to see, but instead the get taken to Dreamworld - which is possibly more dangerous than the roads.

Nearly all these trips are about learning and having enjoyment at the same time. As an example, We've just returned from our first trip for M3 and M6 students in 3 years. I did state Pattaya, which probably was wrong, as everybody only thinks of sex, when referring to Pattaya. But on our trip, we went to Silverlake Gardens(vineyards) they learnt how the grapes are grown and come from. We went nong hooch gardens, great learning experience for students (not the elephants rides of course). We went to Royal Navy sea turtle sanctuary and learn't about saving sea turtles at Sattahip and most of the students had their first experience of splashing about in the sea. You state   " There are many educational places in our area for the kids to see", But by going to your educational places in your area, you can have accidents happen just as well. Even for most students going to and fro from school everyday is a major risk, with how thai adults drive today. In the last year we've had two of our students die in road accidents and it wasn't there fault. You can not wrap students up in cotton wool here, as they do in the western world today. When i was a student and a scout, we went on school field trips and camps and did things, which today you wouldn't dream of doing today. And the transport was not that clever then. At the end of the day it's like  the saying < being in the wrong place at the wrong time>

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51 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

Why is it never amulet,rather than brake  failure ? They need a catchy slogan to cover this,something like 'Because saving face is more important than saving lives'.

LOL ... a previous post (not on this thread) told a story of where two people of three died in an accident... the local monk decreeded that the two fatalities had fake amulets

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10 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

You have no idea, do you......driver run away from any incident so as to avoid any bail complications . they need the insurance rep to be there before the police.......do I need to explain why?


it is also worth noting that the driver is "recovering" and has spoken to the police.....heaven forbid any of that should interfere with your determination to lay preconceived blame--------

Are you for real ? Run away rather than stay and save 1 or more lives.

You are excusing someone who has taken 6 lives and probably more to follow.

Seems the driver isn't the only sick person.

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13 hours ago, tagalong said:

What a low life driver to flee and not help the injured and dead....Should be a mandatory jail sentence for scum like him....

--> that would be absolutely self-evident in any non-retarded country in the world but, as we witness it weeks after weeks, not in LOS. :ph34r:


Denial of assistance is no joke in Germany and put you in monkey house with tha quickness

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3 hours ago, berybert said:

Are you for real ? Run away rather than stay and save 1 or more lives.

You are excusing someone who has taken 6 lives and probably more to follow.

Seems the driver isn't the only sick person.

Were you aT the incident? you now seem to think the driver was medically qualified - have you any idea why so many people actually die on the roads in thailand? it is because they have one of the worst emergency services in the world - and you seem to think  driver could have changed this - you just further reinforce the impression that you understand nothing about the situation.

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2 hours ago, onemorechang said:

Public service drivers of Thailand strike again.

Shameful people on the roads.

More dead school children,   does no one care in this country

about the safety of there children.

Wonder what Bs excuse will be found for this tragedy.


i wonder if anybody will bother to ask him, "WHAT WERE YOU DOING ALLDAY"?

before 9pm.

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16 hours ago, Smithson said:

The kids were going all the way from Khon Khen to Chantaburi. My guess the accident was on hwy 304. A few years ago there was an accident in the same area, this time the kids were coming from Chonburi, around 25 died. There are plenty of educational activities close to us, but our kids are never taken there, day trips always involve half a day in the bus.


Why do teachers take kids on day trips to places so far away?

Highway 304 !!!!!! ----- Good guess mate.Now read O P

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17 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

You have no idea, do you......driver run away from any incident so as to avoid any bail complications . they need the insurance rep to be there before the police.......do I need to explain why?


it is also worth noting that the driver is "recovering" and has spoken to the police.....heaven forbid any of that should interfere with your determination to lay preconceived blame--------

This is a nice justification, but running away from the scene of an accident is very frequently reported here. I've even seen it on a highway cam, where the guilty party look around and walk and drive away. 

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2 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

Were you aT the incident? you now seem to think the driver was medically qualified - have you any idea why so many people actually die on the roads in thailand? it is because they have one of the worst emergency services in the world - and you seem to think  driver could have changed this - you just further reinforce the impression that you understand nothing about the situation.



I'm going to hazard a wild guess based on my observations that the death toll might have more to do with the the moronic driving skills and attitude,but hey you focus on the symptoms rather than the cause. So you think that in any kind of accident or emergency, unless medically qualified,one should just walk on by,nothing one could do to help? Your deductive reasoning certainly qualifies you as  an honorary Thai driver.

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3 hours ago, Notadoctor said:

Were you aT the incident? you now seem to think the driver was medically qualified - have you any idea why so many people actually die on the roads in thailand? it is because they have one of the worst emergency services in the world - and you seem to think  driver could have changed this - you just further reinforce the impression that you understand nothing about the situation.



I believe everybody is overhelmed by you expert knowledge. If people think and act the way like you seem to support, then it would be very sad for humanity and compassion.
Fortunately, I do not believe that too many agree with you.

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22 hours ago, tagalong said:

What a low life driver to flee and not help the injured and dead....Should be a mandatory jail sentence for scum like him....

maybe he fell asleep , and think the mini bus drivers drive too fast anyway at least its 1 dangerous driver off the road

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3 hours ago, meatboy said:

i wonder if anybody will bother to ask him, "WHAT WERE YOU DOING ALLDAY"?

before 9pm.

Not being aware of where the tour bus originated, it is not inconceivable that he was driving the same bus from Chantaburi to Kohn Kaen to collect the students and teachers? I think there was a fairly recent bus crash involving children where this indeed was the case. Similarly, the fireball minivan and pickup crash claiming 25 lives that initiated the current clamp down on minivan operations presented evidence that the minivan driver had done 5 round-trips, driving pretty much non-stop between Bangkok and Chantaburi for about 30 hours prior to falling asleep at the wheel.


In this accident, Scania have been very quick to step forward and say that despite their badges on the bus, this was not made by them. Last week, I watched the Channel 4 special report from 2011 on the perils of bus travel in Thailand. They visit one of these bus factories and learn that there's no need for state approved plans or designs. This is brought up with someone from the Transport Ministry who insists that bus building is an inspected, controlled and regulated industry. When the interviewer counters that a bus factory owner told them that the designs and plans reside completely inside his head, the Minister visibly squirms but falls short of both denying the obvious or calling the reporter a liar.

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3 hours ago, nchuckle said:

I'm going to hazard a wild guess based on my observations that the death toll might have more to do with the the moronic driving skills and attitude,but hey you focus on the symptoms rather than the cause. So you think that in any kind of accident or emergency, unless medically qualified,one should just walk on by,nothing one could do to help? Your deductive reasoning certainly qualifies you as  an honorary Thai driver.

Your wild guessing is completely false - you have no understanding of road safety and think that apportioning blame is relevant.unfortunately the topic requires analytical thought and a bit of research - something you seem to have avoided. The UK has one of the lowest fatality rates on roads in the world yet has the same number of collisions and incidents as Thailand....so how would you explain that?


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55 minutes ago, hottrader77 said:

maybe he fell asleep , and think the mini bus drivers drive too fast anyway at least its 1 dangerous driver off the road

This is schoolboy stuff -many people are starting from a racial perspective that sees Thai drivers as worse that TV members, (an arrogant false premise) others are just concentrating on or randomly blaming the driver is just totally non-productive......ALL road incidents (up to 97%) involve human error - usually by more than one party. the problem is how to prevent the situation arising in the first place - thisrequires a scientific analysis of the incident - which thew Thai police are 100% incapable of doing so until proper road safety science is adopted the situation will continue - you can lay blame all you like, it is unhelpful, ignorant of the situation and will change nothing.

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3 minutes ago, Notadoctor said:

Your wild guessing is completely false - you have no understanding of road safety and think that apportioning blame is relevant.unfortunately the topic requires analytical thought and a bit of research - something you seem to have avoided. The UK has one of the lowest fatality rates on roads in the world yet has the same number of collisions and incidents as Thailand....so how would you explain that?


No valid comparison can be drawn. The UK doesn't have the preponderance of unregistered, uninsured and unlicensed motorbike drivers that make up the greater part of all road traffic fatalities here.

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